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    • Day 82

      מצודת הירושימה וגני שוקייאן

      May 27 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      עברנו להירושימה.
      הגענו ב1130 לתחנת הרכבת, מוקדם מדי לעשות צ'ק אין.
      בהרבה מאוד אתרים ביפן יש לוקרים, בפרט בכל תחנת רכבת. השארנו את המזוודות שלנו בתחנה וטיילנו קרוב לתחנה, לגני Shukkeien שנמצאים קרוב למצודת הירושימה.
      הגן שונה מהגנים היפניים הקודמים שראינו והיו בו יותר פרחים ופחות מרבדי דשא. קנינו בכניסה אוכל לדגים ובמהלך הטיול הילדים האכילו את הדגים הרבים ששחו באגם.
      משם המשכנו למצודה שם למדנו קצת, באנגלית, על ההיסטוריה של המצודה, ראינו שריונות וחרבות של סמוראים ועלינו לקומה החמישית לצפות בנוף.
      המצודה נחרבה בהפצצה ב1945 ונבנתה מחדש.
      חזרנו לתחנת הרכבת, אספנו את הציוד והגענו לחדר 💖
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    • Day 71


      June 13, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Im Westen Japans liegt die Stadt Hiroshima, die wohl jedem durch den grauenvollen Atombombenabwurf ein Begriff ist. Wir besuchen das Friedensmuseum und den Friedenspark. Erinnerungsorte, die sich mit der tragischen Geschichte der Stadt auseinandersetzen und für Frieden auf der Welt appellieren. Nationalsport in Japan ist übrigens Baseball. Wir schauen ein Spiel der Hiroshima Toyu Carps, fiebern mit der Mannschaft mit und feuern sie gemeinsam mit den Fans an.Read more

    • Day 141

      Hiroshima und Miyajima

      March 18 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Nach einem „kontinentalen“ Frühstück, bei dem wir uns für Misosuppe mit Nudeln und gebratenem Hühnchen entschieden (nicht den Reis vergessen 😎), wurden wir von unserem Guide Yoko abgeholt. Sie führte uns als erstes auf die Insel Miyajima, die malerisch vor Hiroshima liegt. Berühmt ist die Insel für den Itsukushima-Schrein und dem dazugehörigen Eingangstor, genannt Torii, das im Wasser steht 🤩. Ebenfalls ist die Insel für ihre gegrillte Austern bekannt, die wir probiert und als überraschend gut befunden haben. Anschließend besuchten wir den buddhistischen Tempel Daishoin, in dem wir barfuß den Gebetsrundgang im kompletten Dunkeln abgelaufen sind (die Hand an der Wand hat uns geführt und am Ende kam mit dem Ausgang die Erleuchtung 😎). Nach einem gemütlichen Spaziergang über die Insel, führte uns Yoko zu einem ihrer Lieblingsrestaurants für die lokale Spezialität Okonomiyaki, ein Pfannkuchen mit Eiernudeln, Kohl, Bacon und für uns mit Shrimps und Mayo - superlecker und richtig sattmachend. Nachmittags gingen wir dann zum Friedensdenkmal, dem zugehörigen Park und Museum; hier wurde detailliert der Atombombenabwurf und die Folgen dargestellt; sehr bewegend und stimmte uns nachdenklich. Yoko zeigte uns zum Abschluss der Tour noch einen japanischen Eisladen und wir beendeten den Tag mit Matcha-Softeis, schmeckte uns besser als gedacht 😄 Fazit: Yoko war superlieb und aufmerksam, unsere Füße tun weh und wir haben sehr viel gesehen und gelacht; morgen geht es wieder in den Shinkansen und Richtung Norden 🥰🥰Read more

    • Day 13

      Goodbye Hiroshima hello Osaka again

      April 14 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      This morning we depart Hiroshima via the bullet train to Shin-Osaka Station. This station has fantastic shops and the bento packs to eat in transit seem popular.

      We will fly along at about 300 km per hour. Meanwhile our bus will take the slow route back with our bags and catch us with up later in the day.

      Osaka will be more free time to shop and check out the station precinct until the bus gets here.

      We enjoyed a walking tour of the Dōtonbori area. One of Osaka's most popular tourist destinations, this street runs parallel to the Dōtonbori canal and it was packed today being a Sunday. The shopping was good although we didn’t really try the street food after eating on the train.

      This evening is our last together on tour so we will enjoy a dinner as a group at a local restaurant. It was a set menu with drinks provided. The hot sake was a favourite. The tables were low with a foot well. No shoes allowed.
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    • Day 5

      Hiroshima / Miyajima

      October 1, 2019 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Pris par le temps, juste un jour sans match on décide de visiter une île temple près de Hiroshima, Miyajima, île que l'on atteint par bateau depuis Hiroshima.
      En plus elle est un peu thypique, quelques, beaucoup de cerfs se mêlent au touristes.Read more

    • Day 8

      Cooking Okonominyaki

      September 24, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      We've been on the hunt for okonominyaki since we arrived here as Paul's mate Casper said it was a must. Despite enquiring at every eating house we had been at to date, we had had no success. Until we walked up to the venue where our cooking class was being held, and what did we discover we were cooking. You wouldn't read about it.

      Just look at his face! We were cooking Okonomiyaki!

      Alan, you're a wizard.

      As we learnt during the night, Hiroshima and Osaka are THE places to try okonomiyaki but they have different styles. In Osaka, all the ingredients are added into the pancake as it cooks (like an omelette) whereas in Hiroshima, it is assembled progressively in layers (like a lasagne).

      You'll be pleased to know we got there 15 mins early, washed up, obligatory photos and they tried not to tsk-tsk a the tardy Aussie couple that showed up 10 mins late.

      The cooking class was heaps of fun. Its pretty straightforward to do, just with lots of steps. You fry the pancake, add cabbage, onion, tempura and pork belly strips, and flip it! Then when it's cooked, you move it to the side off the hot spot of the grill whilst you cook the noodles separately into a pancake shape. Next, scoop up the cabbage with your flippers and layer onto the noodle pancake. Then finally, you crack an egg, scramble it a bit to create a little pancake, then lift the previous pile onto it, finishing with a final flip. Add sauce and toppings, then tuck in.

      We were chatting away with a couple from Sydney, swapping stories about how much we love Japan. Seems like our experiences have been similar and we all agreed that our favourite part of Japan was the people. Universally respectful, kind and peaceful. Gee, it's going to be a shock coming home.

      With super full tummies, it was a gentle nighttime walk back to our hotel, watching the glittering city as we crossed the river. Our beautifully folded washing was waiting in the hotel foyer, neatly wrapped in plastic bundles within our case. A little envelope contained all the contents of our pockets, including money; I just fell in love with Japan a little bit more then and there.

      After unpacking and repacking our two-day bags, the main cases loaded with sake are being forwarded to Tokyo. Tomorrow, we aim to visit the Hiroshima landmarks before catching the ferry to the Rokyu island.

      Step count; 98,000 to date.
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    • Day 5


      March 17 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute habe ich mit dem Kollegen der bereits angekommen war im Hotel gefrühstückt. Anschließend haben wir beide Hiroschima unsicher gemacht und die Umgebubg erkundet. Ein Outlet Center in der Nähe war dann der Nachmittagsabschluss.

      Abends haben wir uns was kleines gesucht und sind bei Sushi 🍣 gelandet. Echt lecker und ingesamt sogar noch recht günstig.
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    • Day 21

      Shukkeien and Hiroshima Castle

      December 19, 2022 in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      The Shukkeien gardens were very peaceful and nice to wander through, there were a few people but quiet enough to enjoy wandering slowly through. I found some massive quince which I wish I could have brought back for Varne to put in a cider, they were the size of your fist.
      When I got to the castle I started to feel sombre again as alot of the buildings had been destroyed and the castle was quite a bit smaller than the others I had seen, I wonder if it was rebuild more recently as it sorta looked like it.
      You get this strange feeling in this town that it's broken from the past a little but also somehow at peace with that. I don't know how to explain it but it's almost a broken spirit feeling. The people are still nice and happy but it's just a feeling.
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    • Day 6

      Shukukeien Gardens

      May 16, 2023 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We contemplated what to do on the way back from the island. We’d talked to a young couple yesterday who’d been to the Gardens and they were very impressed so we thought we’d have a look.
      Bit of a city tour on the green bus and we were there. Another picture perfect spot in the middle of a busy city. The Japanese really know how to do manicured gardens. There are so many, big ones, little tiny ones in front of apartments and houses.

      Hiroshima is hosting the G7 in a couple of days which we knew nothing about when we booked although I did wonder why nearly every hotel was booked out. Consequently nearly every policeman in Japan is here. They are literally on every street corner. Even over on the island this morning. We got a couple of them to take photos for us, they were very accommodating. 😂

      Made our way back into the restaurant area after the gardens. Still too early for dinner so we found a bar to have a drink. Had to pay ¥1100 to sit at the bar for half and hour but you got a free drink. Couple of very pretty girls behind the bar all dressed the same, black short skirt, white shirt, bit like Simply Irresistible. Umm we’re not really sure what sort of bar this is, seemed like once they’d got your drink they had to stay and talk to you. Hard work for our waitress, but she was doing her best. She wants to go to Australia later in the year and work for a year over there. So of course Graham gives her his card and invites her to stay with us. Well she was trilled and all the other girls came running over to look at the card. I wouldn’t be surprised if Monkey turns up on our doorstep in November. By this time our half and hour was up so either buy another drink or get out, Graham had another beer and we started quizzing the waitress where to have dinner, we’ll there was a big discussion across the whole bar and luckily one of their regulars or their pimp I’m not really sure which had a bit of English and he managed to tell us about a Sashimi restaurant only a few hundreds meters away.

      Set off to find this place with only a photo and the vague directions from old mate. After a couple of wrong turns and some guidance from a young guy getting into his flash car, he actually followed us in his car around a few corners to make sure we got there ok.
      Delicious sashimi, fish, prawns, caviar, eel, squid, bonito, very upmarket place all the chefs behind the bars in their gleaming whites.

      When we’d left the bar we noticed a charcoal grill place across the way, so after leaving the sashimi we decided to check it out. It was another winner. Got some cooking lessons off the head Chef ( well not really a chef because they don’t cook any thing you do that at the table but the knife skills they had to cut that meat, amazing) They had the baseball playing in there and Hiroshima was winning. They were all very excited when we showed some interest.

      When we got back to the hotel the funny little guy came running out to find us. Sorry sorry he keep saying, I’m pretty sure that the only English word he knows. He forgot to get me to sign the credit card slip, had probably been having anxiety attacks over it all day.
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    • Day 7

      Sightseeing mit den Bosch Kollegen

      March 19 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Heute Morgen ging es nach dem Frühstück 08:00 Uhr los auf unsere gemeinsame Bosch Tour.
      Es ging durch einen Japanischen Garten und danach zu einem Castle.

      Die meisten Gebäude wurden durch die Atombombe 1945 zerstört. Es blieben nur wenige stehen, z.B. der Atomic bomb Dome.
      Ein wenig erinnert das an unsere KZ-Anlagen in Deutschland.

      Im Anschluss ging es zu einer Japanischen Culture Insel mit dem Namen Miyajima mit teilweise originalen Gebäuden.

      Am Ende ging es zurück zu einem Abendessen mit viel Sake und Bier 🍺
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ōsukachō, Osukacho

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