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Os 10 melhores destinos Nairobi
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    • Dia 26

      Nairobi 1

      31 de janeiro de 2020, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      La métropole tentaculaire de Nairobi compte plus de 9 millions d'habitants. Au milieu, le très actif CBD : bâtiments historiques, banques, échoppes de tailleurs, cosmétiques, téléphonie, etc. Le moindre mètre carré est utilisé pour un kiosque Safaricom ou Airtel. Nous quadrillons ces rues pour faire nos petites emplettes et nous régalons de hummus et poulet biryani dans un resto "indo-arabe" qui propose des plats indiens et moyen-orientaux. Dans ce coin du monde, chapatis et shawarmas font bon ménage. En même temps, le concept de mélanger cuisines indienne et arabe, ça envoie du rêve ! Peu de mzungus, mais la ville doit bien avoir son lot d'expats un peu plus loin dans les banlieues chics. On va faire un tour au Musée National où s'entasse toute une population d'oiseaux empaillés. Mais devant le musée c'est un marabout lost in translation et bien vivant qui observe les passants.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Willkommen in Nairobi

      16 de fevereiro de 2020, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nachdem wir im Flugzeug nach Dubai unsere persönliche Stewardess hatten, ging es mit dem nächsten Flieger nach Nairobi. Die Eingangshalle erinnert eher an eine große Lagerhalle, als an einen Flughafen. Trotz E-Visa dauert die Einreise ewig... willkommen in Afrika!
      Vor dem Eingang werden wir von Peter bereits erwartet, der uns sicher (wenn auch eher im Schneckentempo) zu Cecilia bringt.
      Nairobi erinnert uns mit den bunten Häusern, den kleinen Ständen am Straßenrand, den lauten und vollen Bussen, den langsamen Verkehr, den schlechten Straßen und den vielen Menschen ein wenig an Indien. Wir sind erschöpft und froh, endlich nach 22 Stunden Reise anzukommen.
      Cecilia’s Neffe bezieht unsere Betten und richtet unser eigenes Zimmer her, Cecilia geht mit uns einkaufen und bekocht uns und Victor, Cecilias Bruder plant mit uns die Safari.
      Mal wieder können wir die Gastfreundschaft kaum fassen und sind sehr froh zu couchsurfen und so direkt einen Einblick in die kenianische Kultur zu bekommen.
      Tot müde fallen wir ins Bett und freuen uns auf die anstehende Safari. “Lala Salam Nairobi” (Gute Nacht Nairobi)
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    • Dia 101


      3 de setembro de 2022, Quênia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nairobi ist Kenias Hauptstadt. Einerseits kann die Armut nicht übersehen werden, andererseits strotzt die Stadt voller Hipster- Cafés.

      Nairobi is Kenya's capital. On the one hand, poverty cannot be overlooked, but on the other hand, the city is bursting with hipster cafés.Leia mais

    • Dia 7


      3 de dezembro de 2022, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Den nächsten Tag in Nairobi starten wir gemütlich um 12:30 Uhr mit Frühstück auf dem Balkon. Danach verschaffen wir uns einen Überblick von der Aussichtsplattform des Kenyatta International Convention Center im Stadtzentrum. Ein schöner, friedlicher Ort zum chillen mit 360 Grad Aussicht.

      Nairobi entstand um 1900 als Versorgungszentrum zur Eisenbahnerweiterung der Uganda-Bahn und ist seit der Unabhängigkeit 1963 schnell gewachsen. Heute leben ca. 4,5 Mio Menschen hier, ohne öffentliche Verkehrsmittel (außer Bussen) und teils ohne Abfall- und Abwasserentsorgung. Uns zeigt sich die Stadt mit vielen großen Bäumen, also abwechslungsreiche Kombination aus neu und alt, arm und relativ reich. Ein Abendessen in einem guten lokalen Restaurant (siehe Fotos) ist umgerechnet rund 10€/pP recht teuer.

      Andi führt uns durch die wuselige Innenstadt vorbei an Kleiderläden, Hardwarestores, Straßenhändlern und modernen Shops zur Uni direkt neben dem ältesten Hotel der Stadt.
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    • Dia 2

      Nairobi National Park Tag 1

      9 de janeiro de 2023, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Hatte zu Hause soooo lange überlegt, welches Objektiv am besten wäre, und dann gefühlte 1000x umgepackt, um hier in Afrika festzustellen, dass deswegen die falsche Kamera dabei ist 😭 aber machen wir das Beste draus. Die Tierwelt ist trotzdem eindrücklichLeia mais

    • Dia 33

      Nairobi is bae!

      10 de fevereiro de 2023, Quênia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      As we were exiting the highway to enter downtown Nairobi, I felt the same giddiness as I did when entering New York City. I know the comparison is perhaps a bit much, but when I see skyscrapers and highway bridges, my excitement does not discriminate! While living on a farm for the past 30 days was pure bliss, I now know for a fact that I am just a pure city girl at heart. And boy, what a city Nairobi is!! Bustling, pulsing, breathing, organised chaos and colorfully diverse... Modern to a fault, and undeniably african. While the look was somewhat reminiscent of American cities (well, to me at least!), the feel reminded me more of a "spicy" city like Istanbul. Arusha made me want to retreat, blend in, even their food was understated. Nairobi makes you want to step out and be unapologetically your authentic self... I am digging it! These crazy thoughts were clearly induced by some incredibly delicious and spicy and HOT vegetable stew and honey ginger cinnamon tea... Nairobi is trying to woo me, and as far as I am concerned, Nairobi is bae... My horrendous phone camera and picture taking skills don't nearly do it justice, but I can assure you, this city has got it going on!!!Leia mais

    • Dia 33

      Days 1-7: what have I been up to?

      10 de fevereiro de 2023, Quênia

      After a month stay in t banana farm eco hostel in Tanzania, I am relishing the city life in Nairobi. Well, more like the diversity of foods, really!

      First order of business: I moved into my accomodation for the month, a tiny house in the suburbs of Nairobi. A dream come true for the minimalist in me, and a joy to have a full kitchen again, after many weeks without! The place is so serene, I barely want to leave to go anywhere, except to go try out some food of course...

      I happen to live within walking distance of the best fish restaurant in Nairobi apparently. While I am *mostly* vegetarian, I have been known to make an exception for fish under some circumstances, and well the best fish experience in a hipster, industrial style setting seemed worthy of such an exception. So off I went... Step 1: pick a fresh fish from the lake ( fresh, but not alive!), Step 2: they weigh the fish and price it, step 3: they fry it in a pan over an open wooden fire and slather it in some coriander tomato sauce gooeyness, step 4: you take a seat and order sides and sip on some natural sugar cane, lime and ginger juice! The verdict: the sauce and the drink were the real MVPs, the lake fish tasted more bland than the salty fishes from the sea, which I am more used to :-) Ambiance was on point, clearly a well loved local joint!

      The next few days, I organized a dairy and produce delivery from a local farm, and true to my swiss & american ways, I of course tried the locally made (brown's food co) cheddar cheese, cream cheese, greek yoghurt, hummus, artisanal crackers and cinnamon raisin bagels which are all to die for!

      One thing I would say is utterly inconvenient in Nairobi, as is in most African cities (also Dakar for sure), is public transportation. Basically you have a choice between unpractical and dirt cheap, or Taxi/Uber (convenient, but swiss expensive)... Middle class locals solve this problem by getting a car, which is now relatively cheap, but of course translate into condensed traffic. So if you don't want to drive yourself, you are left with two options at extreme ends of the spectrum. On the few days that I left the house, I have spent a minimum of 20chf per trip, just for round trip fare, a far cry from the 24-hour ticket in Zurich which goes for 13chf and gives you access to all of Zurich and suburbs for a full 24 hour period. Understandably one has to be efficient about city trips, and yes so far, I have mostly ended up in one of the many Nairobi malls. Not proud of this 😅 but clearly the most local thing to do here, and surprisingly an excellent way to try out some of the Nairobi food offerings... also most malls here incorporate outside areas so not the typical enclosed experience! So yes, from the many cafés, to Arab/indian influenced restaurants, to Ethiopian take away, I can say my palette has been richly entertained here in Nairobi.

      But it's only been a week, I am now heading to the sea, and when I am back, I fully intent to figure out the accomodation/ public transportation business and get myself more out of the house for authentic fun outside of the malls 😸
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    • Dia 106

      Sunday Nairobi H3 #749

      16 de abril de 2023, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      After finally arriving in Nairobi, 32 hours later than planned, arrival was fairly easy.
      Heading straight to my hotel, I got a quick 4 hour nap . . . and then it was off to the Sunday hash here in Nairobi (a.k.a. the Sash).

      I was all set to grab an Uber, but Maasai Disaster offered to give me a lift, and he was told that I needed a down down to start the day . . . so I got to enjoy a Tusker beer on the ride to the hash. We had about 25 hashers lined up at the start, and after a brief introduction, we were off. There was a most excellently marked trail, and it appeared that almost everyone did the long trail (short was only 6k), as we all just trotted along through side streets and alleyways, and completed a 10 Km trail back to the meeting place. You pay for your own beers at the bar, but a small sum of 200 Shillings (~$1.50 US), gets you down down beer and a nice buffet meal after circle.

      Everyone was very friendly, and we had some good laughs after a most enjoyable trail. Many thanks to the SNH3 for a great day. As I was on pure adrenaline after the long flight, it was back to the hotel for more sleep.
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    • Dia 107

      Original Nairobi H3 #1177

      17 de abril de 2023, Quênia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Another great day of running around the streets of Nairobi, and meeting new friends on the hash. Well, I actually had some old friends at this one, but always good to catch up.

      We met out in the Embassy area, off United Nations Ave. As you may guess, there were several embassies in this area, as well as the UN Headquarters, which we ended up running past towards the end of trail.

      Speaking of trail, after the usual introductions, the runners were sent off in advance of the walkers. We headed up the street to the main road (UN Ave) and found the first bit of shiggy passing through a farmer's field. From there it was along the side of the road which was mostly under construction. Looping around, we found a bit more shiggy before coming back around to UN Ave.

      Then, trail turned down a long street with fences on both sides, only to hit the Hurricane Stop (drink stop), then turned around back to UN Ave to make the final 1.5 kms back to the house. Runners ended up with about 9 K, and the walkers was something like 4 k (according to the hares).

      Circle was a good event, with 4 actual virgins, and a handful of visitors, including Fat Ass. Following circle, we had an excellent dinner of chili and salad, washed down with several kinds of beer to choose from. Another great day on the hash.
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    • Dia 109

      Hiking Karura Forest

      19 de abril de 2023, Quênia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Enjoying my stay in Nairobi, and after getting in a couple hash trails on Sun and Mon, I was able to get out for some great hikes. There are so many enjoyable dirt trails to hike right in the city limits. Was able to get in about 25 kms worth over the past couples days. Today we hiked in Karura Forest, very relaxing.Leia mais

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    Nairobi, Nairobi Province

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