Bioscoop Pathé Tuschinski

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      16. Oktober 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Wenn Beatrix, die ehemalige Königin der Niederlande, Lust auf Kino hat, geht sie ins Tuschinski. Und sie weiß, warum. Das Lichtspielhaus von 1921 ist ein architektonisches Prachtstück im Stil des Expressionismus. Vor allem im großen Saal, aber auch im Foyer fühlt man sich in vergangene Zeiten versetzt.Weiterlesen

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      Amsterdam, Day 2

      26. September 2019 in den Niederlanden ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      We reckon that have just discovered the most unhelpful and incompetent organisation in Australia
      The first hour after breakfast, when we should have been enjoying the sights of Amsterdam consisted instead of Brian bellowing down the phone to the people at Virgin Global Wallet and Virgin Frequent Flyer. This saga had been going on for three days without resolution. It could be the subject of its own blog, but the upshot was that we needed to transfer the funds from Mary's stolen Global Wallet card to Brian's, which was running low. It should be a routine online transaction, but it required the Virgin people to update Mary's mobile number before that could take place. Numerous lengthy phone calls to Australia followed by repeated assurances from the Virgin people that the problem was fixed instead resulted in zero progress.

      Having made as much progress as we could with the useless clowns at Virgin we set out to explore another area of Amsterdam, this time the Museum district. What better place to start than the world-famous Rijkmuseum? It's housed in one of Amsterdam's most spectacular buildings, and that's saying something. We finished up spending quite a few hours there, all of it on the second floor, which is given over to art and other creations of the 17th century.

      Of course this very much includes Rembrandt, many of whose original paintings are housed there. It was interesting to see his most famous work, the Night Watch. It is held within a large glass enclosure, which keeps visitors a good five metres away from it At any one time there would have been several dozen people standing in front of the enclosure, which we took to be a big crowd. However one of the attendants who started chatting with us told us that it was exceptionally quiet that day . She said that at the height of the tourist season the crowds viewing that famous painting were many times bigger than that. We certainly wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much under such conditions.

      Something which particularly interested Brian was the large machine positioned in front of the painting, but obscuring only one small part of it. Millimetre by millimetre it is scanning the very large canvas, using Xrays, we think to analyse the paints and pigments . This is all in preparation for some restoration work.

      We spent the next few hours up to the 5pm closing time admiring many of the wonderful works on display in the museum . And that was only one of the three floors of this great institution . Afterwards we wandered around the museum precinct, thinking about all the other museums which we'd really like to see. Top of the list would have to be the Van Gogh museum. That will have to wait until our next visit.

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      Welcome aboard

      28. September 2019 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      A pleasant buffet breakfast and Brian was once again doing battle with the incompetents at Virgin Global Wallet. After them insisting that they couldn't do anything to help us until we had sent them proof by means of a screen shot from our phone proving that another part of their own organisation had done what was asked of them by updating Mary's mobile number in their own system, they finally demonstrated that their stupidity knows no bounds. We received an email telling us that the mobile number we had nominated as belonging to Mary and the number shown in the requested screen shot were different. The difference? One of them showed the +61 international dialling code while the other one didn't. So, email number 20 or thereabouts, pointing out their stupidity was duly sent. Surely that lot exists in some sort of Kafkaesque world.

      Anyway, we duly checked out late morning and Ubered to the Amaverde, our mobile home for the next 15 days. Quite a few fellow travellers had arrived already, all of them Aussies or Kiwis, and we too were welcomed aboard. Ample sandwiches, cakes and drinks were available, and we were happy to make ourselves at home out of the wet weather in the large and comfortable lounge. At the 3pm check-in time we were shown to our cabin, where our luggage was waiting for us.

      The cabin and bathroom proved to be surprisingly large with plenty of storage space. Heading back upstairs to the lounge we all received a detailed briefing about what was happening and what in turn was required of us.

      One thing became apparent early on. With unlimited quantities of drinks and excellent food it would be easy to turn into a 120kg alcoholic very quickly. Dinner and drinks were excellent.

      The tour leader had suggested that if anyone wanted to go for a wander, the Red Light district was only a few hundred metres away and was well worth a visit. We had seen it in broad daylight hours a couple of days previously, but thought it would be worth a look after dark. As we were passing the reception desk we overheard a fellow passenger, Caroline, asking for directions, so the three of us decided to join forces to explore the Red Light district.

      It was a pleasant leisurely walk of about a kilometre to get there, and what a surprise when we arrived . It was so different from our previous daytime visit. For a start, the streets of the area were jam-packed with pedestrians., and clearly not all of them were looking for girls. There were so many restaurants of all styles, and all of them seemed to be doing a roaring trade.

      Then, of course, there were the girls. There were dozens of them to be seen, but rather than standing in shop doorways each of the very scantily clad girls was standing inside what was almost like their own individual shop window. The moment a client opened the door and walked inside a blind would immediately be pulled down, and the rest was up to ones imagination.

      Brian was carrying his camera on a strap round his neck, and the instant he looked like picking it up to get a photo there would be loud vigorous banging on the glass window and wild gesturing from whatever girl was the likely photographic subject. Fearing either a riot or a beating Brian had to abandon any notion of photographing the girls.

      It was an interesting visit. Unlike Sydney's Kings Cross it wasn't at all seedy, and there wasn't the yobbo element that one might expect to find in Australia. We got back to the boat at around 11pm having had another full and interesting day.

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      Coldest day ever 🐧

      6. August 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Sunday August 6th 2023 was the coldest day on record for this date in Amsterdam 🥶 It all started with an onslaught of rain in the morning...

      On our city walking we had passed Pathé Tuschinski, an older theatre with a beautifully crafted facade on Reguliersbreestraat. They are still in operation too! (

      What better on a cold wet day than a movie 🎫! There wasn't a lot of availability for an Oppenheimer matinee, so we settled on Mission Impossible. It was a wonderful film and classic Tom as expected. We weren't in the main screening room, but thoroughly enjoyed the front row love seat, side tables and foot rests! After our film we popped into the big hall for a look and photos 📸

      Afterwards, we tried the Dam square for the final Pride stage performances, but couldn't get in with our tiny backpack (very strict rules). It was just as well as the gusty wind returned with a vengeance 💨 🧊🥶

      Monday was our last day in Amsterdam, and thankfully the sun returned, although the morning was still slightly dreary. We decided a boat canal tour was a fitting end to the trip. It was quite relaxing and enjoyable to see Amsterdam from the canals as opposed to walking and dodging bicycles, trams and crowds. There was one bridge we passed under (Munplein intersection) that was over 60 feet long, and the boat barely had a couple inches of clearance to its low roof.

      Once disembarked, back at the central station, we headed west as A found a coffee roaster. With freshly roasted and ground coffee in hand, we meandered east again and found our way to a locally-sourced eatery offering gourmet hamburgers. J enjoyed the Classic Lamb while A relished his Beefmeester burger and side of parmesan fries. We also picked up a bottle of Rutte Genever to enjoy later in the travels, one of the few brands we had learnt about earlier.

      Fantastic educational video about this country 😂

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      2. August 2023 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute waren Stadtbesuche angesagt. In Haarlem haben wir in einem Wohnviertel übernachtet...Stadtnähe und total ruhig. Mit dem (reparierten) Fahrrad ging es nach dem Frühstück in die Stadt. Haarlem war interessant, aber nicht so überwältigend wie gedacht. Der gesamte Marktplatz war gesperrt...hätte sonst noch mehr gewirkt.
      In Amsterdam haben wir am Stadtrand gestanden und sind mit dem Rad in die Stadt gefahren. Fahrradfahren in den Niederlanden ist klasse. Die Wege sind toll und auf dem Rückweg mussten wir nur einmal anhalten...direkt an der Kreuzung vor dem Columbus. Die Stadt ist riesig. Tolle Grachten und alte Gebäude. Interessante Läden aber auch viele Stände für Touristen. Eine Gruppe Tanzakrobaten hat eine tolle Show geliefert Die Fußgängerzone scheint kein Ende zu waren viele Menschen unterwegs.
      Insgesamt waren wir erschlagen und wieder froh zurück zu sein. Nach einer kurzen Pause sind wir zu unserem Stellplatz gefahren...der Hafen in Almere. Traumhaft...direkt am Sportboothafen. Frischwasser, Klo, Dusche...für insgesamt 8,50 Euro. Nun kommen wir gut über den Rest der Woche.

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      Journal de bord n°2 : Amsterdam et Cie

      13. August 2020 in den Niederlanden ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Du 11 au 15 août

      Nous avons séjourné dans une petite cabine au sein d'un camping dans Amsterdam.
      Cette ville est sublime, il y a des choses à voir à tous les coins de rue. L'architecture est exceptionnelle et raconte l'histoire d'Amsterdam.
      On a beaucoup marché, pris le tram, sillonné les nombreuses rues de cette ville.
      On a fait une balade en péniche au coucher de soleil et visité le musée de la prostitution (métier à part entière, soumis à des lois et à la déclaration à la chambre des commerces).

      Nous avons aussi visité Haarlem, à quelques kilomètres d'Amsterdam, d'ailleurs surnommée la Mignonne d'Amsterdam. Jolie ville pleine de charme avec cent fois moins de touristes et d'effervescence que chez sa voisine.

      Et pour finir, on a fait un petit tour (22 km à pieds) à Rotterdam. Cette ville est énorme, géante, très construite, très moderne. On a visité les fameuses Kijk-kubus (maisons cubes) qu'on vous met en photo.
      On a fini la journée par un gros orage alors qu'on devait rejoindre la gare à plus de 3 km à pieds.

      À retenir :
      - Les maisons d'Amsterdam sont très étroites car, à l'époque, l'impôt était prélevé selon la largeur de la façade. La plus étroite fait 2,02 m de large.
      - Il y a 600 000 vélos pour plus de 730 000 habitants, dont environ 12 000 au fond de l'Amstel
      - 50% de la population amsterllodamoise a moins de 34 ans et il n'y a que 15% d'enfants
      - Le cannabis est légal (ça on le sait, et ça se sent d'ailleurs)
      - L'ice-Tea est pétillan
      - Il y a des voitures Tesla à tous les coins de rue

      Bon allez, trêve de bavardages. On part pour l'Ecosse....
      Ah non ! La quatorzaine vient d'être imposée aux français. Plus qu'à tout annuler et aller voir ailleurs si on veut bien de nous. Allemagne ? Italie ? Suisse ?

      À suivre...

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      Initial challenges, before it comes good

      26. September 2019 in den Niederlanden ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      After we'd had breakfast and got ourselves organised we decided to head downtown to explore Amsterdam . The no. 13 tram stop was just a couple of hundred metres from the hotel, and from there it was an easy 20 minute run to the centre of town.

      The weather was lousy, with rain and Intermittent heavy showers. The wind was blowing strongly enough to turn our brollies inside out, and destroy Brian's, so it wasn't all that pleasant. Nevertheless we could see so many interesting views of canals and historic buildings and Brian was determined to try and get some good shots with the brand new camera.

      This camera has so many features and menu settings that il requires a lot of time, which we didn't have, to become familiar with them all. So there we were, all rugged up against the wind and rain, wrestling with brollies and trying to use an unfamiliar camera while trying to keep it from getting wet. That was certainly a low point and the closest, so far at least, to Brian having a dummy spit. Fortunately Mary was there to help calm him down.

      Things actually started looking up from then on, with the showers becoming less frequent. Also, Brian found that he was able to get a few half decent camera shots.

      For a while we just wandered, enjoying the views, but then headed for the old Jewish district, which is part of the Old Town. As the rain was still hanging round we decided we'd concentrate at least initially on visiting the insides of buildings and avoiding the worst of the weather. The Portuguese Synagogue was quite interesting, evidently one of the biggest synagogues in Europe. Our entry tickets also entitled us to visit the Jewish Museum and that was really great , with the displays and exhibits beautifully set up. We spent quite a bit of time there, by which stage the weather had improved marginally.
      We then headed headed towards the red light district, nowadays more of a tourist attraction than anything else. There was still plenty of interesting and unusual merchandise on offer from many of the shops but nothing that would appeal greatly to a couple who have been married for 52 years. Still we did thoroughly enjoy our introduction to Amsterdam.
      It is a very picturesque city and pedestrian friendly, more or less. That qualification refers to the fact that, while there are plenty of pedestrian crossings and pedestrian traffic lights, they are completely ignored by the huge number of bike riders who clearly take the view that they have priority over everyone else. Quite a few times we found ourselves having to leap out of their way or get run down. .
      One of the very pleasant features of Amsterdam is the friendliness and helpfulness of the locals. You only have to be looking slightly puzzled or be staring at a map and almost immediately someone will be asking if you'd like some help. On crowded trams, younger people would immediately leap to their feet to offer us a seat and were most insistant that we accept their offer.
      By late afternoon we were pretty exhausted, so headed back to the hotel for a refresh before dinner.
      Rather than eat at the hotel we then headed back on the tram towards town and stumbled across a really great, friendly and authentic Italian restaurant. The day had started out a bit shakily but got significantly better as it progressed. Amsterdam is an easy city to like.

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      14. Juli 2022 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Burger vending machine

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      Back to Amsterdam

      29. April 2022 in den Niederlanden ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Up and out early this morning, back to my favourite place; Amsterdam!
      After a nice hot Chai’ latte in this very cold weather, we headed to Van Gogh museum. What a sight this was! We got to be face-to-face with THE sunflowers! How awesome is that!
      After a pleasant cultured morning, we headed to silly town, Upside Down! Walking through different rooms all completely upside down!
      We had a bit of an Emily afternoon and went shopping! I definitely scored a few nice clothing items I’m keen to wear back home!
      Argentinian Steakhouse meat and beer for dinner again tonight! Always a hit!

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      Amsterdam ja söök

      16. Juli 2019 in den Niederlanden ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Starbucksi jookidest said meie kõhud veel rohlem täis ning otsustasime, et tuleme vaatame seda söögi asja õhtu poole. Tahtsime linna niikuinii näha ka ööpimeduses. Käisime hotellis puhkamas paar tundi ja ootasime pimedust.

      Kui õige aeg oli kätte jõudnud võtsime oma velod ja kimasime kesklinna. Liiklus on öösel kõvasti rahulikum. Sõitsime mööda kanaleid ja tänavaid ringi ja tutvusime natuke niisama linnaga. Öösel on linn hoopis teine, öösel on kõikjal tulukesed ja laternad nagu oleks jõulud ja rattad kimavad tuledega ringi.

      Lõpuks läksime võtsime mäkist snäkke ja Wok to walkist (olime seda juba päeval nillinud) nuudleid. Seal sai endale komponentide kaupa söögi kokku panna. Sõitsime hotelli tagasi ja mõnnasime voodis rämpsu süües. Olime selleks hetkeks juba täitsa väsinud. Ega iga päev ei sõida umbes 12km niisama rattaga.

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    Bioscoop Pathé Tuschinski, Bioscoop Pathe Tuschinski, Tuschinski Theater

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