Aït Ben Haddou

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    • Día 10

      Ait Ben Haddou

      23 de abril, Marruecos ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Deze ochtend zijn we vertrokken uit Taroudant. Hopelijk geen vaarwel, maar wel tot ziens... We hebben een lange busreis voor de boeg door een dor en desolaat landschap. Door de droogte is er maar weinig begroeiing en blijven de kuddes met schapen en geiten weg.
      Net voor de middag komen we aan in Ait Ben Haddou. Hier bezoeken we de oude 11e-eeuwse kasbah die al decor heeft gestaan in heel wat films. Na een uitgebreide lunch zetten we onze reis verder door de bergen, nu richting Marrakesh.
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    • Día 42

      Ksar Ait Ben Haddou & Tinghir

      2 de mayo, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Today is the start of our 3 day trek across morocco. We had to get up at 630 to get up on time and find our meet-up location. It wasn't hard to get up because we slept on a brick of a mattress and the softest pillow ever made. I got up and had a shower with lots of time to spare and check the room for anything we may have forgotten. We made it to the pickup spot on time, but there were so many buses and people it was overwhelming. Buses started leaving for their tour before Pearse, and I even knew where we were supposed to be. We were worried our bus left without us because we just couldn't find our guide. Luckily, a man named Aziz pulled us out of the crowd and asked if we were Ethan and Pearse. We got on the "bus," which is just a work fan with seats in it. It's pretty small with no leg room at all. Of course, we got the very back with the least leg room as well. Crammed in this bus we left for our first stop. It was a look out of the Atlas mountain. It was the first really cool view we've had in Morocco so far, and it didn't disappoint. It's nothing like the mountains I'm used to back at home, but I think I liked it so much because the landscape surrounding us was so cool. It was dry and Rocky with this red rock gorge. It was really interesting. Our next stop was only about an hour away, where we stopped on Africa's highest road. It's about 2600 meters above sea level. I had no idea we were going to see this, so it was a nice surprise. After some more photos, we had to get a move on to today's main attraction, Ksar Ait Ben Haddou. This village was built in 800 AD. There are two main sides to the village, the old ksar and the new ksar. The old ksar has a ruined fortified lookout tower called a kasba. Unfortunately, an earthquake destroyed the kasba only a few years ago. All that remains from it is rubble and the bottom portion of it. What makes a ksar a ksar are the houses. They're made of clay and mud, meaning a rainy week will start melting the buildings away. I couldn't imagine seeing rain in the forecast and thinking, "Ah shit I'm gonna have to remold my house." Right before we got off the bus, Aziz told us to apply sunscreen because the sun was really strong here. I looked at my weather app, and it only said it was 20 degrees. I grabbed the sunscreen but decided I wouldn't need it because I'm really good at ignoring people's advice. Well, after standing outside the van for two minutes, I conceded and put it on. I felt like my neck was turning red in the two minutes I was outside for. We started by having lunch on the new ksar I had tagine for lunch. I had it for dinner last night, so I knew it was gonna be good. I think last night's was better, but it was still really good. We walked across the bridge that connected both sides above what's supposed to be a river, but it was completely dried up. I guess lucky for their homes, they haven't had any rain in a long time. When we got to the other side, we were able to look down at the bottom of the ksar and could see where the movie Gladiator was shot. Everyone knows Gladiator is a badass movie, so it was really cool to see where the arena used to be. My favorite show of all time, GOT, was also shot here in season three. This world heritage site has been the filming location for tons of different movies and shows. Those two are just my favorite. We kept climbing the stairs of the ksar when we came across an old man sitting down with a recorder playing some music. He called me over to sit next to him. When I was on my way over, he pulled a snake out of a burlap sack and put it around my neck. I was not expecting that at all. He started playing the recorder, and this snake that was probably almost dead just laid in my hands. It was a really weird experience. Pearse took some pictures and a quick video for me, so when I got up, I told him to sit down and I'd do the same for him. We were both pretty excited by it and not paying attention to the rest of the group. As the old man was about to pass a chameleon to Pearse, he froze with a concerned look on his face and put both the snake and the chameleon back in the bag. Confused, I ended the video and turned around where we saw a member of our group having a seizure. We later found out she has epilepsy. She's okay it was just a little concerning to see. She just sat down in the shade for a while while we finished the tour. The next stop was my favorite stop. We stopped in this guys ksar where he was painting. The style of art he was doing is hundreds of years old and is only practiced here. He only has a few colors to work with, blue, which is indigo in water, yellow is saffron and water, and for black and 6 used tea and sugar in water. The really interesting part is that the only color that's visible after being painted is the blue. The brown and yellow disappear into the canvas really quickly. The way they make the colors come back and stay on the canvas is by lighting a gas stove and heating the canvas over top of the flame. It was really cool to see the painting just appear after being over the flame for a few seconds. It doesn't really make sense to me how that works. I ended up buying a small painting because I thought it was so cool. After the demonstration, we continued to the top of Ksar Ait Ben Haddou, where the kasba was located. We got to walk around and explore for a few minutes before making our way back down. It was so hot in the sun. In only a couple hours, it jumped to almost 30 degrees outside. For the rest of my time here, my sunscreen won't leave my pocket. I think this is one of the cooler world heritage sites I've been to. It was really interesting to me. Unfortunately, it was time to leave, so we got back in the van. This is where I realized I left my fuckin headphones at the hostel. I'm devastated. There's no way to contact the hostel, so I'm gonna go back there after the three day trip to see if they still have them. I don't have much hope. It was a long drive to the hotel we stayed at, but it was worth it. We stayed at a really nice hotel with comfy beds and even a pool. We had one roommate named Billy who's really cool and easy to get along with. We had dinner where we played uno for a bit and chilled out. We sat by the pool for about an hour before hitting the hay. Tomorrow is a huge day!Leer más

    • Día 8

      Aït Ben Haddou

      8 de mayo, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Le Ksar Aït Ben Haddou est située dans la province de Ouarzazate. « Ksar » est un type d’habitat traditionnel pré saharien qui se caractérise par un ensemble de bâtiments de terres entourés de murailles.
      De très nombreux films et séries ont été tournés ici, tels que : Gladiator, Game of thrones, Prince of Persia, la Momie, etc…
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    • Día 11

      Ait Benhaddou

      25 de mayo, Marruecos ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We had an evening hike through the gorge and through farmers fields…somewhat like a communal garden…cabbage, mint, parsley, corn and turnip and favorites. Pomegranate, fig, apricot, almond, olive and walnut trees are everywhere along side grape vines.
      Lots of water and canels so people life very basic. We were very entertained by the shepherds herding in their goats from an evening of drinking at the gorge.

      Left beautiful Toudgha Gorge this morning and headed to the cinematic village of Ait Benhoddou (a fortified village once on the caravan route from the Sahara to Marrakech). Also the location of filming of many movies (Gladiator, Lawrence of Arabia), Game of Thrones).
      Stopped at a spice market, had a tangine cooking class and hike before dinner.
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    • Día 11

      Ait Ben Haddou

      25 de mayo, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Travelled along the “Route of Kasbahs” and hiked to Ait Ben Haddou, an amazing example of a kashah, an UNESCO site. The walls and interior are mostly intact …clay and straw. It still houses several families but there is now an adjacent village.
      Visiting a spice shop along the way!
      We took a cooking class to make a traditional chicken tangine which was delicious and visiting a women’s cooperative carpet weaving shop. Women in the coop work at home and whatever hours they like. They design their own carpets and can often take a year to complete a large one!
      Full day and sensory overload😳
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    • Día 4

      De Marrakech vers Ait Ben Hadou

      28 de octubre de 2019, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Finis les embouteillages de la grande métropole et cap au sud est vers les montagnes. Nos deux 4X4 sont bourrés jusqu’à la gueule avec notre barda et nous montons à l’assaut du col Tischka à 2260m, une route bien sinueuse qu’ils sont en train de rectifier avec des travaux de terrassement impressionnants dans le rocher’ un bon cours de travaux publics pour les enfants !
      Après le col nous quittons la route principale qui mène à Ouarzazate pour prendre une ancienne piste ( en 2005, c’était une mauvaise piste en terre ) mais le bitume a rendu cet itinéraire bien agréable . Halte pour le déjeuner à Telouet et visite des ruines de l’ancienne résidence du gouverneur de la région de Marrakech, le Glaoui, que les habitants du village tentent de maintenir en état. L’extérieur paraît bien délabré mais il y a à l’intérieur de très belles pièces décorées de mosaïques et de stuc qui sont superbes. La route redescend ensuite dans la vallée vers notre destination de la journée dans un paysage minéral de toutes les couleurs particulièrement superbe avec les lumières de la fin de journée.
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    • Día 5

      Dans la vallée d'Ait Ben Hadou

      29 de octubre de 2019, Marruecos ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Une belle randonnée dans un village et dans les champs le long de l’oued avec la découverte de la vie dans cette campagne, les canaux creusés en tunnel pour amener l’eau aux champs, le grenier communal ou chacun stocke ses provisions, les petites parcelles labourées par des ânes, et de l’autre côté de l’oued la montée vers d’anciennes grottes où les caravaniers déposaient leurs provisions. Nous sommes dans la vallée qu’empruntaient les caravanes qui venaient du désert et allaient vers Marrakech en payant leurs taxes à Telouet ou nous étions hier. Après cette longue promenade, nous étions attendus pour manger un couscous chez l’habitant dans une maison très simple où nous nous étions arrêtés à l’aller pour montrer aux enfants la préparation du repas. Après un peu de repos, la fin de journée est consacrée à la visite du village ancien de Ait Ben Hadou qui est devenu très touristique, le Mont Saint Michel transposé dans le grand sud marocain ! Le village doit sa renommée à beaucoup de films célèbres qui l’ont utilisé comme décor naturel, Laurence d’Arabie, Gladiator et bien d’autres encore. Le filon est bien exploité et de nombreux hôtels se sont construits depuis quelques années et l’ensemble devient un peu Disneyland.Leer más

    • Día 58

      Ait- Ben- Haddou

      30 de marzo de 2023, Marruecos ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Ich wollte heute eigentlich nirgends hinfahren und nur die Stille geniessen, aber es lag nur 17 Kilometer weit weg und gehört zum Unesco Weltkulturerbe.
      Auch hier wurden wieder Teile von Games of Thrones und Babel und weitere gedreht.
      Jetzt bauen sie die Arena für Gladiator zwei auf.
      Die Lehmhäuser wurden wohl vor 1000 Jahren gebaut, dass konnte ich mir kaum vorstellen als ich dort durch schlenderte.
      Ein junger Maler, Künstler hatte draussen viele Bilder von Kamelen hängen, aber alle nur mit blauen oder safran Hintergrund. Ich fragte, ob er für mich einen speziellen Hintergrund malen könne. Ich ging einen Tee trinken, er malte speziell für mich ein Bild. Das hat er sofort auf seine Homepage gestellt. Eric hat mich beim Frühstück fotografiert, dort komme ich auf die neue Homepage! Nachdem ich von der Filmstadt wiedergekommen bin, lag und sass ich fasst fünf Stunden auf der Terasse und habe nur die Vögel gehört, entspannt, geträumt, gedöst, gechillt, ne rien ....
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    • Día 4

      Ksar Ait Ben Haddou‌, Morocco

      11 de abril de 2023, Marruecos ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Gnadenlos reisst uns der Wecker um sechs Uhr aus dem Schlaf - unsere Tour zum Ksar Ait Ben Haddou‌ wird es wohl wert sein. Zusammen mit einer portugisischen Familie, einem Ungaren und unserem Reiseleiter, einem möchte-gerne Formel 1 - Fahrer, folgen wir in dem Touristen-Track, der in die Wüste führt. Nach mehreren Zwischenstopps und etwa drei Stunden Autofahrt ab Marrakesch erreichen wir schliesslich unser Ziel der Reise. Die alte, befestigte Stadt Ksar Ait Ben Haddou‌ beherbergt heute nurnoch wenige Familien, ein Grossteil des Dorfes ist in den neuen Teil auf der anderen Flussseite gezogen. Ein lokaler Führer macht uns mit den hiesigen Traditionen und der Kultur der Berber vertraut. Den neuen Aufschwung verdankt das Städtchen vor allem seiner eindrucksvollen (und fotogenen) Kulisse welche auch bereits in vielen Filmen wie Gladiator oder Prince of Persia verwendet wurde. 

      The alarm clock mercilessly wakes us up at six o'clock - our tour to Ksar Ait Ben Haddou will be well worth it. Together with a Portuguese family, a Hungarian and our guide, a would-be Formula 1 driver, we follow the tourist track that leads into the desert. After several stops and about three hours of driving from Marrakech, we finally reach our destination of the trip. The old, fortified town of Ksar Ait Ben Haddou is now home to only a few families; most of the village has moved to the new part across the river. A local guide introduces us to the local traditions and Berber culture. The town owes its new boom mainly to its impressive (and photogenic) skyline, which has already been used in many films such as Gladiator or Prince of Persia.
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    • Día 16

      Vom UNESCO Weltkulturerbe...

      10 de mayo de 2023, Marruecos ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      ...Aït-Ben-Haddou (Drehort für Ben Hur, Gladiator, Games of Thrones...) in die Wüste nach Merzouga. Natürlich nicht ohne ein Abschiedskäffchen mit Anna und Wendla.
      Die Todgha Gorges (Todra-Schlucht) haben wir leider verpasst. Wird aber bei der Rückfahrt nachgeholt.
      Nach 6 Stunden Fahrt gab es erstmal eine leckere Tangine und jetzt werden die Zelte aufgebaut.

      Unser Ruf 🔊🎶 eilt uns voraus und alte Bekannte "freuen" sich auf unsere musikalische Anstimmung 🤭

      P.S.: in der Früh gab es noch eine kleine Batterie zu Batterie Wiederbelebung
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