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    • Dag 12


      27. juli 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      This morning we took our first ferry to the Island of Capri. We woke up early to have the whole day exploring the island. First we motored up to Anacapri a small town to ride the chair lift up Monte Solaro Mountain. The best views at the top! After the lift we had lunch in Anacapri and bused to the town of Capri. Then we took a stroll through the Gardens and down a windy path that led to a small beach surrounded by tall cliffs. We swam in the clear blue water around rocks and let the waves push us around. After the dip we made our way back to Capri town and got gelato for the second time! Waited a couple hours at the port to make sure we got on the ferry back before the crazy line of people. We found out that many people missed their ferries or experienced cancellations and we’re going to have a hard way home to Positano, good thing we already went there! Had dinner in Sorrento and in bed early to relax for tomorrows adventure.Les mer

    • Dag 53


      1. juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Went to Capri. It was beautiful. Got limoncello slushies as we should. And Caprese paninis. The water was very blue. Quite warm too. Streets were very pretty. Hill walk to top was very hot. Dipped into water many times. Will remember this day well.Les mer

    • Dag 16

      Capri Boat Tour

      11. juni, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      For our last full day in the south of Italy, we took an early boat to the beautiful island of Capri. We decided to hike to a villa on the eastern tip of the island to escape the crowds and overpriced restaurants. What we found was a beautiful property with even more beautiful views! It was built be a French noblemen/opium addict who was exiled from civilization in the early 19th century.

      After sharing a lemon sorbet served out of a lemon (!) we got back on the boat for a tour around the island. Our captain showed us all the cool sea caves, rock formations, and the very expensive airbnbs (€30k per night!)

      Our night ended with wine watching our last italian sunset. ❤️
      Les mer

    • Dag 26

      Day Twenty-Six: Capri Island

      10. april, Italia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Today was a great day! And it started nice with the fact we didn't have to be on the couch at all. We start with an actually amazing hostel breakfast. It had Sunnyside up eggs and sausage!! I would talk about how the other places breakfast have been shit but we honestly haven't been eating them because we have to run to the couch ahaha. Then we took a ferry out to Capri Island. And holy, it was a rough ride. Today was not the nicest of weather, and the water was pretty rough. On the way there were a lot of sick people, that's for sure. There were also people like an old guy to our left who was having the time of his life. He would jump up to ride all the waves. So we decided to do the same; of course, the one wave we did was the biggest one, and it slammed us on our ass. It hurt way more than I was ready for ahah. Unfortunately, on the way to the island, Bec let us know that our boat tour around the island was canceled because of the weather... I wanted to go swimming!! So we simply started our island adventure with a nice cappuccino and decided to bring along 5 other people for a hit around the top of the island. The hike I found on alltrails only had a 150m altitude gain, so everyone agreed to it without realizing that the hike started at the top already. So we had to walk up lots of stairs and narrow alleyways. Some of them really did not like that😂 the hike did get to start with a nice viewpoint, which was a relaxing break before the hike for everyone. It was super cool walking around because the trail was just way up on the cliffside of the island. We kept seeing geckos, and Ethan would always try to catch them, but they were just way too fast. Then, after way too many stairs, even I was tired, but we had some out of shape people with us, and it destroyed them ahah. We found this random cave, was crazy big or anything, but it was a nice surprise. Then, after MORE STAIRS, we finally reached the natural arch. Which was beautiful, but really, it is just a big rock. I think it's everything around it that made it so nice. There was even a tall rock off to the side that Ethan and I climbed, great view from there. And we got to do the titanic pose! There was this bar right on the path, too, and we wanted a drink so bad, but it was closed... so we finished the hike and had an expensive lunch of a delicious carbonara and white wine. It had a beautiful view but it was so windy! And of course, on the walk back, my nose and cough got worse. But we took the ferry back, almost didn't make it since the ferry docked in a port different than the ticket, but we all got back safe and sound for a dinner in the town. I got a pizza and split a bottle of wine with the fellas. I couldn't even finish the pizza, but it felt very authentic. We didn't really know how little time we had and could get our bill in time, so we missed the bus back. But we didn't really care. It was only a 45-minute walk, and it's supposed to be an experience. On the way, we even decided to get 4 bottles of wine, a bottle for each of us. Because that's a great idea, right? We even finished them all by the time we got to the hostel... you could say I was out of it. We tried to play some games outside with the group, but I just could not get it. So, after having a cigar with one of my new buddies, I went upstairs to pass out. Great night, I just don't remember all of it.Les mer

    • Dag 20

      Sorrento and Capri Island

      10. april, Italia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      So the early night and drugs did not fix the Contiki Cough. That doesn't matter, though, because we had a cruise around Capri Island today! We all got up early and had our free breakfast. The breakfast at this hostel was definitely the best breakfast we've had yet. It was like a buffet with sunnyside up eggs (the best way) toast, sandwich meat, cheese, yogurt, and fruit. I made 2 of the meanest sandwiches of all time. After filling up, we went into town to catch the ferry. The difference in weather was ridiculous. Yesterday was 27 and not a cloud around. 8 am it was pissing rain and kind of cold. We sat in the front row of the ferry, not expecting the water to be ridiculously choppy. We were getting some airtime while riding the waves lol. I've never been sea sick before, but I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. Some people on the Contiki tour were yaking all over the ferry, though. I think if I was closer to them, it would probably would have been the end of me. On the way to the island becs, the tour manager told us the cruise around the island was canceled because of the waves, so we were pretty disappointed because we had no idea what we were gonna do. Pearse and I immediately hopped off the ferry and found a Café to sit at and make a plan. 5 others from the group joined us. It was nice because we hadn't really talked to these people a lot since we've been on the bus. To be honest, I didn't even know their names lol. That was an awkward conversation. Pearse and I decided we were going to go on a hike, and they wanted to tag along. Just as we started the hike, the clouds disappeared, and the sun came out. It was perfect. Capri was a very vertical island, so just to get to the hike, we had to hike up a couple hundred stairs. Those stairs were nothing compared to what was to come on the hike. The hike took us to a couple of lookout points with some beautiful views and places to take pictures. When we finally started getting into the trees, we all spotted a couple of lizards running away to their hiding holes. My younger self was going crazy. I was hyperfocused and catching one of these little guys for a quick picture. They were faster and probably smarter than me, so I didn't manage to get one. We made it to these stairs that were pretty steep. They were a breeze at first, then we turned the corner, and we couldn't even see the end of them. It was a bit of a soul crusher, actually. Pearse and I are in much better shape than two of the ladies that tagged along, so we just crushed them out and waited at the top for them. At the top of these stairs was a massive cave. It was a pretty wild place to catch our breath and wait for some of the others. Again, I was looking for lizards lol. Once everyone was good to go, we left the cave just to find more stairs, not as much but still. We got to the top at around 1130, which was almost perfect because there was a bar at the top that was opening at 12. We decided to finish the last bit of the hike and come back for a cold brew in the sun. The last part of the hike was a natural arch over looking the ocean. It was absolutely beautiful right there. I could have sat around there all day. I did a little extra climbing and just went up on top of this huge rock. Pearse joined me for a little photoshoot. We safely got down and went back to the bar. It happened to be closed for the day, so we found a little restaurant instead. Everyone got some grub and drinks, and now it's time to head down and find a different restaurant closer to the port. The servers at this restaurant try to pull you in like street vendors it's kinda weird. This one guy stopped us and asked me where we were from. I said, canada, and he ran to his closet to grab his jacket. It had a canadian flag pin on it. He told us he'd give his canadian friends discounts on drinks. It's funny cause we were with an American, 2 ausies, and a Kiwi. He still gave the whole table discounts and even some free limonchello shots. I think I had more fun hiking and exploring Capri than if we did the island cruise tour. We all packed on the ferry again to head back to sorrento. The water was a lot calmer by this time. Sitting there gently rocking almost put me right to sleep. We had a free afternoon to do whatever, and if we wanted a free ride back, the coach was leaving at 8pm. We chilled out with some of the guys we've been talking to daily. After walking for a little while, we got some dinner together and kinda just chilled. We missed the coach, but we weren't stressed it was only an hour walk back to the hostel. On the way back, we stopped in a grocery store and looked at the bottles of wine. I bought a 4€ bottle! That'll do. The boys grabbed their own bottles, and off we went. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, we were sharing a bottle on the walk back, then another, then another, and finally, the last one. Just dudes being dudes. By the time we got back to the hostel, the 4 of us were feeling fantastic if cold meds won't fix the contiki cough wine will. We walked back into the hostel and got our refund for the Capri cruise. Outside, there were probably 25 people from the crew playing drinking games. I jumped in and hung out with everyone. I think today was one of my favorite days. Everything just worked out in the end, and I feel like I got closer with a lot of people I hadn't really talked to. Hopefully, all this wine kills whatever alien disease we have.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Bootsrundfahrt um Capri

      1. oktober 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Diese Bootsfahrt war eines der unvergesslichen Erlebnisse dieser Reise. In etwa einer Stunde haben wir die ganze Insel umrundet. Danach sind wir in ein anderes Boot umgestiegen, das uns nach Sorrent zurückgebracht hat. Die vielen Treppenstufen zur Piazza Tasso brauchten wir nicht hochzusteigen, weil Claudia einen Kleinbus zum Busparkplatz organisiert hatte.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Amalfi - Capri

      15. mai 2023, Italia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Regenfahrt nach Capri, erst in Bucht mit der Idee, da über Nacht zu bleiben und dem Sturm zu trotzen, aber da bereits Nachmittags klar wurde, dass die Winde früher drehen und die Bucht damit nicht sturmsicher ist, haben wir kurzentschlossen doch den teuren (205€!) Liegeplatz im Hafen von Capri gebucht… dafür da dann eine Regenpause bekommen mit wunderschönem Regenbogen
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    • Dag 8


      19. oktober 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      L'ile de Capri est un majestueux rocher d'environ 6km de long et 3km de large. C'est un peu comme Saint Tropez, très sophistiqué et parcouru par des milliers de touristes, devenu un "must"...
      Très rapidement, nous avons fui la ville de Capri pour nous rendre avec un petit bus local à Anacapri perché plus haut dans la montagne.
      Mais pour ne pas rater notre bateau, nous sommes revenu en taxi local au port.
      Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Capri By Boat ⚓️🚤

      21. juli 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Τι απίστευτη μέρα ήταν αυτή;Τι να πρωτοπείς;Νοικιάσαμε σκάφος από το Sorento και αφού είχαμε ένα ενδοιασμό για το αν θα το οδηγήσουμε μόνοι μας το σκάφος τελικά μας το παρέδωσαν κάνοντας μια μικρή εξήγηση όσο αφορά τα λειτουργικά του.Φύγαμε και πήγαμε καρφί για το Capri.Πολύ ήσυχο και γρήγορο ταξίδι και φθάνοντας όλα συνέχισαν να πηγαίνουν από το καλό στο καλύτερο.Βρήκαμε και το βάλαμε στην μεγάλη μαρίνα του λιμανιού.Αφού το παρκάραμε πήγαμε να πάρουμε το τοπικό τελεφερίκ που σε ανεβάζει στο Capri.Είχε παρααααα πολύ κόσμο και ήταν λιγάκι κουραστικό να βγάλεις εισιτήριο δεδομένης της ζέστης που είχε.Φθάσαμε πάνω κάναμε ένα διάλειμμα για να φρεσκαριστούμε και να φάμε κάτι και στην συνέχεια εξερευνήσαμε τα στενά τα οποία είχαν αρκετά High Fashion Brands. Βολταραμε,τραβήξαμε τα πλάνα μας και είπαμε να γυρίσουμε να πάρουμε το σκάφος να πάμε να εξερευνήσουμε τις κοντινές παραλίες.Φοβερή εμπειρία,πανέμορφα νερά και διάθεση στα ύψη.Σε όλη την βόλτα είχαμε και πλάνα από το drone στο οποίο ο Βασίλης πήρε μάστερ στον χειρισμό μετά από 4 μέρες ιδιοκτησίας κάνοντας προσγειώσεις που θα ζήλευαν και τα f-35 στα αεροπλανοφόρα.Κάναμε το μπάνια μας,μαύρισαμε👦🏿και γυρίσαμε να παραδώσουμε το σκάφος.Μέχρι εκείνη την στιγμή όλα ήταν τελεία και ενώ παραδώσαμε το σκάφος και πήραμε τα πράγματα μας είδα ότι έλειπαν τα γυαλιά μου…🤦🏻‍♂️.Είπαμε να πάμε στην παραλία που παραδώσαμε το σκάφος μπας και τα βρούμε,και όχι μόνο τα βρήκαμε αλλά μετά είπαμε να κάτσουμε σε ένα από τα ταβερνάκια που είναι δίπλα στην θάλασσα και ίσως φάγαμε ότι καλύτερο έχουμε δοκιμάσει όσες μέρες είμαστε εδώ.Αρκετά κοντά στις ελληνικές γεύσεις και απίστευτα ευγενικό προσωπικό.Έκλεισε ιδανικά η μέρα.Les mer

    • Dag 52


      25. juli 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 90 °F

      Took a ferry to Capri, unfortunately choppy seas closed the Blue Grotto so we just took the funicular up and wandered. On the ferry back we got to experience the rough waters. Original return to Positano got pushed to Amalfi, and then after waiting there a half hour while everyone got sick got pushed to Salerno. And of course then everyone on the ferry had to try to catch the limited busses back.Les mer

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Capri, كابري, Востраў Капры, Капри, Enez Capri, Κάπρι, Isla de Capri, کاپری, קאפרי, PRJ, カプリ島, კაპრი, 카프리 섬, Capreae, Kapris, Isula e Capri, Insula Capri, กาปรี, Капрі, کیپری, 卡普里岛

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