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    • Dzień 42–47

      Die Geschichten gehen weiter...

      8 stycznia, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      - unser Spanidchlehrer Eric hat uns geholfen, eine Meldung bei DHL wegen unserem Paket zu machen. Die sagten uns, dass der Chauffeur des Paketes zurück zum Hotel (zu 'Julian'...😅) geht und versuchen wird, das Paket zurück zu bekommen...
      Einen Tag später um 22:00 klingelt das Telefon, DHL steht vor unserer Tür und übergibt uns das Starlink Paket...🤣 Es bleibt ein Rätsel wo dieses Starlink die ganze Zeit war...Jetzt sind wir mal gespannt wie das Internet funktioniert!
      - wo wir können, sprechen wir Spanisch. Das macht richtig Spass! ☺️ So wird Salome vom Dessert-Verkäufer überredet, dass Jan sein 'Riesen-Bretzeli- mit Nutella und Käse nimmt...😜
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    • Dzień 127

      Last day in Tulum! Snorkeling

      7 marca 2020, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      As we love the nature and animals, we thought it would be a good idea to try out a snorkeling boat trip that went from tulum beach out to the world's 2nd largest barrier reef! 😀 As we weren't close to the beach we took a local collectivo (mini bus for anyone who flags one down 👍) and walked from tulum mayan ruins site, which is right next to the stretch of beach we needed to be on for our tour. We got to the beach on a partically windy day so braced ourselves for just bobbing along in the water once out there! It took no more than 5 minutes to reach the reef from the beach, as we all got ready to depart the boat with our snorkeling gear, flippers and LIFE JACKETS 😢😳🤔..... I think its a big deal in México to wear life jackets for anything involving water it would seem, probably with the high tourism and maybe there was that one person that ruined it for everyone else and touched a turtle 🐢 😂 so now everyone must wear them to stop us diving down to touch the marine life or get to close, and also there is the danger of drowning too, to consider lol 😂 So after departing the boat we began to swim with our guide in search of marine life. The coral reefs were beautiful with lots of bright colours and fish hiding, as we floated past on our life jackets and with the strong currents. We got to see the green sea turtles again, which never gets old 😊😀 were one of our group members decided it was a good time to use his flippers near the turtle as it swam up towards the surface, he accidentally kicked it in the face 😔😢 that was a real low point to witness, but it was ok luckily 😓 after the drama we swam on, and just before we had to get back on the boat we witnessed 3 sting rays swimming together, and we followed them in the direction of our boat. Another amazing snorkeling experience 😍 as it was our last night in Tulum we decided to get dressed up and go for moijtos at a cool little bar, complete with its own VW beetle inside and it seemed to be jazz night too! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 124

      Arrival to Tulum & beach day!

      4 marca 2020, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We arrived to Tulum after another overnight, 11 hours bus ride from Palenque, which gave us plenty of time to sleep...😴 But as we have learnt by travelling via buses even though its a night bus you may not be sleeping as much as you hope! When we arrived in Tulum we headed for our hostel, we checked a taxi fare (which we knew would be higher being a very popular holiday destination) and they wanted quite alot, so the Yorkshire in both of us said No way man, forget about it, we're walking! So off we went in the blistering sun with all our bags 😂☀️🌞 Our hostel was amazing, it was on the outskirts of tulum centre, quiet and had its own little kitchenette 😍 just like being at home again... Sort of! The first day we had a nap before heading out for food... Yes I know what you're thinking, mexican food but no, pizza and a moijto 😂🍕 The second day we decided to rent bikes from our hostel and take a tour of tulum, in the direction of the beach, as that's where the beautiful views were. Riding through the town and down the busy highway to get to the beach wasn't as pleasent as you would imagine, but as soon as we got onto the tourist tracks it was like smelling roses 😂😂 the pathways were lined with flora and fauna, lots of expensive cocktail bars and resorts for the package holiday get aways. Tulum beach was where we finally stopped for the day, we managed to walk all the way down to the Mayan ruins, and see them from the end of the beach 🏖️😁 we couldn't believe how blue the water was here, so we spent alot of time in the sea, diving into the waves and relaxing on the white sands (which made our tans look even better than they are haha 😂). Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 211

      Mexique - Tulum

      8 kwietnia, Meksyk ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Bonjour bonjour !
      Quoi penser de Tulum… je ne sais pas trop. Ce n’est pas forcément comme on peut l’imaginer : une ville au bord de l’océan avec de l’eau turquoise…

      Finalement, Tulum est très proche de Cancun. Il y a la ville des pauvres et la ville des riches. C’est-à-dire que le centre de Tulum, eh bien, c’est relativement moche, avec des bars et voilà, et ensuite il y a ce qu’on appelle la “zone hôtelière”, où se trouvent tous les hôtels de luxe ++ et où toutes les plages sont privées. Donc, c’est dommage… si vous êtes riche, c’est certainement super, mais sinon, bof. Enfin, sinon, la fête est super à Tulum quand même et j’ai rencontré beaucoup de personnes.

      A Tulum on peut visiter également des ruines Maya avec une super vue sur les Caraïbe. Et pour y aller j’ai loué un scoot une journée, ça m’a rappelé l’Asie 😁

      Sinon, pour l’anecdote, j’ai vécu mon premier moment où on s’est dit “là, quand même, c’est chaud”. Vendredi soir vers 21h, notre auberge a été prise en otage par un cartel ! Une dizaine de personnes armées sont arrivées, nous ont ordonné d’aller dans nos chambres ! Bref, c’était une grande histoire, finalement, plus de peur que de mal : à 23h30, on était libres et on a pu quitter l’auberge pour faire la fête ailleurs.

      Demain, direction Bacalar, ville frontalière avec le Belize.
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    • Dzień 29–33

      Alltag in Tulum

      26 grudnia 2023, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      In dieser Woche hat unsere Spanisch Schule angefangen. 🤯 <- unsere Köpfe nach nur 4 Tagen...aber wir lernen viel. In der Kochschule haben wir Chilaquiles (ein mex. Frühstück) gekocht. Selbst essen wir aber trotzdem ein schweizer Zmorge...😉 Salome joggt weiter durch die Gegend und Jan hat sein Gym gefunden. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7

      Burrito Amor

      19 marca, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wir hatten richtig Glück hier noch einen Tisch zu bekommen. Ich glaube der Laden ist ganz schön gehypt. Ich wollte aber die ganze Zeit schon einen Burrito 🌯 essen und da war das Lokal perfekt für. 🥰
      Für mich gab es einen Vegetarian Burrito und für Tobi einen mit Smoked Pork & Pineapple
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    • Dzień 104

      Greetings from Tulum

      15 stycznia, Meksyk ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      2 days ago, I progressed to Tulum from Cozumel Island - only a short trip further south. I have already heard that it is super touristy 🫤 and thus I wanted to stay only briefly to see the Maya Ruins at the beach as well as AZULIK - a museum with artistic installations.

      When I arrived in Tulum, I checked in at Mama‘s Home - my hostel for 2 nights. It is very cosy and has a good vibe. The cat Diego (actually a female) 🐈 gave the place an even more homey feeling. It is not close to the beach as other hotels and hostels but I didn’t mind the commute. Instead, it was a lot cheaper than the alternatives. So, the hostel was exactly right for me. 😅
      After check in, I tried to see the ruins but I was too late. I missed the last admission to the ruins by approximately 15 min. 🤦 (not that I would have been aware of the time tables). However, the ruins are located inside the Archeological Zone of Tulum which is also a national park with a lot of beaches and hotels. As I wrote earlier, Tulum (actually the entire east coast of Mexico) is very touristy and heavily commercialised - so much so that almost any access to the beach 🏖️ is privatised. At least in Archeological Zone of Tulum the entrance fee is quite low (only 60 Pesos = 3 EUR). So, I rented a bike 🚲 and cycled to Playa Mangle (the most remote beach in the archeological zone, I believe). I won’t lie - Tulum is expensive but the beaches are incredibly nice. The white sand is one of the finest I have ever seen and the water is so nice and blue … see for yourself on the photos! 🤩 I had a beer and later some fresh coconut on the beach before I drove back and returned the rental bike.
      In the evening I wanted to buy some ingredients for a self-made guacamole in a supermarket but I didn’t find one that was close. On the way I bumped into a lively area with food trucks 🛻 serving street food and changed my mind. I had tacos 🌮 instead. 😅
      On the next morning, I went to the AZULIK facilities that I have read about in this blog:
      Actually, I wanted to go to the AZULIK city of arts near the small town „Francisco Uh May“ which is located 30 min. northwest 🧭 from Tulum. But somehow I took the wrong collectivo and ended up at the AZULIK luxury Ressort which was only 15 min. to the southeast and close to Tulum beach. They also had a museum 🎭 that exhibited installations from Colombia-born artist Cristina Ochoa. The three-part exhibition explored Mayan traditions through visual art and installations. The place was pretty small though. I took my time but I had seen the entire museum in only 30 min. In hindsight, the 400 Pesos (approximately 20 EUR) entrance fee was a bit much but art is priceless, I guess 😇
      I didn’t expect to „be done“ with my excursion to AZULIK so early in the day, but this gave me at least time for a 2nd try to visit the Maya Ruins of Tulum. This time I was there in time and got in. 💪
      Tulum means “wall” in Yucatec Maya, a reference to the city’s fortifications. It served as an important port town, controlling maritime commerce along the Caribbean coast to Belize from the 13th century till the arrival of the Spanish 🇪🇸 who brought all sorts of European diseases that decimated the Mayan population. It is kind of crazy to think that for hundreds of years after the Spanish arrival and conquests in the 16th century, nature has reclaimed this sublime city, and it was forgotten by the outside world until the middle of the 19th century. 🤔
      The structures themselves are modest in comparison to the other Mayan cities I had already seen but the ruins sit on seaside cliffs, high above turquoise waters that extend as far as your eye can see. The views are just spectacular. 😎 In my opinion, this sight is a must see when you are in Tulum!
      It was super hot that day and the ruins provided little to no shade. My water bottle that I took with me was emptied in no time. I was so thirsty 🥵 on my way back that I bought 2 Victoria beers at the nearest OXO convenience store and immediately drank it as soon as I was in the hostel (it is not permitted to drink on the streets in Mexico - if you get caught, you pay a hefty fine).
      In the evening, I met Lucy (from the UK) in my hostel room. She had just arrived and hadn’t seen anything of Tulum yet. So, we walked 🚶 approximately 20 min. along the main strip to the next big supermarket and bought the ingredients for our dinner we would prepare together: tuna, rice as well as avocado 🥑, tomato 🍅, onions 🧅 and lime 🍋 for a self-made guacamole. It was only the second time in my entire 3,5 month journey that I actually used the kitchen of a hostel 😂
      After dinner I chatted with many other travellers at the dinner table. The hostel had a leakage of their water tank so that some people that came back in the evening were not able to shower 🚿 until the water tank was filled up again. I was lucky though since I was back early enough to take mine. But as compensation, we had free beers 🍻 on the hostel. When I checked out today, they even gave a 25% discount, which was neat ☺️

      Now I am leaving the Caribbean beaches 🏝️behind me. After been on Cozumel for a long time and for a few days in Tulum, I have seen enough. It is time for a change. Therefore, I am heading to Bacalar in the south of Mexico close to its border with Belize 🇧🇿
      Stay tuned!
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    • Dzień 140

      Bacalar & Tulum🇲🇽

      1 sierpnia 2023, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Nach Caye Caulker hei mir Belize verlah u si när witers greist nach Bacalar in Mexico. Isch houptsächlech bekannt für die wunderschöni Süsswasser Lagunä😄 Abr z Städtli isch süsch nüt speziells, würkt sehr verschlafe. Mir hei da ä Segeltrip buechet. Da heisi üs gseit, es sig wunderschön (isches ja o) und chli umweltfründlecher wöu mä ja duet seglä - Fakt isch, mir si öpe 3/4 vom Weg nume mitem Motor gfahre und gsäglet würkli nume ä chliini Strecki. Abr drfür isch z Bier guet gsi und d Lagunä zum Bade zimmli nice😜🍺

      Anschliessend si mir witers uf Tulum. Das isch 2-3h entfernt vo Bacalar. Tulum isch bekannt für ihri Cenote. Die Cenote gseh us wie grossi Löcher gfüllt mit Süsswasser. In Würklechkeit sis grossi Kavernen us Kalkstei, die dür dä Meteoriten Einschlag vor der mexikanische Halbinsle Yucatan si entstande vor rund 66 Millionen Jahr. Wäge däm Einschlag hets töifi, ungerirdischi Vertiefige gä. Das Ungerwasserhöhlesystem isch witlöifig und die Cenotes si zum Teil mitenang verbunde.
      Mir si da natürli ga touche - woow, eifach wunderschön, faszinierend und überwäutigend! Es isch dunku gsi, hei abr ä Taschenlampe gha und zum Teil het z Tagesliecht düregschimmeret und de hei mir gseh was sech aus i däm spannende Höhlesystem befindet😄🙌🏼 Leider hei mir vo däm kener eigete Fotis, abr hei glich eis als Beispiel usem Internet ufeglade vo üsere Cenote „Dos Ojos“💦

      Ja när isch no erschtä Auguscht gsi u dä hei mir natürli ono gfiiret. (Für die wo nid Schwizer si u das läse, am 1. Auguscht isch Nationalfiirtag vor Schwiz) 🇨🇭 Sam het ja äxtra d Schwizer Fahne mitgno 🤩 Wie es der „Reiner Zufall“ het wöue, si mir i däm Hostel genau denn a zwe Schwizer häre glüffe. (U vorher sit Wuchene kener Schwizer meh troffe ungerwegs) Uf jedefau häts so söue si, dass mir z viert hei chönne 1. Auguscht fiire und sogar drzue hei chönne jasse mitem nä feinä Bierli😜 Was wosch no meh🙌🏼 Und ja, ds cha o nid mänge säge, er heig dr 1. Auguscht gfiiret in Mexico u drzue no gjasset😂🇨🇭
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    • Dzień 65

      Mexiko: Tulum

      1 grudnia 2022, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Tulum: für mich ein Ort, der gemischte Gefühle hervorruft. Es gibt viele Orte in Mexiko, die ich weitaus mehr liebe, schöner finde und mehr schätze...ABER Tulum hat auf der anderen Seite so viel: wunderschönste Strände, Maya Ruinen, tolle Bars, Cenoten UND Mama's Hostel.

      Dieses Hostel ist für mich das Tollste von allen...und ich hab schon viele gesehen. Das Hostel ist nicht mal das schönste oder modernste, aber es ist immer ein Nach-Hause-Kommen. Nina habe ich letztes Jahr auf Holbox kennengelernt und nun hier wieder getroffen, ebenso Josúe aus Mexico City und viele andere tolle (neue) Menschen - und Paula hat gleich verstanden, was ich an dem Ort so liebe.
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    • Dzień 32

      Der W-Track im Torres de Paine Tag 4

      2 grudnia 2022, Meksyk ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Am vierten Morgen wurden wir mit strahlendem Sonnenschein begrüßt. Da wir heute nur eine fünfstündige Wanderung vor uns hatten beschlossen wir bis halbneun auszuschlafen und zusammen mit Katha und Jan liefen wir erst um 10 Uhr nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück los. Das Ziel war heute das Camp Chileno, das auch den Ausgangspunkt für die Wanderung zu den Torres de Paine am nächsten Tag bildete. Czytaj więcej

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