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    • Day 12

      Marrakech, the Red 🔴 City

      March 24, 2023 in Morocco ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Got into Marrakech about 9 am. Had an adequate sleep in the bunk.

      Got to our Hotel Morocco by taxi, then went to another hotel for breakfast while our rooms were getting ready.

      Settle into room then I head off on my own to explore. Walked 3-4 K to the Medina where town centre, Souks and markets are. 30degree heat now so pleased I brought my hat and drink bottle. Walked back as well.

      So now I can say I'm over the markets and ready for my next tour to "go bush".

      We have our farewell dinner at the same hotel we had breakfast in. It was a very nice meal.

      Still have a day in Marrakech tomorrow but change hotels to meet up with the next tour tomorrow night.
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    • Day 4

      Menara Gärten

      November 26, 2022 in Morocco ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Hier lagen noch drei Geocaches die ich finden wollte, sodass ich bis hier hin lief. Auf dem Rückweg kam mir eine Italienerin entgegen, die auf meiner Tagestour zu den Wasserfällen war und die am Tag zuvor noch mit mir, den Griechen und dem Schotten in ein Café gegangen ist, bevor sie etwas früher als wir zurück ins Hotel ist. Ziemlicher Zufall 😄Read more

    • Day 5


      October 14, 2023 in Morocco ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Was Marrakesch neben engen Gassen und Gewürzen auch noch zu bieten hat, sind natürlich jede Menge Händler, die alle nur dein Bestes wollen: dir schöne Dinge für zu Hause mitgeben.

      Hier ist also Vorsicht geboten, nicht in einen Kaufrausch zu verfallen. Was angesichts der vielen Auswahl manchmal gar nicht so leicht fällt....

      Aber: Wer viel läuft, hat sich auch das ein oder andere Mitbringsel für zu Hause verdient 🙃
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    • Day 3


      February 18, 2018 in Morocco ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Eigentlich standen für heute nur zwei Punkte auf unserer Liste, wo wir dachten diese seien schnell erledigt.
      Morgens war erst mal Frühstück angesagt, welches es für unsere Verhältnisse erst recht spät, nämlich um 9.00 Uhr gab.
      Als ersten Punkt hatten wir uns den Blauen Garten (Jardin Majorelle) vorgenommen, aber als wir nach unserem Fussmarsch dort ankamen, war klar hier stellen wir uns nicht an. Somit gingen wir direkt zum zweiten To Do über, nämlich das Busticket nach Ourzazate für den nächsten Tag zu organisieren. Leider war das Office von CTM - welches hier direkt um die Ecke war - geschlossen und so mussten wir einige Kilometer bis zum Bahnhof laufen. Nachdem wir unsere Tickets für morgen dann endlich hatten, war es für Tina auch schon wieder Hunger-Zeit und so war die Suche nach einem günstigen Restaurant angesagt welches wir auch fanden. Ein komplettes Mittagessen für 5€ (für zwei Personen), da kann man nicht meckern. Auf dem Rückweg haben wir dann noch den Cyberpark besucht und dort etwas gechillt. Ganz plötzlich war dann auch schon wieder der Tag vorüber und bei Tina zeichnete sich immer mehr eine kommende Grippe ab😱. Nicht wunderlich da halb Marrakesch die Grippe hat.
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    • Day 13

      Résidence La Perle de l'Atlas

      November 18, 2019 in Morocco ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      An der Unterkunft angekommen, waren wir echt gespannt, was uns hier erwartet, da die Bewertungen nicht so gut waren, was uns aber erst heute Morgen auffiel.
      Auf dem Weg zur Unterkunft, erklärte der Besitzer, dass wir Bar zahlen müssen und die Kreditkarte nur als Absicherung galt. Na toll, aber durch den Strafzettel mussten wir sowieso nochmal Geld holen.
      Erste gute Nachricht war, dass wir unsere Boardingpässe bei ihm ausdrucken können, Jackpot!
      Und die Wohnung ist auch super! Super groß, sehr schön und alles was man braucht.
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    • Day 14

      Frühstück mal anders

      November 19, 2019 in Morocco ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Den Abend ließen wir dann entspannt ausklingen und die Nacht verlief auch sehr gut, top Betten zum Schlafen.

      Wir konnten heute dann mal richtig ausschlafen, da unser Gastgeber erst um 11 Uhr hier in seinem Büro war, wo wir dann noch die Unterkunft zahlen mussten, und unsere Boarding-Pässe drucken konnten.

      Nach dem Aufstehen, gab es dann Frühstück, aber dieses Mal anders als sonst.
      Es gab Müsli und war mega geil!
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    • Day 10

      Morocco Day 10

      October 21, 2018 in Morocco ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

      Quarzazate has developed as a city since the 1920s. The city is a movie studio capital used for 30-35 movies/year. The movie culture/production started when Lawrence of Arabia was shot here. There are two large studios, one owned by Francis Ford Coppola. Other movies and documentaries shot here that we discussed were Homeland, Game of Thrones, lots of desert and Biblical movies. Many of the producers, actors stay at the hotel where we are staying. Who would have thought we would see a movie capital in Morocco!!!

      Our activity for the day is “A Day in the Life”. This experience is unique to OAT, the company we are traveling with, and provides a more in-depth study of the people of the country. We traveled to a village called Ait Ben Haddou, which consists of a new village and an old village, built in the 9thC, with a river on the edge of town. The old village was built into the side of a mountain with a watchtower on the top. This village has become a tourist attraction as it is well-preserved. We started with a tour of the new town with Ali,our town guide, and a visit to a home and a school. Homes built with places for the animals (goats, sheep and donkey) to live and several large rooms as well as a kitchen. Most all homes are made of adobe but some with cement. The reason most of the people have moved from the old town to the new town is, that, when it rains, the river flooded their homes. There are still 5 families that live in the old town and about 150 families in the new village.
      As we finished our tour of the villages, we went to a building outside of the old town which houses the Imik Smik Women’s Association for Rural Development. This is an organization that the OAT Grand Circle Foundation supports. The association supports women’s rights in this rural area of Morocco and was established in 2012. Essentially started with a group of women getting together because they wanted some “space” and now is 74 members strong with members from 16-74. Their goals are to create workshops and programs to teach women how to sew, read, cook, and further education. They started by baking cookies to sell, added other products and now have a little store where they sell their goods. All of the money so far goes made back into the organization. A fascinating discussion with several of the girls/women running the organization about divorce, relationships with men, etc. An amazing feat for these women in this country and a force in women’s rights. Tagines made by the women for lunch. Following our meal 2 of the gals did artistic henna tattoos for those wanted A great, fascinating experience.
      Back to hotel, cocktail hour on an open air patio near our rooms, a walk through a bustling Sunday night market and dinner at a French restaurant – very good duck.
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    • Day 11

      Morocco Day 11

      October 22, 2018 in Morocco ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      Our last long bus ride today from Quarzazate to Marrakesh. The road leads through the High Atlas Mountains with lush, fertile valleys and small villages. The High Atlas Mountains are the longest mountain range in Africa and have 3 peaks over 12,000 ft. A very windy, mountain road up to the pass at ~7,000 ft and down the other side to Marrakesh. A couple stops for pictures, coffee and bathrooms.
      Arrived at the wonderful Jardin Koutoubia Hotel in the Medina of Marrakesh in time for a late lunch. Wonderful food, the restaurant at this hotel is listed on the fine dining restaurants of Marrakesh and it was easy to tell why. Lovely seating area by the pool with lush greenery, palm trees and very quiet in the courtyard.
      Time to unpack - again - and then Illene and I out to find a bank and a pharmacy. Had a successful walk not far from the hotel. Large group of people lined up on both sides of the street several blocks away clearly waiting for something. When we asked we were told that the king was coming. Morocco is a monarchy and the people love this king. We waiting as long as we could but never got to see the king. :-(
      Back for our first sojourn into the souk (shopping area/bazaar) of Marrakesh. So hard to describe. We walked for at least 1/2 hour past stalls and merchants selling any kind of wares. After all of that time, our guide said that we had probably seen only a very small part of the souk. We make our way to the famous square in the city - Jemaa el-Fnaa. The area is immense with hundreds of stalls all around, a huge "street food" area, hotels, cafes, and lots of open space. The square is busy from 10 in the AM to 3-4AM 24/7. It is also a UNESCO world heritage site. As the sun goes down the entertainment in the square heats up and there is a carnival-like atmosphere. Belly dancers (tranvestites), snake charmers, Moroccan bands, henna tattoo stands, games for kids, gambling games, etc. You name it and it is there. A cacophony of sights and sounds. An amazing display of entertainment.
      We wandered on our own for an hour or so, Ilene and I bought some cheap travel technology - adapters and different types of plugs. I got a US to Europe 3 prong adapter for $2. :-) We all ate at one of the street food places, incredibly cheap and everything very fresh. back to our hotel for "after dinner" drinks.
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