Pulau Pinang

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    • Dzień 16

      Little India and everything in-between

      13 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      Today I got up earlier. I got to the little coffee place close to my house. It’s Sunday , so it was busy. Not one local, all tourists. But they had the traditional Malaysian breakfast I got yesterday, and it was good, so I didn’t care. The owners were there, getting in the way, telling staff to do things they already knew to do. I didn’t take a table I just sat at the coffee bar. I knew I was doing good, when one of the owners came by and exclaimed that I was having the traditional breakfast set. Lol, it’s not on their menu right now, but I saw it in the photo section of Google maps. That made me happy.
      The plan was to get money changed, and wind my way over to Little India. So but the time I got going after breakfast it was 10 am. And the sun here is really intense. We are also farther south by 2 1/2 hours than Bangkok. That makes a difference. This morning it was just tourists out. I was so glad to have my UV umbrella. I went to 3 different currency exchanges and they were all closed. But as I got to Little India, I found one and the streets were starting to come alive with people. I found this little lady selling Masala Chai and it was delicious. Even though it was hot tea and I was sweating. I wandered in an out of places, taking my time and enjoying the people watching. After a few hours, I started to wind my way back closer to the house. I wandered into a shop where they had caftans. I got a couple and on the way out saw these very light long sleeve tunics. As I turned to ask the man, he was already behind me. So I got 2 of them. I just don’t see this kind of clothing in Jacksonville. I’m the States, It’s all about wearing less clothes, not covering up from the sun. I’m seeing it here too. Super fair people wearing tank tops and shorts. 1) I would fry if I left that much uncovered, even with sunscreen. 2) This is a pretty conservative country. The more covered up, the better I feel.
      I wandered down a side lane, and got a few more things, and then moved on to a nice older lady selling caftans ( seeing a trend?!) I bought another one from her. Not a 10 ringgit one, but a 35 ringgit one. Her husband and another male family member were in the back. So she took it to him to bag, then took him the $ and he gave it to her to give to me. She was so happy I bought one from her. When I left I walked down to the end and turned around , I walked back by her. She waved and motioned for me to come closer. I did and she asked me if I was alone. I told her”Yes I am”. She told me to be careful. I promised her I was, that I have only been going out in the day.
      Women on this trip have been very nice. I have seen quite a few women of all ages traveling alone. I saw one older white lady in Chiang Mai at the Pad Thai place (the day I got my tattoo). She was eating, looking at her phone, in no hurry what so ever. After a bit, she got up, walked across the street got on a scooter, put on a helmet and putt-putted away. That was such a neat moment to capture.
      I haven’t been looking at my phone when I’m out eating. I’m trying to just be present in the moment. To be comfortable with myself whether I’m dripping sweat, or not sure of where to go or what to ask for. It’s been easier than I thought. Well, I’ve been practicing. And really trying to not take myself too seriously. And laughing when I fumble with something. People are generally helpful and are grateful for your business, your kindness and a smile.
      Tomorrow is my last full day here in Penang. I haven’t seen a fraction of what I thought I would see. I wanted to check out farther along the coast where there is a big expat community. But I also knew that by this time in the trip, I’d probably want to stick closer to the house. And I was right. Lol, I think renting this house was 60 % of wanting to come to Penang. I had originally planned to just hang out in Bangkok for another week. That would have been fine too. But then the Malaysian govt loosened its restrictions on tourists. And I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to come here.
      After tomorrow (Monday) I fly out Tuesday afternoon back to Bangkok (That is where I’m flying out of to come home). I have a full day in Bangkok (Wednesday) then I fly out of Bangkok Thursday evening. And because I’m flying west this time, I gain a day (instead of losing it like when I flew out here). So I will be back in NYC Friday Morning and home that evening.
      I’m ready to come home. It’s been fantastic, and those massages that 1st week really lowered my shoulders from around my ears. But the suspension of reality has to come to a close some time.
      I did see hotels and small inns here and in Thailand that I had seen while researching this trip. I’d easily come back and stay in them. Always researching, lol.
      So I’m going to order some more Indian food and chill. This is my favorite time of the day here. When the rain is slowing, I have music on (African mix from Spotify- it’s fantastic. So much talent from that part of the world). And try to go to bed at a reasonable time. I stayed up watching a movie last night. It’s funny, I’ve been watching light American comedy on this trip. And at home I’m watching Indian Crime dramas. Lol, it seems to balance well, so I’m not questioning it. Just going with what feels right. ❤️
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    • Dzień 44

      Georgetown II

      14 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Ja, hier gefällt es uns sehr! Gerne wären wir hier länger geblieben... Da wir aber bereits einen Flug für heute nach Langkawi gebucht haben, ist es ein wenig umständlich. Ursprünglich wollten wir mit dem Schiff nach Langkawi, aber weil sich alle Schiffe einer gründlichen Sicherheitskontrolle unterziehen müssen, haben sie alle Überfahrten bis auf weiteres gestrichen.

      Penang ist sehr vielfältig... Von Kultur, Geschichte, über kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten, einsamen Stränden und kleiner tropischer Urwald kann man hier alles haben (auch viele Aktivitäten wie Wasserpark, Zipline und Pitch and Putt 😉).

      Wir lassen die Bilder sprechen und wünschen euch einen guten Wochenstart!
      😘 J & D
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    • Dzień 17

      Rope Walk house to The Clan Jetty

      14 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

      So today I started out early. I was at my non-local breakfast place eating my local breakfast. I saw my first Malay (person who is from Malaysia) in there this morning. And he was having the same breakfast I was. Apparently, this is a thing because he kept looking over. And I wanted to say,”Yes, this white girl did her research.” lol
      There is a group of houses along and over the water front where families have lived for generations. The area is called the Clan Jetty. People are still definitely living there, but it has gotten touristy, I guess in order for them to survive and for the govt to not tear them down. But it’s weird. I felt like I was at an old sad zoo. The people weren’t interested in selling anything to anyone, it’s like they were just tolerating it.
      The walk to and from the Clan Jetty along Armenian St is where a large amount of the street art is. So I took that st on the way, And nothing was open. I guess I figured it would be like Thailand. The mornings are busy very early with markets and motorbikes. But here in Georgetown, they are slooooower to get going. Quite at few places don’t open until 10. I get it, but jeez. It’s HOT by then.
      So on the way back from the Jetty, all the stores were opening. It’s funny, when you walk around early, no one’s around except the tourists.
      I wore my new tunic, that I thought would be cooler, and I’m sure it was, and when there is a nice breeze it was great. But by the time I got back to my part of the neighborhood, I looked like someone had poured a bucket of water over me. It’s a lot of the reason I wanted to lose 20 lbs before this trip. I know that carrying extra weight is harder on the body and it has to work harder, so I sweat more. But literally I can just be standing there. It’s not like I’m running. ha! A vendor selling me something said, you have to slow down, walk more slowly. And I thought, “Honey, if I slow down any more I’ll be going backwards”.
      But I will say, everything I’ve read on prepping for a trip to SE Asia says how unbelievably hot and humid it is.
      So I took my soaked ass home finally about 1pm, and made sure not to catch any glimpses of how disheveled I felt. I will say the mid day shower, then into a caftan, eating lunch, then laying down on the comfy sofa upstairs in the a/c is the BEST.
      So I did some shopping today. Got some cool dishes and some batiks, some scarves, and some other stuff. I want to make sure those dishes get home safe. So I bought another suitcase. I packed up the dishes and all the fabric and put them into my 45 liter backpack. It had sides that protect the inside, and compression straps to even further protect the contents. So then, I put the back pack in the bigger (24 inch) suitcase and it fits perfectly! It’s funny, I got a 22 inch hard side suitcase before I left, and it’s good quality. The suitcase I got today, cost about $23 dollars and Oh dear Lord. It’s fine, but when I brought the one I have downstairs next to the new one and felt them both I just laughed. But with the breakables in the backpack, it should do fine. I’m grateful to have it. I am done dragging around that big backpack. I was going to check it anyway, so now it just has extra protection around it.
      And I’m ready to come home. I knew it today when I got upset about being so sweaty. Y’all know me. I’m an a/c girl, always have been. And I’ve done really well, but Lord I’m ready to come home.
      Being out earlier, I got to see more street kitties than I have the last few days. Bless there hearts, there is no program here to Trap/Neuter/Release like in other countries. Even in Bangkok, they are working on getting these guys fixed and adopted. But this morning, all I saw were teenage male kitties fully intact. 🤦‍♀️ (I told one shopkeeper’s kitty to stay away from those boys outside who still have their balls. I didn’t say it loud enough so the shop lady could hear me though. I didn’t know how it would translate. I had already said more to her cat than I did her.)
      I just wanted to scoop them up and take them to get snipped. And it’s weird, they love cats here. I asked a lady in a shop (it was a cat shop btw) about all the un-neutered males I had been seeing, and she said. “ Well, those are the street cats.”
      So it has really made me miss my “once a big bad street Tom turned house cat with a heart of gold”- Frank.
      So I’m flying out tomorrow and I think you guys will like this last place I’m staying in Bangkok for 2 nights. And I caved. I ordered a car service to pick me up from the airport (with a placard with my name on it and everything!) after shlepping my stuff on the air-link train and the BTS into Bangkok my 1st day (Pretty ballsy doing that the 1st time if you ask me) and literally thinking I wasn’t going to be able to get a ride out of the Penang Airport a few nights ago, I said to Heck with it. And I booked one to take me to the airport when I leave to go home.
      So, I went to my breakfast place and got quiche and cake for dinner. Im going to finish packing and get to bed ideally kinda early. It’s been wonderful here. I’m so glad I came for a few days. Honestly, the house alone made it worthwhile. ❤️
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    • Dzień 20

      Georgetown und Nationalpark

      26 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Mittlerweile bin ich in Georgetown auf der Insel Penang angekommen. Nachdem der erste Tag emotional noch sehr schwierig war für mich gehts danach endlich wieder bergauf. Der Ausflug in den Nationalpark, die vielen Affen, die Wanderung durch den Jungle und der verrückte Kerl der seit 6 Jahren am Monkey Beach lebt haben mir die Reiselust zurückgebracht.
      Auf das rote Band hab ich meine Wünsche geschrieben, hoffentlich gehen sie bald in Erfüllung!
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    • Dzień 21


      27 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Gestern hab ich online einen Flug nach Medan, Indonesien gebucht. Dort wollte ich eine Tour durch den Jungle von Bukit Lawang machen. Leider hat irgendwas nicht geklappt und hab darauf gehofft direkt am Flughafen noch ein Ticket buchen zu können. Kein Platz mehr frei, also brauch ich schnell einen neuen Plan.
      Nachdem ich doch noch immer ein bisschen schlechte Laune mit mir rumschleppe und mir Städte in so einer Situation nie gut tun, beschliesse ich noch mal an den Monkey Beach zu fahren.
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    • Dzień 23


      29 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Jetzt hab ich tatsächlich 2 Nächte in einer Hütte direkt am Strand geschlafen. Einen Tag lang bin ich nur in der Hängematte rumgelegen und hab genüsslich Kokosnüsse geschlürft, frische Papayas gegessen und die unzähligen Affen beobachtet.
      Am nächsten Morgen hab ich mich dann auf den Weg zum Leuchtturm gemacht. Wieder eine kurze Wanderung durch den Jungle. Bei der krass hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit ist jeder Höhenmeter so anstrengend, unglaublich. Aber es hat sich definitiv gelohnt!!
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    • Dzień 24


      30 listopada 2022, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Im Bus zurück nach Georgetown lerne ich Jenni aus Deutschland kennen. Sie reist auch alleine, also gehen wir noch gemeinsam Essen.
      Eigentlich wollte ich am nächsten Tag nach Langkawi weiterfahren, aber nachdem sie mir von ihren Plänen erzählt schließe ich mich spontan an. Also gehts am Mittwoch nochmal Richtung Nationalpark - dort ist ein riesen Wasserpark. Max, den wir am Vorabend in der Bar kennengelernt haben, kommt auch mit und plötzlich sind wir eine Gruppe aus 7 Leuten. Kletterpark, unzählige Ziplines (auch die längste weltweit), die längste Rutsche, Loopingrutschen, Falltürrutschen und und und. 8 Stunden pure Action, genau das was ich Adrenalinjunkie brauch! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 9

      Penang | George Town

      5 stycznia 2023, Malezja ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      3. Stop: Penang / George Town

      🌊 Wir sind am Meer!

      🥳 - Malaysischer Karneval ist wie Kirmes ohne Alkohol und Bratwurst.

      🪳 Stell dir vor die Zimmer Kakerlake ist ein süsser Gecko, dann kannst du auch schlafen.

      🛵 #2 Gas geben an der Ampel ab 3, ZWEI, 1 für Kickstart.

      👍 Chickpeas Masala

      🧦 Socken kann man trocken bügeln, oder?

      Next Stop: Sumatra
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    • Dzień 56


      25 stycznia 2023, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Happy Chinese New Year 🎆🎉
      Am 22. Januar hat auch bei den Chinesen das neue Jahr begonnen. Und weil auf der Insel Penang viele Chinesen zu Hause sind, wurde (und wird noch immer) das Fest gebührend gefeiert. Mit Drachenumzügen, viel Feuerwerk und noch mehr Böllern wurde das Jahr des Hasens eingeläutet. Es war lustig und spannend diesen traditionellen Bräuchen zuzusehen.

      Weniger lustig war die vorangehende, kurvige Fahrt von Tanah Rata nach Penang. Jedenfalls nicht für die empfindliche Samira 🤮🙊

      Wir waren für vier Nächte in Georgetown einquartiert. Die Stadt begeistert unter anderem wegen zahlreichen, schönen Wandmalereien. Aber auch dem Miteinander zahlreicher Kulturen. Kirchen befinden sich direkt neben Tempeln oder Moscheen. Auch kulinarisch macht sich das bemerkbar. In den einzelnen Quartieren oder einem Food Court kann man sich quer durch Asien schlemmen.

      An einem Tag wollten wir den Penang Hill hoch. Muss eine gute Idee gewesen sein. Weil halb Malaysia hatte die selbe. Wir verzichteten auf über zweistündiges Anstehen. Wegen der Menschenmassen kam auch ein Fussmarsch auf den Berg nicht in Frage. So hatten wir halt einen ganz gemütlichen Tag im Park, auf dem Spielplatz und in einem "Magic-Museum".

      Tags darauf durchquerten wir in einer zweistündigen, schweisstreibenden Wanderung einen Teil des Nationalparks. Auf dem Weg durch den Dschungel kamen wir vielen Affen und sogar an einer Waldschildkröte vorbei. Das Ziel der Wanderung war der schöne Turtle-Beach. Weil angeblich immer wieder Würfelquallen auftauchen, war das Baden leider verboten. Gemäss Wikipedia gehört das Gift dieser Qualle zu den toxischsten im Tierreich und eine Berührung endet für Kinder meist tödlich. Schweren Herzens verzichteten wir auf einen Sprung ins kühle Nass. Das Herz wurde aber schnell weniger schwer, als wir vom Steg tatsächlich sehr viele Quallen herumtreiben sahen. Eine hatte bestimmt einen Essteller grossen "Kopf" und 1.5 Meter lange Tentakeln. Keine Ahnung ob es eine Würfelqualle war, auf eine Berührung verzichteten wir gerne sowieso.
      Die Tour durch den Dschungel war wunderschön, wegen den Temperaturen und der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit aber auch sehr anstrengend.
      Leider gingen auch die Tage auf Penang sehr schnell vorbei. Auf dieser Insel könnte man getrost noch ein paar Tage anhängen. Auf uns wartet aber mit Langkawi bereits das letzte Ziel in Malaysia. Wir freuen uns auf ein paar Tage am Strand.
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    • Dzień 94

      Penang - George Town

      3 lutego 2023, Malezja ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Voilà notre séjour dans la belle ville cosmopolite Penang (notre première étape en Malaisie), terminé !
      Avec son heritage anglo-colonial, et l’influence chinoise et indienne, Penang est une ville haute en couleur et en diversité.
      C’est le quartier « Little India » qui nous a le plus dépaysé. Nous avons plongé dans l’effervescence indienne : entre les odeurs d’encens et d’épices, la musique et les costumes traditionnels, les cérémonies et la délicieuse cuisine.
      Ici, tout le monde exerce son culte librement, dans les temples chinois, bouddhistes, les temples caodaïstes ou les mosquées 🕌
      La vieille ville est également réputée pour le street art avec de nombreuses peintures qui arborent ses murs.
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