Municipio 4

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    • Dzień 67

      Sanremo - Mailand

      20 lutego, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Frühstück in Sanremo, Nachmittags dann das Wiedersehen in Mailand.
      Ab jetzt sind wir wieder zu zweit.
      Nach dem Stopp im Hotel gab es einen kleinen Stadtbummel zum Navigli 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♂️

    • Dzień 18–21

      Retour à Milan

      24 marca, Włochy ⋅ 🌨 12 °C

      C'est parti pour 3 jours de plus à Milan !

      Après le 1er wwoofing en Lombardie, j'ai pris 3 nuits à l'auberge de jeunesse Madama Hostel pour me poser et pour visiter la plus grande ville au Nord de l'Italie !

      24 mars : Arrivée à 17h à l'hôtel et seulement le temps de décharger les affaires, et de faire un tour à Porta Romana que la nuit était déjà tombée. J'ai seulement pu visiter quelques quartiers de nuits comme Navigli ou Brera

      25 mars : Grand soleil sur Milan ☀️ ! C'était le moment d'aller courir ~9km dans le plus célèbre parc de Milan et de parcourir les plus beaux quartiers de la ville de jour ! Visite du Duomo, de ses terrasses qui offrent un panorama magnifique sur la ville, sur les Alpes et sur les centaines de statues de la cathédrale.
      C'était l'occasion aussi de rencontrer Guillaume et Dorothée, deux anciens mineurs de la N01 et N02 qui vivent ensemble à Milan et ont 3 enfants. On a pu échanger de belles histoires sur leurs parcours à l'international et sur les Mines autour d'un bon repas chez eux 😋
      Bonus : Guillaume est un grand supporter de Lens, le monde est petit 🔴🟡

      26 Mars : Jour de pluie ☔️... L'occasion de visiter des musées comme celui des sciences et des techniques Leonard de Vinci, ou bien la Pinacoteca di Brera.
      J'ai eu l'opportunité aussi grâce à l'appli Couchsurfing de rencontrer des internationaux de voyage ! On a marché dans Milan, mangé des spécialités lombardes, puis une glace et on a terminé la soirée à une auberge de jeunesse.

      27 mars : Départ tôt de la gare direction Bergame

      🇮🇹🇬🇧 C'est à Milan que j'ai pu vivre mes premières soirées avec exclusivement d'autres étudiants étrangers, et même avec des italiens seulement ! J'ai passés de très bons moments à perfectionner mon italien et mon anglais, et chaque jour qui passe j'ai de plus en plus de facilités à entamer et poursuivre des conversations avec des inconnus 😀

      Note sur Milan : cette ville, ancienne capitale de la 1ere république italienne, est aujourd'hui le poumon économique du pays. Bien plus que Rome, Milan attire chaque année de plus en plus d'italiens et d'étrangers, et la ville connaît une croissance démesurée !
      Cette croissance est à double tranchant pour le pays. Milan participe au rayonnement italien sur le plan économique, culturelle et universitaire. Mais, elle est aussi le syndrôme d'un pays qui se centralise de plus en plus, avec un coût de la vie élevé, tout cela en parrallèle d'un dépeuplement de régions italiennes (notamment le sud) et la baisse voire la fin des services publics en dehors des grandes villes
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    • Dzień 10

      Hello Lake Como!

      31 maja, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We didn’t get much of a chance to look around the town of Como as we were up and moving pretty early. We were on our way to Menaggio.

      The road up was tight. In some spots vehicles could only go in one direction at a time and you could see some buildings had been scraped. These roads were built in the time of the horse and cart! Luckily our bus is small so managed to get through. During peak season this road would be choked!

      Seems this has always been a popular place to visit but it wasn’t until celebrities (like George Clooney) started to buy villas that its popularity really took off. Queen Victoria visited here as well which made it fashionable with the English so there is the Grand Hotel Victoria and even (gasp) an Anglican Church!

      Lake Como was formed by glaciers and is very deep at 400 metres. This big mass of water tends to keep the climate around the lake a bit warmer in winter and cooler in summer, coupled with the stunning scenery you can understand why it is so popular. It is shaped like an inverted Y.

      Many of the locals actually live on Lake Como but drive into Switzerland each day to work - the cost of living is lower in Italy but wages are higher in Switzerland.

      The lake is well serviced with ferries and even a hydrofoil to move people around.

      We were visiting a couple of towns on the lake so we boarded the ferry on the western side of the lake in Managgio and went across to our first stop Varenna on the eastern side of the lake.

      It is a cute little town with a number of churches. The oldest is St John the Baptist’s church from the tenth century but there was also the church of St George and a couple of others which were only from the 13th or 14th centuries. We had a bit of time so we wandered around town before catching the ferry across the lake to our next stop Bellagio.

      This is bigger than Varenna and sits at the point between the two arms of the lake. Given it is not even peak season yet it sure was busy! Lots of shops and narrow streets with cars and bikes trying to squeeze past pedestrians - chaos!

      Our last stop was Bellano back on the eastern side of the lake where we met our bus and made a quick trip down the freeway to Milan. The government is trying to improve access to Lake Como so on the eastern side there is a freeway and train line all with lots of tunnels.

      We made it into Milan and found a nice restaurant for dinner. Tomorrow we start to look around Milan.
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    • Dzień 11


      1 czerwca, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Milan is the commercial and financial capital of Italy with all the big companies based here. It is also the fashion capital of the world with many of the big fashion brands originating from here.

      Our bus took us up to the main castle in Milan the Sforza Castle. This is a huge 15th century castle built on the remnants of an older one. It is very impressive. Our guide gave us all the history and walked us around. One of the highlights is that it contains Michaelangelo’s last statue that he was working on when he died at age 88 in 1564.

      We then headed out of the castle to walk up to the main part of the city, the Duomo. On the way we passed the famous Milan opera house the Scala but this is being renovated at the moment so was covered in scaffolding. The Duomo is where the big shopping centre the Galleria can be found and also Milan Cathedral.

      The Galleria is very impressive with all the big fashion brands. Prada has had a shop here for over 100 years. The mosaic floor had links to the various parts of Italy.

      They started building the cathedral in the 14th century but didn’t finish it until 1965! Amazingly it was not damaged in WW2 despite Milan and the Duomo being heavily bombed.

      The cathedral is the largest one outside of the Vatican and is made entirely of marble, not bricks with marble attached. They are always working on it inside and out so a section of it is usually covered in scaffolding. It is stunning. Amazing leadlight windows from the 15th and 16th centuries and lots of statues.

      After walking around the cathedral we went for lunch and headed back to the hotel for a rest - with a stop off for gelato!

      Diner was a very simple take away pizza and a couple of local beers.
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    • Dzień 10

      Out with Fun Sarah

      29 listopada 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Sarah's apartment is on the 3rd (4th) floor. I am very thankful for backpack straps on my suitcase! Her apartment is lovely and big! Large living room with a small kitchen attached to a dining area. The bedroom has floor to ceiling closets. The best part is a little balcony off her bedroom and a HUGE patio off the living room!

      We had a couple of glasses of wine before we went out to dinner. The place we went was a short walk. Casa Tua was empty when we arrived but filled up. Limited menu--I had the beef cheeks, and Sarah had lamb chops, all with a bottle of Nero d' Avola. We talked to some guys next to us from Pescara. After our digestivi, we headed home.

      She had me sleep in her bed, and she slept on the couch. It was after midnight, and I was so tired!
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    • Dzień 3


      30 października 2022, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Und flux sind 2 Tage auch schon wieder vorüber. Unsere Zeit in Mailand war kurzweilig, interessant aber auch nicht sonderlich beeindruckend. Auf uns hat die Stadt keinen so bleibenden Eindruck gemacht, wie viele andere italienische Städte zuvor - auch wenn es durchaus das eine oder andere Highlight gab (wie der Dom oder das Navigli Viertel). Es ist sehr laut, es gibt fast nur große Straßen mit viel Verkehr, wenig, für italienische Städte typische Gassen und Massen an Leuten die es gefühlt sehr eilig haben. Fazit: kann man machen wenn man in der Nähe ist oder einen Ausflug zum shoppen mit den Mädels plant aber muss kein zweites Mal sein. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 1

      Restaurant: Capperi Che Pizza

      28 października 2022, Włochy ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Erster Abend, erstes Dinner - und was gibt's? Natürlich Pizza 🍕 😄. Da unser Wunsch-Italiener, den wir auf dem Weg zu unserer Unterkunft gesehen hatten, leider bis auf den letzten Platz ausgebucht war, haben wir uns für das Capperi Che Pizza entschieden. Die Karte ist sehr umfangreich und bietet auch Variationen die man sonst nicht so oft sieht. Gut für mich: viele Bianca Varianten - sprich, ohne Tomatensauce ☺️. Kann man machen, hatten wir aber auch schon besser. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 3

      The streets of Milan

      21 maja, Włochy ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      A day strolling the streets, Duomo to Navigli canals. Amazing lunch at Osteria Serafina. It's worth waiting in the queue.

    • Dzień 2

      Day 2 | Milan, Italy

      6 lipca 2015, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Tour: Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano) is the cathedral church of Milan, Italy. This Gothic cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete. It is the 5th-largest church in the world and the largest in Italy, with 135 spires and nearly 3,000 statues.

      Tour: The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is one of the world's oldest shopping malls. Housed within a four-story double arcade in central Milan, this 18th century Galleria is home to many beautiful shops, restaurants and cafes. Look up to see the magnificent central dome. Look down to see the emblems on the mosaic floor representing the cities of Milan, Rome, Florence and Turin. If you want to return to Milan you are supposed to place your heel on the emblem of Turin -the bull- and rotate clockwise! We both did it!

      Tour: Sforza Castle is a castle in Milan, built in the 15th century by Francesco Sforza, Duke of Milan, on the remains of a 14th-century fortification. In front of the castle, the spectacular fountain is a reconstruction (1999) of a fountain built in 1930. The people of Milan call this fountain "tort de' spus", or wedding cake, from the shape created by the jets of water. Great place to stop, rest, and of course, stick your feet in the water. :-)

      Chris napped in the park behind the castle.

      Lunch: Spontini Pizzeria
      Dinner: Majestic Cafe (Matre'D and waitress were great)

      Temp: High 98 / Low 79
      Pedometer: 8.42 miles
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    • Dzień 8

      Milano. Nice tradition. Day 8

      7 lipca 2016, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Уже который день забываю упомянуть милую особенность Италии - апперетивы. Приблизительно с 17 часов вы можете заказать бокал вина или коктейль, а закуски подадут бесплатно. Состав закусок зависит от заведения: иногда это может предворять ужин, а иногда и вовсе его заменять. Традиция была создана в Милане в кафешке главной торговой галереи Виторио Иммануило. В галерее находится самое старое кафе. Здесь в своё время сиживали Джованни и Леонардо до Винчи. Это любимое место миланцев, потому что здесь можно сочетать два самых любимых дела итальянцев: красоваться и ничего не делать)) Czytaj więcej

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