Campanile di San Marco

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    • Day 7

      Martini Tasting

      August 9, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Today we went to a typical Silversea martini tasting in an intimate bar with great views. The martini's were accompanied by hors d' oeuvres. Rose's favorite was the pickle martini and Randy's was the peach. We will soon sail to Croatia.Read more

    • Day 4

      Visite de Venise

      October 6, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nuit de repos récupératrice et en forme pour une visite de la ville de Venise aujourd’hui. Tout de même bien dormi car la journée d hier fut longue et fatiguant pour les deux.
      Aujourd’hui nous avons visité surtout les principales attractions touristiques de Florence. La première constatation faites fut de n’apercevoir aucun nid de poules ni de cône Orange dans la ville de Vraiment la mairesse Plante aurait avantage à suivre le plan de mobilité de Venise tout sefait à pied ou par bateau, pas d’embouteillage monstre.

      De notre appartement on s’est rendu en 15 minutes à la Piazza San Marco ou une foule immense de gens massée devant la cathédrale attendais pour visiter. Prise de photos traditionnelles et nous avons marché tout autour de la place. Après nous sommes allés sur le bord du Grand Canal pour voir le pont des Soupires que les prisonniers devais prendre avant d’être exécuté alors c’était le pont qu’ils traversaient et rendaient leurs derniers soupirs. Le seul prisonnier qui réussi à s’évader de la prison de Doges est nul autre que le fameux Casanova nous dit l’histoire. Par la suite on a parcouru le bord du canal pour voir pour préparer notre journée de demain pour visiter Murano et Burano pour finalement prendre le taxi publique car le tour panoramique terminait le 15 septembre.

      En marchant sur notre retour vers la Piazza San Marco on a dîner sur le Bord du Canal pour aussi se reposer et prendre un fameux premier Spritz italien. Après le dîner la visite des canaux en gondole semblait nous intéresser mais les prix semblaient cher pour deux 80 euros soit près de 100.00 canadien. Maintenant c’était mal me connaître je me suis informé à un groupe de touristes américains et le prix est de 80 euros pour la gondole alors si vous êtes plusieurs bien on divise en 4 ou 6. Alors Diane voit deux jeunes filles qui hésitent à faire le tour elle va les voir pour savoir si elles veulent se joindre à nous, elles acceptent l’offre de Diane avec joie alors nous avons fait notre tour de Gondole dans les canaux de Venise à bon

      Après notre tour de Gondole romantique nous somme allés voir le fameux hôtel Danielli ou Angelina Jolie et James Bond ont tourné leur film. Un hôtel très vieux magnifique plein d’œuvres d’art et décorations antiques mais pas vraiment abordable pour un pauvre canadien comme moi. Ensuite nous sommes retournés vers le Ponte Del Rialto pour marcher dans le coin voir les boutiques et les gens. Retour à notre apart pour une petite sieste vers 4:00 pour être frais et dispo pour la soirée et le souper.

      Après un petit apéro à notre appartement départ pour le souper vers 7:00 pm. Les heures de réservation pour le souper son 7:00 et 9:00 deux services,le resto que l’on avait souhaité visiter était déjà complet nous avons trouvé une terrasse extérieure bien un peu plus loin dans un square intéressant. On a pris un petit souper avec vin pour terminer notre journée bien remplie. Les gens sont très sympathiques avenants et prêts à vous aider pour vous diriger dans les méandres de Venise ou pour les menus etc..

      Belle journée beau soleil toute la journée 22 degrés C pas un nuage alors fantastique.

      Profitez des photos que l’on a de notre voyage.

      P.S. Ne pas oublier de vous identifier lorsque vous placez un commentaire on aime vous lire et vous identifier.

      Daniel L’Aventurier
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    • Day 2,552


      July 18, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      It was always one of my dreams to go to Venice, but somehow it never worked out until now:) We stayed at a really nice Airbnb in Canareggio, which happened to be a really convenient location and a nice neighborhood. I went with a friend of mine which I got to know on my Australian trip. And we kept being friends :) Venice is just such a (girls) dream, its actually one of my favourite locations so far and not just because of Italian gelato😉🍦Read more

    • Day 2,552

      Venice Food

      July 18, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I mean lets be honest: Italian cuisine is one of the yummiest. I felt like in a dream. Everywhere gelato, pasta and pizza. We tried out like 162919 million different tramezzinis and pastries and drank way to much aperol, but we came back happy- and with 2 kilos more 😉Read more

    • Day 10

      A Honeymoon Must: Gondola Ride

      October 31, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Although very pricey (and especially pricey after dark), we opted to take an evening gondola ride to celebrate the romance of the city, and our recent marriage. We shared the boat with a family of three (not pictured, as they didn't add to the romance of the trip). Tacky as it might be to talk about money, we shared an 80 Euro cost for a short 30 minute ride; a 45 minute ride cost 120 Euro. The gondola drivers sure do make good money for cruising around the city's canals with sappy tourists!Read more

    • Day 10

      Honeymoon Gondola Ride, Continued

      October 31, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      It is estimated that there were 8-10,000 gondolas during the 17th and 18th century. There are just over 400 in active service today, and virtually all of them are used for hire by tourists. The few in private ownership are either hired out to Venetians for weddings or are used for racing. Even though the gondola, by now, has become a widely publicized icon of Venice, in the times of the Republic of Venice it was certainly not the only means of transportation. On the map of Venice created by Jacopo de' Barbari in 1500, only a fraction of the boats are gondolas; the majority of boats in use at that time are batellas, caorlinas, galleys, and other boats.Read more

    • Day 10

      Rialto Bridge and Grand Canal

      October 31, 2016 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      The last item on our itinerary was to find the Rialto Bridge. With our day pass on the public vaporetto, we hopped on a crowded vessel and headed toward the bridge. When we got there, a street vendor who spoke no English (or Spanish) shoved a bouquet of roses in Carole's hands and took our picture. Funny, but awkward!

      The Rialto bridge, a single span stone bridge designed by Antonio da Ponte, was completed in 1591 after a couple of previous bridges had collapsed. It is similar in structure to the wooden bridge it succeeded. Two inclined ramps lead up to a central portico, and on either side of the portico are covered ramps with rows of shops. The engineering of the bridge was considered so audacious at the time that architect Vincenzo Scamozzi predicted future ruin. The bridge has defied its critics to become one of the architectural icons of Venice.
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    • Day 22

      Day 22: Venice, Italy

      July 12, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Leaving Florence was bittersweet. We were sad to leave the city, but really happy to leave the hot and humid hostel.

      When we got to Venice, we checked into our Airbnb and it was wonderful. We had plenty of space and were located in a really good spot. We had a lot of laundry to do so I had to set up the clothesline back and forth across the room a few times so it felt like we were doing limbo or attempting to avoid lasers for the majority of our time there.

      At night, we took a walk around the city and had a nice dinner with Venchi gelato afterwards (of course). I really love Venice because it's so unique. No cars, only boats and walking to get around. And all the little streets make it like a bunch of little mazes. We also went in so many glass and leather stores and we were pretty upset that we couldn't buy anything to bring back.
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    • Day 23

      Day 23: Venice, Italy

      July 13, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today we visited St. Mark's Cathedral and Doge's Palace. Doge's Palace was pretty cool:

      1. Houses the largest oil painting in the entire world

      2. Has a "Bridge of Sighs" as the view from the bridge was the last prisoners got to see of the outside world before being banished to their cells

      3. There was always a room before the actual room. There was always a mini room that would serve as an entrance or waiting area for the following room and it was like that for pretty much every room! After you'd leave one big room, you were in the waiting/mini room for the next.

      After the tour, we went to the Cathedral and it was really nice. I forgot just how many churches there was to see in Italy, but nothing compares to the Vatican/St. Peter's Basilica.

      After our tourist touring, we grabbed sandwiches and ate them in the square. We also took a walk, found a place by the water, had a drink and then headed back to our Airbnb for a mini "spa" night and packing up. We made ourselves dinner at the Airbnb and we originally bought rice, but we couldn't figure out how to make it as it was all in Italian and turns out we actually bought Risotto, so we ditched that idea and made chicken breasts, broccoli and pasta. Turned out pretty good.
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    • Day 6

      Campanile di San Marco I

      June 8, 2015 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Dann sind wir auf den Markusturm hinaufgefahren. Es gab zum Glück einen Fahrstuhl. Der Eintritt von 8 € war in unserer VenedigCard inbegriffen.

      Die Schlange zum Anstehen ging ein Glück auch.

      Auf dem Tum war es sehr voll und wuselig, aber die Aussicht war toll.
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