Castel Sant'Elmo

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    • Day 2


      March 28 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Nachmittags fuhren wir mit der Seilbahn auf den Montesanto um einen Ausblick auf die Stadt zu haben. Anschließend aßen wir in der
      Antichissima Pizzeria Port’Alba 1738 Pizza und auf Empfehlung unseres Gastgebers Guiseppe die Zuppa di Cozza (Miesmuschelsuppe). Diese wird hier traditionell zum giovedì santo (Gründonnerstag) gegessen.Read more

    • Day 34

      Tag 33 | Napoli

      August 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      View über Napoli und Vesuvio 🏙️🌋

      Erster Tag in Neapel (Tag 32): Nick aus Deutschland reist am Flughafen an und wir starten gemeinsam die folgendermaßen geplante Tour der nächsten 10 Tage - zunächst erkunden wir Neapel, dann geht’s auf Capri, an die Amalfiküste, nach Salerno und schlussendlich wieder nach Neapel.

      Zweiter Tag in Neapel (Tag 33): mit einem entspannten Frühstück starten wir in den Tag. Den Mittag klingen wir mit einer Joggingrunde an (komischerweise waren wir nicht die einzigen sportlich Aktiven auf der Joggingroute 🤨😂) - mit längerer Pause am Strand.
      Nachdem der Tag noch nicht sportlich genug war, „erklimmen“ wir einen Berg und besuchen dort eine Festung mit der wohl besten Aussicht über ganz Napoli und mit gleichzeitigem Blick auf den Vulkan Vesuv. 🏙️🌋
      Den Tag lassen wir mit einer leckeren Pizza in der belebten neapoletanischen Innenstadt ausklingen.
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    • Day 125

      Another side of Naples

      July 24, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Miles: 6.8 Steps: 15457
      Flights stairs: 20

      We headed down to the waterfront today and found a whole different side of Naples. It was much nicer, clean … either for the tourists, or the wealthier citizens, not sure. Went for a swim - second time in the Mediterranean Sea 😃. It was pretty warm water, actually.

      Jordan wanted to rest in the room, so we split up and I went to see Castle Sant’Elmo on the hill. It was a beautiful view of the city, the Bay of Naples and of course, Mt Vesuvius! Couldn’t believe how close it is to the city, and how dense the houses are. A lot of people crammed into a very small area.

      We stayed out of the areas we were in yesterday, so no idea whether the trash situation changed any.

      We ended up trying to find Mexican food for dinner - kind of getting tired of pizza and pasta. We found what looked like a great place - I ordered a taco salad, Jordan an enchilada. My taco salad was literally two crunchy shell tacos on a very small bed of lettuce. And Jordan’s enchilada came filled with cubed fried potato chunks. Pretty funny actually.
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    • Day 7

      Naples: Castel Sant’Elmo

      October 27, 2023 in Italy

      Once Oosterdam came alongside the pier, we made our way down to the gangway and joined the queue of independents ready to go ashore. The line wasn’t overly long as the ship’s tour groups were gathering in the Mainstage and would disembark from there. (Using two separate gangways to disembark passengers from a ship is brilliant IMHO.)

      In short order, the line began moving. There was good news to accompany the move … an hour had been added at the end of the day to make up for the delayed arrival. Oosterdam was now scheduled to leave at 8:00p.

      Off the ship, we exited the secure zone and walked towards the port gate. But before we got there, we found the underground tunnel to the metro. Perfect … since we needed to take Linea 1 two stops to Fermata Dante to then connect to the funicular that would take us up to Castel Sant’Elmo.

      Purchasing our tickets from the automated machine, our timing proved perfect. Hearing the ding of the doors, we ran the last few steps and got on the train that was about to depart the station. Before long, we were getting off and making our way above ground.

      Asking for directions from the locals, we walked the short distance to the Montesanto Funicular. Minutes later, we were being whisked up the mountain to the Morghen Station, the second stop on this two-stop funicular … an elevation difference of ~500 feet. Then, it was a matter of following the signs to climb further up the hill to get to the castle.

      Built by a Valencian knight in 1537, Castel Sant’Elmo is a transformation of fortifications that already existed at the time. Its six-pointed star shape is considered unusual, but the architect felt that having six points allowed cannons to aim in any direction. An added defensive feature of the castle is the thickness of the walls, which the architect said would be impossible to break down. He was right. The castle still sits intact atop Vomero Hill, proudly overlooking the city.

      After purchasing our admission tickets, we strolled up a gently sloped path to reach the entrance to Sant’Elmo. Before crossing the passeggiata into the castle, we stopped to check out the views and the colossal coat of arms of Emperor Charles V … consisting of the double-headed Hapsburg eagle with wings outspread … two subjects, dressed as warriors, at its feet.

      From our perspective, the walls rose high, the lower half of the castle carved directly into the tuff — volcanic rock —to create the moat surrounding the fortifications. The upper walls were constructed of bricks made using the excavated tuff.

      We made our way up into the castle, using internal ramps that carriages rolled up and down back in the day, carrying food and supplies. And which pedestrians walked to get to and from the upper reaches of the castle. We peeked through the small openings that were used to launch incendiary devices at the enemy, and stopped frequently to enjoy the slightly-misty city views from the embrasures carved into the tuff walls.

      Our steps eventually took us up to Piazza d’Armi … a huge open space overlooked by buildings. Today, there were just a few people wandering around the square. Back in the day, a nearby sign explained, there would have been at least 200 people here carrying out their daily tasks. Besides the castellan, the civil and military head of the fortress, also living here then were the chaplain and the sacristans, officials, soldiers, guards, workers. These people resided and worked in the buildings along the perimeter of the piazza. There was also a butcher, a tavern, a millstone, furnaces to bake bread, vegetable gardens, a workshop to make bullets … and more.

      After wandering around the ramparts for a while, we returned to the piazza where we came to an art museum housed in one of the buildings. The Museum — Novecento a Napoli … 1910-1980 — exhibits a collection of art from 1910 forward … by Neapolitan artists and others who were in the city at the time. We went in to check out what was on display, but didn’t dally long as we had another museum to visit that Mui said would probably take up a lot more of our time.

      Soon, we were continuing with our loose plans for the day.
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    • Day 2

      Noch ein paar Eindrücke

      October 8, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Die neapolitanische Pizza ist wohl die berühmteste gastronomische Innovation, die sich von Neapel aus auf der gesamten Welt verbreitet hat und schmeckte immer großartig.
      Die U Bahn Station Toledo gehört zu den sogenannten Stazioni dell’arte („Kunstbahnhöfen“), also zu einer Gruppe von besonders prächtig ausgestatteten Bahnhöfen.Read more

    • Day 5

      Mer bilder från dagen i Neapel

      April 22, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Denna miljonstad har ett hetsigt temperament, for sure, men ack så trevlig.
      Maten vi ätit har varit superb. Det går liksom inte att ogilla det italienska köket. Mozarellan har en smak "to die for"

      Tack för minnesvärda dagar i den kokande staden.
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    • Day 6

      Hoch hinaus - Vomero

      May 30 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute haben wir den Stadtteil oberhalb des Zentrums mit Neapels alter Standseilbahn erklommen.
      Nachdem wir ein wenig durch einen Park und die umliegenden Straßen geschlendert sind, haben wir die Burg Castel Sant‘Elmo, die so ziemlich den höchstgelegenen Ort Neapels bietet, besichtigt.
      Wenn wir ehrlich sind, war das einzige wofür sich die 5€ Eintritt gelohnt haben allerdings die Aussicht. Aber die hat sich nun mal wirklich gelohnt.

      Den Rückweg haben wir zu Fuß bestritten, was doch mehr auf die Beine ging als gedacht. Aber diese konnten sich bei unserer kleinen Shoppingtour in der Innenstadt im Anschluss wieder erholen.
      Für Klamotten jeglicher Art ist Neapel wirklich ein Geheimtipp. Fernab von großen Bekleidungsketten findet man kleine, aber feine modische Shops, die vom Gefühl her ihre eigene Mode vertreiben.
      Das mögen wir so an Italien - hier kommt der eigenständige, kleine Laden noch vor den kommerziellen Ketten. Das merkt man vor allem bei Kaffee, Essen und Klamotten 😁👍

      Heute haben wir zur Abwechslung mal Pasta gegessen, die allerdings nicht weniger besonders als die Pizzen hier in Napoli sind.
      Das jetzt gerne im Wechsel auch zuhause. 😍

      Für morgen steht der Plan noch nicht ganz fest, weil uns wahrscheinlich etwas schlechteres Wetter erwischen wird.
      Wir haben ein paar Alternativen und entscheiden morgen relativ spontan wohin es geht.

      Ihr hört dann also morgen Abend wofür wir uns entschieden haben! ☺️
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    • Day 2

      Just love Italy!

      May 12, 2018 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Enjoying the Italian vibe - fab air B and B right in the middle of the Spanish quarter, over a Trattoria and a famous fish shop!!
      Great meal with the locals, cheapest food and wine for months!!
      Off to Pompei and the Amalfj coast with one of the waiters mates as a taxi driver and guide!!Read more

    • Day 2

      Castel Sant’Elmo

      June 23, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      #TOOMANYSTAIRS | Heute wollten wir es uns nicht nehmen lassen noch zur Burg St. Elmo zu laufen und ich habe den Plan, die über 400 Stufen von Pedamentina a San Martino zu nehmen zwischendurch mal bereut 🙈 aber die Aussicht war großartig und zur Belohnung gab es dann einen Aperol SpritzRead more

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