Gemeente Delft

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    • Day 5

      First real riding day

      July 6, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Beautiful riding through countryside and amongst canals. Many types of animals including llama and Turkey. Lots of navigating - following the number nodes. Make it to nature campground outside of delft. Good thing days are really long !Read more

    • Day 5

      5. den: Inzinierkin zapas ;)

      March 2 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Po ranajkach Dennis na vlak, Reb chillik na izbe a my s pani M kratka prechadzka po okoli (vratane nakupu zopar lakociniek domov … cize aj lokalneho pivka). Odchod z hotela a presun z Haagu do Delftu, miesta konania florballoveho zapasu cerstvej kralovskej inzinierky. Reb rovno do haly, my este do centra presmejdit lokalny trh (konecne zasoby old cheese domov) a uz sa ide na zapas. Co dodat … Reb hrala bozsky, priam inziniersky … ich tim prehral 0:5 (a zatial Dennis s jeho timom prehrali doma v Enschede 1:17)… hm. Nasledovala cesta spat do Enschede a posledny spolocny vecer pred odchodom. Reb s Dennisom nam nakuchtili vybornu veceru - zapekane nachos, mnam, mnam. Trochu sme posedeli, pivecko, drincik, balenie a ide sa spat, zajtra cesta domov.Read more

    • Day 16

      15. Tag: Griechischer Tag

      September 13, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Heute war es wieder unspektakulär. Außer das der Hund uns nachts wach gehalten hat, weil sie Bauchschmerzen hatte und 2x raus musste, war der Tag eher entspannt.
      Während Marvin weiter an seiner Hausarbeit schrieb, putzte ich den Camper und packte schonmal das Gröbste zusammen, da wir morgen schon um 10.30 Uhr vom Campingplatz sein müssen.
      Nach getaner Arbeit und ein bisschen Reels schneiden, liefen wir dann wieder nach Delft, um dort den entdeckten Griechen auszuprobieren und einen Cocktail zu trinken.
      Zu unserem Erstaunen war der Grieche echt hervorragend. Für ein Bild hat es nicht gereicht, wir waren einfach zu hungrig.
      Mit vollem Bauch ging’s dann zurück auf dem Campingplatz. Wir schmiedeten noch Pläne für die nächsten Tage. Kurzer Spoiler: es geht morgen nochmal nach Rotterdam und anschließend in Richtung Dortrecht. Und dann sind wir schon fast am Ende unser Reise angekommen.
      Genaueres zu unseren Plänen gibt es dann die Tage. Bis dahin!
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    • Day 3

      A Day in Delft

      April 2, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 50 °F

      Sunshine today! This was a good day to get out of town to visit Delft, about an hour south of Amsterdam by train. We started with a self-guided tour of the Royal Delft factory, one of the last remaining in Delft and nearly 400 years old.

      “Delft Blue” is decorated with cobalt oxide, which paints on as black but oxidizes to blue upon firing. Becoming a master painter at Royal Delft involves an eight year training process.

      The town of Delft, a university town, is quaint and lively. Of course there are canals, and plenty of outdoor dining spaces (sporting much-appreciated blankets draped over the chairs!).

      We even got to see our first Dutch windmill. Although it was closed on Sunday, it is a working grain/flour mill that dates back to the late 1600s (although it has been rebuilt over the years).
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    • Day 2–3


      April 18 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Von Gouda nach Delft auf Stellplatz des Campingplatzes Delftse Hout. 29€ incl. Strom und Benutzung der erstklassigen Sanitäranlagen. Mir dem Bike bei kaltem Gegenwind entlang div. Highways nach Scheveningen.
      2 km Strandparty incl. Riesenbaustelle, Riesenrad und Bungeeturm. Dann über Den Haag durch reizvolle Innenstadt von Delft zurück zum Womo. Keine Fotos, da Hände eingefroren (Donald) und keine Akku Ladung (Petra). Radtour bei 8 Grad Luft Temperatur (gefühlt - 20 Grad C) und oft sonnig hat wegen des Verkehrs nicht wirklich Spaß gemacht.
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    • Day 5

      Royal Delft

      May 4, 2023 in the Netherlands

      This morning, we toured the Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles or Royal Delft factory. It was interesting to learn both the history of Delft Blue pottery and the production process that has remained largely unchanged since its founding in 1653.Read more

    • Day 25

      Delft, Netherlands

      April 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today’s destination is Delft, a canal-ringed city in the western Netherlands, known as the manufacturing base for Delftware, hand-painted blue-and-white pottery. In its old town, the medieval Oude Kerk is the burial site of native son and Dutch Master painter Johannes Vermeer. Once the seat of the royal House of Orange, the 15th-century Nieuwe Kerk houses the family's tombs and overlooks Delft's lively market square.

      After our time in Amsterdam, Delft is delightfully small, pretty and charming. First stop while we waited to check in was to enjoy a very delicious lunch in one of the many enticing restaurants in town. I had a mouth watering bagel with brie, pumpkin cream and watercress and Brad tried the crab croquettes which were served on slabs of brown bread. A nice start to our stay here.

      Our home for the next three nights is an apartment above a restaurant in a 16th century building. It is one of the nicest apartments we have stayed in so far, even though it did feel funny having a key for the restaurant as that was our front door. While the stairs were a bit steep, the view from our apartment is amazing. We are going to enjoy our time here.

      While I chose to stay in and rest up (Covid has really knocked me about), Brad did an evening stroll to explore our area and I an hoping tomorrow I will be ready to see and enjoy all Delft has to offer.
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    • Day 26

      Oude Kerk (Old Church), Delft

      April 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Thankfully the sun was shining this morning so we hit the streets to see as much as we can before the rain starts again. First up this morning we visited the Oude Kerk, the Old Church, founded in 1246 and located in the old city center of Delft. Nicknamed Oude Jan (Old John) and Scheve Jan (Skewed John), it is a Gothic Protestant church most famous for its seventy-five meter high leaning tower and is the oldest church in Delft. In 1654, the church windows were destroyed when a nearby gunpowder depot exploded in the city.

      The thing we love with these old churches is how unique they all are, the history, and amazing architecture, the ancient artworks, and so much more. What is striking about this church is how unadorned the walls and ceilings are, with its plain white walls and wooden ceiling giving the church an expansive and empty feel. The floor is scattered with old tomb markings. It actually feels quite serene in its “plainness”. Against the plain walls the twenty-seven stained glass windows and three pipe organs are striking. The church organs date back to the years 1857 (main organ), 1873 (north aisle) and 1770 (choir). One of the two bells, the Trinitas bell, weighs almost nine-thousand kilograms and has a diameter of just over two meters, and is the largest and oldest tolling bell in the Netherlands.

      Due to its potentially damaging vibrations, the bell is only rung on rare occasions. Historically, the bell has sounded to announce disasters. Approximately four-hundred people are entombed in the Oude Kerk. Among them are the famous painter, Johannes Vermeer, and the inventor of the microscope, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek.

      What is unique here is how the city of Delft displays the history of this church, allowing tourists to learn about the history in an interesting and engaging way. It was a great start to our first full day in Delft.
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    • Day 5


      May 4, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      We enjoyed a perfect sunny day in Delft. It's a small Dutch city with lots of charm. In addition to being the home of the Dutch master Vermeer, it's also the home of Royal Delft Blue pottery. It was a memorable day filled with beautiful sites and delicious food.Read more

    • Day 4


      August 15, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Bellissima cittadina tra i canali, ovviamente affollata di turisti.pranzo in un bar del centro. Belle le ceramiche ma a prezzi esorbitanti per noi poveri italiani

      Oude Kerk. La Chiesa Vecchia è la più antica della città. Con la sua torre pendente venne eretta a partire dal 1240, ma venne più volte ampliata e rimaneggiata. Al suo interno, tra gli altri, vennero sepolti Piet Heijn, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek e Jan Vermeer.
      Nieuwe Kerk. La Chiesa Nuova è l'edificio artistico e religioso più importante della città. Eretto in stile gotico a partire dal 1381, venne più volte rimaneggiato. Qui vengono sepolti i membri della famiglia reale olandese, fra le tombe spicca il mausoleo di Guglielmo il Taciturno, capolavoro di Hendrick de Keyser il Vecchio.
      Stadhuis. Il municipio sorge sulla centrale piazza del Mercato; venne costruito nel 1620, intorno alla vecchia torre trecentesca, da Hendrick de Keyser il Vecchio.
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    Gemeente Delft, Delft

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