Pjazza tal-Bajja

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    • Day 1

      Erstes Abendessen direkt am Meer

      August 21, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Abends werden die Temperaturen etwas annehmbarer und so machten wir uns nach einem kurzen Kleidertausch auch direkt daran die Umgebung zu erkunden. Immer am Wasser entlang zeigten sich die vielen kleinen und großen Lokale. Ein Restaurant, welches mit frisch gefangenem Fisch warb, gewann unsere Aufmerksamkeit und so konnten wir direkt am ersten Abend einige lokale Köstlichkeiten genießen. Der Ausblick auf die Bucht und das Meer waren unser Dessert.Read more

    • Day 3

      📍Malta and Mdina: one day tour

      August 11, 2023 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      ☑️ Tourists in Malta!? You absolutely cannot miss this magnificent guided tour to discover the most beautiful places on the island on Get Your Guide... with hotel pick-up service and lunch included!
      At a cost of €59
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    • Day 11

      Sonntag 11

      November 5, 2023 in Malta ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Heute wollten wir die Cartruds besichtigen. Irgendwie haben wir das mit dem Busfahrplan nicht verstanden. Wir sind im Kreis gefahren und waren dann wieder in st paul. Dort startet der richtige Bus. Rudi hat keine Lust mehr also laufen wir Richtung Hotel. Rudi hat seine Schraube von der Brille verloren. Gott sei Dank lag sie in Etui Punkt ich habe sie wieder reingeschraubt. Zum Essen gehen wir zum Knickerbocker Punkt ich hatte Nudeln und Rudi LasagneRead more

    • Day 4


      November 14, 2018 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Good evening all. Day 4 of our Malta trip and it’s my birthday today. It seems that we had a couple of casualties last night which resulted in a shaky start to the morning. Joseph and Sharon both calling Hewie on the big white telephone in the night due to over indulgence in the alcohol department. Although I didn’t witness this, I’d love to have seen it, Joseph swam from his bed to the toilet to be sick, proper full on strokes across the floor 😂😂

      Anyway I was up and about around 8 to be met with a grunt which meant said Mrs M needed another half an hour. Again we awoke to a pleasant day, a bit more cloud around but still plenty of sun and still around 22 degrees. We had our usual cuppa on the balcony and I opened my Birthday cards and pressies. After we were advised by our little 5 year old buddy that we needed to do what her and Max wanted to do first instead of the grown ups like we had all week, we met for breakfast in our swimming gear. I was greeted with more cards, and 2 very special home made ones from 2 lovely children Max and Izzy. Breakfast was as good as ever but poor old Joe looked a little peeky 😂.

      After testing the outdoor pool for temperature, the global decision was made that it was Baltic and we’d use the inside one despite Max and Izzy paddling and Izzy going full on in to the outdoor one. Again another hour or so just messing about and playing which was good fun.

      We gave John a day off the driving today and we took John and Naomi, Aunty Gemma took the kids. We went off to Bugibba. Again a lovely place and very special as we saw where Aunty Jack had been scattered. We spent a bit of time walking on the rocks and the prom around there and Izzy and Max were told to look for the sparkly bits in the sea as they were Aunty Jack. Really lovely and a lovely way for us all to remember her. We walked up to the town and looked in a few shops and stopped for a refuel and a drink in the square. Gemma was telling us that’s where they took my grandma and grandad some years ago. I remember them going but I never went as I wanted to stop at home on my own. I was 17 so that would have been some 28 years ago. As we walked back to the car, John and Joe spotted doughnut shop and went in for one, I declined. However when they came back out and showed them us, I changed my mind, they were fabulous big and really inviting so I had a custard one and Sharon had a couple of doughnut bites.

      As we got back to the hotel, we went and had a spot of lunch. Wasn’t hungry but it’s obligatory when you’re all inclusive. We were back first but thats cos Aunty Gemma had taken the kids to Golden Bay beach for an ice cream, I’m sure it’s because we won the race back so she had to call off somewhere 😂😂. Anyway, an afternoon nana nap before meeting for dinner this evening. A bit later tonight as we were booked in the Brazilian restaurant for my birthday. It was fab, meat meat and more meat. I got a bottle of Cointreau as a pressie presented to me by Izzy and had a cake too courtesy of Sharon. The food in this hotel is fab.

      Finally we went to watch the show but as we were a bit late in, it was standing room only. Again another good show. A fabulous day all round yet again and thanks to everyone who made it so lovely, cousins, 2nd cousins and all the texts and Facebook messages.
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    • Day 1

      Sl.Konjice...Treviso...Malta (Bugibba)

      August 28, 2013 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      ...ponoci smo se odpravili na pot in se pocasi in varno peljali proti letaliscu Treviso...vmes smo se ustavili na kavici,kjer se je Evica tudi zbudila...naucili smo se tudi okoli prinest Ryanair glede teze potovalke,presvercali smo jim 3 kg vec kot bi lahko,upamo da namratantudi,nazaj,ce ne bodo eurcki odtekli....vulkan energije imenovan Eva je trajal cel let do Malte,ter tudi se eno uro na avtobusu, ko smo se ze na Malti peljali do mesteca Bugibba. Hotel smo nasli,vse ok,cisto,edino skrb nam trenutno povzrocajo vzmetnice s fedrami...upam,da se bom lahko vstal iz postelje...Eva spi...ko se zbudi gremo na ogled mesteca in vdihat nove kraje...
      ...hotel je prakticno 30 m od glavnega trga mesta, sprehodili se ob obali, Eva in mami pa sta se celo kopali...Evi je juckala in uzivala v morju...vecerja je bila prav tako dobra in potrebni smo vsi spanja...jutri pa dan za Evo...Popeye village.... prvi vtisi...zanimiva drzava, podobna zgodba kot na Portugalskem ali nenazadnje pri nas...ogromno praznih nepremicnin,ki se prodajajo..ogromno dobrih lokalov,ki so evidentno ze nekaj casa zaprti...kriza ocitno...
      ...glavni prevoz so avtobusi...karta za 7 dni za odraslo osebo je 12 eur, otrok ima do 3 leta zastonj...torej se bomo prakticno cel dopust vozili cele dneve sem in tja za vsega 24 eur...smesno poceni...
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    • Day 8


      September 4, 2013 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      ...dan brez avtobusa :)...po zajtrku na sprehod in na turisticni vlakec,ki nas je popeljal po Buggibi, sosednji Qawri in zalivu St.Paul...umirjeno in na easy, koncno smo tudi slisali nekaj Malteske glasbe, ki jo sicer pogresamo tukaj...v osnovi nimajo neke muzike zvecer nikjer,razen oni ko plesejo vsak vecer na komad "my first love" ...
      ...ko se je mala popotnica naspala lepo in mirno v postelji v sobi tokrat, smo in na kosilo v Pancake parlour.... eno kopanje v morju in sprehod po stantih in dneva je konec...vecerja, pakiranje in jutri nazaj domov...

      ...kaj napisati kot zakljucne misli in povzetek nasih pocitnic na Malti...Malta je zanimiva dezela, je pa res, da je ne morem priporociti vsakomur...vedno je pac odvisno kaj kdo isce,zeli in pricakuje...
      ...prevozi so v redu,cedasiravno samo avtobusi vec ali manj,hudo poceni...tudi hrana je dobra in ne pretirano draga, nekako enako kot pri nas...
      Plaze...hja...imajo jih,kar nekaj,vendar so tak tak...ce nekdo zeli pescene plaze in se nima namena prevec vozit, potem ima moznosti Melliah Bay, Golden Bay, Paradise Bay...plaze so lepe,vendar ne pricakovati Hrvaskih borovcev in sence, sence je na Malti v bistvu zelo malo...fina plaza se je na otoku Gozo..rdec vceraj smo se nasli eno super v Bugibbi, spodaj pod skalami,pesek,super za otroke...t.i. Srbska plaza...res sami pocutis domace :) raziskovat je tukaj ogromno, v 8 dneh smo videli dosti, nikakor pa kaj za delat, mi smo spustili templje, jame,spilje in se kaki,izlet, pa smo bili vsak dan aktivni..ce se odlocite za aktivno prezivljanje, potem vedite,da se boste dosti vozili z busom :) ...razen ce vzamete drazjo opcijo in najemate izlete in ostalo turisticno ponudbo,ki je je dosti...
      ...pogresam dogajanje z zivo glasbo ob vecerih...tukaj nasi sosedi znaju lipo pivat pismu...sicer pa je za dozivet...izbrano izhodisce Buggiba za potovanje sem ter tja po otoku je fajn,ker je lustno mesto z nekaj dogajanja, istocasno pa so povezave,od tukaj prakticno do povsod...
      ...rezime...lustno je bilo...vendar nas caka se ogromno sveta za cakamo vsi ze domaco govejo zupico in domaco posteljo.... Saha Malta...
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    • Day 5

      Exploring Malta Part 4/4

      June 7, 2022 in Malta ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Jetzt wollten wir uns unbedingt den Sonnenuntergang ganz kitschig geben und sind deshalb noch weiter in den Norden hinauf gefahren. Dort findet sich dass sogenannte Popeye Village, welches wir uns allerdings nicht angeschaut haben. Wir haben uns auf die gegenüberliegende Klippe gewagt und dort hatten wir einen schönen Ausblick auf die Sonne. Sie hat sich wirklich bemüht aber so richtig episch war es leider nicht 🌞😄 Danach hatten wir wiedermal Hunger und wollten an die Ostküste Essen fahren. Ein Hoch auf Google Maps wir haben uns original 3x Verfahren auf einer Strecke die max. 15 min dauert, hat gedauert bis wir wieder auf dem rechten (linken?) Weg waren. In der Stadt Bugibba angekommen, haben wir gleich eine Parkplatz an der Promenade gefunden. Ein paar Schritte weiter waren belebte Bars und Lokale. Es dauerte etwas aber wir sind fündig geworden und haben nochmals leckeren Fisch verspeist (Schwertfisch und King Prawns). Das Betti hat immer lauter gerufen und wir sind schnell nach Valetta gedüsst, haben unserem TuffTuff auch noch etwas zu Essen serviert (nachdem wir 20 min gebraucht haben um herauszufinden was Diesel und was Benzin heißt, bzw welchen Stoff unser TuffTuff überhaupt vertragt). Parkplatz auch gleich gefunden-Schlüssel retourniert-Nachtbus heim- Duschen - und ab ins Betti <3 Gut Nachti 🥰Read more

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    Pjazza tal-Bajja

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