Centro - S. Cristoforo

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    • Day 29

      Day 1 Sicily

      May 11 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Couple of quick snaps after a 6am flight

    • Day 4


      April 9 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Petite pause en arrivant à Catania... Thé au lait, lait, lait 🥴
      Puis visite de la ville...

    • Day 17

      Etna - Sizilien

      April 19, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute sind wir auf Sizilien und ich fange erst um 13 Uhr an. Ich war mit zwei Kolleginnen gerade auf dem Etna oben. Das ist auf jeden Fall beeindruckend aber es war leider sehr diesig und wolkig, sodass man nicht sehr weit sehen konnte.Read more

    • Day 1

      HH bis Catania

      March 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Da J am Abend vor dem Abflug mit COVID positiv getestet wurde, flogen L und ich allein nach Sizilien.
      Wir sind nicht krank und wurden es auch nicht, trotzdem wir eine Woche Kontakt mit J. hatte .
      Nachts ging es los zum Flughafen, der Abflug ging pünktlich.
      Auf Sizilien angekommen , holten wir das gemietete Auto ab und fuhren los.
      Erstmal schauten wir uns Catania an, nettes Stadt.
      Kein Navi an Bord, so das L sein Handy mit Maps anhatte , in Taormina angekommen , war es leer und wir mussten uns , es war schön ziemlich dunkel, durchfragen.
      Ich hielt an einem Restaurant an, da standen 2 Männer , die ich fragte. Sie antworteten in gebrochenen Deutsch und mussten selbst Google zu Rate rufen. Aber das Hotel Diadoro war nur 2 Straßen weiter.
      Wir bekamen zusammen ein Zimmer mit Balkon ,nach hinten, also recht ruhig.
      Mach dem Einchecken gingen wir dann essen. Okay, war das teuerste Restaurant am Platze. Aber auch lecker. Ich fiel dann müde ins Bett,L lag neben mir und hörte wohl noch eine Weile Hörbuch.
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    • Day 18

      Catania Centro Storico

      June 29, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Wir sind nicht traurig, unser Hotel zu verlassen, das uns heute tatsächlich mit einem passablen Frühstück überrascht. Jetzt, wo wir wissen, wo die Piazza Duomo liegt, steuern wir diese zielsicher an und kriegen als “Early Birds“ auch einen Parkplatz in der Nähe.
      Im Dom besuchen wir das Grabmal des Komponisten Vinzenzo Bellini, bestaunen am Platz den römischen Elefanten mit dem ägyptischen Obelisken am Buckel und dem ägyptischen Obelisken am Buckel und würden gerne die unter dem Domplatz begrabene Therme bewundern. Gleich hinter dem Domplatz befindet sich der Fischmarkt, der uns ob seiner Größe und Lebendigkeit fasziniert. Ein paar Straßen weiter noch ein Markt mir großartigen Textilien, Gebrauchsartikeln (bzw. Artikeln, die dich brauchen), Obst, Gemüse, Fisch, Fleisch ...
      Catania, wir sind versöhnt mit dir und kommen wieder!
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    • Day 54

      Catania's Churches and City Streets

      October 22, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We spent the rest of the day exploring the streets and I have to admit Catania is not a very clean or inviting city once you leave the main streets. There is so much graffiti and rubbish around, lots of scaffolding, dirty buildings, it certainly isn’t on my list for places to revisit.

      We did, however, pass some beautiful buildings. As a result of the 1693 earthquake, a lot of Catania was rebuilt in the splendid Baroque style of architecture with many of the buildings built of grey lava stone. One of the beautiful churches we saw was the Basilica S. Maria dell’Elemosina, also known as Basilica della Collegiata. It was completed in 1768 and is a wonderful example of Sicilian Baroque.

      The other church that stood out was the Church of San Francesco D’Assisi. Surrounded by a marble balustrade with statues of St. Joseph, St. Agata and St. Chiara of Assisi, it is an impressive building with an imposing statue of Cardinal Giuseppe Dusmet on an island of greenery in front of it.

      Probably the oddest thing we saw today was a ceramic figure of Spiderman attached to the outside of a beautiful Baroque building. So out of place it makes you wonder who on earth thought to put that there.

      After exploring some of the streets of Catania, we returned to “our” café, Café Prestipino for some afternoon beverages and snacks, which turned into dinner. This is the part I am enjoying about Catania. Because we are here for four days due to our change of plans, we don’t have to rush to see everything and can really enjoy some down time.
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    • Day 55

      Chiesa della Badia di Sant'Agata

      October 23, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      On our way back to our apartment we decided we should step inside at least one church while we are here in Catania so we stopped by the Chiesa della Badia di Sant’Agata, adjacent to the Cattedrale di Sant’Agata. With its elegant concave-convex façade, this 18th century church was rebuilt between 1733 and 1767 after the Catania earthquake.

      Compared to many of the other churches we have visited, this one has a real simplicity that highlights the amazing chandelier, the dramatic Carrara marble floors and amber-coloured altars in Castronovo marble. While the inside of the dome is very simple, it offers 360-degree panoramic views, but we decided we didn’t want to make the climb. We had done quite a lot of walking today and had already admired the views of Catania from the top of the Castello Ursino.

      After quite a big walking day we spent the afternoon relaxing and enjoying some down time.
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    • Day 56

      Giardino Bellini, Catania

      October 24, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Our last stop for the day is the Giardino Bellini, also known as Villa Bellini. It is the oldest urban park in Catania and occupies 70.942 m2. Before the construction of a public garden the area was occupied by a botanical maze owned by the prince of Biscari. In 1854, the Comune di Catania bought the area of the maze and in 1864 started to adapt the area into a public garden. The Giardino Bellini was finally inaugurated in 1883.

      I think the most exciting thing about visiting the park, besides enjoying the greenery amongst the city of stone, was the view of Mt Etna in the distance. It was quite a shock to realise we were as close to it as we were, especially as it is the highest active and largest volcano in Europe. And it is only 35km from where we are staying. Maybe I should have researched that before staying here.

      After a lovely stroll around the gardens, enjoying the shade, we made our way back to our accommodation for our afternoon riposo. We enjoyed our last afternoon and night with dinner and drinks at our Café before heading out early the next morning to catch a plane to Santorini, Greece. We had our final glimpse of Mt Etna smoking in the distance as we entered the airport. The smoking part had me concerned so I was happy we were moving on, although I was sad to be leaving Italy. It has truly captured my heart.
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    • Day 53

      Noch einmal nach Catania

      December 19, 2015 in Italy ⋅ 17 °C

      Wir fuhren wieder zusammen mit Jeanette mit dem Zug nach Catania.

      Fahrplanumstellung! Also eine Stunde warten. Bei einem Käffchen in der Sonne hätten wir den Zug fast verpasst, aber es ging noch gut.

      In Catania ging jeder seiner Wege und wir bummelten über den riesigen Markt. Man kann kaum glauben, dass dieser täglich stattfindet und schier endlos erscheint. Ein Paar neue Schuhe für 4 Euro waren für die Reisekasse erschwinglich :-)

      Nachmittag trafen wir uns wieder und ebenfalls mit Regina und Kurt, die inzwischen auf einem Campingplatz bei Catania "wohnen", aßen leckeres Eis, kauften am Abend noch Gemüse und Leckereien auf dem Markt und dann ging es für uns drei wieder zurück.

      Als wir wieder am Camping ankamen, gab es etwas zu feiern - die Monteure bastelten tatsächlich an der Heizung und es gab wieder heiße Duschen!
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    • Day 31

      Back on the bike

      September 19, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      After yet another wonderful breakfast at the B&B, I ventured down to reception to inquire about using one of their bicycles for the day – with a bit of banging around in a large cupboard a helmet and the key for the lock were unearthed. This was followed shortly by a bicycle (a vintage, step through with no gears and a seat like a rock – but it worked). The seat was duly adjusted to something approaching the required height and with some elaborate pantomime I indicated that I needed a pump as the tires were flat. More banging and one was found – I was about to set to with it when a laborer from the adjacent construction site stepped in and insisted on attending to the problem (I must look frail or something). Tires fixed and I was ready to set off in the direction of Aci Castello as recommended by Manuel yesterday as having a lovely castle and a good place to swim a little further on at Tezza.
      We had also discussed the interesting Italian, and more specifically Sicilian, approach to driving. This being that traffic lights, street signs and indeed most road rules were “suggestive”. Manuel further explained that if one approached a pedestrian crossing with a red light it was merely a “suggestion” that you might like to stop, if you were in a good mood, the crossing wasn’t in use and so on. With this in mind I ventured out into the traffic and it turned out to be good advice. Staying alert was important but also relaxed, cars were going everywhere and it was clear that road rules and even which side of the road to drive on were pretty notional, however there was NO aggression, people just kind of wafted about, let each other in and I certainly felt more comfortable than I have on several occasions road riding in Melbourne. I WAS beeped twice, however it was clear on both occasions that this was a “I’m coming past” warning, not a “bloody bike I wish to squash you” type of encounter.
      I had a fair idea how to get to Aci Castello (keep the sea on your right and ride for about 8.5km) and was pleased to locate the town and castle after about 40 minutes – the ride was really pleasant with gentle undulations along the coast. I paused to enjoy the view and take photo’s but decided not to visit the castle and then pressed on. Passing Tezza I couldn’t really see anywhere to swim so I decided to keep going – again I knew that if I kept the sea on my right I would be ok, I also recalled that road SS114 was one that I needed to keep track of. Unfortunately this plan didn’t quite work as I got a bit turned around and seemed to be heading towards the Autostrada (turns out I wasn’t but never mind) and to avoid this, I took a left turn and ended up diverting through a village with lovely views of Mt Etna and a long hill – never mind it was a lovely day.
      Eventually I found my way back to the coast at a lookout overlooking a nature reserve. I could see a small village and a swimming spot so I followed the cobbled lane down (1km, and very steep) to the water. By this point I had ridden 19kms so I decided to stop for a drink and a swim. Again no “beach” as we would know it but all the locals were swimming from the rocks so I did too (the water was warm and clear) and then sat on the rocks for a while to dry off. Deciding that climbing back up the lane was not going to be ideal I headed through the village which was really rather pretty and I zig zagged my way up through the terraces to the main road (good old SS114) again and turned back towards Catania.
      The trip back was certainly quicker, first because I avoided the previously mentioned village detour and second because I was able to enjoy the benefit of all that climbing with some long steady downhills where I found myself whizzing along at almost 50km/hour (perhaps not entirely sensible given the dodgy bike)! Returning to Aci Castello I got a bit turned around in the village but once I found the castle and coast again I was able to orientate myself (keep the sea on the left this time) and head back into Catania. At one stage I stumbled across a beautiful bike path which seemed to start in the middle on nowhere in particular, run for about 4km and then just as suddenly stop – very nice while it lasted.
      Back in Catania after a 40km round trip (very pleasant) I visited café Spinella opposite the Giodano Bellini – this had been recommended by 2 people as the place to go to try the local speciality Pistachio Anrancino and I had decided that I couldn’t leave Sicily without tasting. I duly took a seat and ordered a anrancino and a beer and took my time enjoying both immensely.
      Back at the B&B I returned the bike, thanked the kind gentleman who had assisted with the tires and then having showered and refreshed headed out for a final walk around the city centre, just wandering and enjoying the warmth and sunshine for a few hours.
      Kirstin meanwhile had had a more relaxing day visiting the herbarium museum and Sicilian tea rooms where she enjoyed an informed discussion about herbs and tea plus tea and biscuits afterwards. She also visited the beautiful and historic library which not only houses historic books but also had art on display and a lovely palm and cactus filled garden.
      At about 7.45 we ventured out for dinner. The restaurant Il Sale (the Salt) had been highly recommended and hence I was highly disappointed when my meal turned out to be under-cooked, bland and overpriced… really it would have to be the worst, most boring food I have eaten in Sicily – I was so disappointed with my black tagliatelle. Kirstin had the Cod Ravioli and reported it was ok but really, I wasn’t impressed and was happy to leave and go and have a Gelati from the place on the corner (pistachio and chocolate… not bad) rather than add insult to injury with a second-rate dessert! What a bummer ending to our stay in Catania – oh well Rome tomorrow!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Centro - S. Cristoforo, Prima Circoscrizione

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