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    • Dag 68


      30. mars, Marokko ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Kleine Pension noch kleineres Zimmer werde in der Medina willkommen geheißen will vom ersten Moment an nicht mehr weg. Heute morgen Regen gehe ins Marina shopping mail versuche einen Regenschirm zu kaufen wird dann ein regencape kann ich vielleicht auch auf dem Motorrad gebrauchen, da ich ja mein regenzeug verloren und verschenkt habe. Was ich hier in Land schon alles verloren habe. Computertablet, regenkombi, Spiritus, usw. Ein Mädchen gab mir eben noch meine verlorenen ohrhörer zurück.
      Casablanca ist eine desolate charmante Hafenstadt. Die Kamera auf s/w gestellt, mit canonball aldderly und something Else als soundtrack fotografiere ich mich hier in einen Rausch.
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    • Dag 24

      Last night in Morocco! Casablanca

      5. november 2022, Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Dianne and I didn’t get to spend much time in out Casablanca hotel. We checked out at 10:30 pm for a 2:30 am flight to Frankfurt, but there was time for a farewell dinner with all of our travelling companions. Our tour guide Khalid did an excellent job for us for the last two weeks.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Into Casablanca

      15. mars 2023, Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I made it to Casablanca with a beautiful sunrise. I got my accommodation driver to pick me up rather than try and get the train or convince a taxi driver to drive the quickest route!
      I'm glad I did as my accommodation is a Ryad ( guesthouse) in the middle of a Medina (market stalls) in the old town. Probably never would have found it!!

      Went for a long walk until my room was ready. I remembered how much I love exploring new places!!
      Casablanca is a port city and has 2 "people beaches".

      There's new clean buildings and lots of old rundown suburbs like any city, but they do all have a satellite dish!!

      Then I had an afternoon nap and fell into the trap of sleeping through so now it's 2am and I'm writing an update 😊

      This morning I'm booked to do a half day tour of Casablanca, we meet at Rick's Cafe of Casablanca the Movie fame.

      There's no Telstra roaming reception in Morocco so I can only communicate when there's wifi available. So via Messenger and email.
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    • Dag 4

      The Medina and Beyond tour

      16. mars 2023, Marokko ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today was supposed to be a 4 hour walking/ bit of car tour of part of the city where I am - the Old Medina and mosques, etc. Turned out we just kept on going further and ended up with a 7 hour tour instead!! No extra charge!

      We met at Rick's Cafe of the movie Casablanca fame.
      There were 5 of us on tour, - a couple from Italy and a couple from San Antonio, Texas. We all got on really well and was sad to leave them really.
      Our guide was called Mohammed.

      So we walked some and a taxi drove us lots as well.
      Our guide gave us an added extra of a tour inside the Hassan II Mosque. An inside tour wasn't the deal but he took us on a private tour with himself. The other couples had to pay, I didn't because I was on an Intrepid tour or something, still don't quite get it but ok thanks 😊. It was a bit special today also because the inside was all lit up because some dignitaries had just been in. There'll be 2 pages of just photos of this Mosque, it is very beautiful. The Casablancans are very proud of it because "it is built on the water" (reclaimed land) and it has the highest minuret in Africa.

      We visited other mosques and churches. A museum or 2. Saw the slums and the rich area plus the King's home when he's in Casablanca. Apparently he lives mostly in Rabat.

      We visited the old Medina near me plus the new Medina, including an olive tasting, mint tea, pastries. There was a local rug auction in the street.
      Medina means the old walled part of a North African town

      We didn't get lunch until 3.30! Imagine how hangry I was feeling, but so was my Texan friend 😂. So eventually we had a targine of choice. Mine was chicken with lemon and olives, very nice.

      Then hometime so had another wander in the Medina markets here. Bought a couple of pottery things. I also went to the train station to buy a Telecom Maroc sim card. The bloke at the shop activated it all for me. Google maps won't work without data

      Then a light tea of a lovely Moroccan soup with bread and olives with their Moroccan mint tea.

      Turned out to be a big day.
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    • Dag 27

      Un petit coup de coeur pour le wydad

      20. mai 2023, Marokko ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      En baladant je suis tombé sur un hommage des supporters du wydad , j ai pas pu m empêcher de approcher ce joyeux cortège , en bon marseillais la ferveur de ces supporters ça m as rappelé la maison !
      Bon ils sont vraiment un ton au dessus quand même niveau ferveur , le tout accompagné de la gentillesse légendaire des marocains qui même ultra ont pris le temps de m expliquer la raison :
      Un hommage à un membre disparu et la victoire en champions league plus tôt dans l après midi
      Forza wydad !!!
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    • Dag 17

      Casablanca; Erster Stop Rückweg

      1. oktober 2023, Marokko ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Eine Nacht in Casablanca verbracht, schönes Hotel etwas außerhalb; sind abends in die Stadt gefahren. Casablanca ist echt groß: 3,4 Mio Einwohner im Großraum Casablanca!!! Viel los, leider war schon alles dunkel...aber die riesen Moschee Mohammed der II war schon angestrahlt, sehr beeindruckend!! Ach neblig war's gestern Abend.
      Jetzt geht's weiter nach Tanger Med über die Grenze und dann aufs Schiff...
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    • Dag 70

      Casablanca 3

      1. april, Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nach zwei verregneten Tagen spiele ich hier mit dem Gedanken Noah zu kontaktieren und mir Tipps zum Bootsbau zu holen. Aber jetzt endlich wieder Sonne.
      Ich liebe es durch die Medina zu laufen aber jetzt ist es Zeit zu verschwinden. Ich musste mir schon eine Extra Tasche kaufen damit ich das Zeugs alles nach Ouzoud bekomme, was ich im Konsumrausch erworben habe. Mal sehen wie ich das auf dem Moped unterbringen, aber erstmal Ersatzteil abwarten soll ja in 1-5 Tagen kommen. Freue mich wieder nach Ouzoud zu kommen der Kurztrip hat gut getan.Les mer

    • Dag 16


      4. mai, Marokko ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We say goodbye to Egypt 🇪🇬🥲. Very interesting flight over - we did not fly over Africa but up towards Albania and then across the Mediterranean, and you could see the actual landscape of all the islands. Morocco here we come! Yala Beena!! First port of call is Casablanca. Made our motel after lunch and went for a wander round the old town and to the port. Very surprised by how western this is in comparison to Egypt - and lots of “Australian” plants including gum trees. Traffic is almost normal instead of driving over two lanes and managing by “talking” to each other with horns.
      And in the local shopping centre found ourselves a pseudo Wendy’s ice cream 🍦. Fell into bed as 26 hour day starting at 3am
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    • Dag 112

      04.27.2024 Casablanca, Morocco

      27. april, Marokko ⋅ 🌙 55 °F

      We had an early morning wake up call at 6:30 followed by breakfast. Today we left Marrakech after toured the gardens.
      The Gardens are celebrating their 100th anniversary.
      The Jardin Majorelle, which extends over 9,000 m, is one of the most enchanting and mysterious gardens in Morocco. Created over the course of forty years, it is enclosed by outer walls, and consists of a labyrinth of crisscrossing alleyways on different levels and boldly-coloured buildings that blend both Art Deco and Moorish influences. The French painter Jacques Majorelle conceived of this large and luxuriant garden as a sanctuary and botanical ‘laboratory’. In 1922, he began planting it with exotic botanical specimens from the far corners of the world.
      In 1980, Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé, who first arrived in Morocco in 1966, purchased the Jardin Majorelle to save it from destruction at the hands of hotel developers. The new owners decided to live in Jacques Majorelle’s villa, which they renamed the Villa Oasis.
      What an amazing place.
      It is a 3 plus hour drive back to Casablanca where we will rejoin the ship later today.
      Once we arrived in Casablanca we had lunch at Rick’s Cafe from “Casablanca”movie fame. “Play it again Sam!”
      Lunch was delicious. Diana had salmon in an orange sauce and Myron had lamb chops in garlic butter. We shared a molten lava cake for dessert.
      After lunch we went and toured the Hassan II Mosque. It is the 7th largest mosque in the world.
      Its large outdoor esplanade can accommodate some 80,000 people and the prayer hall another 25,000, and it has a spectacular retractable roof, underfloor heating, and 50 Murano glass chandeliers weighing some 1,200 kg each. In addition, the ablution hall has 41 fountains and 600 taps, while the hammam has a capacity for 1,400 people. It is a true display of the talent of Moroccan craftsmen and, of course, a cultural symbol of the highest order.
      We enjoyed the tour of the mosque and the architecture.
      We got back on the ship about 5 and sailed at 8. We had dinner in the restaurant just the two of us.
      Myron went to the comedy show and Diana decided she was tired and wanted to just relax in the cabin.
      What a great couple of days we had. A beautiful sunset as we say goodnight.
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    • Dag 14

      Marrakech Express

      6. mars 2023, Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We caught the train today from Marrakech to Casablanca, a comfortable 2.5 hour journey.

      The landscape started dry and brown, but the further north we went, the more lush and green it became.

      Casablanca is the financial capital of Morocco, a bustling highrise city, and a far cry from Marrakech. Tourist attractions are limited in the centre of town, so we wandered the streets near our hotel.

      First mission was lunch at a local shawarma shop (yiros/doner in a pocket bread) - this one was in the backstreets, has one item on the menu, and had a queue of locals hanging out the door (always a good sign). They make the bread in real time at the back of the shop, fill the warm bread with freshly carved meat and top it with salads. Delicious!

      We visited the supermarket on the meandering walk back to the hotel, and had dinner at a pasta restaurant nearby.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Casablanca, Darul Baidha, الدار البيضاء, Kasablanka, Горад Касабланка, ⴰⵏⴼⴰ, Казабланка, কাসাব্লাংকা, Касабланка, کازابلانکا, Καζαμπλάνκα, Kazablanko, Casabranca, קזבלנקה, Կասաբլանկա, CAS, Kazablanka, カサブランカ, კასაბლანკა, Tigemmi Tamellalt, ಕಾಸಾಬ್ಲಾಂಕಾ, 카사블랑카, ກາຊາບັງກາ, കാസബ്ലങ്ക, कासाब्लांका, ကာဆာဘလန်ကာမြို့, Касабланкæ, ਕਾਸਾਬਲਾਂਕਾ, کاسابلانکا, Ad Dar al Bayda, காசாபிளாங்கா, కాసాబ్లాంకా, กาซาบล็องกา, دار البیضاء, Kasablank, 卡萨布兰卡

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