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    • Day 171–175

      Ciudad de Mexico

      June 22 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      🇲🇽 „Para todo mal un mezcal, para todo bien - tambien!“ 🥃 Was so viel heißt wie „Mezcal hilft immer“ 😅

      Hätte dem Wettergott auch mal geholfen… Aufgrund des wütenden Tropensturms Alberto haben wir unsere Route kurzfristig angepasst und sind statt in Cancun zu bleiben direkt weiter nach Mexiko City geflogen ✈️🌧️

      Bei einem Ausflug zu den Teotihuacan Pyramiden und ein paar Tagen konnten wir uns schon mal an das Wetter in der beginnenden Regenzeit gewöhnen ☀️⛈️☔️ ins schwitzen kommen wir hier bei 22 Grad aber sicher noch nicht 😅
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    • Day 2


      October 29, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      📍CDMX, Mexico

      We ❤️ tacos. No really, we are in absolute heaven in Mexico City with all the tacos there are to eat and all the things there are to see. I'm going out on a limb to say it's our favourite place on the trip so far.

      We're staying in the Roma Norte area, and it's SO cool, and very hipster. So I won't lie my battered Tevas look horrendous when I'm walking around, but we're surrounded by underground markets, Australia-inspired coffee shops, independent artisan boutiques and queued-out-the-door taquerías. In parts, it honestly feels like we could be in Barcelona or Paris, and it seems really safe. Coupled with the fact that it's Day of the Dead and Formula 1 happening this weekend, the city is literally jam-packed with extra people.

      Normally, there are 21+ million people living here, so I'm sure there are other sides to the city, but in the few days we've had, we couldn't have enjoyed it more.
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    • Day 16

      Day Three - Ciclovía and More

      April 28 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ciclovia RecreActiva! CDMX. We picked up our Bici bikeshare bikes nearly right outside our door and hopped on the Plaza Reforma. This is a hugely wide street with sculptures, grand circles with fountains and statues. Everyone was out riding, running, taking exercise classes. It was super fun to be out on a bike in the middle of the city.

      For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ciclovia RecreActivas, cities all across Latin America close kilometers upon kilometers of major roadways for people to bike, walk, run, skate, exercise and generally get moving with their families and friends. Held every Sunday morning usually from around 7am to 2pm, cars seem to be nonplused by it all - it’s only a few hours on Sunday and you can still cross.

      Mexico City has done a great job putting in bike lanes and these median walkways/bikeways. Most provide a canopy of tree cover. Bici bikes are everywhere, and they look to be well maintained and well used. The bus system works pretty well too. It only costs $8 pesos or about 50 cents US (65 cents CDN). It can be a little tricky finding which bus services which stop, but people are generally quite nice and helpful.

      Along the route we encountered some interesting political posters and installations. It was 10 years ago that 43 Mexican students were kidnapped and killed although only three bodies have been found and identified. It is believed they were taken by the local police and drug cartels in collusion with the Mexican army. You can find posters with the students’ faces posted on walls and here in the middle of the major street we pedaled on. I heard about this when I was in Peru for the Ciclovia conference in 2015 or 2016 - I can’t remember. We also saw an installation about indigenous feminists.

      Along the route we wandered into a market with a couple dozen booths that had toys - most were superhero stuff - costumes and figurines. Now that is a big thing here. Lucha Libre, which is a part of Mexico’s rich cultural heritage, is the origin of professional wrestling, He wears an iconic mask and costume. Pretty fun. We also happened upon a very packed church with many followers waiting to get in to worship. Not sure what it was about.

      After a couple hours riding around, we went over to the big park nearby, Chapultepec, that houses the botanical garden and some museums. As we were walking over to the Modern Art Museum we saw these four men in traditional costumes, one playing a recorder and drum flying upside down on high in a circle! Yes. We googled it as there weren’t any explanations. The ritual is called the Danza de los Voladores (Dance of the Flyers). It is very old and is said to have been a plea to the gods during droughts. It was quite amazing.

      We didn’t feel like getting into the enormous Anthropology Museum, so we opted for the more manageable Modern Art Museum there in the park. On Sundays many museums are free so that was good. I have to say, this museum was fantastic. Incredibly well laid out, excellent curation of pieces and wonderful stories they told. It was also a modest size so we could actually enjoy all five sections without getting overwhelmed.

      A good day.
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    • Day 265


      April 12, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Das ist die offizielle Abkürzung für Mexico City. Die „Ciudad de Mexico“ beherbergt 9,2 Millionen Menschen. Mit der direkten umliegenden Zone sind es 21 Millionen. Damit belegen sie Platz 5 der größten Städte der Welt. Nur São Paulo, Shanghai, Delhi und Tokio liegen weiter vorne.

      Die letzte Woche in Lateinamerika haben wir uns entschlossen, hier zu verbringen. Wir konnten eine schöne und zentrumsnahe Unterkunft beziehen. Sie ist wirklich witzig vom Aufbau. Versteckt in der Wand ist die Eingangstür. Dann geht man nach unten am Pförtner vorbei, um später wieder platzsparend nach oben zu gehen. Auch die Zufahrt in die Garage funktioniert nur mit einem kleinen Lift für die Fahrzeuge.

      Der Flug war wieder problemlos und entgegen der letzten Reise haben wir bisher wirklich noch nie etwas bei den Sicherheitskontrollen lassen müssen.

      Auch wenn die sicherlich kein Fan der American Express Karte sind, ist der Loungebesuch bei Abflug und bei Ankunft obligatorisch und hat uns sicher schon einiges an Restaurantkosten erspart.

      Wir haben wieder eine Zeitzone übersprungen. Mexiko hat insgesamt drei. Witzig war das bereits, als wir mit dem Auto gefahren sind. Auch hier haben wir eine Zeitzone überquert und dies vor allem an der Diskrepanz zwischen Handy- und Autouhr festgestellt.

      Und bei Fußball und Tacos haben wir uns dann mit der Reiseplanung beschäftigt, um das unglaubliche Angebot zumindest etwas zu strukturieren.
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    • Day 3

      Angel of Independence

      April 17, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      After a delightful breakfast we went for a stroll and came across this monument in a large roundabout known as El Angel. Tons of people were jogging and riding bikes around it and through the town in what appeared to be a loosely organized fashion. Maybe it is a Sunday thing, but they had traffic controllers that would block cars for swathes of people exercising. The status is super cool with lots of symbolic detail and history that you can read here:…
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    • Day 14

      Reisipäev ja tagasi Mexico Citys

      December 6, 2021 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Tänane päev oli täis ainult rändamist. Esimese asjana hommikul läksime Cozumelis praami peale, et jõuda Playa del Carmenisse kus ootas meid meie rendiauto. Järgmise sammuna pidime rendiauto Cancuni ära viima, pärast mida läksime lennuki peale, et jõuda Mexico Citysse. Cancuni lennujaamas pidime maksma 50 eurot selle eest, et äraantav pagas oli 3 kilo üle lubatud kaalust, lubatud oli ainult 15kg ,meil oli 18 😑
      Siis lennu väljalend hilines peaaegu poolteist tundi, millest tund aega pidime lennukis istuma, õnneks olid meil jälle kuidagi VIP priority kohad sattunud . Sander jäi kohe alguses magama ja kui ärkas, arvas, et olime juba maandunud, tegelikkuses polnud veel lendugi tõusnud 😆
      Seega meie jõudmine Mexico Citysse jäi hilisemaks kui oleks pidanud ning lõpuks taksoga hotelli jõudsime kella 19 ajal alles.a Tegime kiire õhtusöögi ja homme õhtul kell 21 Mehhiko aja järgi algab tagasisõit Eesti poole (Eesti aja järgi kell 5 öösel siis).
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    • Day 3

      Day 2 Mexico city

      March 4, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Too much walking 😵
      Taco chronicals continue

    • Day 1

      Avenida Thiers

      October 29, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Mit 1 Stunde Verspätung aufgrund eines Wasserschadens im Flieger sind wir in Paris los geflogen. Kaum 12 Stunden und 6 Filme später sind wir dann auch schon ziemlich unsanft gelandet. Besonders dem dösenden Nico stand die Todesangst ins Gesicht geschrieben. Nach dem ersten eigenen Schreck musste ich herzhaft lachen 😄. Ziemlich zermatscht Schultern wir unsere Rucksäcke und versuchen an Geld zu kommen. Das klappt nach ersten Anlaufschwierigkeiten. Als nächstes soll ein Uber-Fahrer kontaktiert werden. Das geht ohne wifi eher nicht so gut. Damit hätte die Fahrt 7€ gekostet. Wir fragen am Taxistand. 200 Pesos sagt der Fahrer. Das sind etwas weniger als 10€,klingt also ganz fair. Langsam kämpfen wir uns mit dem Taxi durch den Verkehr der mittlerweile dunkel gewordenen Mexiko-Stadt. Am Ziel angekommen sagt der Fahrer 300 Pesos. Nico verhandelt, das sehen wir ja nicht ein. 250. No. Ok dann also 300, wir haben aber nur 400. Der Fahrer hat angeblich kein Wechselgeld. Er bekommt also doch 250 und der Drops ist gelutscht. Nett ist das von ihm trotzdem nicht. In unserer Airbnb Unterkunft angekommen werden wir von Demian und Leo begrüßt. Beide sind super nett und geben uns ganz viele Tips. Da ich die erste Nacht nachbuchen musste und Demian das vergessen hat, bekomme ich die erste Nacht geschenkt. Als Geburtstagsgeschenk. Muy bien! Wir bekommen einen netten Korb mit Handtüchern etc. Und verabschieden uns hundemüde ins Zimmer. Morgen starten wir dann richtig durch.Read more

    • Mexico City

      December 24, 2007 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      I am blessed to have a family of travellers, with relatives in NZ, South Africa, UK and USA. Despite this, it was still a little surprising when my cousin, Charlotte, decided to have her wedding in Mexico instead of Massachusetts. At the time Kate & I were both just out of university and an unbudgeted junket to Mexico seemed like a bit of a stretch. Thankfully Dad took pity on his poverty-stricken offspring and gave us both a generous subsidy. This would be the first de Villiers family holiday in years, and the first extended family reunion in about a decade! It would also be a trip back in time through Aztec history and culture. We couldn't wait.

      Things started on Christmas Eve with a trip back over the international dateline. This nifty feature allowed us to touch down in Mexico at about the same time, and on the same day, as we left Australia. Thanks to the peace-loving Conquistadors the Mexicans are now about 200% Catholic, although we later found out that some of them have still managed to put a bit of a traditional Aztec spin on things. As such, the city was completely decked out in lights and nativity scenes.

      I'd downloaded a program to learn some Spanish, and I was keen to start practicing. My first victim was our cleaner who endured a badly pronounced string of about 6 words thrown together in the order that seemed to make sense in my head. I immediately realised that I'd accidentally referred to my sister as my wife, but the cleaner wouldn't know any better, so I proudly turned to Kate and proclaimed my mastery of Spanish by advising, "I whipped out a long one on her!". It took about an hour for Kate to compose herself and wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes. And it seems that our cleaner had indeed understood my badly mis-translated word for "wife" because she gave us all a very strange look the following night when Kate's boyfriend joined us and moved into Kate's room.

      Our Paternal Financier had scored us a really nice hotel right on Reforma Avenue in the snazzy Gringo part of town, but all was not entirely well. Our first mission was to find some ice to cool our beer in, since our fridge wasn't working (oh, our first world problems!). HAHA.

      Mexico City was the base for the first few days of the trip, and our first tour was to the National Museum of Anthropology. Guided by a local professor we were treated to a brief history of Mexico and its Aztec founders. Built in the middle of a high altitude lake by the Aztecs in 1325, it was remodelled by the Spanish in 1521 (ie razed to the ground). Since then the lake has been increasingly reclaimed to allow for the growing metropolis. As a result a good proportion of the city is sinking, and some of the older buildings stand at quite interesting angles.

      Our next few adventures took us away from the city centre. When we visited, Mexico City itself had a population equivalent to Australia (about 20 million), and it felt like hours before we actually managed to leave the city limits. Our first stop was was the Great Pyramid of Cholula. This monstrosity was built in several layers starting from the 3rd Century BCE and dedicated to the deity, Quetzalcoatl. By the time the Spanish arrived the pyramid was about 450m x 450m x 65m. For stats nerds this is about 4.45 million cubic metres, making it the largest monument ever constructed (nearly twice as massive as the Great Pyramid of Giza)! It was so large that the invading Spanish did not even attempt to destroy it (as was their policy with most other monuments), and instead had to settle for building a small chapel on top to show the natives who's boss.

      On our second last night in town we investigated a commotion occurring a few streets over from our hotel. Pleasantly we discovered that it wasn't a riot, and was in fact a carnival of some description. We soaked up the atmosphere and decided to join in the festivities where we saw fit: obviously this included the air pistol booth complete with ricocheting rounds that sprayed passers-by, and maturely creating a dino-orgy with motorized toys on a shop floor. We ended up celebrating our new-found freedom from the Aussie OH&S culture by acquiring a small arsenal of pellet guns, which would lead to many hilarious and near-eye-removing moments over the coming weeks.
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    • Day 2

      Mexico-City centro historico

      October 30, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Wir machen also Mexico-City unsicher. Eigentlich wollen wir uns das Castillo Chapultepec auf Empfehlung von Leo (Mitbewohner von Demian) ansehen. Das Castillo liegt im gleichnamigen Park und ist fußläufig von unsere Unterkunft erreichbar. Leider ist der, wie so vieles hier, montags nicht geöffnet. Wie ändern also den Plan und fahren für umgerechnet 50 Cent (für 2 Personen!) ins Centro historico. Hier ist schon ordentlich für den Dia de los muertos geschmückt worden. Wir nehmen die empfohlene Route unseres Lonely Planet und sehen Tradition und Moderne verschmolzen in einem einzigartigen Stadtbild.
      Die Route führt uns auch zum mercado san juan, wo wir, nachdem wir in der cantina tio pepe (die älteste cantina der Stadt) unser erstes Bier trinken, eine Kleinigkeit essen wollen. Aus der Kleinigkeit wird Suppe, Reis und tacos mit Hühnchen. Anscheinend gibt es nur Menüs. Dazu werden uns 2l Johannisbeersaft gereicht. Das ganze kostet uns ca. 5€. Insgesamt. Danach bin ich allerdings so vollgefuttert, dass ich nur noch ins Bett fallen kann. Nico geht es ähnlich. Aus nur kurz 5 Minuten ausruhen wird ein sehr langes Schläfchen.
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