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    • Päivä 4

      Another busy Roman day

      25. syyskuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I feel that this blog is rather more mundane than Camino days - I seem to just report on walking round and eating! But walking round of European cities, particularly one like Rome, is walking surrounded by history, and that is what makes it so magic and special….and we do clock up many kilometres….almost as much as some Camino days!

      So today we set off around 9am. The dire weather alerts (as so often happens) did not eventuate. The 100% rain and thunderstorms happened during the night, and this morning was very pleasant, working up to quite warm and sunny by midday. Walked down via Cavour to the area of all the fora ruins, climbed up Victor Emmanuel to the tomb of unknown soldier, up the hill to Marcus Aurelius on his bronze horse, then along to our favourite coffee shop for our morning fix.

      Then we walked via Piazza Navona to the river which we walked alongside, in the shade of the plane trees which are starting to shed their leaves…very peaceful. Being Sunday morning, the huge crowds not yet out, but there were many tour groups being herded along. So we went along to Castel St Angelo and turned in towards St Peter’s. Now there were crowds of course, but that is what happens when you want to enter the basilica. We found the queue and snaked along for about 45 minutes in line, but it is always worth it - such a huge amazing building, peaceful and overwhelming - and big enough not to feel crowded at all.

      Next we returned back along the river, past where we had come out before and walked as far as the Piazza del Popolo where we walked in and had a break at a caffe, a very welcome sit down! Amr had a glass of house wine which he said was Hartley or Paul worthy. I was not yet ready for wine and had a coffee…By this time the wind blew and the clouds gathered and a very light rain fell. When we set off again it was still slightly sprinkling and we actually used our umbrellas..walked up the path to the Borghese gardens above the Piazza, lovely view down and we walked a bit there, but not the day to spend hours in the wet. So we walked in a direct line from there - to Trinità dei Monti, along via sistina, quattro fontane, and the street that continues along after via nazionale but I’ve forgotten the name - till we got to our via Cavour…such a direct route home! We have already walked about 14 kms today, and that doesn’t count going out to dinner soon…

      Well now back from dinner and it is quite a story…Amr had read about an interesting good restaurant he wanted us to try…said it was quite a long walk, so that was ok - we do walking…so we set off, following the Google instructions on Amr’s phone, walking in a direction we’d never been before….we walked and walked, through unknown parts, not terribly upmarket, and I was wondering how it would be returning later in the dark, though most was ok..we passed important looking ruins and wondered where on earth we were…finally we came to the restaurant - quite small - to find it was fully booked and no chance for tonight…annoyingly they wouldn’t even take a booking for another day - said we needed to do it online (Amr had tried before and had difficulty)…so we trudged back, the upside being that we knew the way and it wasn’t late enough to be spooky! And after all that we ate at a little trattoria down the road from our hotel. And with great difficulty we did manage to book online for Sunday Oct 9 when we are back in Rome and the last night before we fly to Cairo. It had better be good!! One last thing - I looked on the map and found that we were out beyond S Giovanni Laterano, and some of the ruins were the porta s Giovanni and the city walls. This evening stroll took up our day’s total to 20 kms!!
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    • Päivä 18

      Last full day in Rome, and in Italy

      9. lokakuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We had a reasonably busy day which was good, as I still had the vapours and didn’t feel like doing anything! But once up and doing we had a very peasant day - set off on one of our usual walks along Quattro fontane and sistina to the top of the Spanish steps…then aiming to go to the Borghese gardens, we were sidetracked as the Medici villa was open, and we joined a tour of the garden and palace…huge and lovely, but it almost felt as if we walked up as many stairs as the tower (not 498, but many)…those old buildings don’t do lifts.

      After that we did sit in the Borghese gardens with kindles for quite a while. Then walked back along the Corso to piazza Venezia where we sat in a favourite bar and watched the chaos of traffic and people all out on a Sunday afternoon. There used to be a policeman standing on a stand in the middle of the piazza, with white gloves and a whistle…but they have obviously abandoned that and the traffic miraculously works itself out!

      Back to our room and relaxed till we left for the dinner at the restaurant we couldn’t get into 2 weeks ago, and Amr booked online with great difficulty! It had been recommended I think by a friend of Hartley and it was very good - though I didn’t do justice to it, but Amr did and had a wonderful frittata with chicken livers (I did have some of that) and he had a pasta with pork neck, which I also had tastes, and I had ordered marinated eggplant…all good, and we could easily find it this time, and the walk didn’t seem so long when you know where you are going. On the way we passed a group of dancers doing the tango…

      Now back and ready to leave early in the morning to get the flight to Cairo. Peter and Louise already there, and I think all the others will be arriving tomorrow too!!
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    • Päivä 3

      Das Colosseum ruft

      28. maaliskuuta 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Das Wetter meint es gut mit uns. Also auf in das Forum Romanum und ins Colosseum. Hierfür haben wir uns den ganzen Tag vorgenommen und das hat sich wirklich gelohnt.
      Ein netter Museumswächter erlaubte uns sogar, in ein Gebäude einzutreten, das mit unserer Roma Karte nicht zugänglich war. Wir freuten uns über herrliche Decken- und Wandmalereien. Ein cafe latte und leckeres Eis zwischendurch waren
      willkommene Erfrischung.
      Ins Colosseum zu gelangen, war relativ einfach. Sich dann allerdings etwas intensiver umzuschauen, gestaltete sich schon etwas schwieriger. Kurz entschlossen folgten wir einer geführten Gruppe. Als man uns dann nicht mitgehen ließ: It's only for groups. What do you want here. Meinte ich ganz frech: we want to go inside. Entnervt genehmigte es die Kontrolleurin ...
      Wir waren uns sicher, die spinnen, die Römer!

      Müde vom vielen Steinetreten und den drängenden Menschenmassen nutzten wir die Metro zum Hotel.
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    • Päivä 12

      A holy day today

      2. kesäkuuta, Italia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Well today is the Republic day today in Italy. So many people are here to celebrate and so many barricades in front of sights and so many diversions and a reason for long cues.
      We awoke to rain and cold so we decided to try the hop on hop off day bus to head towards the Vatican City. Which was a great idea as we got to see more landmarks.
      A breakfast stop at a very cute cafe and a americano coffee and cornetto with jam. Very Italian. And then of towards the Vatican. So many beautiful sights every corner opens up another beautiful vista.
      The entry for the Vatican was a complete sellout due the the special day and also the pope’s address to the masses.
      How blessed are we got to hear and see the pope a definite highlight to Rome. We definitely felt enlightened by this experience.

      Along the way back we popped into an old church to have a look and I decided that we would stay for the mass. All in Italian it sure was a blessed day.
      There was even a angry man saying something to the priest but all was handled the Italian way.

      After much excitement we hopped back on the bus and hopped off to find another great little restaurant for lunch. Pasta was for lunch and a glass of red to warm the bones.

      We headed back to the hotel for a little nap and now deciding do we need dinner.
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    • Päivä 13

      Last morning in Rome and ello to Britain

      3. kesäkuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      At 10.45 pm I decided we needed to go out for hot chocolate and cake.
      Well we got diverted there was music playing in the street.
      The band orchestra were a group of mixed aged people. The music was energetic but why made them so special the conductor was using sign language to orchestrate the group. The group consisted of hearing and non hearing. The chello player was deaf.

      After this we stopped of for hot chocolate pastry and Zambucca what a great night cap.

      So now up early and getting ready for our trip from my religious back ground to my birth land England for some pork pie and fish and chips.
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    • Päivä 2


      17. heinäkuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Nach kurzer Orientierungslosigkeit, haben wir nach dem Einchecken im Hotel auf der Suche nach dem Busstop für die Stadtrundfahrt an der „Basilika Papale di S. Maria Maggiore“ Halt gemacht. Sehr prunkvoll und beeindruckend gestaltet schauten wir uns die Kirche auch bon innen an.

      Erfolgreich haben wir dann den Busstop für die Stadtrundfahrt gefunden. Der erste Eindruck von Rom: Einfach überwältigend, wohin man sieht, prachtvolle Gebäude und gefühlt kann man in jeder Ecke etwas entdecken.

      Eigentlich sollte die Stadtrundfahrt uns beiden helfen, einen gewissen Plan zu machen. Eher noch sind wir nun endgültig im Planungschaos angekommen, weil es hier so viel zu machen gibt.
      Aber Planen war noch nie unsere Stärke.
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    • Päivä 18

      Zes redenen om van Rome te houden

      19. maaliskuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      1. Het ontbijt.
      Wellicht een open deur, maar in Rome kun je voor weinig geld lekker eten en drinken. In een bar (niet op de meest toeristische plekken) koop je voor maximaal drie euro een koffie met een cornetto con crema. En geloof mij, dat wil je. Zo’n cornetto lijkt amper op onze croissant: hij is lichter en gevuld met een ‘crema’. Mijn favoriet is pistacchio, maar je kunt alle kanten op qua smaken. Meest voorkomend is de gewone crème (een soort custard), chocolade, jam en pistacchio. In de echte bars drink en eet je letterlijk aan de bar. Snel, al kletsend en met smaak.

      2. Wandelen is fantastisch
      Het centrum is uiteraard gigantisch en in het oude hart is elke straatsteen mooi. Het ene plekje is nog historischer dan de ander en dat maakt wandelen in Rome te gek. Je ontdekt telkens weer iets nieuws. En het mooie: de massa-toeristen zijn maar op een paar plekken, de andere straten zijn stil, of vol Italianen. Daarnaast telt Rome talloze parken waar het fijn vertoeven is. Van grotere (Villa Borghese), tot kleine met mooi uitzicht (Celio). En dan heb ik het Park Appia Antica nog niet genoemd. Dit park is honderden meters lang en vormde zich rondom de oudste weg van Italië.

      3. Italianen zijn erg vriendelijk
      Als je ciao weet te zeggen, moedigen Italianen je al juichend aan: volstrekt anders dan de Fransen. Italianen zijn trots op hun land en delen dat graag met iedereen die geïnteresseerd is. Of het nu gaat om eten, tips of andere dingen. Je voelt je eigenlijk altijd welkom.

      4. Water is gratis
      Overal in Rome vind je fonteinen, of kranen, waar altijd water uit stroomt. Dit kun je drinken. De stad telt zo’n 200 nasoni en het water is vers. Een lege fles meenemen naar het centrum scheelt heel wat dure flesjes kopen in de toeristische winkels.

      5. Metro A rijdt altijd en is spot goedkoop
      Ok, eerlijk is eerlijk: het openbaar vervoer in Rome is niet top. Bussen rijden op de grillen van de chauffeur en zijn erg onbetrouwbaar. Daarnaast telt de grote stad slechts drie metrolijnen: A, B en C. A is de meest betrouwbare en kruist de stad van west naar oost, of andersom. Elke drie minuten stopt er een metro op een station. Tot nu toe altijd. Daardoor is de lijn een prima vervoersmiddel van en naar werk. Lijn B gaat van noord naar zuid en is ook vrij betrouwbaar. Lijn C is dat (nog) niet. Die lijn wordt nog aangelegd, maar stuit op heel wat luxe problemen. Want elke keer als de schop in de grond gaat, worden bijzondere archeologische ontdekkingen gedaan. Daardoor duurt de aanleg ellende-lang en telt Rome voor zijn omvang bar weinig metro-lijnen. Wandelen dus vooral. Maar… zit je handig en kun je de metro gebruiken, dan is ie spotgoedkoop. Voor een maand onbeperkt reizen betaalde ik 35 euro.

      6. Aperitivo!
      Dit is een uitvinding: aperitivo. Onze borrel, maar dan doorontwikkeld. Voor een vast bedrag (tussen de 10 en 15 euro) krijg je een cocktail + hapjes. En die hapjes bestaan bijvoorbeeld uit pizzaslices, bruschetta, kaasjes, worst, tapperij en wat nog al niet meer. Een hele maaltijd. Je drinkt/eet een aperitivo zo tussen 18 en 20 uur in de avond. En ja, daarna ga je ook nog pasta eten :).
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    • Päivä 19


      29. heinäkuuta 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Vandaag besluit ik om uit te slapen! Om 12:30 spreek ik af met Sophie en Mackenzie en sluit aan bij hun self guided walking tour.

      Hier zien we mooie plekken van de stad welke minder bekend zijn.
      We lunchen samen wat…, en surprise we eten pizza!

      Na de lunch ga ik terug naar het hostel aangezien ik erg moe ben. Ik wandel terug naar het hostel waarbij ik onderweg een aantal bekende sightseeing plekken tegen kom.

      Terug in het hostel fris mij wat op en ga buiten wat lezen.

      Hier ontmoet ik May. We kletsen wat en ze vraagt of ik her leuk vind om met haar en een vriendin uit eten te gaan.
      Ik bestel tonijn met gefruite uien en olijven.
      Als toetje halen we gelato (dat je er nog niet ziek van wordt he?)

      Om 23:00 ben ik terug in het hostel. Hier maak ik snel mijn backpack klaar voor morgen.
      Om 03:00 gaat de wekker namelijk weer!
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    • Päivä 2

      Mit dem Rad durch den Norden Roms ...

      2. toukokuuta, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Man kann es gar nicht glauben das Wetter wurde besser, wir liehen uns unsere Ebike aus - wechselten die Kleidung und los gings auf Entdeckungstour... Viele warnten uns davor in Rom Rad zufahren, wir waren happy 🤗
      Es kamen uns soviele Fussballfans entgegen und auch Bayer Leverkusen Fans - hier war heute das Euro League Halbfinale! Wir haben wohl sogar 2:0 gewonnen.
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    • Päivä 28

      All "cultured" out!

      31. toukokuuta, Italia ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Today has been a mind boggling cultural overload. We went on a 3.5 hour walking tour in the Vatican. You could spend months there! It's incredible how much there is to see.

      The tour was advertised this way: "Enjoy a complete tour of the Vatican and go beyond the expected, gaining deeper insight into its countless artistic and architectural treasures. See the best of the Vatican Museums—from the Sistine Chapel to the Raphael Rooms and the Belvedere Courtyard—and explore St. Peter’s Basilica, home to Michelangelo’s Pietà and Bernini’s Baldachin. Avoid often hours-long lines with skip-the-line access at both the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Basilica."

      We did enjoy it, our PhD qualified guide was very passionate about her work. Unfortunately we didn't see the very famous Piéta sculpture, it was hidden from view. That area of the Basilica was partitioned off only on Monday for work on replacing the glass wall that protects it. Apparently it will stay out of sight until September!

      Cameras are not allowed in the Sistine Chapel but it blows the mind to realise how Michelangelo could achieve what he did. The frescoes are amazing. The chapel was packed full of people you could hardly move.

      In the evening we went on a one hour bus ride to see some of the sights at night. It was dusk still when we started but dark by the end. Buses aren't allowed in all the tourist areas but we still enjoyed the night tour.
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