
april 2024
En 10-dags äventyr från Mary Kieran Gap Year Läs mer
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  • Dag 2

    Day 89/90: Rest & Taksim Square Istanbul

    9 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    We landed in Istanbul at 2:30AM and caught a cab to our hotel. The skyscrapers were lit up in rainbow colors and it reminded us of Hong Kong in both Godzilla and Pacific Rim. We let our hotel know ahead of time that we would arrive around 3:30am and got nervous after they didn’t answer the door for 30 mins. Luckily a local neighbor got the security guard and we finally checked in at 5:30. Kieran didn’t feel well again so day 89 became de facto rest day.

    Next day we walked around the Taksim square neighborhood, viewing the various mosques, water promenade, and huge shopping district (similar to Times Square). It was the end of Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr) which is celebrated by buying new clothes so the streets were super crowded. We took the metro to our next hotel stay and decided to eat local, which actually was an Uzbekistanian neighborhood. The food was delicious, but the restaurant owners and customers definitely kept looking at us and asked us where we were from (more like, “what the hell are you doing here ya weirdos”)

    Hotel: Taksim Cool Suits

    Susam Cafe
    Özbegim Milliy Taomları

    Cucumber Mint Drink
    Bazalama Bread with Egg, Pastrami
    Turkish Ravioli
    Doner wrap
    Summer Salad
    Chuchvara Soup

    Taksim Square
    Galataport Promenade
    Nusretiye Mosque
    Galata Tower
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  • Dag 3

    Day 91: Topkapi Palace & Sultanahmet

    10 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Sultanahmet is a neighbourhood in the district of Fatih, and it contains most of the major tourist spots in Istanbul. We started at the free Gülhane Park where tulips and other flowers were at full bloom. Our understanding is they switch out the flowers throughout the year depending on the season. Next we walked to the Topkapi Palace, which was the administrative center for the Ottoman Empire. Included in this park was the Hagia Irene mosque, Hagia Sophia mosque, and the Fountain Sultan Ahmed III. Finally, we viewed the beautiful Blue Mosque from a distance. The holidays made these locations very crowded and it was mayhem!

    It was time to head to Izmir so we hopped on a 3 hour ferry to Bandırma (it was super fast crossing the Marmara Sea) and took a 5 hour train to Izmir. There was a wonderful cafe cat at the ferry and after feeding him some treats, he made himself at home in Mary’s lap. 10/10 good snuggle cat.

    Gülhane Park
    Topkapi Palace
    Hagia Irene mosque
    Hagia Sophia mosque
    Fountain Sultan Ahmed III
    Blue Mosque
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  • Dag 4

    Day 92: Izmir Bazaar & Park

    11 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    We ventured into the Bazaar which was mostly closed due to the holidays. That was okay because it could have been more crowded, similar to Marrakech. We stopped for lunch and enjoyed doner as well as a fish soup.

    Next we walked to Park Ici Yolu where you had a mix of old papas fishing, Instagram influencers, kids dancing, and locals/tourists drinking on blankets. We joined the fun and grabbed a few beers ourselves.

    We walked through Kültürpark İzmir and then grabbed delicious Turkish dinner at Topkapı Restaurant.

    Hotel: Hotel Baylan

    Köfteci Muzo

    Balik Corbasi
    Tereyagli Kardies

    Kemeraltı Bazaar
    Park Ici Yolu
    Kültürpark İzmir
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  • Dag 6

    Day 93/94: Food Poisoning from Hell

    13 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    We try to stay honest with everyone when it comes to travel because it’s not always “beautiful” and “amazing”.

    Since Tunisia, we had been planning to visit a Hamam, which is a traditional public bathhouse in the Muslim world (similar to Korean/Japanese spas which are fully naked). We decided Turkey was the best location and wanted to pay for a nicer experience (sauna, steam room, wash, scrub, massage). As we ran to our hamam we grabbed some sandwiches. The experience was nice even though Mary got roasted for having shoulder, back, and leg issues.

    However, while walking back it went downhill very quickly. It started with fever and then the sweats appeared. Within an hour both of us were puking. Kieran tried to order food but neither of us could eat. The whole night was aches, pains, voms, and groans. It could have been the sandwiches or the tap water Kieran said was safe.

    Worse part is we had a 5 hour train the next day at 7am. The alarm sounded at 6am and we both got our shit together (mentally, physically, and digestively) and made that train. It was a miserable ride but we made it to Pamukkale and proceeded to sleep 5 hours. Woke up for a nice dinner (Kieran couldn’t finish) and went back home to recover for the next day. Pictures of our most miserable days this far.
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  • Dag 7

    Day 95: Pamukkale & Hierapolis

    14 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Turkey is a tectonic plate hotspot and the most active fault system in the world, meaning there are volcanoes, hot springs, and geological features. Deep in the country is Pamukkale where thermal spring water leaves carbonate minerals in huge white mounds, similar to caves and limestone.

    To enter the Pamukkale Travertines, you must take off your shoes and climb up the rigged mounds. At 8am the water was really cold, especially in the cliff’s shadows. However, as we climbed up, we had fun searching for warmer pools closer to the spring source.

    At the top is the Ancient Greek / Roman City Hierapolis, where the hot springs have been used as a spa since at least the 2nd century. There were preserved baths, theaters, houses, and statues and it was amazing to see the plumbing built to distribute the hot water around the city.

    We took a dip in the Cleopatra Antique Pool where you can swim in the ancient bath and climb on ruins. It was a very cool and relaxing experience.

    Many people would say the location is too touristy and not worth it, but we don’t agree. If you come to Turkey, add Pamukkale to your list.

    Hotel: Melrose Viewpoint Hotel

    Restaurant: Kayas Wine House

    Turkish Breakfast
    Tuvok Saute

    Pamukkale Travertines
    Antique Pool
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  • Dag 9

    Day 96/97: Travel & Cappadocia

    16 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    There are night busses between Pamukkale and Cappadocia, but they didn’t have enough tickets for April 16 so we had an extra day. Used the time to start mapping out Europe since we’ve done little to no research. Mary also bought stomach antibiotics from the pharmacy to expedite the food poisoning healing. $1.26 USD for the medicine y’all!!! We enjoyed dinner and played several rounds of cards to pass the time.

    We made it to Cappadocia at 7am and would like to comment how amazing the Élysée Cave House hotel staff were. They checked us in at 8am, worked with us to order an airport shuttle the next day at 6am, made us a breakfast box since we would miss breakfast, and then gave us so much advise on the best hikes through the valley. Just amazing people and amazing views/facilities.

    After napping, we hiked to the open air museum to see ancient houses and churches from the 3rd century built into the caves. Got lost with a retired British couple in the valley, but we found a beautiful point to view the sunset. No hot air balloons sadly 🥲

    Hotel: Élysée Cave House

    Old Cappadocia

    Lamb Bone Broth Soup
    Pita Pizza
    Kebab Plate
    Manti Ravioli
    Beyti Kebabi

    Cappadocia Open Air Museum
    Cappadocia Sunset Point
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  • Dag 10

    Day 98: TRAIN TIME!!!

    17 april, Turkiet ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    While traveling, we can usually secure $30 - $60 per night hotels and $17-$50 meals for the both of us (appetizer, entrees, drinks). What really breaks the bank is flights. However, we have officially entered TRAIN TERRITORY AKA EUROPE. We bought a 90 Day Eurorail pass which enables us to travel on most trains in Europe.

    Our first train was a night train from Istanbul to Plovdiv, Bulgaria. We got our own cabin that came with snacks, water, and two bunks. They woke us up at 1:30am to cross the Turkish border and then at 2:30am Bulgarian border guards came on the train, took everyone’s passports, and returned them 30 minutes later. We woke up at 4:40 again to hop on a transfer train to Plovdiv and joined many Bulgarians on their way to work.

    10/10 first day of our Eurorail pass!
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