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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Arashiyama
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    • Dag 2

      Pierwszy hostel - Kyoto

      24. august 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Dojechaliśmy do naszego pierwszego spania - zostaniemy tu 3 dni. To ponoć najlepszy hostel na świecie i nasze grupa miała mega farta, że tu nocujemy (bo dla tych z mają i września nie było terminu). Jest wielki, ładny i czysty i jest w nich onsen! (gorące źródła)Læs mere

    • Dag 71

      Japon - Kyoto

      20. november 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Voilà 2 jours que je suis sur Kyoto.
      Dans l’absolu, c’est une très chouette ville à visiter, énormément de temple à voir, des park, et des musées !

      Mais bon étant donné que ça fait 2 mois que je suis en Asie, je dois dire que je commence à avoir ma dose de temples … un de plus ou un de moins ça me change pas grand choses.

      Donc un peu déçu parce que a part des temples à visiter eh bien il n’y a pas grand chose, mais je comprends totalement l’engouement qu’il y à autour de cette ville!
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    • Dag 226

      Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple, Kyoto, Japan

      19. maj, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Such an unusual temple with hundreds, maybe thousands, of small statues across the site. All of them were carved individually so there's lots of variation in their facial expressions.

      The moss and grass growing around them make them meld almost seamless into the landscape, looking like they were always there.

      There was also a more unusual Buddha sculpture, as it had been made to be touched so that blind people could experience it too.

      We loved exploring the temple area, and the walk up to it was lovely too as it took us through a local village and some touristy shops - one where we bought some more yuzu sake!
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    • Dag 14


      14. februar, Japan ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Oggi siamo andati a visitare il famoso Tempio Kiyomizu-dera. Il passaggio è meraviglioso intorno a questo imponente ed importante tempio, ma la quantità di persone che si aggirano per il complesso di tempi è esageratamente molto. Non ouso ad immaginare nei periodi di alta stagione quanto sia complicato visitare questo luogo. Personalmente dopo una visita frugale, ho cercato di uscire dai classici percorsi , e ci siamo inoltrati ad esplorare il bosco. Siamo arrivati ad un piccolo tempio Senkaji-Temple, non c’era neanche una mosca. Molto bello e nascosta sulla collina. Non era un percorso amato dai turisti fortunatamente. Dopo averlo visitato, nel sentiero di ritorno abbiamo notato un cartello scritto a mano coffe&toilet ,davanti ad una piccola casa. Intorno l’abitazione c’era un gran disordine, ci siamo avvicinati e al mio “sumimasen “, se ne esci questo simpatico signore anziano, Utou-San il quale risponde “douzo “( prego, accomodatevi). Con un inglese scarso, e il mio ancora più scarso del suo entriamo nella sua casa, e per 200¥ ci prepara un caffè. La casa è piccola e incasinata, ma autori-San è gentile e contento dei nostri pochi spiccioli. Ci sediamo ,mentre lui va in cucina a prepararci il caffè. Al suo ritorno accendi la vecchio radio e infila un cd. Nella copertina c’è una ragazza con una guitarra in mano. Il cognome è lo stesso, la ragazza è la figlia del signor Utou-san e fa la musicista a Nara. Suona la guitarra, la musica assomiglia alle canzoni di Francisco Tarrega. Lui è contento, e vorrebbe fare due chiacchiere. Prendi il dizionario in mano, io il mio pocket talk ed iniziamo la nostra chiacchierata. Anche in mezzo alla confusione ed moltitudine se hai un po’ di curiosità puoi fare dei incontri inaspettati.Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      Day 14-15

      15. marts, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Day 14

      After a hearty breakfast we started to make our way to Kyoto- our mission for the day! We took a bus to Shizuoka station and then caught the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Kyoto. In truth, the bullet trains are incredibly over priced and it is definitely cheaper (but much much longer) to travel by bus but the bullet train never gets old, the views and constant building of speed makes it really fun and it makes the time pass very quickly so before we knew it we were arriving in Kyoto station.

      Once we arrived in Kyoto we checked into our hostel which is a roll out mat on the floor- going pretty traditional this time and clearly luxurious! We quickly dumped our bags and then headed out to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine so we could squeeze in an activity on our first day here!

      Established in 711AD this is the iconic shrine that many of you will have heard of, it’s a corridor of orange gates or Toris that lead up mountain Inariyama or “holy mountain” and is regarded as one of kyotos and probably Japan’s most famous sights. This makes it incredibly over run with tourists. It was quite the shock coming from the middle of no where seeing no tourists to suddenly being absolutely swarmed by them!! We started at the main hall where we saw a traditional dance and got goshuin in our notebooks and then headed up through the sea of gates of which there is over 10,000 ! Luckily the further up the mountain you go the less people there are so they began to thin out as we gained altitude, but I was really shocked by just how busy it was. I have to say that I’m not surprised they have brought in a new tourist tax that you have to pay hotels and hostels as there is just so many of us!

      Day 15

      We started this morning in Arashiyama Bamboo Forest which is exaclty what it sounds like- a walkway through forest of bamboo. Again, there were so many people but luckily once you go to see some of the shrines a little further off the main path it quietens down quickly and you can enjoy the temples and views with a quieter outlook. The forest itself was very impressive and picturesque as it cast long shadows and creaked in the wind it was definitely worth the 45 minute bus there!

      We spent most of the rest of today going around temples collecting goshuin - we are up to about 11 now as not all temples seem to do them! I also wrote “my wishes and prayers” down on a small wooden slab called Ema, this is traditionally done and then hung up in the temples as it is believed that the gods can read them and make your prayers come true so we will have to wait and see if mine do! I really enjoyed this afternoon as this is a nice way to get away from the crowds of Kyoto as we visited the temples that aren’t “the best” ones and therefore they are completey empty, which I actually think makes them the “best ones” after all!

      For those who don’t know, the local authority as of next month are closing lots of the traditional and older areas of Kyoto to tourists including parts of Gion which is home of the geisha girls due to overcrowding and people not respecting the space. To be honest, after today I can’t say i blame them, I know we are here during busy season but it feels 10x more touristy than Tokyo did and sadly not everyone was respectful and were eating in the temples amongst other things. We had to work a little harder to get away from the crowds today than we have before but we found some really lovely spots so I can’t complain!
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    • Dag 9

      Kyoto Day 2

      27. marts, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Today we got up at the crack of dawn to attend and participate in a Buddhist ceremony in a nearby temple. It involved a lot of chanting and different drums which made christian sermons seem pretty dull by comparison. Afterwards we had a closer look at the temple and its treasures before making our way to the Arashiyama bamboo forest to beat the crowds – which worked a little bit. ;-)

      After walking along Katsura-River we went to the so-called Kimono Forest, a little outside exhibition of unsual Kimono-designs (and had some more snacks obviously).

      In the afternoon we got an introduction into the art of matcha tea ceremonies. We liked the precision and purpose of every movement and started to understand how some Japanese people spend a lot of time studying this from tea masters.

      Still feeling very Zen from the tea ceremony, we visited the impressive Higashi Hongan-ji Temple (one of the largest wooden buildings in the world apparently).

      In the evening we went to the famous Inari Shrine with its thousand red Tori Gates. Another place full of people but coming in the evening meant there was less of a crowd which made the experience much more serene.

      Ending the day with a Katsu-Dinner where you grill your own steak slices and dip them in various sauces - delicious!! 🤤
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    • Dag 12

      Kioto ultimo dia

      10. november 2023, Japan ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Llovía a mares, así que decidimos visitar el bosque de bambú en transporte tradicional.

      Ademas de estar más fuerte que el vinagre nuestro conductor era un excelente fotógrafo 😂

      Templo dorado (lleno de gente pese a la lluvia)

      Y cena de gyozas michelin!
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    • Dag 45

      Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

      23. oktober 2022, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute ging unsere Reise weiter nach Kyoto, wo wir allerdings nur eine Nach verbringen. Die Zugfahrt war kurz und somit waren wir natürlich zu früh im Hotel, um das Zimmer bereits beziehen zu können. Immerhin konnten wir das Gepäck dort deponieren. Wir machten uns wiederum auf zum Bahnhof von Kyoto, wo es mit einem Regionalzug nach Arashiyama ging. Unweit vom Bahnhof Arashiyama befindet sich ein bekannter Bambuswald. An diesem Sonntag kamen natürlich noch ganz viele andere auch auf diese Idee. 🙃 Der Weg durch den Wald war aber dennoch ziemlich eindrücklich. Nach einem rund einstündigen Aufenthalt in Arashiyama ging es dann ins Hotel, um uns ein wenig zu erholen.

      «Arboleda de bambú de Arashiyama»

      Hoy continuamos nuestro viaje a Kioto, donde sólo nos quedamos una noche. El viaje en tren fue corto, por lo que llegamos al hotel demasiado pronto para poder mudarnos en nuestra habitación. Al menos pudimos dejar nuestro equipaje allí. Nos dirigimos de nuevo a la estación de Kioto, donde tomamos un tren regional hacia Arashiyama. No muy lejos de la estación de Arashiyama hay un conocido bosque de bambú. Este domingo, por supuesto, a muchos otros se les ocurrió esta idea. 🙃 No obstante, el paseo por el bosque fue bastante impresionante. Tras una hora de estancia en Arashiyama, volvimos al hotel para relajarnos un poco.
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    • Dag 14

      Shu bamboo

      2. februar 2023, Japan ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Today we were with Shu. We went to the ninja and samurai museum and learnt to throw ninja stars and dress up as a samurai. The guide was very funny telling us the history of the samurai. We then had a 7 11teen lunch and went to the bamboo forest and a golden temple. People were throwing coins at rocks and i missed many times. For dinner we had sushi shinkansen 🚄🚄. We said goodbye to Shu.Læs mere

    • Dag 217

      Macaque/Snow Monkeys (by Lewis)

      22. marts 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      During our time in Japan, we hiked through a bamboo forest and saw some macaque monkeys. Their limbs are very similar to those of humans; they even have fingerprints. The fingerprints act as a cleat for better traction for gripping objects. Their rear limbs look and work just like the front two. That's why they can climb up trees with ease. They even have a flat nail just like us, which enables them to grab and hold small objects and food easily. This flat nail is only seen on humans and species of monkeys. I think humans and monkeys are actually quite alike.Læs mere

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    Arashiyama, 嵐山, Арашияма

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