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    • Hari 10

      Amazing Fes

      29 September 2023, Maroko ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      In der wunderschönen Stadt Fes, die für ihre historische Medina bekannt ist, hatte ich das Glück, bei meiner Einreise einen freundlichen Einheimischen kennenzulernen. Er bemerkte mein Auto und bot mir sofort an, einen guten Parkplatz direkt vor der alten Medina zu zeigen.

      Die Medina von Fes ist eines der größten mittelalterlichen Stadtzentren der Welt und ein wahrer Schatz an Geschichte und Architektur. Die engen Gassen, die sich durch die Medina winden, sind mit Geschäften, Handwerksstätten, Moscheen und historischen Gebäuden gesäumt. Hier kann man das traditionelle marokkanische Leben hautnah erleben.

      Nachdem wir uns Unterhalten hatten, war er so begeistert von meiner Begeisterung für seine Stadt, dass er darauf bestand, mir alles zu zeigen. Wir begannen unsere Erkundungstour in der Medina.
      Ich war fasziniert von den kunstvoll gewebten Stoffen und den talentierten Handwerkern, die diese Kunst seit Generationen weitergeben.

      Wir setzten unsere Reise fort und besuchten eine Lederwerkstatt, wo ich den Prozess der Lederherstellung vom Gerben der Tierhäute bis hin zur Färbung und Verarbeitung beobachten konnte. Es war erstaunlich zu sehen, wie aus einfachen Materialien hochwertige Lederwaren entstehen.

      Unser nächster Halt war die atemberaubende Moschee von Fes, eine der ältesten und beeindruckendsten Moscheen der Stadt. Ich war überwältigt von der Schönheit und dem architektonischen Detail, das in jedem Stein zu finden war. Mein neuer Freund erklärte mir geduldig die Geschichte und Bedeutung der Moschee und ich war dankbar, so viel über die kulturelle Bedeutung dieses Ortes zu erfahren.

      Zum krönenden Abschluss führte er mich durch die engen Gassen der Medina. Diese Gassen waren ein Labyrinth aus bunten Geschäften, Gewürzständen und kleinen Cafés. Es fühlte sich an, als ob die Zeit stehen geblieben war und ich mich in einer anderen Ära befand. Die Atmosphäre war magisch und ich konnte den Charme und die Geschichte der Stadt förmlich spüren.

      Am Ende des Tages war ich überwältigt von der Großzügigkeit und Gastfreundschaft. Er hatte mir nicht nur seine Stadt gezeigt, sondern auch einen Einblick in die Kultur und Traditionen von Fes gegeben. Ich werde diese Erfahrung nie vergessen und hoffe, eines Tages zurückzukehren, um noch mehr von dieser faszinierenden Stadt zu entdecken. Natürlich! Fes ist eine der ältesten Städte in Marokko und ihre Geschichte reicht bis ins 9. Jahrhundert zurück. Die Stadt hat eine reiche kulturelle und historische Bedeutung und ist bekannt für ihre gut erhaltene Medina, die zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört.
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    • Hari 9

      Imperial city of Meknes and Roman ruins

      28 September 2017, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Off at 8.45 once more, pausing only at the hotel entrance to buy the photos from the "official" photographers who make their living following tourists around and snap us as we go. Bought 2 today-Ted looked too miserable in most of them 😂 Weather better today and indeed was very hot at the Roman ruins at midday as we dutifully followed our guide but first it was Meknes, which had once or twice been the capital and is thus an "imperial city". We visited the Moulay Ismael royal stables where 12000 horses were stabled and the huge granaries needed for everyone. Then another impressive gateway-the Bab El Mansour opposite a much smaller but copy of Marrakesh's main square. As said, the Roman ruins were very hot but the local guide was brilliant and we put up with the sweltering sun as we listened to his pearls of wisdom. Lunch then on the outside terrace if a hotel overlooking Volubilis but this time a platter of meats-not very appetising! We didn't get back til 5ish but had to first visit the ceramic factory. Again, lovely, good quality stuff but £120 for a fruit bowl was too much after the silver teapot and how would I get it home?! We then stopped at Carrefour right next to the hotel to buy provisions for tomorrow's 7 hour train journey back to Marrakesh. Time for a quick swim then shower and tea at the pool bar.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      The Artisans of Fes

      27 September 2017, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Fes is one of Morocco's oldest cities founded in about 809AD. The present King's wife is from Fes and, as there is yet another Royal Palace here, the King is often here. So we started off looking at the grand gateway of the Palace then followed Aziz and his two local helpers through the, at times, very narrows streets of the city. UNESCO has made it a World Heritage site and helps to fortify any crumbling buildings as structures within the Medina cannot be changed. At times we were instructed to keep well into the right or left of a street by the shout of "Ballac" or that's what it sounded like, as a laden mule would come bowling through at a fast pace and one was in danger of being flattened!! Today was all about visiting the various artisan workshops where a demonstration was given then a chance to buy the wares. First stop was in the bronze/silver metal work shop where it was revealed that 37 workers from this firm had partaken in working on the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. We were shown some beautiful plates of all sizes (to suit all purses!) and some silver teapots, the latter being subjected to a battering from a strong file to show how it would not be damaged or tarnish because it was a good quality silver (not plated!) teapot. I, of course, fell for this and bought one along with matching plate to put it on. Second up was the inside of a traditional Berber house which happened to be a carpet factory. My worst fears were confirmed when, after a demo of the most beautiful carpets, mint tea all round and an invitation to use the "facilities", no-one was up for making a purchase, unlike the flurry of sales at the metal workers. The owners of the factory and their underlings desperately tried to worm their way into our hearts, bringing out more and more carpets, thinner ones, cheaper ones etc until we were in danger of drowning in carpets and Ted and I had to make an exit to escape the embarrassment. On then to the tannery! Here we gratefully accepted a large sprig of mint to waft under our noses before climbing up about 3 floors of the leather wares shop to reach the viewing platform above the very smelly tanneries below. Thank goodness someone in the group also had a pot of Vick to help out. Then it was purses, bags, jackets, slippers, belts, or boots-whatever anyone wanted to haggle for and eventually buy or not buy. Last stop was the silk shop with a weaving demo and scarves and pashminas for sale. Some had lost the will to live by this time and were getting a little shirty when pressed by the shop owners to buy but it's all part of the culture. We had also seen the dyers street where material was being actively dyed and Aziz took us to the bakery and we all had a piece of bread. Time, at last, to go back to the bus and wend our weary way out to the pool and a spot of lunch. This "5 star" hotel is a bit hit and miss service wise so a few problems for some as about 20 people all descended on the unsuspecting pool bar staff! However, snoozettes by the pool were then in order for a couple of hours before it was time to get ready for the evening meal and show out.

      We gathered in the hotel foyer at 7.45pm and were transported to the Jewish quarter where we had started the day for our meal and evening entertainment. It was a most beautiful building inside with a stage for the "turns"! My appetite is not the best at the moment and I felt neither Ted or I did it justice really. Starter was cooked vegetable salad which was very nice and varied followed by 2 main courses, yes 2, and BOTH chicken. The first was the sweet one cooked in the thin pastry that we had in Rabat and the second was the chicken tagine with olives and preserved lemons which we had also somewhere else. Dessert was fresh bananas, peaches and grapes and then some almondy biscuits. The restaurant had now filled up with Australians and other tourists although we had all the front tables. A local band played all through the meal (traditional Arabic music) then another band came on. We were particularly amused by the man who appeared to be playing a large pair of kitchen scissors and were desperate for him to do a solo but unfortunately he did not have the chance to do so! So on to the, shall we say mature, belly dancer who was very good and dragged the older men then the younger women up onto the stage to put them through their paces. Ted beat a hasty retreat (remembering his Marrakesh experience!) and watched from the back! A magician with a dove came on and did some good tricks especially with a glass of water folliwed by a younger and more scantily clad belly dancer/fire eater - equally at home with both skills it turned out. About 10.30 pm we filed out dutifully to the coach and so to bed! Alarm set for another 8.45 am start.
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    • Hari 7

      Lunch in Chefchaouen then on to Fes

      26 September 2017, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Lunch was again a set menu with huge plates of salad followed by a tasty chicken tagine then yoghurt with nuts and honey. So many salads and vegetables are not doing our digestive systems any favours so I partook of the first course sparsely, as did a few others who are suffering in varying degrees with Moroccan "belly"! The restaurant waiters were very hardworking and eager to please and it was a typical local place serving typical local dishes. We wandered on some more through the delightful "blue" streets before the call to prayer halted Aziz's pearls of wisdom in the main square. There was only time to have 20 mins or so to ourselves to soak up the atmosphere but it was hot and we were all anxious to get to our next destination of Fes-a mere 3 and a half hours further on so .... back to the bus. We didn't arrive in Fes until past 6.30 pm so only time for a quick wash and brush up before the buffet dinner.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      A day in Fes

      29 April, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Had a wonderful day learning about the history of Fes, the ability of Islam and Christianity to live and work together, and living in the oldest Medina in the country .

    • Hari 3


      19 Januari 2017, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Fès oder Fez (arabisch فاس, DMG Fās, mazirisch ⴼⴰⵙ Fas) ist mit rund einer Million Einwohnern die drittgrößte Stadt Marokkos. Sie ist die älteste der vier Königsstädte des Landes (außerdem Marrakesch, Meknès und Rabat) und galt nach der Begründung der Qarawiyin-Universität als geistiges Zentrum der Region. Fès ist die Hauptstadt der Region Fès-Meknès, eine der 12 Regionen Marokkos.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31

      Jardin jnan sbil

      24 Mei 2023, Maroko ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Une petite ballade dans ce magnifique jardin au calme avant d attaquer une 2 eme expédition dans la médina …

    • Hari 10

      Fez outra vez!

      19 April 2019, Maroko ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Trocadilho à parte, hoje foi dia de relaxar e preguiçar um bocadinho, bem à moda marroquina. Passámos pela Sinagoga Ibn Danan e pelo cemitério judeu. Voltámos à Porta dourada do Palácio Real. O dourado banhado pela luz do sol parece ter íman! À sexta o movimento da Medina é incomparavelmente menor. É como se fosse domingo para os muçulmanos.
      Limitamo-nos, por isso, a fazer compras de supermercado no Carrefour, situado num enorme centro comercial cheio de marcas europeias. O preço das coisas é igual em alguns produtos, mas noutros é incrivelmente menor. Comprámos dois tomates, uma cebola, um pimento e um punhado de salsa pela módica quantia de vinte e seis cêntimos. Apreçamos cinco quilos de tâmaras por treze euros. Ainda assim, os preços são muito caros, considerando que o rendimento anual per capita ronda os três mil e quinhentos euros.
      Chegados ao nosso cantinho ainda temos uns minutos para relaxar ao por do sol no relvado, com uma bela Super Bock e tremoços, como manda a verdadeira tradição lusitana.
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    • Hari 9


      18 April 2019, Maroko ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      Esta é a segunda vez que usamos o autocarro em Marrocos. Os autocarros são velhos e só os marroquinos se deslocam neles. É uma experiência bem interessante. Percebe-se que a diferença entre ricos e pobres, campo e cidade ainda são abismais. À ida a viagem não tem nada de excepcional, mas a vinda traz miúdos pendurados à sucata na porta de trás do autocarro para escaparem ao pagamento de 2,5 dirham - 25 cêntimos... bastante perigoso!
      Durante o dia vamos deambulando pela velha Medina, às vezes seguindo o nosso plano, outra vezes deixando-nos ir atrás das pessoas que parecem ter um destino bem definido. Visitamos a Madraça Bou Inania - homónima da de Meknes, mas várias vezes maior, com uma mesquita integrada, onde ainda hoje se reza o Corão. Há um pátio central retangular, com um tanque no meio, pavimentado com zellige. Em três dos lados do pátio há galerias, enquanto que o quarto se abre para a sala de orações. Esta é decorada com estuque esculpido e tem um mirabe elegante, com um arco em ferradura.
      O Portão Azul, que na realidade do outro lado é verde, é lindo e imponente, como aliás todos os portões da cidade, em especial o do Palácio Real com os seus portões dourados.
      Visitámos dois espaços diferentes de curtumes - uns mais pequenos, mas onde obtivemos a explicação detalhada do processo para curtir e tingir as peles, e os mais famosos, os de Chaouwara, que optamos por ver só de cima porque já tínhamos experimentado o cheiro nauseabundo nos anteriores e achamos ser suficiente uma só vez.
      A cada esquina espreita algo muito diferente e muito interessante para os nossos olhos europeus. Os souqs de todas as espécies - mel, henna, metal... - maravilham-nos; pequenas espreitadelas para dentro das mesquitas; o Mausoléu de Moulay Idriss II também está vedado a não muçulmanos, mas o que pudemos espreitar é fantástico. A partir de várias ruas, para que se perceba a sua dimensão, é possível ver vários espaços deste complexo, que inclui uma mesquita também.
      Tanto na visita aos primeiros curtumes, como na pausa de almoço, estivemos acima dos telhados da Medina. Que maluquice! Sítio misterioso, cheio de ruelas estreitas e difíceis de percorrer para quem não sabe movimentar-se rapidamente. É aqui que a tecnologia tem um poder fantástico e está a revolucionar as viagens pelo globo!
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    • Hari 7

      Destination Chefchaouen!

      26 September 2017, Maroko ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      So an earlyish start to Fes but calling at The Blue City of Morocco, Chefchaouen. This is one of the most visited cities in the world apparently, said to be a cultural melting pot with blends of Jewish, Islamic, Moroccan and Spanish influences evident in the city. Two and a half hours by bus then met by a "local" guide who led us through the city ("lovely jubbly" being his favourite phrase!) but who was quickly but quietly "set aside" by Aziz who did all the talking! Didn't stop our friendly local guide from gathering in a goodly amount of tips as he said goodbye at the lunch restaurant!Baca selengkapnya

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