New Zealand

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    • Day 23

      Aktion für Breast Cancer

      December 16, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Plötzlich an der Straße....hängen da lauter BHs überm Zaun. Was ist denn da los? Auf jeden Fall motiviert es neben all den Japanern auch uns zum Anhalten 😀
      Es handelt sich um eine Aktion zur Lenkung der Aufmerksamkeit auf Brustkrebs.
      Jeder bzw jede Frau kann einen BH aufhängen und so mit zur Aktion beitragen.
      Ich hab meinen angelassen.... der war nach der Wanderung so verschwitzt, da hätten sich nur die Fliegen gesammelt 🤣
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    • Day 57

      Backcountry Saddle Expeditions

      January 26, 2020 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      At 9.30 am I arrived at the Backcountry Saddle Experience in Cardrona.
      I found this tour on Bookme and my friends in Queenstown actually were also recommending this place.

      First I had to sign in and fill in a safety paper.
      While we were waiting for the last people to show up Pam, the owner, was deciding to get the first group already away.
      So she and Olivia started to give the first 7 of us, including me our horses.
      My horse I Cherona but everyone calls her Cheesy.
      As you maybe can see, they have Appaloosa horses here!
      Really cool colors and super chilled horses. They stand loose around the yard and no one is walking away! Really impressive.
      And what was very important for me, they all look really, really good! Big belly and a lot of muscles! 👍🏼😊

      When everyone in our group got their horse they started to but the bridles on, tide the belt and help the other people upon the horses. Looks like I was ending up in a beginner group 🙄😅
      3 total beginners, 2 with a little bit experience and on with good riding abilities.
      Well, I was not expecting too much, let’s see what will happen today.

      When everyone was ready and happy we got the order to stay behind each other and always in the same order as it is best like this for the horses.
      I was ending up as last behind two really slow horses with total beginners on them that had no idea what to do. 🙈😬
      Oh my god, I was thinking. But I decided that it doesn’t matter and I will enjoy the ride anyway.
      Pam told me, that Cheesy can be a little bitch and get grumpy when I use my legs too much, so I should pay a little bit attention to this and if she tries to bite me I should really tell her to stop it.
      Ok, at least my horse has an own mind, sounds interesting. Me and grumpy mares... 🙈😂

      Then it was time to leave the yard. We went with Olivia, while Pam was fixing the other group ready.
      We started to slowly walk up a hill. After the first gate, we were passing Olivia asked if everyone is feeling comfortable and as the answer was yes from everyone she said, perfect let’s trot a bit.
      That was a surprise for me! I was not expecting that we gonna trot as well so that was really nice!

      The horses are so calm and behaving so well, that it’s even for the total beginners absolutely no problem to handle them and trot around a little bit.
      I started to like the trip more and more as we were more and more often trotting some parts, where the track was really good.
      As we had to pass another gate, Olivia was going around and just checking everyone’s belt and tighten them up a little bit more, if needed. She asks the woman in front of me, the other good rider if she was feeling for a canter, but her answer was no.
      So I was like: I’d like to if it’s ok?
      The answer was: “of coarse!
      You are anyway the last one so that’s absolutely no problem, just wait by the gate while we trot over the field and I will wave at you when you can start to Galopp after us!”

      Oh yes, now I was really happy and super excited.
      Cheesy as well. She got also really excited when the other ones were trotting away from us, so she didn’t want to standstill.
      When Olivia waved at me, I just had to give Cheesy the head free and of we go!
      She is as happy as I am over this nice canter!
      She is not running like crazy after the other horses so we had a nice canter over the field until we were back with the group!

      And I even got the chance for one more 🤗😎
      The same system here, I was waiting until the other once for a bit away and then we took off again. 🤩🥰

      The next part was mostly up a hill on a small path so we had to walk for a while until we reached a small but steep hill, where everyone was allowed to take a short canter up the hill if they wanted to.
      We had to wait a while as a few people in front of us were walking up the hill anyway.
      Cheesy got too excited that she was turning a little bit too early around the corner so she had to jump over a little creek.
      Well, I got a jump as well 😉
      She also showed me her bitch faces a few times when she was thinking that I am telling her to often to keep up with the rest of the group, sometimes even before I was doing something, just like she was saying: “Don’t you dare to touch my belly with your heels!! “ 🤣🤣 Mares 🙈🤣
      Shortly after that, we reached the highest part of our track where Olivia was so nice to take some pictures from us. After that, we followed a path down the hill and got only to trot two more times for a short bit as this track is very uneven.
      We had to pass a few mud holes and even two creeks.
      On the first one, the horses got a chance to drink, what everyone also did!

      A little bit more than 2 hours after leaving the yard we were back.
      The horses got a food bag around their had and was all standing loose at the yard happy about some food 😊

      I was the last one to leave as I wanted to thank Olivia for the possibility to canter as well.
      She told me, that they always give the experienced riders the chance and that’s why I was riding at last so I could easily pull up and wait without disturbing the other horses.
      Very good system and so nice, that every rider gets a chance to really enjoy the trip in this kind of way!

      I am so glad, I booked exactly this tour! 😊
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    • Day 23

      Fun+Fun+Fun = QUEENSTOWN

      November 23, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Schon die Abfahrt nach Queenstown lässt die Bremsen glühen, dann sind wir in der quirligen Stadt am Lake Wakatipu. Funsport-Angebote an jeder Ecke und beste Wohlfühlatmosphäre! Wir freuen uns auf den Abend an der Beach Street!Read more

    • Day 20

      Horseback Riding

      April 17, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute erkundeten wir die Umgebung nicht zu Fuss, sondern auf dem Rücken von Pferden. Eigentlich wollten wir ja in Cardrona Skifahren, aber dazu ist es noch zu früh. So genossen wir bei bestem Herbstwetter einen super Nachmittag auf Savannah und Cheese (Abkürzung für ???). Neben dem obligaten Schritt, gings auch im Trab und Galopp über das gelbe Grasland. JupiieeeRead more

    • Day 15

      Cardrona - Hotel

      January 15, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      1863 gegründet ist das Cardrona Hotel eines der ältesten Hotels Neuseelands und nur eins von zwei verbliebenen Gebäuden aus der Goldrausch-Ära im Cardrona Valley. Früher war Cardrona eine wohlhabende Siedlung. Die historische Hotelfassade ist repräsentativ für diese verschwundenen Stadt und ist ein
      wichtiger Teil der Geschichte Neuseelands. Heute geniesst das Hotel Kultstatus - ein Besuch sollte ein Muss für Durchreisende ohne eigene Schlafgelegenheit sein DZ CA 200 NZ$/Nacht.
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    • Day 9

      Goodbye Queenstown, hellooo West Coast

      July 9, 2018 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 2 °C

      Sadly today was the day we were leaving Queenstown. We absolutely loved this place and would highly recommend it if you’re ever planning on coming to New Zealand’s South Island. While we didn’t really do any of the crazy adrenaline activities here, we still thoroughly enjoyed the experience and atmosphere of the whole place. It’s sad to be going but there’s still so much of this island we need to explore before we hand back the keys to our Wilderness Motorhome.

      It started with a morning run down to the Ferg for a couple of brekky burgers and coffee, a quick pack up, and restock of water and we were on our way. We were heading back north, aiming for the west coast of New Zealand’s South Island. That was going to be our route home to Christchurch.

      We set out, up through the winding, misty roads of the Crown Ranges of Queenstown. As we approached the pinnacle of this beautiful mountain range we began noticing flashes of fresh white snow all around us, we hit the top, parked the van and jumped out into the soft white powder of freshly fallen snow. We spent some time here taking photos, building our first snowman (George), and of course, throwing snowballs. We took a great liking to our snowbaby George and dressed him appropriately, complete with glasses, gloves and a beanie, he even had a proper carrot nose. Best snowman to date! But we were soon saturated and freezing and had to say goodbye to our new little buddy. We jumped back into the vans and started down the other side of the mountains.

      We stopped briefly for a coffee (or mulled wine for some) in the beautiful Cardrona Valley. This quaint little town was tiny but packed full history, complete with a musty but stunning old hotel and cute little school house. We could picture exactly what this little town would have been like back in the day.

      We pushed north, passing back through Wanaka and Albert town heading toward the West Coast. It wasn’t long before the scenery around us changed from snowy mountains to beautiful, lush green, moss covered forests. With the rain falling all around us, this change of scenery brought on a new sense of awe. The dense forests surrounded the road, as we caught glimpses of rushing blue rivers and showering, white waterfalls. This was one of the nicest drive we’d done yet. We stopped at various river crossings and lookouts but, our prime stopping spot was the Blue Pools. The Blue Pools were located about 2 hours north west of Queenstown. We parked our van and set off on the 10 minute walked through the stunning forest to the blue pools. The blue pools consisted of two rivers joining together forming a deep section of water surrounded by smooth stone beaches. On a sunny day the pools look incredible blue, a result of light refracting through the crystal clear snow fed rivers. However, today it was quiet cloudy and the heavy rain had turned the water more of a green colour. None the less it was still an amazing experience. Walking along the board walks through the green forests was so out of this world, and as we crossed the suspension bridge over the blue pools we were again taken away by the beauty of this place.
      We walked down to the waters edge and skimmed stones across to the other side. Many people had built stone stacks which seems to be the thing to do over here with so many flat, smooth rocks.

      Soon the rain set in only more heavy and we made the trek back through the forest to our vans. We set off down the road for about 1km before finding our campsite for the night. We camped at a place called Cameron Flat which over looked the river below us.

      From there it was a cheese board, red wine and a rainy game of ticket to ride before James cooked up a storm for dinner. Jo and I took advantage of the relaxing time to start watching The Hobbit, a perfect movie choice for our New Zealand adventure. Unfortunately our campsite was out of internet coverage so we were phone-less and internet-less for a night (not sure how some of us coped). But with full bellies and sleepy eyes we had no quarms in hitting the pillow for the night, ready to continue our road trip up the west coast tomorrow.

      Asher ☺️
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    • Day 141

      Bradrona & Cardrona

      February 17, 2019 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Auf geht es nach Queenstown. Ein Städtchen umgeben von Bergen, am Lake Wakatipu gelegen und mit einer Unmenge an Angeboten für alles was Wandern, Fallschirmspringen, Paragliding etc. betrifft. Ich hole mir gegenüber von meinem Hostel im Café noch einen Flat White für unterwegs und verlasse dann Haast. Zu Haast gibt es nicht wirklich viel zu erzählen, da ich hier nur übernachtet habe. Unterwegs pausiere ich für eine kleine 1,5 h Wanderung (hin- & zurück) zu den Blue Pools. Tatsächlich verfügen sie über glasklares und türkis schimmerndes Wasser. Ich brauche wohl nicht zu erwähnen, dass es kaltes Wasser ist. Das hat allerdings einen Deutschen nicht davon abgehalten von der Brücke aus ca. 10m Höhe zu springen. Leichtsinnig, aber muss ja jeder selber wissen. Ich habe mich währenddessen dazu hinreißen lassen, ein Steinmännchen im Uferbett zu errichten.

      Auf meinem weiteren Weg nach Queenstown bin ich zudem an einer Destillerie vorbeigekommen und habe mich spontan für eine Führung entschieden. Um auf das Gelände der Destillerie zu gelangen ist „Bradrona“ zu passieren. Ein Zaun mit hunderten BH’s, der im Jahr 1999 von vier, sagen wir etwas beschwippsten Damen zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester mit der Verzierung ihrer BH’s „ins Leben gerufen“ und 2006 im Rahmen einer Brustkrebs-Kampagne für eine Spendenaktion genutzt wurde. Eine farbenfrohe, extravagante Form der Landschaftsgestaltung. Jedenfalls, habe ich mich der dort ansässigen Cardrona Destillerie gewidmet und die letzte Führung des Tages um 15:00 Uhr als Privatführung genossen, natürlich mit einer kleinen Verkostung am Ende.

      Im Anschluss noch kurz die letzten Kilometer bis nach Queenstown zurückgelegt und dort versucht das Hostel ohne Navigationssystem zu finden. In weiser Voraussicht hatte ich vorher den Standort über Google Maps am Laptop aufgerufen, ein Foto mit der Kamera gemacht und konnte nun darauf zurückgreifen. Es hat dennoch etwas gedauert, bis ich mein Ziel erreichte, aber es ging auch mal ohne mobiles Endgerät.
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    • Day 81

      Fresh Powder Day ❄️🏂❄️

      June 28, 2022 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

      When we drove up the mountain to the skifield it was white everywhere! Yesterday's rain in the valley was indeed a fresh pack of snow on the mountain!! Yessss 😁! But first, we needed to drive up on a snowy road and we had our fingers crossed we didn't had to put snowchains on. But with our 4wd we were good, and without any trouble we arrived!

      The boys loved their skilesson in the morning, skiing through the fresh snow and jumping over the bumbs. At the end of the lesson, they were having a snowball fight and snowplay, and they loved it! (Pffew, after all those years of Sydney climate!) Whilst the boys had their ski lesson Guido and me spend the morning doing non stop powder runs on our snowboards!! What a feeling! Except for freezing in the chairlift, but that you'll quickly forget, especially when later the sun came out 🌞.
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    • Day 74

      Skiing in Cardrona! ❄️

      June 21, 2022 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

      We can't wait to get on our snowboard today! We do need a little patience though! We take it easy in the morning after the long day yesterday. But, when we're all happy and ready we drive up the steep road on the Mountain to the skifields of Cardrona.

      Skipasses, getting rental gear, lessons for the kids we get it all sorted. We first brought Lucia to the creche, that's beside the learning area for skiing, and she loves it.

      The boys start their lesson at 11:30 and then it's time for Guido and me to snowboard together. It's a while ago, but we still love it and the sky is blue and the snow it great. A perfect day! At the end of the day Julius is already taking the chair up the hill- turning and stopping, and Quinten goes smooth as well, so we all had a great day!
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    • Day 75

      Hot Pool & Ice Cold Snow

      June 22, 2022 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      We discovered that at the lovely place we stay, there's an outdoor pool! A hot one, and a very cold one. After a fun day skiing, we enjoyed a swim in the hot pool, and it was even hotter after jumping in the cold one!! Surrounded by snow the hot pool felt even warmer!Read more

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