Flacq District

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    • Hari 9


      9 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Am Montag haben wir uns mit unserem Schnorchelequipment auf eine Speedboottour entlang der Ostküste begeben. 🚤
      Als erstes haben wir einen Schnorchelstop in der Blue Bay gemacht. Dabei kamen uns zahlreiche bunte Fische vor die Linse und wir durften die faszinierende Unterwasserwelt von Mauritius hautnah erleben. 🪸🐡🐠🐚
      Danach machten wir eine kurze Weile halt an der kleinen Insel Île aux Aigrettes. Diese Insel ist ein Naturschutzreservat der Mauritian Wildlife Foundation und dient zum Erhalt der nativen Flora und zum Schutz und der Zucht von bestimmten, teilweise schon fast ausgestorbenen Tierarten von Mauritius. 🌱🐢
      Wir genossen den direkten Blick mit ca. 1 km Entfernung auf Mauritius und entspannten eine Zeit lang im kniehohen Wasser. 💦
      Weiter ging es dann in Richtung Île aux Fouquets auch besser bekannt als die „Leuchtturminsel“. Hier befindet sich auf unbewohnten Territorium ein im Jahre 1864 von den Briten errichteter Leuchtturm. Das Bauwerk ist heute eine Ruine, steht jedoch unter Denkmalschutz. Bei dieser Kulisse bekommt ein wenig das Gefühl, welches eins ein Robinson Crusoe verspürt haben muss. 🏝️🥥
      Anschließend schipperte uns der Skipper zum GRSE Waterfall. Dieser Wasserfall ist ausschließlich mit dem Boot zu erreichen und bildet den Punkt an dem der Grand River (Süßwasser) in den indischen Ozean (Salzwasser) mündet. Wir verweilten eine kurze Zeit und genossen die wunderschönen Natur in der sich am Ufer auch wieder unsere kleinen tierischen Freunde zu erkennen gaben. 🐒🌿
      Nun knurrte uns aber auch so langsam der Magen und so machten wir uns auf in Richtung Île aux Cherfs um uns bei einem BBQ direkt am Strand zu stärken. 🍗🍷Begleitet wurde das leckere Essen von ein paar einheimischen Musikern, die uns währenddessen mit ihren tropischen Klängen verzauberten. 🪕🎶
      Der letzte Stop der Tour lag auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Île aux Cherfs . Wir hatten eine Stunde lang Zeit die Insel auf eigene Faust zu erkunden und schlenderten entspannt an den Traumstränden entlang und schossen natürlich auch ein paar Erinnerungsfotos. 📸
      Nun neigte sich der Tag auch schon dem Ende zu. Wir wurden beim kleinen Anleger von Trou d‘Eau Douce wieder abgesetzt und anschließend auf kurzem Wege zum Hotel gebracht. 🚐
      Ein toller Bootsausflug bei bestem Wetter brachte uns so auf eine actionreiche Art und Weise die Ostküste von Mauritius näher. 🤩☀️🌸
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    • Hari 2

      Arriving on Ile Maurice

      26 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      After not resting well in the airplane, we finally arrived on Ile Maurice at 5 o'clock in the morning. We were pretty happy to not hear this noise anymore and I guess everyone was. I had filled out the form to enter Mauritius way before, however, as the South Africa trip last month was so spontaneous, I haven't put South Africa on the list of travelled to countries in the last 6 months. So Seb got me a form to fill out by hand, however we didn't need it in the end, the immigration officer gave us the stamps without any comment and let us in the country. We got our luggage (which arrived just perfectly) and asked the officer at a counter, what we could bring onto the island. Fresh fruits weren't allowed (Goodbye Apples) but our sandwiches and chopped up carrots were. It was sad about the apples, but throwing them away is better as paying 1.000€ to still get them taken away from you (Right Aussies?)
      Seb and I exchanged some money, got a Mauritian SIM Card and picked up our rental car. It's been the first time for us, so we were rather excited. I had to drive on the wrong side (thanks to the British) with an automatic. I can drive on the left side as I've done it in Oxford, however the automatic part was rather new to me and it took some time until I realized my left foot hadn't had a job anymore and shouldn't use the brakes (as we always stopped very hard because I don't have any gradual feeling in my left foot). Luckily, not too many cars were on the streets and I wasn't in a rush, so it was a very pleasant first ride to our apartment. I've asked whether we could check-in at around 8.30am already, which was perfectly fine. So we arrived early at the Riverside Holiday Home, put our luggage down and fell asleep for a couple of hours (me in bed, Seb on the sun lounger on the terrace). Waking up, the sun was higher, and the air warmer then before, but still much more breathable as I've expected. We sat down to eat some breakfast and made a plan on what to do, as I haven't planned anything yet. I did my research on Mauritius, however, instead of planning every single day and minute as usual, I have decided to much rather go with the flow and just do whatever is on our mind. So, we decided to drive up north for the rest of the day and visit the famous Cap Malheureux and its church.
      As we wanted to pack our things, I was missing my wallet. We searched everywhere for it, but we couldn't find it and I felt like a panic attack approaching. We searched in the car but it wasn't there. I decided to call First Car Rental, maybe I've lost/forgot it when getting in the car. The man on the phone told me, they'd look for it and that he'd call me back. We went inside again and looked yet another time for the wallet. And, damn me, we found it under a pillow case that I've put on the floor. I was so relieved! 5min later, the First Car Rental guy called me and told me that they haven't found any wallet but that they would go through the CCV videos to check. I burst out with a thank you and told him that we already got the wallet back. Super grateful that they tried so hard to find it, I thanked him and we said goodbye. Now I had to calm my nerves a bit, before driving on to Cap Malheureux.
      The drive was again very picturesque, driving next to the ocean, huge sugar cane farms or between tropical trees. And then we came across the Bras D'eau National Park, where Seb insisted to stop. We jumped out of the car and looked around until a man came up to us. He was kind of an officer here and had seemingly not much to do as he showed us around the Nature Trail, the Old Well and the Visitor Centre. He was super enthusiastic and proud to show us were he worked. He showed us the fish in their little pond and some huge tortoises chilling in the sun. They were actually only around 50-55 years old and weighted about 125kg - not too much though, when they look so enormous. He showed us the ruins of the old sugar cane farm and explained to us, that everywhere we stood on has been flooded by the sea before. That explained the shells on the forest floor and the dead corals Seb found laying on the way casually.
      We decided to come back tomorrow with better shoes (as we had just intended to go to the beach with our sandals which wasn't the right footwear walking the Nature Trail) and said goodbye to the kind man showing us around. We jumped back in to the car and left for the North.
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    • Hari 3

      Rainy Caves and Tasty Craves

      27 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      After the pouring rain had lightened a little and the streaming rovers had changed back into concrete streets, we continued our way to the Pont Bon Dieu Cave I've seen on Google Maps. We arrived at a little hindu shrine and we're a bit confused about the location. After researching the destination again though, we realized that we are already there. We followed the uneven stairs down the rainforest path whilst the rain drops continued to fall from the sky. Then we found ourselves in a stunningly beautiful cave, framed by huge black stones and green ranking plants. The sound of the raindrops on the leaves and the birds around, the atmosphere was magical. We crawled through one of the caves to the other side but couldn't find any bats. In the other big cave though, there were lots of birds and bats that made very much noise.
      Finally, we decided we had enough and made our way back the slippery path unhurt. The drive back was still rainy, but at least most of the water had gone off the streets already. We saw a huge Sugar Cane Factory driving by, the steam not looking like the factory would have been allowed in the EU like that. We stopped by a supermarket to get some cheese and meat for breakfast, however we decided on processed cheese and corned beef - our substitutes for this holiday, I guess. We drove back home and decided to go to Satish once again, not only to get some great dinner but also to give him his well deserved tip for yesterday. We apologised and he just laughed about it, saying it was fine. We got some amazing starter called Baja (basically fried cheese in some kind of dough) and Seb asked about lots of plants and what he had in his soup tonight as it was edible. Satish told us that is is called Moringa and it's kind of like German peas, but you can eat only the seeds in the inside, bit the outer part. He also got lucky yet again to not only get a huge 650ml-bottle of beloved Phoenix beer, but also yet another Rum tasting for himself.
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    • Hari 4

      A Day on the Ile aux Cerfs

      28 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today we woke up to yet another sunny day and walked down to the little jetty at the Grand River South East to start our private boat tour. We cruised to the G. R. S. E. waterfall and were lucky that the most other tourist boats queued after us. We turned around to get out to the ocean but on the way there we saw some monkeys on the sides of the river, playing and eating. Through the mangroves we went and landed on the beach of Ile aux Cerfs which is an island directly on the shores of the Mauritian East Coast. The trip has been arranged by our host Rajesh and had cost us (incl. one barbecue for Seb as I'm a vegetarian) 2.550 MUR which is around 55€. He had told us that we could go snorkeling there, however, we have not expected that we had to pay yet another 20€ p.p. to get to another boat that would bring us to the reef. So we were pretty disappointed, as we brought our own snorkeling gear with us as we thought Mauritius would be a great destination to snorkel. It turns out: Maybe, but you always have to take a boat, there are no reefs directly available from the beach. There is a huge difference to the Maldives in snorkeling opportunities after all...
      So we used the 1,5hrs until our boat would leave for the barbecue on another part of the island, to discover the same kind of beaches as we already have seen on the main island. More disappointed than ever, we talked to yet another German family about possible other snorkeling spots to enter from the beach. They recommended Pointe d'Esny which was a little bit North of the famous Blue Bay Marine Park. We decided to drive there after coming back to our apartment.
      The 1,5hrs passed by and we went back to the jetty to be driven to our barbecue. However, the barbecue would still need another hour which got me questioning why we should have come here so early. So we discovered a bit of the other part of the island next to the golf course and took some selfies with the picturesque mountains of Ile aux Maurice in the background. Finally, the barbecue was ready and so we sat behind the boats, looking at the mountains and enjoyed the food. They were nice enough to bring me a plate of rice and salad as well (after Seb was asking quite frankly about it), so we could eat together. It was alright, however not worth 15€ at all. We got some fried coconut banana for dessert and were offered some coffee. Seb and I declined, but we still got a little espresso. First, we just thought that there was a misunderstanding (again) and so Seb drank it a bit. However, then they told us we had to pay 200MUR for the coffee (4€) and we were furious. The day was shit enough already, with false promises about snorkeling, the island being nothing special at all and the boat driver nit explaining us anything about e.g. the flora and fauna around. We have found ourselves in a tourist scam, or at least we felt like it. We paid the damn coffee and jumped on the boat. Arriving back at the apartment we were pissed, but we still had the hope to snorkel at Pointe d'Esny. So we jumped in the car and drove there, put our snorkeling gear on and off we went into the ocean. We didn't see anything but algae. Looking at the phone, it seemed as if we had to swim more than 30m out into the ocean. The currents however were extremely strong and without fins it seemed impossible to get there. Especially when you don't know if there are any other currents that could get dangerous. As it started to rain, we decided to call it a day and just drive home again. It was still rather early, but we were done for today. Instead, we just chilled on our terrace, cooked some noodles and afterwards Seb went to Carambole Snack to drink some Rum with Satish. I stayed home and wrote some more for the block. What a wasted day.
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    • Hari 5

      Fishing like Traditional Mauritians

      29 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      As Seb has convinced Satish to go fishing with us despite his back pain, we woke up at 5am in the morning to have some breakfast. We listened to our usual songbird who amused us with his singing until the neighbour on the other side of the river started his playlist again. Rajesh has told us that he was gifted a stereo music box for his birthday and all neighbors have given some money to it, so that he now wants everyone to enjoy the music with him. We really like his taste of very random music, so we enjoyed it as well up til 6am. We packed some water and food and went down to the river where we met Satish 15min later (Mauritian punctuality I guess). He had a good excuse though: He had waited for some snacks to be ready that he'd share with us on the boat. We climbed over sticks and stones to get to his little boat, which was rather dangerous as we only had put on our flip flops and crocs. We made it into the boat safely and started the journey in the direction of the waterfall. The tide was very low and we saw lots of stones that haven't been there yesterday, or at least haven't been visible. We found a spot and tied us to the trees. Then we prepared the fishing rots. However, not "normal" German fishing rots but rather a thick plastic line (around 2-3mm) wound around a plastic bottle. Seb and Satish tied some huge hooks on the plastic lines, put some kalamari and shrimps on it and threw them out in the water. Again and again, but nothing happened. "No fish around", Satish told us. Then a sudden rain showered from the skies and, hiding underneath a plastic cover, we decided to change the spot again. Now we've found a bunch of fish that had at least arm length. We threw out our plastic bottle rots again and not sooner after: the first bite for Seb. He fought and fought but the huge fish tricked him and got away, with him the hook with its bait. "You have to play more with the fish", Satish told us and I showed Seb how to do it with my first bite. Whenever the fish swam away, I let him his space and when he turned towards me, I pulled him closer until he landed in the net. A big Red Drummer he was. And after that, we had another 6 bites - 4 more catches, 2 more misses. In total we have caught 5 big Red Drummers and were super proud! As the tourist boats started to come now more and more, we decided to call it a day and ship back to the apartment. "You'll have your fish tonight?", Satish asked. We nodded enthusiastically. I nodded enthusiastically, although I'm a veggie and usually hate fish. But I would try that one!
      After we parted ways with Satish and changed into clean clothes (fishermen get dirty a lot), we decided to explore the west coast a bit. But first, Seb wanted to visit the big hindu temple in Bel Air, the village next to G. R. S. E.
      When we arrived though, nobody was there and everything was closed down. Seb was rather disappointed, but had the idea to ask the men working on the street next to it. One of the man explained, that we could just open the gate and at least look at the outside of the temple. That was good enough for us, so we went on to the ground. (Un)Fortunately, we just saw the sign prohibiting phones after leaving the premise again.
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    • Hari 6

      Just a Day of Relaxation

      30 Oktober 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today we decided to take a rest from everything and sleep in as long as we wanted. We had our usual breakfast with the background music of our neighbour, and packed our things for a day on the beach. We drove to Belle Mare, the longest beach on Mauritius. We were completely by ourselves despite some melodious birds and harmless beach fleas. We read our books, jumped into the sea once in a while and dried in the sunny wind. It felt good to finally calm down a bit and do what a holiday on Mauritius is meant to be: relaxing.
      In the late afternoon, we got an aperitif from our host without knowing why but appreciated a lot. Netherless, we went to Satish for dinner tonight as usual and nearly exploded from all the good food we had there.
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    • Hari 8

      Bustling & Hustling at Central Market

      1 November 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today we had planned to go to the Central Market in Flacq, which is the biggest market of Mauritius. It's every Sunday and Wednesday basically the whole day, but as today was All Saints Day and therefore a public holiday, it should only be open until 12pm. So, we hurried up and drove to Flacq, where we got greeted by a proper traffic jam. It took us a while to figure out where we could park and then actually get a parking spot. Once that was done, we threw ourselves into the chaos of the bustling market. You could basically get everything there, from vegetables to fruits, clothes, sweets and souvenirs. We went on the hunt for some souvenirs for our friends at home and got lucky, although there wasn't as much to choose from as expected. Seb wanted to try some more fried street foods, so we got a mix of these, as well as some noodles again. We took it with us to the beach, as the many people around the market (which hadn't closed at 12pm btw) were too much for my social batteries. At the beach though, as it was a public holiday, there were hundreds of people. They all camped there and had taken tables and chairs and barbecues with them. They had loud music on and we're just happy about their freetime. It took us a while to find a quieter spot, but we eventually found it and sat down in the sand to enjoy our noodles. They weren't as good as the ones we had at Enrico's the first day, but instead double the price. Well, you always learn, don't you...
      A rainy weather front arrived at Palmar Beach not ten minutes after we finished our noodles, so we called it a day and drove back to our apartment.
      We relaxed on the terrace for the rest of the day and had my leftovers from yesterday's curry and the fried mix for dinner. Then we went one last time to Carambole Snack, to enjoy the company of our friend Satish once more. We got some Samosas and Rum, until the last guests had paid. Then he sat beside us and we explained him how to play Durak, the Russian card game we alqays play with our friends. I had a lucky streak tonight, as I "won" in every round, whereas Seb had bad luck and became the "Durak" (idiot) each time. It's been fun and just wholesome. We stayed until 11.30pm, as we didn't want to say Goodbye to Satish. But in the end, it was time. We made a selfie with him and Ouioui (his cute little doggo) and hugged each other mutlple times. We started as strangers and parted as friends. And that's what travelling for me is all about.
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    • Hari 11

      Ab auf den Katamaran

      5 November 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Die 'Île aux Cerfs' ist wieder einer dieser Tipps aus jedem Reiseführer. Daher kurz Mamas neue Bootfahrleidenschaft ausgenutzt und uns auf eine Katamarantour dorthin eingebucht.
      Man denkt ja immer, dass der nächste Tag nicht schöner werden kann. Geht irgendwie auch wirklich nicht, aber dafür anders schön. Zwar war es etwas bedeckt, aber dieses Boot und da über das Meer zu brettern und wie die letzten Luxusqueens da rum zu liegen, war schon einmalig. Es gab Getränke und ne super sympathische Crew.
      Rausgefahren wurden wir einmal auf die 'Île de Foquet' mit dieser wunderschönen Ruine und der Küste, die das Nordmädchen in mir hat ausflippen lassen und dann natürlich auf die oasenhafte 'Île aux Cerfs', auf der wir eine Stunde die wunderbare Bucht und die Ruhe - trotz Touriauflauf Deluxe - genießen konnten.
      Wieder zurück auf dem Boot Richtung Heimathafen haben wir dann tatsächlich noch viele Delfine gesehen. Ich habe einfach nen Flipper gekriegt. Und diesmal wirklich!!!
      Um das Ganze abzurunden, begann dann allmählich die Party von der 15köpfigen Geburtstagsgesellschaft an Bord, die Dank Getränkeflatrate und Kuchenzuckerschock ordentlich was zusammengetrommelt haben und dann mit der Crew das ganze Boot zum Tanzen gebracht hat. Mein Feier- und Eskalationsentzug machte sich also allmählich bemerkbar :-)
      Irgendwann teilte sich der Himmel buchstäblich vertikal in zwei Farben. Wir haben den Regen umschifft und die Sonne kam zurück. Dann sind wir tanzend in den Hafen gefahren und glückselig von Bord gegangen. Zurück im Resort, gab es dann noch ein kurzes Schwimmen, ein paar Zeilen im Buch und - Kitsch lass nach, ach ne bitte bleib - natürlich einen Sonnenuntergang. Da wird der Hund in der Pfanne crazy. What a day!
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    • Hari 7–8

      Ambre Resort

      10 November 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Umzug ins nächste Hotel an die Ostküste der Insel. Wir werden pünktlich abgeholt und fahren gemütlich quer über die Insel. Hotel ist sehr schön mit kleinen Abstrichen, welche der Mentalität hier entspricht. Essen sehr gut und Zimmer gut. Wir wohnen am Ende Anlage sehr ruhig. Gestern war grosser Markt im kleinen Örtchen nebenan und abends indisches Lichterfest. Alles geht sehr ruhig zu und wir spazieren täglich mehrere Kilometer den Strand entlang, denn auch das Wetter passt; endlich (30 Luft und 26 Wasser).Baca lagi

    • Hari 11

      Mit dem Chauffeur unterwegs

      14 November 2023, Mauritius ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Aufgewacht, gefrühstückt und gleich losgefahren. Unsere Reiseführerin Mintra und der Fahrer warten schon. Die Chemie zur "Reiseleitung" stimmt von der ersten Minute an. Sie unterhält uns mit allerlei Informationen und ist überall bekannt. Erster Stop bei einem indischen Tempel ohne Regen. Dann geht's zum Kolonialhaus der ersten Teepflanzer. Schönes Haus und ein toller Garten. Weiter zur Teeplantage mit Verkostung, unkompliziert. Arbeitsbedingungen in der Teefabrik kontrolliert😜. Vanilleherstellung beim nächsten Haltepunkt war sehr interessant und zum Schluss noch zum Gris-Gris Aussichtspunkt an der Westküste. Rumdestillerie haben wir weggelassen und gleich in der Teeplantage schnell was gekostet. Auf dem Rückweg wird es still im vorderen Rang, die Reiseführerin macht ein Nickerchen.Baca lagi

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