Piazza Calda

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      Hoch hinaus

      6. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Es waren zwar ein paar dicke Wolken am Himmel, aber insgesamt sah es ganz gut aus. Also bin ich hoch zum Piazzale Michelangelo. Von dort hat man einen tollen Blick über Florenz. Ich habe mir extra im Supermarkt ein Bierchen gekauft, das ich dort trinken wollte, leider lag der Öffner im Hotel und ein Feuerzeug hatte ich nicht. Nur so viel: ich bin jetzt im Besitz eines hässlichen Touri-Flaschenöffners und habe 0 Euro gespart. Dann zogen dicke Regenwolken über der Stadt auf und ich habe mich fix in die Kirche San Miniato geflüchtet. Sie steht an einem der höchsten Punkte von Florenz und gilt als eine der schönsten Kirchen Italiens. Kann ich nachvollziehen, vor allem die Fassade im typisch florentinischen Renaissance-Stil macht echt was her. Es war schön da oben.Weiterlesen

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      Southern Florence

      14. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Without having to worry about travelling and trains and flights, this felt like my first full day of sightseeing without having to be on a schedule. I had booked in for free tours on the Northern part of the Arno River, and as such, I stuck around the Sothern end where my accommodation was. There was still plenty to do, and I am glad I split it up this way as I managed to fit just about everything into today that I really wanted to see. My plan was to go see the views from the top of the hill, track back down to the river and then finish off by heading West and seeing everything to see on the Southern side of the Arno.

      It started off with a bit of a long walk up the hillside, but the view at the top was definitely worth it. The red brick roofs, colourful exteriors, and colossal monuments that protruded from the rooftops (such as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence and so forth), made for an unreal view. Once again, the photos don't do it justice, but it was truly incredible. Then, after some more aimless wandering, I ended up in a war memorial park that had a quite sombre feel about it, but it had some amazing views of the Italian countryside just to the South. Florence is actually a very small but compact and functional city. After completely circling the strange stone structure that the park encapsulated, I ended up at the entrance to the Basilica di San Miniato by complete accident. Unfortunately the Basilica itself was undergoing works so that made getting a good photo much harder, but even just walking through the graveyards and into the church itself was an experience on its own. The inside was so incredibly well built and maintained that it was hard to believe that it could ever have been built during the 11th century. This is likely the first of many churches that I will get to view, but if they're all like this, I won't complain. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be taking pictures in the cemetery part of the Basilica, so I held back sometimes but still managed to take some good ones. The size and extravagance of some of the burial sites were unbelievable - this wasn't something i was going to see, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it. After another smaller church and walking through the Piazzale Michelangelo, it was time to head down the hill again toward the river.

      On the way down, there were these extraordinary waterfalls inbuilt into the architecture that were just amazing to me for whatever reason. There were no rivers running down the hill, but these waterfalls just seemed to appear from out of nowhere and looked amazing. I can barely describe them, the water fed into this big pond at the bottom with fish all through it - definitely worth a look through the photos to best describe it. After this, I was by the river and began tracking to find some lunch, but first, I was tempted by the house of Galileo that was just up the road from where I was. It wasn't far, but it sure was steep. I had high expectations for the house when I got there, but unfortunately, it was just a house that you couldn't walk through or even see anything exciting about. I almost missed it if it wasn't for maps saying I was right out the front. It had a picture of Galileo, but other than that, you would have never guessed it was his house, I think people live in there still.

      Next, i went to the famous Ponte alle Grazie bridge, where houses and stores are run on the bridge itself, often overlapping. This was so cool and incredibly busy, but that is expected in these types of areas. As they sell mostly jewellery, I saw little reason to stop, but it was still cool to look. I then tried to visit the Medici garden, but it closed at 7, so I was left with not much to do with my afternoon. As a result, I found a calzone to eat for dinner and went back to my apartment for bed.

    • Tag 9

      Piazzale Michelangelo

      21. Mai 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Pizzale Michelangelo!!!
      Went to dance the night away after a good dinner where she say some awesome sunsets, did some fun dancing, and sat on the steps on church to celebrate our first night Florence! I was excited to live and truly overflowing with happiness at this wonderful place that would be my home for even a fraction of time :) These two men do the show every night!!
      FYI Sara Perche Ti Amo is one my favorites which you’ll here a lot along with Maria and Nessuno! Pls listen to Italian music they have some bangers!!

    • Tag 2


      19. Februar in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      So perfekt in Florenz gelandet. Was sehr schön ist, wenn man über die Appenin fährt, muss man nicht unbedingt in das neue Tunnel man kann auch die alte Autobahn nutzen die als Panoramica ausgeschildert ist. Da oben haben wir auf einen sehr schönen Picnickplatz eine Pause eingelegt.
      Und dann als erstes zum Plaza Michelangelo mit diesen herrlichen Blick über die Stadt.

    • Tag 6


      18. April 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Am späten Nachmittag sind wir in Florenz angekommen. Mathilda fix gefüttert und los ging der Fußmarsch in die Innenstadt. Unser Camper steht oberhalb einer Kathedrale, wo man nur bis 20.00 Uhr zahlen muss und über Nacht stehen darf (inklusive traumhaftem Panoramablick über Florenz). Mathilda kam in die Trage und hatte somit das beste Leben. Sie Berg runter zu tragen war ja okey, aber fragt nicht nach dem Aufstieg...Ich hab geschwitzt ohne Ende und erstmal eine Dusche gebraucht 😁Weiterlesen

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      Giardino delle Rose

      6. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Zu Füßen des Piazzale Michelangelo befindet sich ein Rosengarten. Der ist nicht nur schön, sondern auch eine gute Abkürzung auf dem Weg zurück in die Stadt. Die Rosen waren fast alle schon verblüht, aber es war trotzdem schön so kurz nach dem Regen. Nur war es so rutschig, dass ich Tollpatsch fast in einen Rosenbusch gefallen wäre. Es gab ein paar Skulpturen und vergleichsweise wenige Menschen, das kam mir sehr entgegen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Seele baumeln lassen

      8. Juni 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ich bin so schnell meine Füße mich trugen auf die andere Seite des Arno und hoch zum Piazzale Michelangelo gelaufen, um ja nicht zu spät zu kommen. Und wieder stand ich vor verschlossenen Türen. Pfff, dann eben nicht. Stattdessen gab es ein Sonnenbad mit Bierchen in der Bar des Giardino delle Rose. Dort habe ich dann auch noch Granatapfelbäume entdeckt und mich vom Duft der Jasminblüten benebeln lassen. Für 19 Uhr hatte ich eine Reservierung im Il Pizzaiuolo. Dort habe ich zwar den Katzentisch bekommen, aber die Pizza hat trotzdem sehr gut geschmeckt.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9

      Tramonto dalla Piazza Michelangelo 🌄

      7. Oktober 2023 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      "All'Antico Vinaio" es el lugar más clásico en Florencia para probar la comida estrella de esta ciudad: el Panino al Lampredotto 😋 El lugar es tan conocido que han abierto tres más en la misma calle y, aún así, las filas son enormes 🥺

      No obstante, como no he nacido yo para hacer cola, voy a la opción alternativa en las calles contiguas. Un lugar familiar en el que había mucha menos fila y con opciones vegetarianas 😁 Con mi sándwich me voy a hacia el barrio de San Niccolò, concretamente al Giardino delle Rose 🥪🌹

      Voy subiendo la colina tranquilamente (hoy ha sido claramente un día de subir rampas y escaleras) hasta llegar a la Piazzale Michelangelo, la cual está llena porque todo el mundo ha tenido la misma idea que yo: venir a ver el atardecer 😆🖕🏼

      Con la poca fuerza que me queda (#drama) hago un último esfuerzo y subo hasta la Basílica di San Miniato, que se encuentra rodeada de tumbas y desde la cual tengo una vista preciosa y mucha menos gente alrededor 🤗

      Cuando el cielo se ha oscurecido, vuelvo al centro de Florencia con objetivo de irme a dormir pronto porque mañana se avecina el madrugón del año. Para conseguir dormir me pimplo 1L de cerveza yo solito. Cada uno tiene sus técnicas y yo tengo las mías 🤣

      Che bella giornata! 😄 Buonanotte 🤌🏼

    • Tag 18


      4. Juni 2016 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We got into Florence in the early evening, but the weather was definitely against us because it started pouring as we were unloading the coach and continued until all of the tents were set up and we were all thoroughly soaked. We've encountered rain before, but not to this extent. I'm glad I blew that $2 at the Dollar Store on that 10 meter length of rope to use as a clothes line!

      Apparently the Seine River that runs through Paris has gone up six meters since we were there a little over a week ago (the Louvre and Musée Dorsey are closed) and other areas across that northern part of Europe are also getting hit with fairly substantial rains. It's hard to even fathom a river rising six meters in such a short time with virtually no warning - at least when I've and snow start melting in the spring, there's some level of warning and expectation.

      Angus cooked an amazing meal for everyone of pasta (after all, we are in Italy) with ham and mushrooms in a creamy sauce... It was my favourite meal so far!

      Then, it was off to karaoke for a night of terrible singing voices and drinks by the litre at the Red Garter Karaoke Bar! I helped out with Wonderwall by Oasis with some of my new Aussie friends, and was up on stage again doing Ice Ice Baby for the crew... Great times had by all that night, but more than a few of the group were wishing they'd paced themselves better with the litre cocktails. Feeling that way doesn't appeal to me especially when there's so much I want, and need, to be fresh for the next day.

      We kicked off our full day in Florence at Leonardo's Leather for a talk about leather workmanship, types, spotting fakes (labels and smell can be easily faked, while uniform look isn't very likely for real leather), etc. Of course, there's also opportunity for purchases... I bought a couple of nice belts and a small card sleeve/wallet.
      Tax is automatically included, but can be taken off for non-European residents when purchases total more than €155, so a few of us combined purchases to capitalize on the savings! Apparently I'll have to jump through some hoops to have UK Customs stamp something, but definitely worth a shot (the tax in Italy is over 20%).

      Next, we were taken on a walking tour by Martina, our local guide, to see some of the big sites and get some history - including the rationale for Michaelangelo sculpting the statue of David as a symbol for Florence... It was always an underdog and faced great adversity over the years, but still flourished! Think David versus Goliath.

      After the walking tour, it was free time for the afternoon, I knew that David at the Academia Museum was my number one, so a few of us were advised to see about getting a "reserved time slot" to avoid the lineup that would likely mean a two hour wait. Unfortunately, the next available reservation was three days away, buy we decided to walk over to Academia anyway to check things out... The regular lineup was huge, but we bought "skip the line" tickets out front for €22 each (reservation is usually €16.50; regular lineup is usually €12.50). It looks like the woman we bought from simply buys up reservation slots and sells them at a substantial premium, but we went right in and out was absolutely, 100% worth it!

      That night, we went for a terrific dinner at Angus's favourite restaurant - Vecchio. I definitely didn't go hungry... Antipasto, pasta, beef/chicken (I ordered the beef and tried the chicken), tiramisu, and lemoncello! All in all, a great meal with great friends around! On the way to dinner, we stopped for a professionally done group photo overlooking the city just before the sun started to go down.

      After dinner, we walked to a club called Space, where we had a reservation for the entire group. Another few Contiki groups were in town too, so they were there too. I assume the club probably gives Contiki a kickback to bring their groups there because it wasn't anything overly special or different than most clubs... Loud music, dance floor, and high priced drinks. An interesting thing is that they use a card system for payment - you receive a card upon entry (don't lose it, or it'll cost you €50), you can then use that card to purchase drinks at the bar (once your card has been used for 4 drinks, you need to clear that tab and start a new card); when you're ready to leave, you must return your card (paying any outstanding tab) and receive an "exit ticket". About half the group, including me, were back at the campsite by 1am, while the remainder barely beat sunrise.

      Off to Rome in the morning!

    • Tag 4


      26. Juli 2017 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Florence is beautiful. The place we're staying in is a building erected in the 12th century, and has a lot of character. While the hostess explained how to run the A/C and operate the locks (in Italian), I read the poorly translated sign and failed to make any sense of it, other than getting a sense of alarm. Laura and I had a good laugh after reading the Italian version, basically saying don't use the a/c and water heater at the same time or it would blow the fuse.

      We went out for dinner and drinks at one of the places Laura's friend Monia recommended, where Laura got along famously with the wait staff. I, on the otherhand, had my glass of wine taken from me (it was meant for another table). We had the bistecca alla fiorentina (T bone the size of my head) and a truffle pasta that was phenomenal. After dinner, we had a quick apéritif and some grappa at a nearby bar.

      Next morning, hit Florence and saw the major landmarks. The piazzale Michaelangelo offered the best view of the city.

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