Provincia di Latina

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Provincia di Latina
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    • Jour 421


      5 septembre 2022, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ventotene is a gorgeous little island, 25 miles north of Ischia and is part of the Pontine archipelago. The town which rises up from the port is full of pretty yellow and pink buildings.
      The island is steeped in Roman history, starting in the little port we are tied up in. Several of the quay walls, the store rooms (which are now shops) and and some of the bollards have been in use for over 2000 years.
      Emperor Augustus developed the island during his reign between 31 B.C. and 14 A.D. He built a massive summer home here even though there was no natural harbour and no fresh water. These difficulties were nothing to a Roman Emperor who had an endless supply of slaves to build and dig for him.
      Inland he had a number of large cisterns built to collect and store rainwater. The Port was entirely dug out of rock. 60,000 cubic metres of tufa rock was excavated and removed to create a safe harbour for his ships to dock. That is about 6,000 lorry loads if it were to be excavated today, its hard to believe they did it 2 millennia ago.
      Roman ingenuity and ambitious didn’t stop at the port, the slaves continued digging and made the peschiera nearby.
      We put our masks and snorkels on and jump into the sea to explore some of the channels and pools of the fish farm that were dug into the rocky shore. The sea levels have risen over a meter since the peschiera was built so much of it is under water. It is crazy to think such complex systems were installed just so that the Emperor could have his choice of fish whenever he wanted.
      We walk out to see the ruined remains of his holiday home. There is little left on the headland except for the enormous footprint of its foundations. It is called Villa Giulia, named after his daughter whom he exiled here because of her excessive adultery. What a beautiful place to be banished to.
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    • Jour 59

      Last sailing day

      1 juin 2023, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Up before the sun as we planned a long day (66 n.m. 11 hours) to Fiumicino/Rome where we leave the boat for the summer. We left with the ferry and motorsailed for awhile, then motored, then sailed. A beautiful day ( maybe we should have stayed in Ponza at the beach? 🤔) with very little boat traffic and what we did see was far off and heading south to our north. One power boat was aimed at us but he changed course before Bob blew the horn and after I tersley told him to call on the radio or change course! I don't like playing "chicken"! I called the marina to advise we were at the mouth of the river and they hailed us and took our lines as we rafted up to 2 other boats. Lovely not to have to leap off! The marina staff were welcoming and helpful, even offering to loan us a car. I'm not prepared for another wild and thorny walk! The evening was calm on the river with an otter swimming by, birds calling and chirping from the island in the river. Peaceful. A perfect ending to our last sailing day.En savoir plus

    • Jour 423


      7 septembre 2022, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We have a great sail from Ventotene to Ponza, the largest of the Pontine islands. Today’s weather conditions lead us around to the north of the island. We anchor in a gorgeous bay of white cliffs and rocky shores with a little port tucked in at the far corner.
      I make the happy discovery that we are within swimming distance of one of Ponza’s gems, the piscine naturali. In the morning we put on our snorkelling gear and swim over to explore it.
      We swim under an arch in the cliff and are now inside a large pool with a big circular opening on top. It’s incredible. Swimming under another arch we come into a bigger pool with a cafe perched on the rocks. There are parasols and sun loungers for rent on the low flat rock which separates this pool from the sea. We swim though the natural tunnel that small boats use to come in and out of here. We find a deep dark cave and dare each other to swim in as far as we can. Ronan wins. He finds another dark cave to explore and sees a light in the water beyond. He dives down and disappears and after a few (slightly worried) moments, returns again. This time we follow him down into the light and we emerge in another pool. We explore several more little caves and tunnels here and later we snorkel again, this time under the high white cliffs. I often pause to watch Ruby and Colm swimming into a cave or diving down to swim amongst the fish, it’s magic.
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    • Jour 3

      Picturesque Ponza, Madness Miseno

      10 septembre 2023, Italie ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After morning coffee and breakfast in the cockpit watching the fiery sunrise reflecting on the fantastic rock formations, we lifted anchor and moved into the harbour so we could row to the beach and wander the town. Of course things don't always go smoothly or easily but after an hour of sweat 🥵, Bob fixed the dinghy and off we went. The harbour traffic was something to behold with every boat size, shape, power and noise and all going in every direction on the compass! Little did we know...
      We wandered the town and had Tiellas in a café above the harbour where the Italian Mamma recited her menu and told us in her limited English that she was born in Ponza and has a sister in Sudbury! Like many, she imagined Canada/Vancouver was cold like Sudbury! We anchored back at our previous night's anchorage and had a glorious swim but with all the weekend boat traffic, decided we'd move to a quieter spot. It was a clear, starry night but spoiled at 5 a.m. when a power boat motored in, anchored and played music! At 6:45 a.m. we decided to get going to Miseno.The trip took 12 hours sailing and motoring: stopped the boat and had a brief dip in the middle of the deep, dark sea, had a visit from a pod of dolphins 🐬, and a heart stopping last hour dodging ferries and power boats, while pitching and rolling in their wakes 🌊. We thought last Spring's gauntlet at Capri was bad; this was much worse! It's hard to imagine what it's like in high season! 😱 The power boaters have no consideration of their speed, wake or proximity to others. It's frightening. I have no photos of the maelstrom as I was too busy holding on and praying!
      We arrived hungry and with frayed nerves, but a small, calm harbour, dinner and a quick chat with Nicholas, Ella and Alexa soon calmed us.
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    • Jour 20


      28 mars, Italie ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Neuer Tag, neues Glück.
      Nach Regen kommt Sonnenschein.
      Hat alles gepasst.
      Meine Frühschicht begann um 6.00 Uhr mit Frieda am Strand. Sie wachte mit den Worten "Mama, horchen. Meer. Mama Frieda Meer buddeln" auf. Da es oben noch ruhig war im Bett, machten wir uns schnell und leise fertig und verbrachten die erste Stunde buddelnd am Strand. Die Sonne kam in unserem Rücken langsam über die Berge gekrochen und zeigte sich vor allem am Nachmittag besonders.
      Bis zum Mittagsschlaf waren Frieda und ich nur kurz zum Frühstück im WoMi (wie sie es liebevoll nennt) und sonst draußen im Sand.
      Bis auf einen Abstecher zum Tante Emma Laden und Mülleimer im ausgestorbenen Sommerdörfchen verbrachten wir den ganzen restlichen Tag so 🏖️🌅
      Ein versöhnlicher Tag für alle ❤️
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    • Jour 48

      Gaeta to Gulf of Naples

      21 mai 2023, Italie ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A bad night of rolling, swinging, rocking but woke up to a calm and sunny morning. We rowed ashore to climb the promontory and visit the chapel suspended between the split rocks. In our typical 'good' luck fashion, it was closed for repairs! Fortunately, we could see it as we motored away from the anchorage. We visited the other church, saw Turks Grotto in the other split and wandered up the cliffs then came back to the boat. We set off for the island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples and had a mix of weather- sun, light to no wind, calm sea, and rain. Coats on, off, on, off but it was warmer than it has been. Sadly, we passed garbage floating. 😡🤯😖 We anchored off the beach at Porto d' Ischia after checking forecasted wind and waves. We watched ferries arriving and departing simultaneously and continuously! It's as busy as Nice airport! It rained off and on as we settled in for the night.En savoir plus

    • Jour 19

      Geburtstag in Gaeta

      27 mars, Italie ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Meinen Geburtstagsmorgen startete ich nach einem Ständchen meiner drei Lieben mit einem Blick aufs Meer. Wir parkten extra in einer Haltebucht der Küstenstraße, damit wir den angesagten Regentag gut starten. Nach Frühstück, spielen und kuscheln fuhren wir nach Gaeta auf einen Spielplatz. Der einsetzende Regen und die müden miesmuffligen Kinder kippten dann leider etwas die Stimmung. Nach einem Mittagsschlaf mit Regenprasseln im Wohnmobil waren wir einkaufen, aßen eine deftige Brotzeit und besichtigten am Nachmittag noch die Altstadt und einen weiteren Spielplatz von Gaeta. Auch der Regen hatte dann Gnade mit uns.
      Dieser etwas gebrauchte Tag endete auf einem kostenfreien Parkplatz am Meer. Als die Kinder selig schlummert, kehrte auch bei uns zum ersten Mal Ruhe ein an diesem Tag.

      Zum Glück lege ich keinen besonderen Wert darauf, dass an diesem einen Tag alles perfekt sein muss. Denn das war es heute eben nicht. Der Tag davor war ein Träumchen und auch der Tag danach. So ist das eben. Danke für eure zahlreichen guten Wünsche und wie die meisten schrieben, erfüllen wir uns ganz viele unserer Wünsche gerade selber und ich liebs!
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    • Jour 47

      What a difference a day makes...

      20 mai 2023, Italie ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      After a calm night off Serapo Beach on the back side of Gaeta, we set out to round the promontory and go into the marina for laundry and info on summer storage. We rounded the corner into waves, swell and wind at 32 knots! We motored on thinking once we got to the harbour, all would be! Boats were rocking, bouncing and listing and we realized docking would be a nightmare so we headed back to the calm beach anchorage. It was a quick trip back! I was determined to get laundry done and stock up on groceries so we climbed in the dinghy and Bob rowed us ashore. We found the laundromat and grocery store, and walked into the marina. The staff were so welcoming and helpful and gave us info on where to eat and what to see. We took their advice and had a Gaeta special: a Tiella which is a savoury pizza pie with various seafood or vegetable fillings. We wandered around the medieval village and along the seafront in the light rain and wind. We got the laundry done and groceries bought and rowed back to the boat. As I told Bob, I am a low maintenance woman when I am prepared to row ashore to have clean and fresh smelling bedding and clothes, and that makes me happy! What didn't make me happy was that the wind direction was switching and the swells were coming in. It was Verdon/Villefranche/Anzio all over again! Bob slept on while I read until past 0300 when the rolling, rocking and bouncing lessened. Once again, when I woke up today, it was an opposite weather day!En savoir plus

    • Jour 117

      Alle Wege führen nach Rom

      17 novembre 2023, Italie ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Die Küste, von Neapel bis Rom, wird von vielen kleinen Städtchen an der zerklüfteten Küste gesäumt. Wir genießen das schöne Wetter und flanieren durch die Altstadt von Sperlonga, die besonders reizvoll ist. Wir übernachten an einem einsamen Ort, Faro die Carpo Cicero. ☀️ Nachts ist es sternenklar. Schon morgen werden wir in Rom ankommen. Geht alles viel zu schnell. 😧En savoir plus

    • Jour 28

      106 km bis Pompeji

      16 septembre 2023, Italie ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Wenn die Beine auch wieder gut drauf sind, erreiche ich heute Pompeji und den Vesuv.😊

      Die Nacht war übrigens sehr schön, außer Sternenhimmel und Meeresrauschen keine Reize.🥰

      Die Kilometer liefen so dahin, viele Bikergruppen unterwegs, einige fuhren für kurzen Talk nebenher....:Ahhh Tedesci...😄
      In Neapel dann verkehrsmäßig Hölle auf Erden. Da war ich mit dem Bike noch gut bedient.
      Die Zweiradfahrer sind irre und lebensmüde, klappt aber irgendwie 🤔
      Die letzten Kilometer zogen sich noch echt, Google hat Strecken drauf....die manchmal nicht so schön sind
      Außerdem werden Fahrten auf dem ganz alten Pflaster echt zur Torture.
      Aber dann irgendwann da.
      Campingplatz supervoll.
      Erst mal ankommen und morgen ist ein neuer Tag.☀️🥰
      Ich freue mich schon auf den Aufstieg zum Vesuv!
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Provincia di Latina, Latina


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