Puerto Vallarta

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    • Day 114

      Hotel - Joint coworking

      December 21, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I struggled to find a hotel in Puerto Vallarta that had a car parking space. This one I found is a coworking space/hotel. Which means it has great Internet and I can finally backup photos and videos that we've taken over the past couple of weeks.

      Now to enjoy Puerto Vallarta whilst everything backs up.

      We didn't use the hot tub, which was practically next door to our room. But we did find cat Island in PV where we fed lots of stray cats.
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    • Day 29

      PV: A Lovely Day

      January 9, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      As I noted in the “teaser” footprint from this morning, we had a delightful day in Puerto Vallarta … PV in shorthand. Here’s the story of our day.

      We were off the ship around 9:45a. Stopping to chat with the woman at the information kiosk, we picked up a map and headed out of the cruise terminal … filled with shops, for those interested … we weren’t.

      Hopping on the public bus going to the Centro, which conveniently stopped at the terminal because the traffic light had turned red, we headed into Old Town PV … MXN $10 each (or USD $0.50 per person). Our original plan had been to go to a beach. But the cool morning temp changed our minds. Hence, the bus. Sure, it warmed up considerably as the day progressed, but the rough surf we spotted along the shoreline confirmed that our decision to switch plans was a good one.

      We bookended our Old Town exploration with churches — Nuestra Senora del Refugio, where we got off the bus near Hotel Rosita, and Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y San Jose en Marcha, near where we got on the bus at the end of our visit to the Old City. In between, we strolled the malecón; photographed the surf crashing ashore; admired the many sculptures decorating the promenade; watched the Papantla Flyers performing on the beach; window-shopped the stores lining the boardwalk; rode a horse … true, it was the rocking kind; had a delicious lunch at Xolo; and were charmed by the mosaic benches at Lazaro Cardenas Park. I even exchanged emails with a friend who sent a note to say she was on NCL Joy … docked alongside Insignia … alas, did not manage a meet up.

      The return bus, conveniently marked “Walmart,” dropped us off at the mega store … overflowing with locals, crew members from two ships … and passengers, too. We needed just one thing … more disinfectant wipes to clean our shoes after we return from our day’s explorations. From there it was a short walk to the cruise terminal.

      We were back onboard just in time to run up to the pool deck. Not for food. Not for a dip in the hot tub or the pool. Rather, Oceania brought aboard a mariachi group to perform for us … two shows of 45 minutes each. Simply fantastic … a band, strollers in traditional attire, dancers in colorful costumes, a lariat performer. Wish I could share a video, but the file is too large to upload into FindPenguins. No worries, though. For those embarking in San Francisco, another performance is on the docket for Acapulco.

      Insignia quietly pulled away from its berth around 5:30p … ½ hour before its scheduled departure. Everyone must have returned early to catch the mariachi performances. Perfect timing, however. Had we left on time, Mui and I would not have caught the breaching whale that we saw from our veranda. What a perfect way to end our perfect day in PV.
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    • Day 29

      Mexico - Puerto Vallarta

      October 10, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Unser Start in Mexico war sehr abenteuerlich…
      Als wir in Puerto Vallarta angekommen sind, hat uns unser Taxifahrer darüber informiert, dass ein Hurricane Stufe 1 für den Folgetag angesagt sei. Wir haben das entgegengenommen und wollten uns erst Mal im Airbnb ausruhen. Nach einem kurzen Nap gingen wir in einer Cerverceria fein essen und Biertrinken. Am Folgetag kam dann die Information von unserer Airbnb Gastgeberin, dass wir zwingend ab Mittag im Airbnb bleiben sollen.
      Da der Hurricane „Lidia“ aus dem offenen Meer kommen sollte (das letzte Mal vor 100 Jahren), wird er auf Stufe 2 kategorisiert. Wir haben den Tag/Abend (glücklicherweise) imm Airbnb verbracht, denn schlussendlich wurde es zu einem Hurricane Kat. 4 😅. Neben Strom-, Wasser-, Inernetausfall hat der Hurricane viele umgeknickte Bäume, Palmen und Strommästen hinterlassen. Ansonsten geht es soweit den Meisten gut und die Aufräumarbeiten haben bereits am nächsten Tag gestartet.
      Wir haben uns dann jedoch entschieden, dass wir am 12. Oktober weiter nach Mexico City ziehen, da das Airbnb so gut wie nicht bewohnbar ist. 🙈✈️ Dennoch haben wir uns noch einen letzten schönen Abend mit feinem Mexikanischem Essen im „Si Señor“ und Drinks im „Terrazza“ gemacht. Salud 🍻
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    • Day 1

      Day 1

      October 15, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Time to explore the new neighborhood. PV is strong and resilient from the hurricane and floods. Lots of clean up left to do. Ate at a small taco shop close to the property. Our loft is cozy, quiet and relaxing as we wait for ours to finish. It already feels so good to be here.Read more

    • Day 83

      Islas Marietas

      November 29, 2019 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      As the music in the hostel didn't stop before 3am, we decided to have a late start and leave after breakfast (which they served from 8:30am). Usually, we try to be on the road at 7am in order to avoid most the midday heat.
      From Sayulita, we took a small road with less traffic to Punta Mita. Irene had recommended to go to Islas Marietas, so we checked out the offers. As we got a good deal and people seemed to be very knowledgable, we went on a boat trip to the islands. Definitely a good decision! The islands were formed by volcanic activity and are under government protection, so there's many species of seabirds as well as abundant marine life. On the way there, we saw a humpback whale and some dolphines. We observed the birds, among them some blue (and yellow) footed boobies, got wet from the water of the blowhole, checked out some caves and the stone bridge, snorkelled to sea the tropical fish and discovered a hidden beach.
      As the tour took longer than expected (Mexican times...), we booked an AirBnB some 30km away to be able to make ot before dark. When we arrived at the address, noone was there. We called the owner and he told us that it's actually not available at the moment because the light is not working and he has been waiting for someone to fix it for some time (Mexican time again...). We were both a little frustrated and hungry, as it was getting dark already and there weren't many options for accommodation. However, Google helped us this time and led us to a cosy hostal with friendly people and a fresh fruit and vegetable store next door 😊
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    • Day 2

      Банка счастья

      April 29 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Если каждый день опускать в банку записку с тем что принесло тебе хоть секунду счастья, за что можно быть благодарным сегодня, то сегодня моя банка оказалась бы полная. Я очень благодарна моему доктору Израилю за его профессиональные и личные качества, очень рады встречи с ним, очень благодарна моим очень внимательным друзьям, очень благодарны конечно же моему Миши который всегда со мной, очень благодарна что мы вместе встречаем рассветы и закаты, очень приятно видеть очень дружелюбный и радуюшихся жизни местных, которые просто так каждый день делают салюты, просто в честь этой жизни.... А еше замечательный ужин с шикарным видом из нашей квартирки под музыку легендарного Леонарда Коэна ...Read more

    • Day 9

      Сюрпризы дня

      May 6 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Жизнь нам постоянно приподносит какие-то сюрпризы, зачастую не всегда приятные. Но с другой стороны как на них посмотреть. А из-за того что я еше остаюсь оптимистом в этой жизни то мне остаётся только быть благодарной за все что случается с нами. Как же здорово что успешно завершился сегодняшний Рутканал для Миши, хотя это было полнейшим сюрпризом для нас. А когда мы застряли в в тёмном, супер душном, маленьком лифте на 7 этаже 😮🙄😮🙄....
      Ну какой же приятный сюрприз для нас был когда наконец-то мы оказались на воле 😜😜😜😜😜
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    • Day 4

      Всё там же, всё тоже

      May 1 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Солнце, воздух и вода... Похоже наши верные друзья. Звонки, переписки с семьёй, друзьями. Очень скучаем... К вечеру у Миши всё повторяется, всё как и было 4 месяца назад 😢

    • Day 8

      Еше один чудесный день

      May 5 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Нам просто крупно повезло с погодой. В это время года по словам местных, очень жарко и душно,но сейчас совсем наоборот, и мы наслаждаемся этим на все 100 🤗

    • Day 70

      Mexiko - 20. Jahrestag

      April 1 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Als ich von Flughafen in die Stadt fuhr, habe ich realisiert, dass ich vor 20 Jahren zum ersten Mal nach Mexiko kam.

      Sonst habe ich in dieser Woche nicht viel spannendes gemacht, außer mein Wahnsinnsjetlag verarbeitet und mich auf Wil gefreut.

      Und ich habe keinen Sonnenuntergang verpasst!
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