Oud Zuid

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    • Day 55

      Amsterdam 🇳🇱

      September 3, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      According to my coffee swilling, Istanbullian fortune teller, it’s all waiting for me in Amsterdam… only I’m assuming he means on a different trip. This time around the only thing waiting for me is a date with Vincent Van Gogh.

      I make it into the city early enough to join the queue for Van Stapele cookies which were a firm favourite my last time here. I kicked off my 30th trip around the Sun with these cookies not far off this time last year and it strikes me just how far I’ve come in a year.

      Cookie in hand, I amble through the streets before most of the city is out of bed. It might be a quiet Sunday morning but aggressive bell ringing from bike riders still fills the air while tourists are shouted at for wandering into the bike lanes. Ahh… Amsterdam.

      I reach museum square and make a beeline for the Van Gogh museum. I missed this one last time and I’m
      so excited to finally see it for real. The exhibition is a walk through Van Gogh’s life as much as his work. From his earliest paintings, his friendships with other artists of time, to his most famous paintings and his mental health. It’s a beautiful ode to the artist, albeit a melancholy one which is hauntingly fitting giving that the artist was partly diagnosed with ‘melancholia’, what would nowadays be classed as severe depression.
      The art is shown along side letters and correspondence to and from Van Gogh. It shows his thoughts and perspective on the world, a glimpse into the man and the inspiration behind some of his most beautiful works.

      Van Gogh museum done, I start to venture towards the train station until I spot a Pathé sign. Pathé are a film company, you might recognise their logo from the start of a huge number of British/American films, especially kids films like chicken run, but here in the Amsterdam, they’re a cinema chain that just happens to own one of the oldest cinemas which happens to be just around the corner. The Theatre Tuschinski opened in October 1921 and has retained much of its original art deco style. It’s a beautiful building inside and out and will come as absolutely no surprise that it’s the home of most red carpet events in Amsterdam.
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    • Day 20

      Copenhagen Bound!

      August 24, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      So I didn't really have a picture to add with this so here is my partially eaten chocolate croissants and me eating a whole bell pepper like an apple (unpopular opinion they are the best snacks)

      Okayyyy so Amsterdam is done! Amazing time, will 100% be coming back, I met some really awesome people that are more my travelling type because Amsterdam is not like all flashing lights with bells and whistles. Super great time and lovely city. I kinda missed my scheduled train this I'm taking a later route which just gets in a little later. Totally fine but a very busy travel day on the trains. For a little bit I was sitting on the floor #coolbeans
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    • Day 36


      May 13, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      The worlds best kept secret (?) : Ewen and Kerry had promised to take Hels away to a mystery destination for her birthday and guess what- its Amsterdam and the surprise guest is me! Lovely to see the family and to enjoy a couple of rest days in a beautiful and sunny Amsterdam- although we managed to squeeze in a cycle tour ...Read more

    • Day 3


      September 30, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Thad took the city tour and canal boat ride this morning. I stayed behind in the hotel room since I wasn't feeling well (upset stomach). I felt much better after sleeping for a couple of hours. After noon, we headed out towards the Van Gogh museum where we had timed tickets for 2:30. Glad I made advance reservations since they were sold out. Beautiful museum. It was awesome to see so many of his paintings in person. After the museum we had reservations for the VIP tour at Heineken Brewery. Great tour. Lots of beer and snacks in a private bar with just 4 other guests. Had dinner al fresco in a bustling part of the city. Weather was beautiful today. Walked a lot...over 15000 steps.Read more

    • Day 11


      July 25, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Amsterdam begann mit einem Besuch im Van Gogh Museum. Es beherbergt die größte Sammlung des niederländischen Künstlers. Auf dem Weg zum Kunstmuseum liefen wir an der ehemaligen Heineken-Brauerei vorbei, weiter durch den Museumplein im Amsterdamer Stadtbezirk Amsterdam-Zuid. Der Audioguide im Museum brachte uns die Sichtweise und das Denken von Van Gogh näher. Getreu den Worten von ihm: „instead of trying to render exactly what I have before my eyes, I use colour more arbitrarily in order to express myself forcefully“ sahen wir uns die wunderschönen Werke näher an. Den Rest des Tages verbrachten wir im Amsterdamer Zentrum. Wir schlenderten ein letztes Mal durch die Gassen, vorbei an den Grachten und über die hübsch bepflanzten Brücken. Funfact am Rande: es gibt ca. 900.000 Fahrräder in Amsterdam. Unfassbar aber wahr. In einem Geschäft unterhielten wir uns mit einem freundlichen Verkäufer, welcher uns den Tipp für unser Abendessen mit auf den Weg gab. Wir aßen richtig gut Burger und Pommes im Ter Marsch & Co. Zum Nachtisch gab es noch fancy Erdbeeren von Polaberry. Die waren wirklich gut, aber für vier Erdbeeren 10€ zu bezahlen, würden wir nicht wieder tun. Auf dem Weg zur Metrostation machten wir einen kurzen Stopp auf dem Dam (bekannteste Stadtplatz im Zentrum) als ein Klavierspieler ein kleines Konzert gab. Das Feeling war herrlich und rundete unseren letzten, perfekten Tag in Amsterdam noch einmal richtig ab.Read more

    • Day 1

      Und Auf geht die Käsefahrt

      March 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Nach nun fast 12 Jahren seit unserem letzten gemeinsam Trip ging’s endlich mal wieder „zamme fort“. Das Ziel: Amsterdam 🧀
      Die Anreise mit der Bahn gestaltete sich wie gewohnt schwierig. 30 min im Zug die Diagnose: 2h Verspätung…mit ein paar kühlen Bier im Gepäck ließ sich die Zeit aber gut überbrücken.

      Um ca 20:30 kamen wir dann in Amsterdam an. In unserem kleinen netten AirBnB direkt an der Gracht legten wir unsere Sachen ab und gingen direkt wieder los zum Abendessen.
      Beim Vorbeischlendern entdeckten wir einen kleinen chinesischen Laden, das Essen auf den Tellern der Gäste sah von draußen echt gut aus. Und wir wurden nicht enttäuscht. Absolut lecker.

      Anschließend ging’s noch in den Red Light District auf ein kühles Heineken.
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    • Day 4

      Van Gogh Museum

      March 19, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Kot pravi artsy girlies sva se misteriozno sprehodili čez Van Gogh muzej. Nama je bil sicer zelo lušten, vendar se nisva naučili veliko novega, razen dejstva, da si je bil Vincent zelo blizu s svojim mlajšim bratom Theom🤞.
      Mislim, da so naju najbolj navdušile slike narave (seveda Sončnice in pa Irisi, kot tudi tihožitje raznih pšeničnih polj).
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    • Day 5

      A Picnic in the Park

      August 22, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Following our huge day of walking around Amsterdam, I suggested that some might like to enjoy an evening picnic in the Vondel Park. This would be cheaper than supporting another Amsterdam restaurant, and we could all enjoy the green surroundings.

      Twelve of the group took me up on this suggestion. We first visited the local supermarket to collect supplies (mostly fruit, salads and drinks), and then walked to the park. Fortunately, the heat of the afternoon had dissipated, and the cooler evening air had taken its place.

      We quickly discovered that thousands of others had also decided to enjoy the park as well. It really is a popular place for Amsterdammers to relax after a long day at work.

      We did however manage to find a lovely patch of grass and settled down to a chat and our long awaited picnic. It soon became evident that our eyes were much bigger than our tummies. We simply had purchased far too much food. We probably had enough to feed another ten people. Oh well, that happens.

      After the picnic we wandered slowly back to our hotel. After three days in Amsterdam, we are all starting to feel much more confident in finding our way through the maze of streets and canals.

      Back at the hotel, we gathered in the lounge room. This has sort of become our unofficial headquarters (mainly because of the free coffee machine). It did not take long for Paul and Catriona to bid us goodnight and head off to their room. They disappeared up the stairs and we soon forgot about them.

      About ten minutes later we were somewhat surprised when both of them reappeared in the lounge room. "Why are you back ?", I asked. "We went all the way up the wrong stairs", was the grumpy reply. When climbing four flights of stairs requires about as much energy and dexterity as summiting K2, I could understand why they were unhappy. They will never make that mistake again (although they almost replicated the event the very next morning).

      After a great night's sleep, we awoke to our last full day in Amsterdam. We did not want to set a new record for the number of steps completed in a single day, so we settled for something much less energetic - a boat cruise.

      Fifteen of us parted with 20 Euro for a ticket and were soon climbing aboard a lovely open boat. The captain was a lanky, 23 year old blond guy. The cruise was meant to take an hour, but it ended up taking considerably longer than planned. I would have to say that the young captain did a great job and most of us were almost asleep at the end.

      Tomorrow morning we catch the train from Amsterdam to Maastricht, where our ride will begin.
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    • Day 35


      November 2, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      A windy day in Amsterdam

      For my first day in Amsterdam there was a sever weather warning for wind and rain, but that didn't stop me from exploring the city! One of the buildings of my hostel is the old schoolhouse, which I am lucky to be staying in. I started the morning on a walking tour (luckily I have a good rain jacket), which was great to learn more about the city, including the sculptures on the front of buildings to indicate to medieval illiterate residents what kind of shop was inside and the sinking/leaning houses cause by the movement of the swamp . After being a bit outdone by the weather, I went to the Van Gogh museum, in which I spent 3 hours! My favourites were definitely the sunflowers (I even got a sunflowers inspired cookie from the cafe), though I did think the pokemon recreations of Van Gogh paintings (inspired by Van Gogh's love for Japanese art) was really fun too.

      Fun fact of the day: the phrase 'filthy rich' comes from Amsterdam, where because it is below sea level there are no graveyards, so the residents historically got buried on mass outside the city. The extreemely rich however could pay for their bodies to be kept under the tiles of the churches, where when they began to decay, churchgoers could begin to smell them.
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    • Day 1

      Amsterdam - Stop 1

      September 5, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Am Dienstag (5.09) ging es los. Wir sind recht früh mit einem Bus nach Bad Homburg an den Bahnhof gefahren und haben dann die Bahn nach Frankfurt genommen. Wie den Tag davor war’s super aufregend für uns und wir konnten noch gar nicht richtig glauben, dass es jetzt wirklich losging 😅
      In Frankfurt angekommen, sind wir in den Zug gesprungen und ab ging’s!
      Wir hatten eine Direktverbindung rausgesucht und uns nicht reservierte Plätze gesucht. Der Schaffner kam und hat uns erstmal nach unserer Sitzplatzreservierung gefragt. Hatten wir natürlich nicht 🙃 Wir sollten also bis Köln Plätze reservieren, ansonsten hätten wir aussteigen können 😅
      Er kam dann aber wieder und meinte, dass wir es doch nicht machen müssen. Super lieb!
      Um 15.15 sind wir dann in Amsterdam angekommen und haben uns direkt auf den Weg zum Hostel gemacht, um unsere Rucksäcke loszuwerden und nur das nötigste mitzunehmen.
      Das Hostel war in Ordnung, aber nicht wirklich schön 😅 Wir dachten uns einfach, dass wir ohnehin nur dort schlafen und haben uns dann auf den Weg in die Stadt gemacht.
      An einem der Kanäle angekommen, haben wir erstmal etwas getrunken und dann kam Nemo vorbei (ein Freund von Michelle vom Jakobsweg). Wir haben den kompletten Abend zusammen verbracht und er hat uns die Stadt gezeigt. Es war mega lustig!
      Danach wollten wir noch feiern gehen, die Schlange zum „Free Techno Tuesday“ war uns aber leider deutlich zu lang, weshalb wir entschieden haben nicht rein zu gehen.
      Am zweiten Tag saßen wir zum Frühstück an einem der Kanäle, haben unser Frühstück genossen und sind durch das Jordaan Viertel geschlendert, waren im Sexmuseum und haben den Tag ganz entspannt im Vondelpark ausklingen lassen.
      Abends gabs super leckeres, veganes, asiatisches Essen. Wir waren beide ziemlich müde, weshalb wir dann früh im Bett waren.
      Am Donnerstag hatten wir Tickets für das „Van Gogh“ Museum reserviert. Es hat uns beiden wirklich gut gefallen und ist einen Besuch wert.
      Danach sind wir zum anderen Ende von Amsterdam gefahren und haben eine Schulfreundin von Fee getroffen, die sie seit 5 Jahren nicht gesehen hat. Es war wirklich super schön und ein cooler Studentenspot am Wasser 🌊
      Nemo wollte uns an den Abend noch in dem Hotel, in dem er arbeitet, eine Tour geben und wir landeten direkt auf der Rooftop Bar. Wir haben uns etwas fehl am Platz gefühlt, weil alle wirklich top gestylt da saßen, aber es war ein wunderschöner Abend und toller Sonnenuntergang. Danach sind wir auf Empfehlung von Leah (Freundin von Fee aus der Schulzeit) noch in das Skate Café im Norden von Amsterdam mit der Fähre gefahren. Es war ein super Abschluss einer tollen Stadt.
      Unser Resümee: wunderschöne, saubere und unglaublich leise (Groß)Stadt mit den nettesten Einheimischen, die wir bisher erlebt haben.
      Heute gehts weiter nach Paris. A bientôt! 🌅
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