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    • Dia 5

      Christmas in Genova

      25 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Merry Christmas! Joe still did not want to go down to the restaurant for breakfast, so I brought up another plate. I am getting very good at room service. I am thankful for all of the people who give up their Christmas Day to take care of me, and I surely don’t deserve it!

      Two jaunts and a visit to the fitness center, that’s how I fill up my time in between encouraging the patient to eat and accompanying him to the bathroom. Today was a grey day, drizzly at times. My first trip was down to the port and on to the Royal Palace. The port is huge, very busy, a weird mixture of gritty port scenes and attempts to spruce it up with a couple of new hotels and a huge aquarium. There was a lot of activity along the docks, mixtures of families and many I would describe as scruffy. The Royal Palace is nearby, and I know I’ve been to a lot, but hey it was free on Christmas! Hall of Mirrors, throne room, royal bedrooms, you’ve probably all seen lots of these.

      For the second trip, I walked to a funicular (Genova has many of these going up and down the hills surrounding the city). Went to the top for a good view, but the weather didn’t cooperate. Then halfway down, there is a small modern church with a very wonderful nativity scene. Lots of kids and families enjoying it.

      I cancelled both our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners, sadly. The only good meal we’ve ordered so far here is one we never got to eat on the first night. I went back to pay for it yesterday, and they told me they hoped to see us again. Wishful thinking. Since then, it’s been takeout all the way. Nothing too great, but nothing inedible. I am not a foodie, so I am not complaining!

      Although Joe would have preferred to stay in bed, I pushed. Up for a shower, dressed in real clothes, out for a 6 block walk, then to the hotel restaurant for dinner. My first pesto genovese, and Joe had a very filling minestrone. I am glad that I pushed!

      Talking to the kids was great and left me smiling. Two more days in Genova, then home.
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    • Dia 3

      Second rest day

      23 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I had hoped that Joe would want to go down to breakfast today, but he said he was still too tired and prefered to stay in bed. I didn’t push it, so I brought him up a plate. Thus began another day of quick trips out to the Centro Histórico and then back to the hotel to check in.

      First I went to the cathedral. I’ve seen several similar romanesque Italian churches, and this one was just as nice. In a very nice little square with all sorts of little shops and cafés. I saw the supposed relics of St. John the Baptist, enjoyed the Romanesque interior, and lit a candle while sitting and pondering our situation. No great revelations arrived at my doorstep. Walking through the narrow streets is something Joe just won’t be able to do no matter how strong he gets.

      Second trip - down to the Old Port. I saw the Santa Claus marathon revving up. And I walked through a total maze of tiny streets and alleys.

      Third trip - on a city-sponsored walking tour of four palaces. Genova had hundreds, all built in the 1600s, when the gold was pouring in from Spain and the Americas. Some are still privately inhabited, but most have been turned into banks, commercial offices etc. We were able to go inside to see how the other half lived back in the day. Lots of gilded nymhs.

      I am still contemplating what to do. I’ve added a third option for December 26th — go home, go to Bergamo on the train tickets I bought, or go to Bergamo in a private transfer. Joe says he very much prefers the latter and does not want to go home. He insists he is feeling “nothing unpleasant” and is just tired. And as a dear camino friend, who is also a pulmonologist, pointed out — he will have a better trip home the more rested he is.

      I will bring in another dinner soon. Hopefully another night of good sleep will mean he can make it down to breakfast tomorrow.
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    • Dia 6

      Happy St. Stephan’s Day (aka Boxing Day)

      26 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Joe is the same. Able to get himself up and to the bathroom, pretty good appetite, drinking juice and water, but no energy to go out. I have not once returned to the room to find him awake. I decided not to tempt fate for the last two days here, so I gave up on the idea of us taking a cab out to a spot along the coast.

      I set out alone, basically on a beach promenade walk to Boccanasse, which used to be a fishing village and is now a place for ice cream and strolling. I was told not to miss the Gelateria Amadeo, so I dutifully complied and got a cup of my favorite, pistacchio. It was very nice to see so many people out and about enjoying the day. There is a lot of construction going on, and it looks like they are trying to improve the pedestrian amenities along the entire promenade. Lots of old palazzos and beautiful apartment buildings. At one critical juncture on the way back, I had to leave the water and loop up and around a huge construction project. This took me past the hospital where Joe could have gone. As I watched ambulances arriving, worried families congregating, and dedicated responders rushing to and fro, I was very thankful that we had avoided that option.

      My afternoon walk was back to the old port- This time I turned off google maps and just wandered through the incredible maze of tiny streets and alleys. Every now and then I would arrive at a spot described by the hotel staff as a “critical area,” which meant that I would turn around and get back into more bustling territory. It’s not a huge area, so you’re never far from streets with cars. As I passed the main square, I saw that the Christmas market had been totally dismantled and a group of men was already busy working to put together the stage for the New Year’s Eve extravaganza.

      Joe wanted a hamburger again, so I found my way to another highly rated hamburgueria. We are surely not breaking the bank with our food expenses!
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    • Dia 7

      Last day in Genova

      27 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Joe ate a very big breakfast, and I was (only briefly) tempted to see if he wanted to get in a cab and go out on the coast. But the only thing for him to do now is get home with as few mishaps as possible. So I decided to head out alone.

      I took a cab to Nervi, about 12 km from the hotel. The walk back was always along the coast, but not always always on a beach promenade. It gave me a good view of normal, non-prettified Ligurian coastal towns. I was surprised that at almost every beach there was what looked like a 70’s era motel-like development that had been abandoned. I was told that these are beach rental cubbies. Though the beaches in Italy are theoretically free, unless you pay for a cubby during the summer , you can’t get on. It really didn’t look like a pretty alternative, especially since the beaches are all rocky. I am very glad I took this walk, and not only because it gave me a chance to get a second gelato at Amadeo. This one was nocciola (hazelnut), my second favorite.

      As I expected, Joe was fast asleep when I got back. I am really looking forward to getting him in to see a doctor in Champaign, this is just too weird. I got him to eat and drink, and then he headed straight back to bed.

      As I was thinking about what to do for my afternoon “trip,” it occurred to me that I had not yet once sat down in a café in Genoa. All my sitting between activities has been in the hotel room with Joe! On our last Italy trip, since Joe was up and about, we had two or three nice café stops every day for sitting and people watching. So that was my agenda - back to Centro Histórico to just sit in a café. I stopped first in Café des Artiste near the cathedral, and then in the livelier Café do Teatro in the main Ferrari square. And so my touring in Genova comes to an end.

      Tomorrow the only thing on the agenda is to get us to the Milan airport hotel. Next day, the only thing on the agenda is to get us home. I am very nervous and worried about the journey and hope hope hope that we will get to the US on Friday. The Italian healthcare system is in chaos and I very much hope to avoid an encounter with it.
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    • Dia 8

      One step closer

      28 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We made it to the Milan airport hotel. Our stereotypical big black Mercedes whizzed through the 215 kms in no time flat. By 4 pm we were checking in. I have said a lot of bad things about airport hotels in my life, but the glitzy charmlessness that greeted us on arrival was most welcome and even festive, I had to admit. The wheelchair service will come right into the hotel lobby tomorrow morning. That is a tremendous benefit. Our flight’s not till 10 so it should be pretty smooth sailing and stress-free.

      The suspense and anxiety I was feeling have dissipated somewhat now that today went so well.

      Joe is showered and asleep. I’m assuming he will sleep through the night now, but I’ll get him up for something to eat before I hit the hay.

      If my calculations are correct, 24 hours from now we should be making our descent into JFK. FINGERS CROSSED.
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    • Dia 10

      Kurvige Talfahrt nach Genua

      9 de maio de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Gestern dachten wir, wir hätten eine abenteuerliche Fahrt auf den Berg gehabt. Doch die Fahrt heute hinab, war wie eine Achterbahn. Hat definitiv Spaß gemacht. Endlich angekommen, haben wir nach langer Suche einen guten Stellplatz gefunden und konnten erste Eindrücke von Genua sammeln. Auf dem Weg zum alten Hafen durchquert man etliche verwinkelte Gassen mit vielen Restaurants und Geschäften. Belohnt haben wir uns mit Seafood und Pasta.Leia mais

    • Dia 11

      Genua: Facettenreich und authentisch

      10 de maio de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Notdürftig haben wir in der City einen Parkplatz neben einer Autowerkstatt zum Schlafen gefunden. Von dort aus konnten wir schnell ins Zentrum und an die Hotspots. Die geschichtsträchtige Stadt ist voll und laut, hat aber sehr Vieles und Kontrastreiches zu bieten. Den Hafen und die verwinkelten Gassen haben wir heute nochmal bei Tageslicht besucht und uns anschließend den Rufen des Meeres und Strandes gebeugt. Einem ersten Baden mit Teddy konnten wir nicht widerstehen. Aufgrund der schwierigen Anfahrt, hätten wir Genua beinahe ausgelassen - wir sind froh, es nicht getan zu haben.Leia mais

    • Dia 6

      Tschüss Genua!

      15 de julho de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute morgen bin ich endlich mal wieder ausgeschlafen und revitalisiert aufgewacht. Gestern Abend bin ich noch mit zwei netten Mädchen ins Gespräch gekommen, die auch beide im Gemeinschaftsraum gelesen haben. Aber ich bin dann trotzdem bald schlafen gegangen.

      Heute nach dem Frühstück wollte ich nur kurz zur nahe gelegenen Post um Briefmarken zu kaufen, aber dort musste ich dann eine Nummer ziehen und in einem Wartebereich Platz nehmen, bis ich aufgerufen wurde. Nach ewiger Wartezeit habe ich es dann aber geschafft meine Postkarten aufzugeben. Danach bin ich hinunter zum Hafen gegangen, um dort Karten für eine Sightseeing Bustour zu kaufen.

      Zuerst habe ich die Tour durch die Innenstadt gemacht und dann nach dem Mittagessen eine, die mich auch etwas weiter aus der Stadt hinaus gebracht hat. Bei Boccadasse bin ich ausgestiegen und habe dort den Strand besucht (der aber wieder eigentlich mehr ein Haufen großer Steine war, als ein richtiger Strand). Dort war es sehr schön und ich war schnorcheln und bin lange in der Sonne gelegen. Am Weg zurück zum Bus hat sich dann eine kleine Tragödie ereignet. Als ich grade über die Steine geklettert bin, ist mir meine Taucherbrille hinunter und durch ein Loch zwischen den Steinen ins Meer gefallen. Ich bin noch in das Loch geklettert, um sie zu suchen, aber leider war das Wasser dort drinnen sehr tief und die Brille unauffindbar. :( Also habe ich mich am Weg zum Hostel auf die Suche nach einer neuen gemacht und auch sehr bald eine gefunden. Außerdem hab ich auch ein Buch gesucht, da ich mein letztes schon fertig gelesen habe, aber da bin ich leider noch nicht fündig geworden. Vielleicht ja morgen am Bahnhof oder dann in Cannes.
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    • Dia 6

      Hafen Genua

      30 de dezembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nachdem wir 7 1/2 Std gewartet haben ,konnten wir endlich auf die Fähre fahren. Mit 2 Std Verspätung lief sie um 22h30 aus dem Hafen. Nach einem kurz einchecken, dürften wir unseren Kabine beziehen und endlich was essen 😀👍. ( Danke Carmen für deine knabbereien 😘)
      Heute haben wir den Tag gemütlich verbracht und alle Formalitäten für die Einreise nach Marokko beim Zoll auf dem Schiff erledigt.
      Aktuelle kommen wir im Hafen von Barcelona und hoffen einen tollen Feuerwerk über Barcelona sehen zu dürfen.
      Wir wünschen euch allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 😀🥳🥳.
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    • Dia 3

      Fähre Genua nach Barcelona

      14 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Mit einem ausgezeichneten Frühstück, trockenen Wetter starten wir in Richtung Hafen von Genua. Unsere Fähre startet um 13 Uhr, Check-in 3 Stunden vorher..., so war es gedacht. kommt immer anders als man denkt, meine "Diva" sprang nämlich nachdem Tanken nicht an.
      Batterie kaputt, es entstand sehr schnell etwas Stress.....
      Neue Batterie besorgt, aus- und eingebaut. Danach gerade rechtzeitig zum Einchecken geschafft
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Genoa, Genua, جنوة, Генуа, Genova, Gènova, Janov, Ĝenovo, Génova, جنوا, Gênes, Xénova - Genova, גנואה, जेनोआ, GOA, Genúa, ジェノヴァ, გენუა, 제노바, Zena, Genuja, Dženova, Генуя, Ђенова, Cenova, 热那亚

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