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    • Dzień 58

      Welcome to Beppu

      26 września 2023, Japonia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Geschrieben von Isabelle

      Nach meinem Abschied von Ito und einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Hiroshima, ging es für mich in weiter in den Süden Japans, nach Beppu. Die Stadt mit ca. 120000 Einwohner ist vor allem bekannt für seine heißen Quellen. Auch hier arbeite ich in einem Hostel (leider sehr heruntergekommen und dreckig) und nutze meine viele freie Zeit (ich arbeite 3h/Tag, dreimal pro Woche), um die Gegend zu erkunden.

      Mein erster Ausflug führte mich zu den sieben Höllen von Beppu. Die sieben Höllen sind sehr heiße Quellen, in denen man nicht schwimmen sollte, wenn man Verbrennungen vermeiden möchte. Stattdessen kann man ihr Farbspiel und ihren Geruch nach faulen Eiern, der mich sofort an meine Zeit in Island erinnerte, aus der Ferne genießen. Leider ist der Eintritt ziemlich teuer (ca. 3-4 Euro pro Quelle), sodass ich mir nicht alle sieben, sondern lediglich zwei heiße Quellen angeschaut habe. Die Quellen sind oft von schönen Parks umgeben, manche haben sogar ein eigenes Aquarium oder einen Krokodilpark.

      Wer möchte kann außerdem durch das Dorf Kannawa spazieren und Essen, dass mit heißem Dampf aus den Quellen zubereitet wurde, probieren.

      Insgesamt bin ich nach dem ersten Schock über die Zustände im Hostel gut angekommen und erfreue mich nun meiner freien Zeit, die ich mit Cello spielen, Schwimmen oder Bewerbungen verbringe.

      English version

      Written by Isabelle

      After saying goodbye to Ito and a short stay in Hiroshima, I went on to the south of Japan, to Beppu. The city with about 120000 inhabitants is mainly known for its hot springs. Here I also work in a hostel (unfortunately very run down and dirty) and use my extensive free time (I work 3h/day, three times a week) to explore the area.

      My first excursion took me to the seven hells of Beppu. The seven hells are very hot hot springs that you should not swim in if you want to avoid burns. Instead, you can enjoy their many colors and their rotten egg smell, which immediately reminded me of my time in Iceland, from a distance. Unfortunately, the entrance fee is quite expensive (about 3-4 euros per spring), so I didn't check out all seven hot springs, but only two. The springs are often surrounded by beautiful parks, some even have their own aquarium or crocodile park.

      If you want, you can also walk through the village of Kannawa and taste food prepared with hot steam from the springs.

      Overall, after the initial shock of the conditions in the hostel, I arrived well and now enjoy my free time, which I spend playing the cello, swimming or applying for jobs.
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    • Dzień 12

      Yufuin und Beppu

      8 listopada 2023, Japonia

      Heute sind wir um 7:30 aufgewacht und es ging erstmal kurz in unseren Mini Onsen. Als wir bereit waren fragten wir beim Hotel an und ein Taxi in die Innenstadt zu bestellen. Wir wollten einfach unsere Energie sparen… als das Taxi uns am Bahnhof rausgelassen hat, stellte sich heraus das die Kosten vom Hotel übernommen wurden. Haben uns erstmal sehr darüber gefreut.

      Dann sind wir noch mal durch die Straßen von Yufuin gelaufen, die morgens recht leer waren. Aber wir merkten schon, dass es langsam immer voller wurde.

      Erstmal wollten wir in der📍Miffy Bakery frühstücken, aber nachdem wir etwas geholt hatten, haben wir gemerkt das es nur Sitze für Kinder gab… und von dem Essen waren wir auch nicht grad satt. Zum Glück fanden wir etwas später das Café 📍Bread, Espresso & und hier gab es leckere Panini.

      Gestärkt vom Frühstück haben wir dann erstmal geschaut wie wir nach Beppu kommen, und diesmal hatten wir Glück den es gab zwei Plätze im Sightseeing Zug “Yufuin no Mori”, den wir auf der Herfahrt nicht nehmen konnten. Haben dann noch einen Café getrunken und dann ging es auch Richtung Beppu.

      Hier schauten wir uns als erstes die “Hells” an. Das sind unterschiedliche heiße Quellen die man besichtigen kann. In der ganzen Stadt und auch a den Hells war überall Dampf. Und man konnte leckeren Pudding und Onsen Eier essen. Wir haben uns allerdings nur ein paar der heißen Quellen angeschaut, da uns der Eintritt für alle etwas zu teuer war (ca. 16€), dafür das sich vieles wiederholt hat.

      Zum späten Mittagessen ging es dann ins 📍Jigoku Mushi - hier konnte man aussuchen was man will und es dann im Dampf der heissen Quellen selber dämpfen lassen. Nach 15 Minuten war unser Essen fertig und sehr lecker, auch wenn es etwas teuer war für die Menge an essen. Aber sowas hat man halt auch nicht in DE 🥲

      Satt wie wir waren liefen wir dann zum Kifune Schloß, ganz oben in der Stadt. Hier hatte man eine super Aussicht über alles. Für das Schloss waren wir leider zu spät dran, anscheinend wird dort eine weiße Schlange gehalten, die Glück bringt. Vor dem Schloss war zumindest eine sehr große, weiße, tote Schlange… war ein interessanter Anblick 🥲

      Mit dem Bus ging es dann Richtung Bahnhof, allerdings hatte sehr viel zu und wir entschieden uns eine Stunde früher wieder nach Fukuoka zu fahren.

      Dort sind wir noch auf einen Weihnachtsmarkt gegangen. Es gab einen Stand der “Glühwein Haus” hieß aber als Kevin einen Glühwein bestellt hat, wurden wir nur verwundert angeschaut und mussten auf englisch bestellen 🥲
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    • Dzień 17

      Beppu, Stadt der Onsen

      21 kwietnia 2018, Japonia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Onsen, die heißen Quellen bzw. öffentlichen Bäder, haben in meinem Blog noch keinen Platz erhalten, weil ich es noch nicht gewagt hatte, dieses japanische Nationalheiligtum zu betreten. Dafür bin ich nach Beppu gereist, einer Stadt unweit des Mount Aso, einem noch sehr aktiven Vulkan. Entsprechend blubbert, dampft und zischt es hier überall, allerdings mit einer Wucht, wie ich sie noch nicht erlebt habe.
      In Beppu unterscheidet man zwei Arten von Onsen: Die Höllen (jingu), und die normalen Onsen.
      Die Höllen sind sehr heiß und beinhalten verschiedene Mineralien, sodass sie zum Baden ungeeignet zu reinen Touristenattraktionen geworden sind. Wir haben auf Reisen ja nun schon einige vulkanische Quellen gesehen, aber es ist immer wieder ein Ereignis. Interessant ist auch, wie die Länder damit umgehen. In Japan ist es jedenfalls einen Touristen-Gaudi. Es gibt kleine Shows, tropische Zoos (wo die Tiere unter recht schlechten Bedingungen gehalten werden), schöne Gärten, Gemeinschaftsfußbäder und natürlich Essen, das im heißen Dampf gegart wurde.
      Die normalen Onsen sind nichts anderes als öffentliche Bäder. Nicht selten gibt es in den traditionelleren Hostels nur eine Dusche mit dem Hinweis, Japaner würden sie eh nicht nutzen, sondern das benachbarte Onsen besuchen. Hier gilt es ein paar Regeln zu beachten, was in Beppu wieder ein Abenteuer war, weil die englischen Erklärungen nicht ausreichten und ich mir statt dessen von einer alten japanischen Dame zeigen ließ, wie es geht. Zuerst muss man das japanische Zeichen für "Frauen" erkennen und ins richtige Bad gehen. Dort zieht man sich splitternackt aus (deswegen gibts dazu auch keine Fotos) und geht in den Badebereich, der aus einem Becken mit heißem (!) Wasser besteht. Bevor man hineinsteigt, soll man sich allerding gründlich reinigen. Die Frage war nur: wie eigentlich? Es gibt nämlich keine Duschen und nur wenige Wasserhähne. Man schnappt sich also ein sehr kleines Plastikhöckerschen und eine Schale, stellt das Höckerchen irgendwo auf die freie Fläche am Beckenrand und setzt sich, schöpft Wasser aus dem Becken oder dem Wasserhahn, seift sich fröhlich ein und übergießt sich anschließend mithilfe der Schale. Dann steigt man uns Becken, genießt das heiße Wasser, kühlt sich am Beckenrand ab und wiederholt dies, bis man völlig aufgeweicht ist. Ein schönes Detail: Bevor man sich anzieht kann, kann man sich von einem Ventilator abkühlen lassen!
      In Beppu gab es noch Besonderheiten: ein Bad mit Vulkanschlamm, superheiße Dampfbäder sowie Sandbäder. Bei letzterem bekommt man zunächst eine Art Bademantel an und wird dann 15 Minuten in warmem feuchten Vulkansand begraben. Wirklich sehr entspannend!
      Um so viel Entspannung auch genießen zu können, bin ich natürlich wieder durch wunderschöne Wälder auf ein Gipfel, den Mt. Tsurumi, gestiegen😁.
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    • Dzień 36


      13 czerwca 2016, Japonia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      It was already time to leave Shikoku again and set off for Kyushu or more specifically Beppu. When i was planning my trip i figured some days of rest would be welcome after Tokyo, Osaka and the Shimanami Kaido. And what better place to do this in one of the most renowned onsen towns. I had two options to get there. One was by train but it would be a long way around. The other was by ferry which was a bit more expensive but shorter and i figured also a nice experience. So i opted for the ferry. I had to take a train to get to the port of Yawatahama first and was surprised by the beauty of the surrounding mountains. The morning fog made it even more beautiful. I arrived at the ferry port just after 8am only to find out that the first ferry would not leave until 10.15am. So much for waking up early to catch the earlies ferry. There was nothing to do but wait and kill time by working on my blog and trying to catch some sleep. The ticket window opend an hour before departure and after filling in a form with my personal information i bought myself a 2nd class ticket for the ferry.
      The ferry arrived and we got the sign to get onboard. After the obligatory ticket check i climbed the stairs to enter the ferry. I made sure to get onboard asap so i would get a seat with a nice view. But to my surprise there were only about seats for eight people, the rest of the interior was just basically an elevated floor where you had to take your shoes off and take one of the square pillows so you could comfortably lay down. I was suprised at first but soon realised that this was actually a pretty good idea. The ferry ride would last over 3 hours and only the first and last couple of minutes would be interesting. The biggest part of the journey was quite boring with nothing to see except the waves. So the best thing would be sleeping anyway. :-)
      After a nice nap and some working on my blog the boat had arrived at the terminal in Beppu. I left the ferry and set off to walk into the town. I had read there was a really nice aquarium in Beppu and took the bus from Beppu station to go see some fish. The aquarium itself is not that big but nicely setup with some interesting themed basins with underwaterlife from all over the world. There was even a very nice coral display with live coral, something you don't see everyday as coral is not that easy to grow in an aquarium.
      It had gotten time to get to the hostel and after check-in it was time for a shower and a short power nap. I noticed in the hall there were some tips for local activities and restaurants and i noticed one about a local Gyoza restaurant. Gyoza are fried dumplings of Chinese origin. I've had them a couple of times before as a side dish and these things are absolutely delicious. And to get a plateful of these little wonders for only 600 yen was something i could not resist. The restaurant was easy to find and there is no menu. The lady behind the counter only asks how many portions you want and if you want a beer with it. Now it may sound strange that a restaurant only serves one dish but it's not that uncommon and after trying the first you won't have any problems with the lack of choice. These dumplings are insanely good! The whole plate was gone within a minute even though i got in a converstation with Shinichisan, a local from Beppu. On the way back to the hostel i grabbed me a couple of cold brewskis. In the hostel's common room i met Daisy and Sunshine and wast later joined by Toshi and some other folks for some good talks before getting some well deserved sleep.
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    • Dzień 34

      Day 33: Shaking to Hell

      18 kwietnia, Japonia ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      After a great night in the company of a quite intense earthquake, we are ready to reach Beppu! Known for its eight major geothermal hot spots, sometimes referred to as the "eight hells of Beppu" 👹and the large number of crocodiles 🐊😱 Lucky lunch break, where a kind woman who loves roses 🌹, accepted us in her home made cosy restaurant. Lucky day also for Zoé, not only she felt down in the foot onsen 💦😂, but she found a new friend 🐒 Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 112

      Kyushu, Japan

      2 września 2017, Japonia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We made it to Japan! We rented a car with our friend Edwin and embarked on a road trip around Kyushu, Japan's southern most island. Our first day was very eventful. First, our short flight over was delayed from 3pm until 2:45am (damn you cheap airlines)! After about two hours of sleep, we arrived in Fukuoka. We checked into our hotel for a few more hours of sleep. Waking up about five minutes before our check out time and we had just enough time to throw on some clothes before there was a knock on our door. It was the hotel manager asking us in Japanese to do some sort of interview (we quickly discovered that almost no one speaks English in the south of Japan). We hesitantly consented and found ourselves ambushed by a full news crew with cameras rolling. With bags under our eyes, I think we gave an interview about our opinions on the hotel not serving dinner? It was a very confusing but funny experience.

      That out of the way, we knew Japan was going to be a good time. We spent the next few days in our rental car exploring quaint towns and villages. We enjoyed a gondola ride and an impromptu two hour hike to a temple on a mountain. It is amazing how similar to New Zealand this area of Japan is. We spent one day (Edwin's birthday!) eating our way through a beautiful mountain town and perusing the unique shops full of anime, hello kitty, and chop sticks.

      One of my favorite parts about Japan is the public bath houses. Everywhere we stayed they had these mini spas that are separated based on gender. You shower very thoroughly before you get into the giant hot pool fully naked. Proper etiquette is to not make eye contact or talk to anyone else in the pool. Once bathed, you put on your kimono and take time to relax. I'm told most Japanese people do this twice a day.

      We also spent a day exploring an active volcano, Mt. Aso. We had fun walking through the tall grass, watching the horses play, and taking in Japan's natural beauty.
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    • Dzień 38


      15 czerwca 2016, Japonia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      We had agreed to do some sporty activities today together and the plan was to gather in the hostel's common room at around 2.30pm. That would leave me plenty time to do two special onsens today. The first one being a sand bath at the beach. I figured this would be a good one to start with as it was relatively close to the hostel and a good base from where to get to the second onsen. Rina, a guest from the onsen, told me how to find the place and after a short walk from the trainstation i found myself in the sand bath place. I got a short explanation at the ticket booth. Basically what you do is wash yourself like you do before you enter an onsen and only put on the yukata that is provided to you. The sandbath itself is mixed gender and that is probably also the reason why you keep your yukata on at all times. Even when you are buried in sand.
      I entered the sandbasin and was instructed to lay down in a small pit that was already dug. Once i layed down. the ladies began to bury me in hot black vulcanic sand. It was a really weird sensation. Almost like somebody covers you with a really heavy electric blanket. And even though the sand was not that hot, the fact that it covered my entire body except my head made me sweat profusely. You stay buried for around 15 minutes which was enough for me. The ladies checked up on me every couple of minutes or so. I don't know if it was standard procedure or because they saw me sweating like a hog. :-P Finally the sign was given and with some instructions from the crew i was able to free myself from the sand. I couldn't wait to get under the shower since the sand was everywhere. I rinsed of all the sand from the yukata and also myself and after getting dressed i went on to the next onsen. It was called Hoyo onsen and although it's quite far from the center of Beppu it's still a favourite among onsen frequenters because beside the normal onsens it also has an mud onsen. This was something i just had to try! My google maps app said it was only one walk away and so i decided to walk to the onsen. Wat Google maps forgot to mention, however, was the fact that the entire walk was uphill for one hour straight. I was still sweating from the sandbath and walking uphill in the scorching sun made me sweat even more. I think i drank two liters of water without even having to pee once.
      I finally arrived at the onsen and quickly found my way to the outside mud onsen bath. Now my experience has tought me always to be careful as the bottom of the onsen is not always visible and almost always treachourous since it's made up of natural stone. And of course after two steps in i slipped and fell head first in the muddy water. Obviously onsens are a serious thing so nobody laughed out loud but i am pretty sure most of the folks had to hold in their laughs seeing me go down. the bath itself was surprisingly nice and not smelly at all. It is said to give you a smooth and clean skin so that's always good. I had to leave the onsen pretty early because the way back would also be an hour walk and it was already half past one in the afternoon. The walk back to the hostel was nice as it gave me a chance to cool down a bit. As i got back to the hostel, most of the group was already there and we set off to the baseball batting venue first. There were several pitching machines with various speeds and effects. I found it pretty hard to actually hit the ball right, although i managed to hit some homeruns. ;-) I played some airhockey with Rinasan and after a short game of pingpong we walked back. Halfway through the walk we found a bamboo forest with some loose bamboo and Toshi thought it would be nice to bring some bamboo with us to use as decoration for the hostel. He carried these three meter long bamboo stalks all the way back to the hostel, sometimes blocking traffic when we crossed a road. We stopped to get some beer and went on to a park to play some volleybal. It was already getting dark and it was time to get back to the hostel. Rinasan and i decided we had walked enough and took the bus while the others walked the last bit. Rinasan went straight back to the hostel and I wanted to get one more portion of those delicious Gyoza i ate two days ago. Unfortunately the restaurant was closed and so i had to make do with a salad and some beer from the local konbini. When i got back at the hostel the others were already there and after watching a Japanese dubbed episode of Knight Rider and some more beers i went to bed. Again knackered. ;-)
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