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    • Hari 58

      Luang Prabang

      8 Januari, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Anna hat sich eine Erkältung von der Klimaanlage im Sleeperbus eingefangen also wird der Tag heute gemütlich angegangen. Nach einem sehr späten Frühstück machen wir uns auf den Weg in die Innenstadt. Heute besuchen wir das Heuan Chan Heritage House. In dem traditionellen laotischen Haus lernen wir sehr viel über die laotische Kultur, deren Lebensweise, Zeremonien und die Küche.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31–36

      Ankunft in Luang Prabang

      13 Januari, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Am nächsten Tag ging es weiter mit dem Boot nach Luang Prabang. Zum Glück hatten wir für diesen Abschnitt ein viel besseres Boot.

      Die Stadt hat einen französischen Einfluss mit vielen Cafés und kleinen Lädchen, also ganz nach meinem Geschmack...:)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 20

      Luang Prabang - Chill-Edition

      17 April, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ich hätte besser wissen sollen, dass dieser Urlaub ohne Pläne besser funktioniert. Gestern noch geplant, habe ich heute alles wieder über Bord geworfen - mein Magen macht mir weiter erhebliche Probleme und groggi fühle ich mich auch irgendwie ein bisschen.

      Also hieß es statt zeitigem Stadtrundgang ausschlafen und dann ab zum Frühstück in mein Lieblingscafé mit Blick auf den Mekong (Tea-Time again). Hier habe ich mich eine Weile in bester Gesellschaft aufgehalten, bevor ich mich dann doch auf eine kleine Runde getraut habe. Pi Mai Partys sind heute tatsächlich nicht mehr, dafür werden fleißig die Spuren (und Müllberge!!!!) von den vergangenen Tagen beseitigt. So hat die Stadt fast ihre besondere Atmosphäre wieder.☺️

      Ziel des Stadtbummels war der Phu Si Hill, um (erneut) den Sonnenuntergang zu genießen. Trotz der vielen Menschen hat es sich gelohnt und ihr bekommt einen Mini-Spam dazu. Es mich (erneut) wütend gemacht hat, ist das kleine Vögel in Mini-Käfigen gehalten werden, mit damit Touris sie kaufen und auf dem Gipfel freilassen können. Warum nur macht man sowas?😏

      Da weiterhin nicht so viel mit mir los Ist, geht’s auch heute nur nochmal auf den Nachtmarkt und eine Nudelsuppe essen. Ich bin etwas stolz auf mich, dass ich dieses Jahr nicht so eskaliert bin und lediglich zwei Schälchen, etwas Tee und Postkarten gekauft habe. Wäre im Rucksack sonst aber auch schwierig gewesen.😁

      Fototechnisch ist es für euch heute eher langweilig - same same wie letztes Jahr. Aber ich bin froh, dass ich ganz beruhigt auch einfach wenig machen und die Stadt so genießen konnte, da ich das wichtigste letztes Jahr schon gesehen habe.

      I should have known better that this vacation works better without plans. Planned yesterday, I threw everything overboard again today - my stomach continues to cause considerable problems and I feel a bit weak. So instead of a short city tour early in the morning and a ride to Kuang Si waterfalls, it was time to sleep in and then off to my favorite café with a view of the Mekong (Tea-Time Again) for breakfast. Here I stayed in the best company for a while before I dared to go for a small walk. No Pi Mai parties today, but the tracks (and mountains of rubbish!!!) have to bee diligently eliminated from the past few days. So the city almost has its special atmosphere again.☺️ The aim of the city stroll was the Phu Si Hill (again) to enjoy the sunset. Despite the many people, it was worth it and you get a mini spam with it. It has made me angry (again) is that little birds are kept in mini cages so that tourists can buy them and release them on the summit. Why just do something like that?😏 Since I still don't have that much going on with me, today we're just going to the night market and eating a noodle soup again. I'm a little proud of myself that I'm not so escalated this year and just bought two bowls, some tea and postcards. Otherwise it would have been difficult in a backpack. 😁 In terms of photography, it's rather boring for you today - same same as last year. But I'm glad that I was just able to do little with peace of mind and enjoy the city because I saw the most important thing last year.
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    • Hari 671

      Luang Prabang

      7 Mei, Laos ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Die Stadt lebt ganz offensichtlich von den vielen Touristen. Neben zahlreichen Gasthäusern gibt es viele Restaurants und Cafés. Es gibt Western Food und die koloniale Vergangenheit zeigt sich bei allerlei Backwaren, die die französische Vergangenheit deutlich machen.

      Besonders viel gibt es sonst nicht zum anschauen. Am Vormittag gehe ich zum Besucherzentrum des Uxolao, einer Ausstellung über die Folgen der amerikanischen Bombardierungen des Landes während des sogenannten „Heimlichen Krieges“. Laos ist eines der am stärksten bombardierten Länder der Welt.

      Auf dem Berg in der Stadt gibt es einen Tempel den ich ziemlich schweißtreibend erreicht habe. Das war dann das Programm am späten Nachmittag.
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    • Hari 91

      Day 91

      6 Mei, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Kayak Trip 2

      I barely slept because of the thunderstorm in the night, the chickens at sunrise, and some mystery machine that made a whole lotta noise. Despite that I was feeling better and was ready for the day. Before breakfast, we end up playing football with some of the village kids for a while, and when it was time for breakfast I ended up giving them all a bunch of high fives which was really really cute.

      For breakfast we had some sticky rice and some other stuff but honestly I can't remember, but I had a sachet of light roast coffee which I'm sure had lots of creamer in, and honestly I think I've found the kind of coffee that I like. It's one of the few coffees I've ever had where I really enjoyed it and wanted more. I'm sure it also helped with the lack of good sleep too. We packed our things and said thankyou to our host then went to go paddling again. A bunch of the village kids had come to the bank to wave us goodbye and we were off.

      Today was a lot better than yesterday, I wasn't in as much pain which meant Michelle and I were able to get in sync much easier. Kasper ended up paddling super far ahead of us which meant we missed our planned lunch stop but that was fine because it had only been an hour or 2 since we had breakfast. When we caught up to Kasper we all ended up having a little lie down in our kayaks for a little bit as we were well ahead of schedule. It was really nice laying down with a life vest as a pillow and feet in the water, gently floating down the river. Unfortunately we didn't float very far but it was very relaxing nonetheless.

      We ended up getting sight of the dam that marked the end of our suffering / journey and as we approached the currents definitely picked up a bit, helping us along which meant we could float for a bit until we landed on the bank. When we had pulled our kayaks onto land and got them out of the way of the boat behind us uploading timber, we perched a seat on the logs and had a nice lunch of glass noodles wrapped in banana leaves. After a strangely comfortable lie down on the logs, it turns out we had boarded the wrong bank and had to get everything back onto the kayaks and paddle a little bit further towards the kayak to where the minibus was waiting for us. We had to haul our kayaks up from the water up a concrete ramp, up a small dirt verge then heave the kayaks up and onto the roof so they could be strapped down. The 2 person kayak especially was super heavy and didn't have a wheel to help go up the ramp and I somehow ended up carrying most the kayaks which was more work than the kayaking today.

      We hopped into our local bus and went towards Luang Prabang. Because I was helping strap the kayaks down, I was last in the bus which meant I was lucky enough to sit more towards the front and have a bit of AC and a window next to me which was more than the people behind me. After a while towards Luang Prabang, we pulled over and got the kayaks off the roof and dumped them on the side of the road to be picked up later and taken back to Nong Khiaw. Worse than getting the kayaks up was taking them down as there's a sudden moment where the weight suddenly drops down on you. Having built up a sweat, I grabbed some water and some snacks from the shop nearby and we kept going to Luang Prabang.

      When we arrived there was a bit of confusion with the directions as Google Maps directed us across a motorbike only bridge which our driver knew about but refused to look at my map and only wanted me to point forward or left which is why I ended up choosing wrong. He presumably started cursing me out in Lao so I handed my phone to the dude next to me so he could talk to the driver instead of me. We arrived and we got our bags down from the roof and said goodbye and thankyou to David before Michelle and I went to check in at our hostel.

      We chilled for a bit and showered before deciding to go for a walk to explore Luang Prabang. Michelle had already been before but I hadn't so we did a little loop of the main touristy bit so I could get a feel of the place. It was a nice little city with a night market and all kind of centrered around a temple on the hill called Phousi Hill (but hilariously pronounced with a P not a Ph sound). I was pretty sore so had decided I wanted a massage and they were super cheap so I couldn't resist. We found a cheap looking place and I went in. I went for a head, neck, shoulder, and back massage although a lot of the choices looked quite good. After my painful experience with a Thai massage I was a bit fearful of a Lao massage and decided against it. After cleaning my feet, my masseuse took me upstairs to the mats on the floor and I laid down and she started on my back and neck, as well a bit of my legs too. Then, she had my lie on her lap on a pillow and she massaged my head. This was the nicest and most relaxing feeling I had ever felt I almost fell asleep 3 times. At the end, she did this weird thing and cracked my back in the most satisfying way I've ever felt. And just like that, the most relaxing hour of my life was finished. I decided to tip her the price of the massage, that's how good it felt.

      Right after, I enjoyed some tea then headed out and met up with Michelle, Kasper, Rasmus, and Robert (the Scottish dude from Nong Khiaw) for some dinner at Kasper and Rasmus' favourite restaurant. They raved about a specific set of dishes that was the best thing ever so I blindly trusted them and let them order me some food. I ended up getting a pork laab salad, steamed rice, a Lao sausage (with a really weird jelly), and a mixed fruit shake. Honestly, it was okay but I'm not much of a salad guy and when mixing it with the rice it felt like it was missing a sauce. Still, it was really nice still. We had some beer with dinner and we decided that we would be going to the bowling alley as that was the 1 thing in Luang Prabang that a few of us hadn't done and wanted to do.

      The bowling alley was quite well known in Luang Prabang as it was open till 2am and was where everyone headed after everywhere shut around 10 or 11 if they wanted to keep the night going. Plus, it's bowling and who doesn't like bowling. 4 of us (minus Kasper as he was feeling a bit ill and tired) found a tuktuk driver (much different to the tuktuk in Cambodia) and got a lift over and it was a bit out of town. We grabbed a beer and played our first game. Around frame 7 Robert said that loser buys shots which I was not aware of and I am famously terrible at bowling. I was the last up and on the final bowl of my 10th frame I only had to knock down 1 more pin to tie with Michelle. Feeling the pressure, I lined up and bowled the most beautiful strike that has ever been bowled. Just kidding, I threw it straight into the gutter and turned and went straight to the bar and ordered 4 Lao Whisky as they were the cheapest shot on the menu. What I didn't know is Lao Whisky is basically happy water and made me feel incredibly ill as my stomach was still having flash backs to the Ha Giang Loop.

      What's awesome about Laos is I could order a pot noodle in the bowling alley for super cheap and have an awesome snack to have alongside my beer whilst playing bowling. Plus, it helped alot chasing the horrible Lao Whisky. For our 2nd game, now knowing that loser had to buy shots I decided to try and step up my game, unfortunately that meant do even worse than my first try and watch everyone do better. The only chance I had of not losing is if I scored 3 strikes in a row at the end. Feeling the pressure, I lined up and bowled the most beautiful strike that has ever been bowled. And this time I'm not lying I actually got a strike. When it came time for my 2nd and 3rd strike things collapsed a little bit and I went to buy my 2nd round. I ended up getting a cider and 3 shots of tequila as my stomach didn't want any more spirits. With that, alot of people started pouring in and filling up the alleys so we donated our lane to another group and sat around a table chatting.

      Eventually, Rasmus and I felt like heading outside for the post bowling event of archery. Because what's better than giving a bunch of drunk people a bow and arrow and very little supervision. Luckily I wasn't drunk but Rasmus and I lined up and scored a terrible round of archery, with only 4 of my 5 arrows hitting the board and, 3 of them being in the outer ring. Rasmus gained a sudden burst of energy and wanted to jump in with a group of people heading to the club but in the time that we went to grab Michelle and Robert, the tuktuk has gone and Rasmus wanted to head home to bed. We left Michelle and Robert to enjoy their night going clubbing whilst we went back to our hostels and went to sleep.
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    • Hari 40

      MandaLao Elephant Sanctuary, Laos

      18 Oktober 2019, Laos ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We spent the day at the MandaLao Elephant Sanctuary where they do an outstanding job of raising awareness and education around the plight of the elephants in South East Asia. They rescue the elephants from Camps where they are still being ridden even though this now against the law in Laos. The law is very weak here with no enforcement of any of the laws, in fact there is no police presence at all on the streets. Although it is a very safe and peaceful country there is a lot of corruption and it is still communist.

      We walked with two elephants and their Mahoots through the bush for a few hours just watching them interact in their natural habitat, eating the jungle vegetation, scratching themselves on trees, showering themselves with dirt cooling down in the streams we came across and also coming to us for a scratch or some more bananas. Each elephant has a Mahoot as a friend and carer, these young men become a Mahoot as young as 12 and stay with their Elephant for many many years, until they can train another to take over for them if they decide to leave. The Elephants understand up to 60 words and many hand signals. We were blown away when the staff discussed the high level of emotional intelligence that the elephants have, they are right up there with the most intelligent and emotionally aware animals on earth. The sense joy, sadness, and grief. They use tools, have a sense of humor with their mahoots and even show some artistic ability. The presence they had in their natural forest environment was incredible.

      Rach and Matt
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    • Hari 4

      Tag 4 * Ruhetag

      25 Januari 2020, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute haben wir uns mal etwas Ruhe gegönnt. Nachdem wir um 7Uhr aufgestanden sind, gab's erstmal Kaffee und Müsli mit frischen Früchten (super lecker 🧡). Wir haben dann Luang Prabang erkundet, haben den Mekong überquert, ein paar Wat's besichtigt, Mittag gegessen und Kaffee getrunken.... in Summe waren wir dann doch - überraschenderweise- ca. 15km unterwegs.
      Jetzt erstmal 1 Stunde Pause und dann schauen wie wir den restlichen Tag nutzen. 😊
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    • Hari 5

      Tag 5 * Easy Rider

      26 Januari 2020, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Tag 5 hat leider nur mäßig gut begonnen. Wir haben beide schlecht geschlafen da die laotischen Mönche in Feierstimmung zu sein scheinen und die ganze Nacht musiziert und gebeten haben (Übertragung per Lautsprecher damit's auch wirklich jeder mitbekommt 🙉). Zudem ist Armen angeschlagen... Männerschnupfen! Fast so schlimm wie der Coronavirus ☠️.
      Wir haben ein Moped gemietet und sind zu dem ca. 35 km entfernten Kuang Si Wasserfall gefahren.
      Traumhaft schön ist es dort ❤️
      Dort ist ausserdem das Bear Rescue Centre 🐻, eine Auffangstation für asiatische Schwarzbären, die vor dem illegalen Wildhandel gerettet wurden. Schön zu sehen wie gut sie sich erholt haben; sehr schlimm zu sehen was Menschen Tieren antun! 🤬😢
      Auf dem Rückweg haben wir einrn Stop bei der ersten Büffelmolkerei von Laos gemacht und Eis aus Büffelmilch probiert. Schmeckt lecker und ist auch für die intoleranten Mitbürger geeignet - laktoseintolerant! 😏
      Morgen geht's weiter nach Vientiane. Nun doch auf dem Luftweg, da die Busse - wenn's schlecht läuft's - auch mal 12h brauchen können.
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    • Hari 118

      Alms giving, Bike tour and night out

      26 Januari 2020, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we were up at 5.30am for Alms giving to the monks. 60% of the Lao population are Buddhist. Lao people wake early to cook sticky rice and at about 5.45am they come to the street to wait for monks to give food. After offering they will pour water to trees for their ancestors and also leave three small mounds of rice, I did the same.

      There will be about 150 monks passing through. Lao people do this for good prosperity and respect. Monks can not cook their own food and all other food they give to homeless.

      Monks also only eat twice a day. 7 am and 11-12 pm. Females can not touch monks, or they will have to pray for two months, so we had to be careful when giving them the offering.

      Two hours later, we went on a bike ride and stopped off at a temple, a clothes weaving place and a school where people learn English. We spoke with a monk in training about what he wants to be and what he likes. Cassie and I also had lunch at Joma, I had a mango salad which was delicious, given me ideas for when I get home.

      Later on, we went to dinner at a place called Utopia which is on the river front and also went for unusual Tapas at 525 bar, giving Mayfair Jazz bar vibes.
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    • Hari 9

      Mekong Vol. 2

      29 Januari 2020, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Erneut ging es heute mit dem Boot von Pakbeng aus weiter. Ziel und Endziel der Schiffsreise war heute Luang Prabang. Eine doch recht überschaubare Stadt.
      Die Bootsfahrt war wieder sehr gemächlich mit einem bedeutend besseren Schiff. Und wie könnte man ein Frühstück mit heißer Schokolade (es war wieder etwas kühl) auf dem Mekong überbieten?
      Nach kurzer Zeit kam die Sonne zum Vorschein und es wurde gemütlich warm. So wehte ständig eine warme Brise um die Ohren und man genoss die sanft vorbeiziehende Landschaft. Auf dem Boot haben wir uns eine kleine Laotin zur Freundin gemacht in dem wir ihr Schießgummis geschenkt haben. Chips wollte sie keine.
      Gegen 17 Uhr kamen wir dann in Luang Prabang an. Mit dem TukTuk ging es vom Anleger in die Stadt.
      Abends habe ich dann noch eine kleine Tour durch die Stadt gemacht und zu Abend gegessen.
      Morgen geht es zu den Kuang Si Falls.
      Das Hostel ist joa.
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