I teach 5th grade at the most amazing school in Seattle! I love backpacking, motorcycles, and Washington State University football. Les mer Seattle, United States
  • Dag 40

    Bercianos to Mansilla

    17. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Sadly my technology failed me and my video of the hike did not record. It was another flat straight day and I am very much looking forward to the hills and mountains coming up. The only real thing to note is I observed an old school mullet in its natural habitat. Very rare indeed. It stayed still while drinking a cerveza long enough to snap a quick pic so enjoy. All is well and keep on smilingLes mer

  • Dag 39

    Terradillios de Templarious to Bercianos

    16. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    This post is dedicated to DJ Septon, Bob Erwin, Chuck Gregg Jr, and Maltzey Maltbaltwin (Gone but not forgotten).

    As a young man in my twenties I graduated from college and set forth to travel Europe. It was the late 1980’s and I was full of life and strong opinions. As I prepared to leave there were many things that I needed to take on my trip with me, but alas my backpack could not hold them all. I scoffed at the thought of leaving any of my precious things behind. I was educated and I needed merely to put my giant brain to work to conquer this small problem. I tried bungee cords and rope to secure my things, but it was too unstable and I had too many things. I needed to think outside of the box. That is when I envisioned the counter balance technique. The counter balance is beautiful in its simplicity. If you take a single regular backpack and simply wear it on your front, looping your arms through the straps, you can haul almost twice the amount of crap you can with a single backpack. Problem solved and I even had extra space to buy more crap I didn’t need while visiting different countries . So I set forth with my technique and all my crap. Every where I went people marveled at the counter balance technique. Word spread quickly like fire through the hostels and out through all of Europe of the young American boy who had maximized the volume of unneeded things that a single human could carry. Before I knew it, people using the technique began showing up all around me. We would smile and laugh at the other people walking with just a fanny pack to haul extra things. Now I’m not saying that the counter balance was the cause of the demise of the fanny pack, but I also don’t believe in coincidence and the timing was right so......... As I returned triumphantly from my trip across the pond I was ready to share the genius of the counter balance with all of the American backpackers. I packed up all my things and filled both packs with all sort of things and headed out to the Hoh rain forest with close friends. What I learned is that extra unneeded stuff is great when you are traveling by train and walking to your hostel. It’s not so good when you are slogging up and over beach heads on a 10 mile hike. Needless to say my technique did not take off and I heard that many years later it had been lost and forgotten in Europe also. But today I came across a strapping and handsome older French man with his wife. We looked to be about the same age and I stopped to help them with directions. As he turned around, there it was in all its glory!!!! The counter balance!!!! A tear came to my eye as he riffled though all sorts of crap he would never use on this trip to find his map. We talked about the left path or the right and after we made our choice I complimented him on his choice of a backpack for his counter balance. He gave a big smile and proudly said thanks. We parted ways and as I walked I began to think. The fanny pack is making a comeback, maybe just maybe the counter balance will too.Les mer

  • Dag 38

    Carrion to Terradillos do Templarioa

    15. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Dear future Matt. I hope that you come back to this page often in your life. Yesterday you were broken mentally by the Camino. You were waiting for it, wondering what that would mean and what it would look like. You imagined yourself being some crazy lunatic laughing and singing while you ran down the street because you were exhausted, or maybe something worse. The word broken is maybe not the best description for this point in the Camino. You should not have been so nervous as this experience was a blessing not something to be feared. On a beautifully perfect day you were given the gift of understanding that material things have no value beyond what we as humans place on them. There is a huge difference between wants and needs and somehow our world has combined those things. You learned to freely let go of things that you no longer need like shoes or motorcycles so that they may provide to others. In this simple life you lived in these 4 weeks, there is very little you needed to be happy and when you release the need for more things you strip yourself bare to be open to the small joys in life that are truly the important things. I hope and pray that you take this with you for the rest of you life. All is well and keep on smiling.Les mer

  • Dag 36

    Castrojeriz to Formista

    13. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today was a beautiful cool overcast day with a nice breeze to make the walk a pleasant and happy 16 miles. I am at day 14 of my walk and am in the town of Formista. I am almost halfway and have covered 355 kilometers or 221 miles so far. Each of the towns for the last 50 or so miles has included a very interesting inhabitant. Storks! All of the cathedrals and many tall towers include a large wooden nest and multiple storks sitting in them. I have included a picture from today on the way into town. The highlight of the day was catching a canal tour boat the last three kilometers into town. All is well here and keep on smiling.Les mer

  • Dag 35

    Hornillios to Castrojeriz

    12. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Another 12 miles in 95 degree heat. I walked for about 8 miles and began to approach what felt like a perfect singularity. A oneness with God and the universe where my mind, body, and spirit were in alignment. Every stride matched my breath and my heart beat. I was perfection with my focus on a singular thought..... motion. My world began to focus on a single point and the surroundings became tunnel like. As the tunnel narrowed and I became the embodiment of motion my eyes closed, my mouth opened.............. and a bug flew down my throat. 😐. So now you know an old man who swallowed a fly. Perhaps I’ll die. All is well and keep on smiling.Les mer

  • Dag 34

    Burgos to Hornillios

    11. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I decided not to take a day off. Got in about 12 miles today. Started the meseta and it is very hot again so I will leave much earlier tomorrow. Thank you all for the words of encouragement it fills my heart and really helps! All is well and keep on smiling.Les mer

  • Dag 32

    Belerado to Ageas

    9. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    My feet are on the mend and just in time for another almost 20 mile day. I walked through a rain shower and forest that reminded me of the great north west. It was very beautiful. It looks like the Camino broke me physically and now I am headed into the Meseta which is a flat and arid region. This is were you’re broken mentally so I cannot promise I will have anything of value to add soon. Tomorrow is a trek into the large city of Burgos. I will decide then if I will take a day of rest. All is well and keep on smiling.Les mer

  • Dag 31

    Santo Domingo to Belerado

    8. juli 2019, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    How can you possibly walk from one end of a country to another? Through large cities and small towns. Around twisting streets and the middle of absolute nowhere. There is an amazing intricate system of markers and symbols along The way. Yellow arrows and scallop shells show you the way. I have found that just about the moment I start to question if I am still on the path, someone will have place some sort of marker. As I have walked throughout different regions and towns they are expressed in slightly different ways. I think the are beautiful and try to capture a picture every time I see a different one. Enjoy! All is well and keep on smilingLes mer

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