Municipalità 5

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 3


      2 de março, Itália ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Bus adventures! Missed the first as we had no ticket. An hour for the next one so purchased tickets at Tabacchi then went for coffee and cake. Good choice.
      Opted to get to bus stop 20 mins early. Good idea as the bus arrived 5 mins later. A hair raising, hairpin drive with fabulous coast scenery. Do NOT drive in Amalfi!
      Lovely stroll through tiny side streets and passages to avoid the definitely touristy area of the main street. Everything printed with lemons or the name. Two way traffic thru what appeared to be a pedestrian area. Crazy, delightful chaos.
      Found a great spot for lunch - home made vegetable soup, fish and lemon potato croquettes and a glass of local rose vino.
      Checked out the impressive cathedral from the outside only & walked the waterfront.
      Bus home, picked up supplies for pasta and salad. People so friendly and helpful.
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    • Dia 6

      Hoch hinaus - Vomero

      30 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute haben wir den Stadtteil oberhalb des Zentrums mit Neapels alter Standseilbahn erklommen.
      Nachdem wir ein wenig durch einen Park und die umliegenden Straßen geschlendert sind, haben wir die Burg Castel Sant‘Elmo, die so ziemlich den höchstgelegenen Ort Neapels bietet, besichtigt.
      Wenn wir ehrlich sind, war das einzige wofür sich die 5€ Eintritt gelohnt haben allerdings die Aussicht. Aber die hat sich nun mal wirklich gelohnt.

      Den Rückweg haben wir zu Fuß bestritten, was doch mehr auf die Beine ging als gedacht. Aber diese konnten sich bei unserer kleinen Shoppingtour in der Innenstadt im Anschluss wieder erholen.
      Für Klamotten jeglicher Art ist Neapel wirklich ein Geheimtipp. Fernab von großen Bekleidungsketten findet man kleine, aber feine modische Shops, die vom Gefühl her ihre eigene Mode vertreiben.
      Das mögen wir so an Italien - hier kommt der eigenständige, kleine Laden noch vor den kommerziellen Ketten. Das merkt man vor allem bei Kaffee, Essen und Klamotten 😁👍

      Heute haben wir zur Abwechslung mal Pasta gegessen, die allerdings nicht weniger besonders als die Pizzen hier in Napoli sind.
      Das jetzt gerne im Wechsel auch zuhause. 😍

      Für morgen steht der Plan noch nicht ganz fest, weil uns wahrscheinlich etwas schlechteres Wetter erwischen wird.
      Wir haben ein paar Alternativen und entscheiden morgen relativ spontan wohin es geht.

      Ihr hört dann also morgen Abend wofür wir uns entschieden haben! ☺️
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    • Dia 7

      Naples: Certosa e Museo di San Martino

      27 de outubro de 2023, Itália ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      When I took a close-up or two of a church through the embrasures in the walls of Castel Sant’Elmo, I didn’t realize that we’d be heading there next … the Charterhouse Church and Monastery of San Martino.

      St Martin’s was one of the most important monasteries of the Carthusian monks. It was founded in 1325 as a complex following Carthusian rules. That is, it had a church, cloisters, and vegetable gardens. Not much remains of the original Gothic structure as much of it has been covered by decorative elements and stucco work that was added in the following centuries. After Naples was proclaimed a republic in 1799, the monks were forced to leave. Though they returned a few years later, their numbers were greatly reduced. In 1866, the monastery was handed over to the State, and a year later it became part of the National Museum.

      At first, the exhibits were linked primarily to Neapolitan history and were housed in the Prior’s quarters, the refectory, the old pharmacy, and the entrance hall. During the 1900s, the collections displayed grew and became more varied, and new sections of the monastery were added as exhibit space.

      We started out by checking out the Charterhouse Church, which was built between 1365-1368 as part of the original monastery complex. Beginning in the late 16th century, the Gothic structure underwent restoration work that added features that were Baroque in nature … followed by more restoration that added Rococo features to the interior … such as the amazing marble, gemstone, and bronze balustrade. We found the marble marquetry work especially beautiful and eye-catching.

      Then we went into the museum itself. The exhibited art was distinctly religious in nature. But there were also other interesting exhibits that had us spending time studying them. As well, the ceilings in several of the rooms were beautifully painted.

      One highlight here was the diorama entitled the Cuciniello Crib … so named for the donor of the pieces that make up the collection. Essentially a nativity scene exhibited in the monks’s kitchens, it includes shepherds, animals, works of still life, the procession of the Three Wise Kings, and more … all arranged to show everyday life in the 18th century. I found it interesting that the lighting went from dawn to daylight to dusk to night, changing the ambiance of the diorama. But I think it was also a gimmick to keep visitors moving along as most did just that after dusk fell on the scene.

      Another highlight was the Great Cloister. This common area would have been the center of activity in the lives of the monks. The original cloister was redesigned at the end of the 16th century in the Renaissance style. The landscaping was simple … though the arches around the quadrangle, and the balustrade of the Monk’s Cemetery — topped with sculptures of skulls — added eye-catching details.

      We strolled around the cloister before finding the stairs that took us up to the choir of the Charterhouse church, and behind the altar for a different perspective of what we’d seen earlier.

      The small gallery featuring paintings of Naples of old was our last stop here … an appropriate way to end our visit to the museum.
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    • Dia 25–29

      Naples 1

      18 de maio, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      In old Napoli - that's amore!
      Managed to get out for a morning run along the waterfront in Salerno, before heading off for our train to Napoli!
      We started out on a warm morning, and stopped for coffee at a cafe near the station before pretty impressive thunder and lightning and subsequent rain put a bit of a dampener on things!
      Arrived in Naples about 12.15 and in lovely Vomero about 1. Just a 10 min walk to our airbnb which is in a lovely building and location. However the continuing drizzle and cool weather convincedbus to focus on washing clothes and resting up for a big few days.
      Our dear friends Elisabetta and Vincenzo had invited us to join us them at their friend's house for dinner. We only later found out that it was said friends birthday! Luckily we had bought some flowers and I had chocolate with Australian flavours that I had brought from home to offer as a gift and thanks for inviting us. Judith decided to have quiet night and so D&i put on our best and cleanest clothes for the occasion.
      It was lovely reuniting with Elisabetta and Vincenzo and Stella ( who we thought was somewhere else in Europe) and Angela and Luigi who we had met previously, and making new friends over the course of the evening such a privilege to be invited and spend time with these wonderful people. And so much wonderful food!
      It was quite a late night - and we were the first to leave (at 12 30), making our way through the busy and lively streets of Volmero on a Saturday night.
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    • Dia 5

      Mer bilder från dagen i Neapel

      22 de abril de 2019, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Denna miljonstad har ett hetsigt temperament, for sure, men ack så trevlig.
      Maten vi ätit har varit superb. Det går liksom inte att ogilla det italienska köket. Mozarellan har en smak "to die for"

      Tack för minnesvärda dagar i den kokande staden.
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    • Dia 6


      14 de setembro de 2019, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Auch heute bin ich bei der Anlandung am frühen Morgen auf dem Balkon gestanden und war auf‘s Neue überrascht, wie sachte unser Kapitän das Schiff rückwärts einparkt.
      Nach dem Frühstück haben wir uns entschlossen, Neapel zu Fuß zu erkunden, nachdem der Vesuv total im Dunst verschwand.
      Zuerst zur Festung, dann zum Nachbau der Mailänder Einkaufsmeile und dann hatten wir die Idee, den kleinen Hausberge dahinter zu erklimmen , damit wir einen schönen Blick auf Neapel werfen können.
      Tja und schon waren wir mitten in den Slums von Neapel. Richard hat es früher geschnallt und ist den Berg hinaufgeeilt. Ich fotografierend mit dem Handy hinterher. Hab dann einen anschnauzer kassiert, dass ich dich endlich das Handy wegstecken soll.
      Und plötzlich hört die Straße an einer Mauer auf! Rechts entdecken wir eine kleine Stiege, erklimmen sie und stehen wieder im „normalen“ Leben mit Bäumen, Blumen, Geschäften und Hotels. Einfach unglaublich!
      500 m weiter gibt es einen schönen Weg entlang der Zahnradbahn zurück in die Stadt.
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    • Dia 5

      Naples day 1

      31 de maio de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We all slept like a rock last night and woke up at 10😂😂 but it felt amazing. Then we went walking around and found a nice place to eat breakfast the fruit salad was devine😋 them walked down a few blocks to the Mediterranean sea and put our feet in which felt amazing also the water is so clear. Then went to a pizza making class with was really fun how they make their dough is so much different and they use fresh yeast instead
      of powered. the pizza was really good!! Then on our way home stopped and got some jalato aka (italian ice cream )then walked home itbwas a really nice relaxing day😁😁
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    • Dia 5

      En dag i Neapel city

      22 de abril de 2019, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Vi har flängt runt så mycket de senaste dagarna så vi bestämde att idag skulle få en dag i stan med shopping.

      Det började bra och vi alla hittade nåt vi ville köpa. Sen gick vi på upptäcksfärd. Tog funicolare till Vomero för lunch. Vidare promemad till slottet St Elmo. Därifrån gick vi på "spanska trapporna" ner till området quartieri spagnoli. Sen kom regnet. Då tog vi en taxi till hotellet där vi fick den bästa tänkbara servicen tack vare Francesco, vår underbara servitör.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Just love Italy!

      12 de maio de 2018, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Enjoying the Italian vibe - fab air B and B right in the middle of the Spanish quarter, over a Trattoria and a famous fish shop!!
      Great meal with the locals, cheapest food and wine for months!!
      Off to Pompei and the Amalfj coast with one of the waiters mates as a taxi driver and guide!!Leia mais

    • Dia 4


      10 de julho de 2019, Itália ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      On our tour to Pompeii, we visited the city of Naples on the Mediterranean coast. The day was very hot and overcast making our veiw from Vomero Hill over the bay of Naples limited. It was not possible to see the Island of Capari, however our guide assured it was there even though not visable. The buildings boarding the sea were so colourful, huge cruise ships dominated the wharf. Just beyond all the glamour of the coast you could see how the workers lived, housing not so glamorous and washing hanging from every window. Poor visibility and cloud made the still active volcano Vesuvius not the dominating presence it would hold on a clear day.Leia mais

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    Municipalità 5, Municipalita 5

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