Santa Maria degli Angeli

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    • Dag 5

      Piazza della Repubblica / Stadtmauer

      30. august 2020, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Kurz vor unserem Stop beim Hardrock Cafe kamen wir noch in der Abendstimmung am Porta San Sebastiano vorbei, einem der alten Stadttore welches Teil der Aurelianischen Mauer war / ist.

      Nach dem Hardrock Cafe machten wir uns auf den Rückweg zum Hotel, unterwegs stoppten wir allerdings noch kurz an der Piazza della Repubblica und sahen uns die Fontana della Naiadi bei Nacht an.

      Außerdem kamen wir am städtischen Lamborghini Händler vorbei und beäugten die dort ausgestellten Fahrzeuge durchs Schaufenster.
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    • Dag 4

      Rom #1

      24. marts 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Einer der anstrengensden Tagen war der Tag in Rom. Viele große und schöne Gebäude, etwas Antike, schönes Wetter und viele Fotos machten den Tag aber trotzdem sehr schön. Der Vatikan war aber aber trotz der langen Wartezeit das Schönste.☉Læs mere

    • Dag 1


      4. marts 2017, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Life is unpredictable apriori.
      My life is double unpredictable as common one.
      Instead of Atacama desert found myself in Rome for a weekend 🙈
      Don't ask me how it's possible.
      In my life everything is possible 😂
      Anyway, all what happens is always for the better.
      I've been to Rome many times and last one was (omg! 😱) 7 years ago!
      So nice to see again one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
      I became older, Rome is eternal...
      P.S. Nice companion to Atacama - Bolivia trip is wanted. Amazing journey is guaranteed 😉
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    • Dag 7

      11.10.2016 Hard Rock Cafe Rome

      11. oktober 2016, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Zum Ausklang des Tages waren wir noch lecker Essen im Hard Rock Cafe. Davis fand den Gitarren Teller richtig toll. Zum Nachtisch gab's Cheesecake mit Oreo Keks, Chococake und Vanille Eis. Abschließend kann man sagen dass Rom eine wunderschöne Stadt ist, die man auf jeden Fall 6Tage lang besuchen kann. Morgen geht es dann mit dem Zug von Trastevere zum Hafen von Civitaviccia. Von dort starten wir mit der Norwegian Epic auf die 8 tägige Mittelmeer Kreuzfahrt.Læs mere

    • Dag 2


      12. maj 2015, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Day two, we made our way to Rome. There was a bus stop very close to our hotel, and the bus we hopped on took us to the closest subway. When we exited the subway tunnel we were greeted to the spectacular view of the Colosseum; it is enormous. We were also greeted by guys dressed up as Roman soldiers, waiting to swarm around tourists for some funny pictures, and 20 euro; we fell for it. However, we're not that bothered by it, because sometimes you just have to be the typical tourist.

      Getting into the Colosseum took as awhile because of how long the line was, and we were there before 0900. Not only was the line long outside, but inside as well. When you finally are able to get past the gates you're on your own. It's quite the structure, and you can only imagine what it was like to watch the gladiators fight in the those days. You're able to getting pretty high up in the Colosseum, however, there is a section that you can't go to unless you pay for the tour. It's the highest part in the Colosseum, and while I'm sure the view is spectacular, I don't know if it would be worth the price of it.

      After the Colosseum we made our way down the street to the Roman Forum. It's a very beautiful place to walk through, and there was a lot to see. At the end of the Roman Forum, we were greeted with the Altare della Patria, and the incorporated Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It's a huge building, and you are even able to go to the very top for only a few euro, and glass sided elevator ride. Trust us when we say, it is worth the price. The view is spectacular, and you're able to see the Roman Forum, and the Colosseum from the top.

      After we left we made our way through the streets in search of the Pantheon. It can be confusing, but there are signs that direct you to the popular tourist attractions. The Pantheon is a beautiful building in the middle of normal buildings; they just built around it, and only gave it as much space as needed. From there we made our way to various churches, and then the Spanish Steps. I don't remember how many churches we went to, but they were all beautiful, and very different from each other. Our advice, just go into every church you see, because they're all beautiful. To no one's surprise, the Spanish Steps were filled with tourists trying to find a part of the steps to sit down, and take a break from all the sightseeing. It was one of our favorite part of Rome, just because we were able to sit, and eat some delicious tiramisu from Pompi Tiramisu, which is only a minute or two from the Spanish Steps. I'm serious when I say that it was one of the best things we ate in Rome, and one of the best desserts we ever had.

      From there we made our wait to the Trevi Fountain, and to our disappointment, it was under renovation. A walk way was provided to get a closer look at the statues, but we were sad that we couldn't see the fountain in all it's glory.

      After the fountain we began to make our way to the Galleria Borghese, but we ended up getting there only a few minutes before it closed, so we decided to skip it. We were also pretty tired from all the walking, and sightseeing, so we just ended up grabbing a cab, and making our way to our final destination, Castel Sant'Angelo. Our plan was to find a restaurant overlooking the building, but there weren't any, so we just settled on a little restaurant. Castel Santel'Angelo was closing by the time we arrived, but we were still able to appreciate the statues on the bridge, and the building itself. While we were walking around the building trying to find a great view for a picture we stubbled upon the Vatican, and we were both surprised as to just how close everything was to each other. We then hopped into a cab, and made our way back to the hotel.

      Rome is a must see, but we recommend spending two or more days in Rome. We only gave ourselves one day in Rome, and while we saw the majority of what we wanted, there were a few places we missed.

      <b>Pompi Tiramisu</b> - Via della Croce, 82, 00187 Roma, Italy
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    • Dag 2

      ITALIEN 1997

      6. juli 1997, Italien ⋅ 24 °C

      Der Kultfilm "Go Trabi Go" von 1989 weckte den Wunsch gleiches auch mit unserem nagelneuen AUDI Avant zu unternehmen. Wie der Trabi auf seiner Reise unsanfte Begegnungen über sich ergehen lassen mußte, sollte es uns nicht viel anders ergehen: Bereits am 1. Urlaubstag auf dem ROLLO-Pass küsste uns ein kleiner Roter und musste das Rendezvous mit Totalausfall bezahlen.
      Wir hatten trotz eingebeulter Tür eine unbeschwerte, aber bildungslastige Reise: VENEDIG, FIRENZE, die VESPA-Schmiede in PONTEDERA, ROM, die Insel CAPRI, um einige der Stationen der Tour zu nennen...
      NACHTRAG: Spätestens auf dieser Reise ist klar: Die Kinder haben auch Benzin ⛽ im Blut!
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    • Dag 5

      Rom #2

      25. marts 2018, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Am zweiten Tag in Rom haben wir nach den Katakomben und einer Siesta auf der Wiese, das moderne Rom entdeckt wie zum Beispiel die Spanische Treppe und den Trevi Brunnen. Den restlichen Tag haben wir in der Sonne auf der Piazza Navona verbracht und die Künstlern beim Karikieren und Portrieren beobachtet.☉Læs mere

    • Dag 59

      Sea-ya Salerno, Hi-ya Roma!

      1. november 2017, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Checked out of accommodation, and had coffee nearby. Nice just chatting in the sun. Then a walk along the boardwalk followed by some limoncello and pistachio creme tasting (the latter was nicer). Got a nice sandwich (took a chance and ordered by stumbling through in Italian as it wasn't immediately clear they made sandwiches but he did so in front of us).

      Then took train to Rome. Nice trip with some good views. Walked to our new place and paid the visitor tax ($NZD85 for 8 nights - not obvious from the airbnb listing but oh well). Place nice so far - in a great neighbourhood.

      Went to supermarket and branched out a little with our purchases. Then strolled through the cute cobblestone streets to a takeaway place recommended by the host. Not fantastic. Might just try to find places ourselves then.

      Off to explore Rome tomorrow!
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    • Dag 33

      Rome in 35,000 steps

      21. september 2017, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      So the day didn't start well when I woke up to find my my computer had completely died... aaarrrg.. bloody thing, nothing I tried could revive it and the damn thing is not that old! Sigh!!!!
      Breakfast is far more simple here... but none the less satisfying, then it was off to the station for the train into Rome which costs 2.60 Euro each and takes about 35 minutes.
      Arriving at Roma Terminale we were soon heading out to explore.... our aim today was NOT to pay to look at old things! Our first stop was the Colosseum... amazing, historic, but unbearably packed and tourist infested.. we walked around the outside, took some photos and then wandered on to the Circus Maximus and from there to the Piazza Porta san Paulo, where, just behind the museum which is in the centre of the roundabout, we discovered a random Pyramid (Pyramide Cestius, which was built in 12 BC in only 330 days as the tomb for Gias Cestius). Interesting but apparently only open on random Sundays and as it was a Thursday..... We continued on to the Aventine keyhole.. literally a keyhole you look through which perfectly frames the dome of St Peter's Basilica. Amazing!
      From there we continued on to locate the Mouth of Truth... Bocca della Veritas which is an ancient sculpture of a face, the mouth of which one is supposed to place one's hand into to test truthfulness... again we declined to pay and queue, but took a photo and moved on.
      Our next stop was Torre Argentina which is a cat sanctuary located in the ruins of a temple complex believed to be the site where Julius Ceaser was murdered... it is currently home to 640 stray cats... I felt guilty and bought the t-shirt to help support their work caring for the cats. Moving on again we had a quick visit to the street market at Piazza Campo de Fiori (uninspiring) before heading for the Pantheon... which I was amazed to discover is free.
      We ended up going via Piazza Nuova which has a famous fountain and also many tourists. The Pantheon also has a stupid number of tourists but it was well with seeing.. it is a gorgeous building!!
      Becoming slightly lost we were relieved to finally find the Trevi Fountain... again stupidly packed with tourists... and whistle blowing police... however I tossed in a coin as per tradition and we continued on to the Spanish Steps. Again they were stupid with tourists but I did the requisite walk up and down and then we headed to La Romana... a famous Gelatria which has been in operation for over 70 years... here we enjoyed the most amazing Gelati .. 2.70Euro for a choc filled cone and 3 delicious flavours....mmmmmmm.
      Well and truly full it was time to say goodbye to Rome. Back to the station we quickly sorted out a train to Zagarolo and were there by about 10 to 7. We grabbed a few bits and pieces from the supermarket for tea and while Kirstin headed back to the hostel I had a bit of a wander via the old town before returning to the hostel for tea and some local red wine... aahhhh Roma
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    • Dag 2

      Bella Italia

      3. juli 2017, Italien ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Nachdem ich heute Morgen schon eine Stunde früher als geplant in Rom angekommen bin und ich dann auch noch innerhalb von 15 Minuten ein Hostel gefunden habe und auch sofort einchecken konnte, habe ich mich schon um 10 Uhr auf den Weg gemacht.
      Mein erstes Ziel ➡️Das Kolosseum 🇮🇹
      Leider war, wie nicht anders zu erwarten, die Hölle los. Wäre ja auch zu viel Glück aufeinmal gewesen ☘️😉 .
      So verbrachte ich erst einmal über eine Stunde mit anstehen, aber das Warten hat sich am Ende aufjedenfall gelohnt.
      Anschließend bin ich dann ziemlich planlos durch Rom gelaufen. Aber da es hier unzählige Sehenswürdigkeiten und Baudenkmäler gibt wurde mir natürlich nicht langweilig. Am Ende war ich knapp 10 Stunden unterwegs und habe neben dem Kolosseum noch das Pantheon, das Kapitol (auf das ich wirklich nur ganz zufällig gestoßen bin, wobei es bei seiner größe auch kaum zu übersehen ist 🙈) den Trevi-Brunnen und die Spanische Treppe besichtigt. Ich bin bestimmt noch an einem Duzend weiterer Bauwerke und Kirchen vorbei gelaufen von denen ich noch nie in meinem Leben etwas gehört habe. Aber hier gibt es wirklich an jeder Ecke irgendein pompöses Gebäude mit zahlreichen Statuen und wichtig klingendem, in Stein gemeiseltem Namen neben der überdimensional großen "Tür". Und nein das ist keinesfalls negativ gemeint, Rom ist wirklich eine wunderschöne Stadt 😍. Zuerst habe ich auch ganz enthusiastisch alle mir unbekannten Bauwerke gegoogelt, habe dann aber eingesehen dass ich mir eh nicht alles merken kann und habe die weiteren Stunden einfach nurnoch die Aussicht genossen.
      Im Nachhinein war es auch absolut keine gute Idee so planlos loszulaufen. Jeder der mich und meine Orientierungssinn kennt weiß wieso, denn ja, ich schaffe es sogar trotz Googlemaps mich zu verlaufen/verfahren 🤦. Und so bin ich, sagen wir mal "des Öfteren" eine Straße zweimal lang oder sogar wieder zurück gelaufen, so bin ich am Ende ganze 3 mal am Kolosseum vorbei gelaufen 😅.
      Da ich nun aber bereits einen großen Teil von den Dingen gesehen habe die mich interessieren, werde ich wohl nurnoch Morgen in Rom verbringen und dann weiterziehen.
      Nach dem heutigen Tag bin ich auch wirklich froh in einem vernünftigen Bett und nicht im Bus schlafen zu müssen, es wird wohl auch nicht mehr lange dauern bis ich jetzt dann todmüde ins Bett falle 😉😴
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