New Zealand
Matauri Bay

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    • Day 11

      Matauri Bay

      January 12 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tovább északnak elérkeztünk az első tengerparto helyszínünköz a Matauri öbölbe. A helyszín egy hatalmas fehérhomokos partszakasz, ami mellett egy kemping található, a szezon miatt épp szinte teljesen fullon.Read more

    • Day 17

      Long Beach Sunrise - kein Cocktail 😉

      October 5, 2023 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute bin ich früh aufgestanden, um den Sonnenaufgang am Long Beach in Russell genießen zu dürfen, während die Kids noch weitergeschlafen haben. Einfach traumhaft. Dazu gab es einen Kaffee von Carl, der mit seinem Caffee Cart jedem Morgen dort steht und für jeden ein offenes Ohr hat.

      Gefrühstückt haben wir nach Fährüberfahrt in Pahia am Strand.
      Wir sind wirklich froh, dass wir so tolles Wetter erwischt haben!

      Sehr interessant war der Besuch der Waitangi Treaty Grounds. Hier wurden 1840 die Verträge von Waitangi unterzeichnet, die das Zusammenleben der Briten und der Maori regeln. Das das nicht einfach war, wird im angeschlossen Museum anschaulich gezeigt. Schön war auch die kulturelle Vorstellung der Maori mit Gesang, Tanz aber auch viel Humor.
      Mir war bisher nicht bewusst, dass selbst die Maori in den zweiten Weltkrieg gezogen sind. Unfassbar und sehr bewegend.

      Nach einem kurzen Stop in Kerikeri sind wir dem Rat unseres Reiseführer gefolgt. Wir übernachten auf dem niedlichen Campingplatz in der Matauri Bay direkt am Meer. Als wir die Angestellte nach einer Frisbee fragen, hat sie uns einen Ball und ein Kajak bis zur Abreise ausgeliehen - kostenfrei.
      Nach der Paddeltour wurde natürlich noch geangelt, bevor wir bei Meeresrauschen einschliefen...

      Die Matauri Bay ist so abgelegen, dass eher die Fische anbeißen als das Bytes über den Äther übertragen werden. Und das am Geburtstag meiner Frau...

      Alles Gute, meine Große! :-*
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    • Day 6

      The most beautiful stars

      May 6, 2018 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Finding a church in New Zealand isn't the most trivial thing in the world. I'd located a possibility in Russell, which also happened to be the oldest functioning church in the country. The morning started with me mapping the route, a rather surprising 1.5 hrs away. So we set out earlier than we had planned.

      After an actual shower and a camper breakfast. I peeked out my camper window this morning and was not disappointed at the view. The sun was rising over the east side the of the ocean, and the fascinating, geometric looking pine trees lined the coast. Nate said the beach was covered in shells, which I plan to look over tomorrow morning. Today I was trying to make our first real breakfast with the camper van mini-kitchen. Eggs, ham, half a plum, pour over coffee with milk, and raw honey on NZ greek-style yogurt.

      The country has a ton of industries, especially considering how tiny it is. Everything except the ham was grown here. All the food we've had has been so tasty and of a lovely quality. The climate was terrific today. I can't believe how much folks are talking about the coming of winter - it felt like northern california on a good day. I cooked with the back of the van wide open to the waves rolling in on the beach.

      On the winding drive into Russell, I became confused. As we got close, the highway signs kept directing us to Russell via Vehicle Ferry. "Why does it keep saying by ferry?" I asked Nate. Then the lane was marked Ferry lane. We have to get in the ferry lane - no, we haven't bought ferry tickets -- what's all this about a ferry? Google didn't say anything about a ferry. When I scrolled over my map, I saw to my horror where the "road" became marked by a little boat. Thinking of scottish ferries I became concerned. What's the ferry schedule? What's the timing? But I realized there was no way to get there sooner. To get to Russell over the land route would add probably at least another hour.

      Happily Google knew what he was doing, the ferry was a minimal charge, and runs continuously until 10p. We even made up time riding it and arrived on time to worship, rather than 10 minutes late.

      Russell turned out to be a completely charming town. The church was so old it had musket holes still in the original wood, from prior to the treaty with the Maori. The whole town was at one time burned except for the church and the missionary printing press, as the Maori respected the foreign missionaries.

      We ended up spending the afternoon in town, and visited the press also. They keep them working, and have restored the original leaher tannery as well.

      For lunch I had some local mussels in a garlic cream sauce. I've never eaten such enormous, beautiful mussels. The shells were colorful with shades of green. The restaurant was called the Gables, and was built in the late 1800s. The interior was completely charming, and we had a seat by open windows directly overlooking the bay. All the harbors here seem filled with sail boats. We made our plans to get in a boat tomorrow.

      Once back at Matauri Bay Campground, we took a short hike up to the top of a hill just after sunset. Along the hike there was ocean on both sides. I almost stopped at a bench half way up to relax and enjoy the view of the islands in the bay as the last of the orangey sunset faded, but then we decided to head to the top anyway.

      The path was incredibly steep, and damp. It must've rained while we were in Russell. Trees had grown over most of it and shaded it. By the time we emerged on top there was almost no sunlight left, and an enormous monument was there. A huge rainbow made of natural stones, with a big propeller on it. It was too dark to read what it was all about.

      We began to play around with photos, and shortly the stars began to come out. Quickly the sky was thick with stars. It was the first time I was absolutely sure I was looking at the Milkyway. I may have seen it before, but haven't been sure if it was really the galaxy, or maybe a cloud. But tonight was so clear, and there's so little population or light pollution about. I wish I could capture it.
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    • Day 5

      Auckland northward

      May 5, 2018 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Mornings at Ambury Campground are lovely. Dew glistens all over the lush grass. The morning sun illuminates the sheep. The swamp birds shreik like babies are being stepped on. Just a few minutes short walk to the beach, visible from the gate next to our camping spot. Nate walked me down this morning to surprise me with a caved in lava tube. The tide was out, and huge black lava rocks were visible on the hillside, where they would typically be underwater.

      We had brunch at Circus Circus in Auckland. We were excited about pretty much every thing on the menu. I finally had pan fried chicken livers in gravy. Unusual but tastey. Nate got my second choice, wild mushrooms in gravy. The dishes looked surprisingly similar. We each got a flat white coffee, and I got a raw fruit and spirulina juice to boot.

      On the subject of fruit, we stopped in a charming fresh produce shop during the afternoon. I bought one of everything grown in new zeland, especially if I didn't know what it was. A green and a red fruit I had never heard of. Two kinds of kiwis, one with fuzz and one without. A fat carrot that doesn't taper.

      After our brunch we went to the top of Mt Eden volcano. There are 50 volcanoes around Auckland. This one made a huge gassy crater. It reminded me of walking around the rim of Vesuvius in Naples - only lushly green everywhere. One of the reasons why we chose to focus on the northern island is due to all the volcanic activity. Nate loves the geology aspect, and I love to sit in hot water.

      We then drove north to the Bay of Islands. It's winter here, so getting dark by 6p. I hear the beach outside our camper van, and exepect a stunning view when we awake.
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    • Day 5

      Hab meine Altersresidenz gefunden!

      January 3, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Nachdem wir heute aus Pahia losgefahren sind, kamen wir nicht weit, denn alle 5-10min (max.!) mussten wir wieder anhalten...Eine Bucht schöner als die andere!! Highlight waren drei Buchten hintereinander, u.a. mit meinem möglichem Altersruhesitz: schönes Häuschen direkt am Strand, Segelboot im Garten und eine traumhafte Bucht!!Read more

    • Day 38

      Ein freier Abend in der Natur

      December 17, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nachdem wir 6 Tage am Stück, neben unserer Arbeit auf der Bienenfarm, auf Dave Baustelle geholfen haben, gönnen wir uns einen freien Abend. Zudem ist es Marcels letzter Abend in Kirikiri in diesem Jahr. Morgen Abend fliegt er für 3 Wochen nach Australien 🇦🇺, um eine Freundin zu besuchen.

      Wir folgen den Tipps unserer Kollegen und fahren zur Matauri Bay. Alleine die 30-min. Fahrt lohnt sich. Vorbei an zahlreichen Farmen und Feldern erreichen wir, über eine wild geschlängelt Küstenstraße, den Strand. Wir packen unsere Angelausrüstung ein und los geht's. Ach ja, ich habe mir nun eine eigene Angel zugelegt 🎣😁. So gehe ich sicher, dass ich nicht Marcels gute Bambus-Angel, die ihm sein Opa geschenkt hat, kaputt mache.

      Zu unserem Ausflug gesellt sich unsere Hamburger Kollege Adrian, der mit uns in der Bienenfarm arbeitet. Zusammen genießen wir die Sonne und ein kühles Bier. Der Strand ist wunderschön und erstreckt sich über mehrere Km.

      Es muss nicht erwähnt werden, dass wir an diesem Abend wieder zum Meditativen Angeln übergegangen sind. Demnach haben wir also nichts gefangen. An der Angel lag es schonmal nicht ...😱😂
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    • Day 5

      Kerikeri - Old Stone House

      January 3, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Weiter gings zum Old Stone House, dem ältesten Steinhaus Neuseelands. Es befindet sich hier ein kleine, süße Kirche, prachtvolle Pflanzen und Bäume sowie ein süßes Kaffee...sehr idyllisch!! 🏡😊
      Nur Phil musste sich unbedingt mit ner Biene anlegen - er hat gewonnen! 😉
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    • Day 146

      2. Januar

      January 2, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Am 2.Januar sind wir morgens auf den Hügel hinter Paihia gewandert, dann zu den zwei Wasserfällen in der Nähe gefahren und in Kerikeri am Fluss Picknick gemacht. Nachmittags sind wir zur Matauri Bay gefahren. Ein wirklich wundervoller Strand, aber das Wasser war voller Quallen, sodass wir nicht baden wollten. Deswegen waren wir noch einmal in Paihia im Wasser.Read more

    • Day 5

      Matauri Bay

      January 3, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Erster Stop heute war die Matauri Bay, wunderschön, nur mit einem Campingplatz und Campingmöglichkeiten - weit und breit keine Hotelbucker oder ähnliches! Zu beachten: unsere Sheriffhütte 😋👮😎☉👉

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