Kampung Singa Mata

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    • Day 34


      November 30, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Mir hei zwöi Täg und zwöi Nächt im Dschungel ufem Fluss Kinabatangan, zwüsche wilde Vögu, Affe und Mosquitos verbracht.
      Am Spannendste si d’Naseaffe (schön vor d’Linse berchunnsch die aber fasch nid) und zwöimau e wilde Orangutan (dä scho gar nid 😂) gsi 😍!Read more

    • Day 75–78

      Kinabatangan River / East coast wildlife

      May 8, 2024 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Wi gseit, uf Sandakan bini fürne dschungutour, houbtsächlech um ä Orang Utan in freier Wildbahn z gse. Sandakan säuber isch sehr unspektakulär, auso o nid gad dr schlechtist ort gsi zum chrank si, verpasst hani gloub nüd.

      D tour hani bi River Junkie buechet. Gueti rezessione und dr billigst abieter woni gfunge ha (aber glich dr türst postä uf dere reis, mit 900.- für 5 tag u 4 nächt imne massäschlag).
      Ds abhole het aber guet klappet u mir si direkt nach Sepilok gfahre. Es rehabilitierigszenter für Orang utans und Sunnäbärä. Eigentlich hani das nid wöue mache, wiui lieber komplett wiudi gse hät aus ersts, aber wenigstens hani denkt fausmer keni fingä oder sä nid guet gse chani vilech paar gueti Shots machä. Isch recht touristisch gsi, aber spannend u lustig di cheibä z beobachte (1isch hingerere schibä wosi üs nid gse hei, u einisch vomene steeg wosi gfüeteret si wordä). D männli si riiisig, het no d lüt wöue aagriffä 🙈😅.

      Vo sunnäbärä hani vorher no nie öbis ghört. Si härzig, aber leider fasch usgstorbä 😔

      D tour machi mit 2 holländer (vater u tochter), 2 ängländer (päärli) und eim guide.
      Dr vater isch rächt luschtig 😂 cheibä holländer enttüsche eim nie.

      När simer 2h iz chrut usegfahre. Zum Kinabatangan River. Schiins es wildlife paradies.
      I ha ä rächt schäbigi ungerkunft erwartet, u bi sehr positiv überrascht gsi, sogar mit klimamaalag und 4er zimmer. Isch nur 1 ängländerin dinne gsi, aber lord isch die arrogant gsi 🙈

      När hets täglech 2-3 Flusssafaris gä mit üsere gruppe. Guet organisiert und hei ungloublech viu vom fluss us gse, krokodiu, unzähligi kingfisher, x hundert affä (nasäaffä und silverleaf oder so), hornbills, ir nacht schlangä, u kingfisher us dr nöchi. Ir nacht heimer 1isch es trekking u 1isch ä flussfahrt gmacht. D flussfahrt isch dütlech besser gsi.
      Einisch hetsnis no riiiichtig verschiffet 😅😂.
      Am morge isch nie öbis mit usschlafe gsi, di ersti tour het immer am 6i gstartet 🙈.

      Am aabe u zwüsch de toure heimer chli UNO u schüschtigi sache gspiut. Isch ä ganz gueti gruppe, abgse drvo das si gwinne im UNO 😡

      Nach 2 täg simer ufdi letschti flussfahrt, u nam zmorgä när zersch 2h nach Lahad Datu gfahre, bürokratie erledigt füre zuegang zum dschungu, nomau öbis gässä u när nomau 2.5 stung offroad iz Danum Valley. Empfang u wifi gits kes dert.

      Kinabatangan River isch absolut empfählenswärt für aui Wildlife entusiastä 👍
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    • Day 60

      12.5. Kinabatangan River

      May 12, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      So entspannt bin ich selten in den Tag gestartet: eine Nacht mit Klimaanlage und netten Gesprächen mit Ellen, einer deutschen Backpackerin (schon 7 Monate unterwegs, 54 Jahre alt), leckeres Frühstück und eine Runde im Pool. Nach 36 gemeinsamen Stunden fällt der Abschied immer etwas schwer, vorallem weil wir die Reise-Leiden gemeinsam geteilt hatten. Danke liebe Ellen für deine offenen Ohren, dein freundliches Lächeln und deinen herzallerliebsten Schwäbischen Dialekt!
      Am Nachmittag fuhren wir dann mit der gebuchten Reisetruppe zum Kinabatangan River mit der Hoffnung auf viele Tiere und pure Natur im Reservat. In der Nature Lodge kommen wir in Schlafsälen unter und werden gleich mit leckeren frittierten Bananen versorgt. 2 Stunden fuhren wir zur Abenddämmerung über den Fluss und erfreuten uns an vielen Nasenaffen, Hornbills die über uns hinwegflogen oder tollende Makaken. Ein Babykrokodil sahen wir auch. Bei der Nachtwanderung (die Taschenlampe unsere Guides war kaputt. Dödümm) gab es nur einen schlafenden Vogel und einen Frosch zu entdecken. Vielleicht bin ich langsam von den vielen Jungle Touren aber schon verwöhnt ;)
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    • Day 39–41

      Sepiliok - Borneo

      October 19, 2024 in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Spent some time here continuing our wildlife spotting and introducing the kids to orang-utans and countless other primates. Decided to spend a bit of coin and take a cruise down the Kinabatangan River, which turned out to be a good decision. We got to see probiscus monkeys, silver leaf monkeys, red leaf monkeys, pig tail and long tail macaques in their natural environment. Luck continues to be on our side as we got to see a silver leaf monkey with a 1 week old baby who in contrast to the adults is bright orange. The trip was topped off by a 4+ metre croc who was trying to smash his way into a crab pot. A great experience for the kids, but seeing the thousands of acres of cleared jungle to make way for palm oil plantations was shocking. We stayed in a great place right next to a rainforest reserve and during our walk we stubbled across a big male pig tailed macaque that didn't enjoy our presence. It tried to attack us and Frog went all Clint Eastwood on his arse and scared him off with his bamboo walking about a fight flight freeze response - his adrenalin was definitely pumping. We later read that this species is extremely dangerous to humans.Read more

    • Day 77


      January 30, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      5:30 a.m. - We woke up early for the morning safari and it rained again.

      6:30 a.m. - The morning safari started and we didn’t saw a lot of wild life because of the rain. Just eagle and a hornbill.

      7:30 a.m. - We got back and got breakfast. After breakfast my friends surprised me with a cake, some balloons and a birthday hat for my birthday. I had to wear the hat all day long no matter for what. Furthermore they bought me a pack of fags as a present haha. Honestly I didn’t expected that. Anyways it was very lovely and kind of them. Afterwards I found out that they decorated my hole bed with balloons. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Lars. He just stayed one night because he got a flight to Jakarta the next day. I am still very bad in goodbye’s but I learned most of the time it’s not a goodbye just a see you later. However it was sad because we traveled for about 3 weeks together.

      9:30 a.m. - The plan was to go on a jungle trek. This time I chose the rubber boots from beginning. But our guide canceled the hike after 5min because of rain but there was no rain at all. He set another time to try a second time.

      10:30 a.m. - We met up again and he wanted to cancel again because the weather was not predictable to him. He gave us the vibe that he just don’t want to do it and to convince us to no go. Anyways we wanted to go because we didn’t wanted to just sit around. The trek was round about 1h long. We didn’t saw anything and just walked in the water but at least we did some exercise. And it started to rain when we already were back at the lodge.

      12:30 p.m. - We got another buffet for lunch and afterwards we had a deeptalk about life, metal health etc. Very interesting and emotional. Anyways the day started really bad so far and I was disappointed from the safari because you can see there wild pygmy elephants, orangutans and even crocodiles if you are lucky.

      3:30 p.m. - We started our last river cruise a bit earlier than planned and went quite far down the river. Luckily we saw some cool birds like the stork billed kingfisher, hornbills and some others. Furthermore we also saw a lot of macaque monkeys with we skipped today and some proboscis monkeys again. Suddenly the ranger discovered a crocodile somewhere near to the shore. At first I thought he is joking but when we came closer I saw it. From far away it looks like a huge log in the water. We went really close to it and it was amazing. It was a huge one and just chilling in the river going with the current and we were near it. You could hear all the monkeys screaming to warn the others. It was breathtaking beautiful but a bit scary at the same time. I was already very happy and satisfied. The further we went down the river the more old orangutan nest’s we saw. Orangutans build every evening a new nest with leaves somewhere in the top of a tree. So I had the hope to see some wild orangutans and suddenly I discovered something brown in the trees. So I told the ranger to turn a round a have a closer look. It was actually a orangutan and not only one there were two. A mother orangutan and her almost grown our baby. I couldn’t imagine my luck. We could saw the just with our eyes but it was way better with binoculars. It was insane to see them so clear and just watch them. The mother taught the baby actually how to swing properly from one tree to the other. He tried and tried for a couple of times until it worked out and the mother was just watching and helping a bit. It was amazing so words needed. Another boat came to see the monkeys as well and the were stuck at the shore so we had to help them out.

      6 p.m. - I was so happy when we went back to the lodge. So a day that started really bad turned out to one of the best in my life and it was my birthday as well. The rest of the evening we were just chatting with new arrivals and played some games. They even bought me a bottle of white wine and we just had a relaxed evening. Later we went for another night walk on the canopy walk but we saw nothing interesting that time.
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