Gemeente Drechterland

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    • Dag 6

      Nature reserve

      5. mai 2023, Nederland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Left Amsterdam this morning, quick food stock up at Jumbo supermarket we headed north and stopped at lovely nature reserve. Egrets, herons, oyster catchers and terns. Evening stroll to meet the neighbours (lambs).Les mer

    • Dag 7


      6. mai 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Cycled along the bike path to Hoorn, 7 miles away, watching the geese, herons, egrets and spotted a single spoonbill. Stopped for coffee at the historic weighing house, now a cafe. Note the leaning houses where over the years they have sunk. Found a market to walk around and brought some local produce. Then round the old harbour before cycling the 7 miles back.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Wir im Terrorcamp

      11. mai 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Erst heute Morgen wird mir klar, dass diese beschaulich wirkende Anlage in Wirklichkeit ein Terrorcamp ist. Es wird beherrscht von fünf Hähnen. Die Hühner hat der Fuchs gefressen.
      Das nehmen die Hähne zum Anlass, die Menschen mit stundenlangem, äußerst lauten Geschrei zu terrorisieren.
      Mittags kommt Heidi an. Wir erzählen uns von den Ereignissen der letzten Tage, schauen aufs Meer und machen einen kleinen Ausflug nach Enkhuizen.
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    • Dag 9

      Über das Meer

      10. mai 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      In Lelystad beginnt der Houtribdijk oder Mitteldeich. 26 Kilometer weit befahre ich ihn, links das Markermeer, rechts das Ijsselmeer. Der Gegenwind, den ich befürchtet hatte, hält sich zum Glück zurück. Aber Scharen von hässlichen, kleinen, schwarzen Fliegen sind sehr lästig.
      Nach Stunden erscheinen steuerbord voraus die Kirchtürme von Enkhuizen und ich nähere mich wieder dem Festland.
      Vorher passiere ich noch das Naviduct Krabbersgat. Hier wird das Meer in einer großen Betonwanne über die Straße hinweg geführt. In der Unterführung erlebe ich den absoluten Tiefstpunkt dieser Reise: 10,5 Meter unter dem Meeresspiegel.
      Wieder an Land, wende ich mich nicht nach rechts, nach Enkhuizen, sondern nach links, nach Oosterleek, denn dort habe ich ein kleines Häuschen für uns gemietet. Dort angekommen, wasche ich erstmal die toten Fliegen von mir runter.
      Damit habe ich die Anreise zum Urlaub schon mal geschafft, 680 km in 9 Tagen. Das neue Fahrrad hat sich bewährt. Ich bin zufrieden.
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    • Dag 4

      Endlich am Meer

      9. juni 2019, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Auf dem Weg in den Norden der Niederlande, verlassen wir die Autobahn und machen einen Abstecher an unser geliebtes Meer😃

      Endlich können sich auch die Hunde am Strand austoben!
      Wir genießen die Sonne am kleinen Strand und fahren dann auf der Landstraße entlang der Küste weiter in den Norden nach Den Helder.

      Es ist einfach wunderschön, die Autobahn mal zu verlassen und das Land zu genießen😃

      Windmühlen - schöne Häuser - Schafe auf den Weiden und der kilometerlange Blick über das Meer immer auf dem Damm entlang.

      Um 19:30 Uhr kamen wir dann in Den Helder auf unserem Stellplatz an und sitzen jetzt noch schön mit einem Tee und Kaffee in der Abendsonne.

      Um 22 Uhr geht hier erst die Sonne unter - ist das nicht toll? 😃😃
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    • Dag 1

      Weg nach Hoorn

      31. mai 2013, Nederland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Das erste Frühstück verbringen wir vor dem Wohnmobil, unter der Markise. Es ist schön sonnig. Sehr sonnig und Zeit für eine Portion Sonnencreme. Nach diesem ersten Sonnenbad machen wir uns auf den Weg nach Hoorn. Es geht auf dem Deich entlang. Es ist ganz schön windig. Teilweise ist es schwer, die Kamera ruhig zu halten. Aber die Sonne scheint und das ist die Hauptsache und der Zweck unseres Besuchs!Les mer

    • Dag 2

      In der Umgebung

      1. juni 2013, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Die Sonne braucht heute recht lange, um hinter der Wolkendecke hervor zu kommen. Dennoch machen wir uns auf den Weg in eine der nächsten Ortschaften. Unterwegs beindrucken uns die extrem ordentlichen Gärten.

      Unser Ziel beeindruckt uns nicht richtig und so nehmen wir schnell den Bus wieder in Richtung Cookie. Gegen Abend kommt die Sonne noch einmal heraus und wir begeben uns noch einmal zu einer kleinen Runde auf den Deich.
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    • Dag 6

      Day 6: Enkhuizen - Jazz Festival

      10. juni 2017, Nederland ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      This morning we headed to Hoorn again, however this time Amy, Rosemarie and myself boarded the historic stoomtram (steam train) that runs between Hoorn and Medemblik. The train was very popular today with many people on the train and we were lucky to get the seats we did. Along the way the train stopped at Wognum where we had a go at the stilts. I think I need to work on my balance as I was not good on them.

      At Medemblik we stopped for lunch before walking to catch a boat back to Enkhuizen. We were very lucky to get the boat, in fact we were the last to board, as we zigged when we should have zagged after lunch and ended up at the wrong spot to get on the boat. Anyway, after a very quick walk back through Medemblik we got there just in time.

      The boat trip was very good however it was a bit windy and cold and there were a few spots of rain. The highlight was seeing Enkhuizen from the water and it was also great to see the Drommedaris in all its glory, it was being renovated last time we were here. The Drommedaris is a historic gate in Enkhuizen and is one of its most prominent landmarks. We took some photos of it later in the day and they are attached.

      Once back in Enkhuizen we met up with Maikel and then headed into the city to enjoy the Jazz Festival. There were many people in town enjoying the Jazz and the sun came out to add to an enjoyable afternoon. We spent some time sitting at a bar enjoying a drink and watching the people go by. People watching is one of my favourite pastimes. The music was quite good and everyone was in good spirits. We wandered through the festival and ended up at the Drommedaris prior to heading over to Riets and Jan's for dinner. We enjoyed kroketten in bread, frites, nasibal and bamibal finished with advocaat and ice cream. We ate way too much but all the food was delicious.

      This afternoon invoked the feeling of gezellig, both when spending time in Enkhuizen at the Jazz festival with Rosemarie and Maikel but especially sitting in Riets and Jan's front yard enjoying their company, the food, the beer and the beautiful setting of their home and garden.

      We are now back at Rosemarie and Maikel's relaxing after another sensational day in the Netherlands. We are really enjoying our time here and loving being in Enkhuizen again and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

      I must also mention that Maikel has been helping me learn Dutch. He has typed up some cheat sheets for me this morning and we went through a bunch of words and numbers. I am determined to be able to hold a conversation in Dutch next time I am here but it will be quite a challenge as it will take some time to get my head around the intricacies of this language.

      Tot Ziens.
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    • Dag 9

      Day 9: Enkhuizen and Venhuizen

      13. juni 2017, Nederland ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Today is Amy's birthday and everyone made sure she had a special day. It started with pancakes for breakfast with Rosemarie and Maikel who had also decorated their house to celebrate the day. We had a fairly slow start to the day as Lia and Piet came around at 10.30am to pick us up and take us to their home in Venhuizen.

      It was great to see Lia and Piet again and they made us feel very welcome. They drove us around some of the small villages around Venhuizen and we stopped at Schelliakhout and walked around an old church and courthouse and onto the dike. We also noticed an old windmill that was operating nearby so we drove over and checked it out. Apparently a man lives in the windmill and it was great to see it in operation. We then went over to Blokker and dropped in on Jan and Hortens Tol who were very happy that we came to see them and it was great to see them again.

      It was then back to Venhuizen for lunch and a walk around the town. We visited the Historische Vereniging Suyder Cogge or the Venhuizen History Club of which Lia is a member. The club was started by Klaas Tol, Lia's father back in 1992. Klaas also wrote a book that details the history of the Tol family. It was great to hear Lia describe what the club does and how they are collecting and collating photos and stories of Venhuizen's history. She is obviously very passionate about this and we found it extremely interesting and also somewhat proud given we are also part of that history. It reminded me how important it is to have passionate people in our community who volunteer their time to do these things to keep history and the stories of the people and towns alive. If not for their efforts much of these stories may be lost forever.

      after visiting the history club we continued our walk around the town, bumping into Eline, Lia and Piets daughter, and her kids. We also saw Chris Tol who was riding his bike back from work. It was great to meet Chris again as well as meet Eline for the first time.

      Our time in Venhuizen today was really interesting and made special by Lia and Piet. We really appreciated the time they gave us today, their hospitality, our conversations and especially Lia's passion for history which gave us further insight into the history of the Tol family and Venhuizen in general.

      Tonight we had Amy's birthday tea at the de Mastenbar in Enkhuizen with Rosemarie and Maikel and Riet and Jan. We also later found out it is Rosemarie's and Maikel's wedding anniversary today as well so it was also a celebration for that as well. We all enjoyed a delicious meal and had a fantastic night. It was a fitting end to a most sensational day.

      Once we got home Rosemarie showed me a photo album she has put together of Tante Marie, it included many old photos of Oma and several of Opa.

      Today was not only a day celebrating Amy's birthday but also very much a day of reflection on my Dutch family through our time with Lia and Piet in Venhuizen as well as enjoying a meal with Rose, Maikel, Riet and Jan. We can't thank them all enough for how they have made us feel so welcome and ensured we have had such an enjoyable time. Special mention has to be made to Rosemarie and Maikel who have done so much for us over the last five days, they are such wonderful people and I feel privileged to not only have them as family but also as great friends.

      Tomorrow the next stage of our holiday begins when we fly to Copenhagen but until then, Tot Ziens!
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    • Dag 4

      Eine Nacht am Markermeer

      8. oktober 2023, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Schöner Platz direkt am Wasser, eigentlich ein Parkplatz, aber unsere Übernachtung wird geduldet: sehr ruhig, sehr privat

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