Selandia Baru
Okiato Point

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    • Hari 19

      Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten im Wald

      12 November 2018, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Hallo liebe Zuschauer!

      Wieder eine Woche im Dschungelcamp überstanden! War eine überaus ereignisreiche Zeit mit vielen Hoch und Tiefs die ich auf dem Trail erleben durfte. Eins schon vorweg genommen, ich laufe immer noch! 🤗

      Zurück zum Ursprung, wenn wir nach Darwin gehen oder ich Passagen aus “Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit” von Yuval Harari zitieren würde, wären wir noch lange beschäftigt. Also zurück zu meinem Ursprung und dem letzten Blogeintrag. Dazu noch eine kurze keke Anekdote zum Abend unseres Zeroday. Wir verbrachten den Nachmittag mit dem verpacken der Esswaren und dem geniessen einiger wohlverdienten Biere. Am Abend selber hatte dann Troy die tolle Idee ein paar Runden Karten zu spielen. Dieser Verlockung konnte ich natürlich nicht widerstehen und gesellte mich in den Kreis der zukünftigen Verlierer. 😉 Das Spiel hiess Spoon, zu Deutsch Löffel. 😂 Es ging darum 4 gleiche Karten in der Hand zu haben um einen der in der Mitte liegenden Löffel zu stibitzen! Der Clou daran war, dass immer ein Löffel fehlte und somit eine Person aus dem illustren Zirkel ausschied! Wer mich kennt, weiss, dass ich unglaublich versiert im Spiele spielen bin und auch des öfteren im. hohen Masse bescheisse! Gut, dass das meine Feinde nicht wussten. Das Spiel war aber leider viel zu hektisch um meine Fähigkeiten gezielt einsetzen zu können. Nichtsdestotrotz war ich immer bei den letzten dabei. In der letzten Runde ging ich sogar ins Finale gegen den leicht favorisierten US-Amerikaner Troy. Damit dieses Fair von statten ging, entschloss sich unser Britischer Eroberer Patrick (stark beduselt) den letzten Löffel 4m ausser Reichweite von uns ins Gras zu stecken. Das hiess für uns, der erste der 4 gleiche Karten hatte, musste sprinten. Wir spielten mit 8 Karten, somit konnte es sein, dass gleich bei der Aufnahme der Karten schon einer losrennen konnte. Dem war aber nicht so. 😉 Wir hatten beide 3 gleiche und mussten 1 austauschen. Wer schneller die Karten in der Hand hielt konnte sich über den Vorplatz kämpfen. Als alter Fuchs und Verarscher erster Güte liess ich mir in der Hitze des Gefechts nicht nehmen. Troy die falsche Karte zu geben, damit er dachte er könnte sofort losstürmen. Dementsprechend schauten mich auch alle dumm an, als ich mich nach dem Austausch keinen Zentimeter bewegte und im gleichen Atemzug der junge Ami im Vollsprint davon jagte! Erst als ich meine 4 nicht gleichen Karten auf den Tisch legte, krümmten sich alle vor lachen und Tränen liefen in Strömen. Besonders bei mir und meinem britischen Bierbruder. 😂 (Ach ja, wir wiederholten das ganze und ich verlor leider nicht nur das Spiel, sondern fiel auch noch flach über den ganzen Boden und ripschte mir beide Knie und Unterarme auf😂)

      So, und nun zum wesentlichen. Sorry für das ausschweifen. Die Wanderung war ja auch noch.

      Am 7. Tag mussten wir aufgrund des ach so gefährlichen Highways 5km per Anhalter zurücklegen bevor wir 19km bis zum Anfang des gefürchteten Raeta Wald kamen und unsere Zelte aufschlugen. Der nächste Tag galt dem durchqueren des sogenannten Matschwaldes. Natürlich musste es in der Nacht nochmals ordentlich in Strömen regnen um unsere durchquerung auch spannender zu machen. Zusätzlich wurden wir in der Nacht auch noch von der Polizei aufgeweckt und auf Drogenbesitz kontrolliert. Für einige wurde es ziemlich unangenehm als sich der Officer die Handschuhe lässig über die Hand zog und ihn an grinste. Neein, selbstverständlich nicht! 😊 Die Cops hatten einen Notruf aus dem Wald von einer 24-jährigen Hikerin erhalten, die sich verlaufen und auch noch 15m einen Wasserfall hinunter fiel. Wir kannten die gesuchte Person leider nicht und konnten auch nicht weiterhelfen. Die restliche Nacht war für alle ein wenig unangenehm aufgrund der aktuellen Ereignisse und man beschloss am nächsten Morgen in Gruppen aufzubrechen. Die ersten KM waren noch in Ordnung da sie auf Kiesstrassen verliefen. Was dann folgte, war ein Graus und absoluter Alptraum! 😂 Im nachhinein könne wir darüber lachen, aber während… verfluchten wir den Wald, uns, andere, und noch vieles mehr! Es brauchte ganze 10 Stunden die knapp 18km zu durchqueren. Zum Glück konnten wir am Schluss ein Bad in einem Fluss nehmen um uns und unsere Ausrüstung zu waschen. Total am Ars… gingen wir alle früh ins Zelt und schliefen super. 😊 Der nächsten Tage durften wir dann noch zwei  weitere Wälder geniessen und einige km auf Kiesstrassen zurücklegen. Neuseeland zeigte sich während dieser Zeit von seiner allerschönsten Seite und konnte mit einer unglaublichen Pflanzenvielfalt auftrumpfen. Von uralten Kauri Bäumen bis zu Dschungel Abschnitten haben wir alles gesehen. Die Harmonie in unserer Gruppe wurde immer besser. Wir pflegten am Abend unsere geschundenen Körper mit einem Stretch Kurs, durchgeführt von Adrien, wieder ins reine zu bringen und kochten auf unseren kleinen Mini Gaskochern. Man sagt nicht umsonst, eine Hikefamily. 🤗 Gestern kamen wir nach rund 6 Tagen Wanderschaft in Keri Keri an. Eine grössere. Ortschaft wo wir unsere Vorräte wieder aufbessern wollten. Einige Mitglieder unsere Hikefamily planten einen weiteren Zeroday ein um ihren Körper zu verarzten oder eine Ruhepause zu gönnen. Da ich bis jetzt (Holz alange) noch keine einzige Blater hatte und sich mein Knie einigermassen einkriegte, entschloss ich mich, die Gruppe mit Troy und Andrew zu verlassen und weiterzuziehen. Den letzten gemeinsamen Abend krönten wir mit einer Pizzabestellung. Für die Jungs natürlich alle eine eigene Familienpizza. Und ja, alles wurde verputzt. Unser Kalorienbedarf ist derzeit unglaublich hoch und wir essen dementsprechend viel. Nach dem Pizzaplausch unterzog Troy meinem Rucksack ein Packshakedown. Heisst soviel, alles was er für unnötig hielt fliegt raus. Kurz am Rande, er trägt keine Unterhosen und hat kein Badetuch. Er muss sich mit Luft trocknen und das kann sehr sehr unterhaltsam aussehen.😂 Trotzdem war ich ihm für seine Tipps dankbar und beschloss einiges an Material in die Schweiz zu schicken. Ich lebe nun von Luft und Liebe. Und ja, ich habe die Unterhosen behalten. 😉 Mit leichtem Gepäck starteten wir dann am nächsten Morgen auf unseren Egotrip. Wir hatten ein tolles Tempo und die Strecke von 28 km verging wie im nichts. Angekommen sind wir in Paihia (256km Total) . Einer kleinen Touristen Hochburg im Osten. Das bedeutet für uns teuer und somit so schnell wie möglich weg! Es folgt nun ein nächster Wald zu durchqueren, welcher als eines der Highlights der Nordinsel darstellen sollte. Wir sind gespannt und geniessen noch das letzte Cider am Strand. 🤗

      Bis bald!

      PS: Die abgestürzte Hikerin wurde erfolgreich gerettet und läuft bereits schon wieder auf dem Trail. Sie hatte Glück im Unglück und hatte lediglich einige Prellungen und Schürfungen zu verkraften.
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    • Hari 58

      22-3 Slimkapje (Paihia)

      22 Maret 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Goh, denk ik vanochtend, ben ik eigenlijk niet al bij die fietsroute? Uh, al voorbij. Slimkapje.
      Ik besluit eigenlijk al dat ik terug ga, als ik zie dat ik dan langs Kawakawa kom, met het Hunderdwasser toilet. Dus zéker terug. Maps and me geeft weer dezelfde spannende route door het bos. Moet kunnen volgens de camping baas. Dus bij de afslag en het grote hek, laad ik mijn fiets af, til hem over de hefboom en kijk dan pas of ik goed zit. Uh nee, de volgende. Slimkapje. Dus weer alles er af en een stukje doorfietsen. Met die tweede keer zeulen verrek ik iets in mijn rug. SK.
      Die afslag heeft een hek en geen weg. Nog eens goed kijken: klopt, Maps geeft een voetpad. Gaan we niet doen. Had ik eigenlijk al meteen kunnen zien. Dus retour hek 1 en afladen. SK! Grrr. En ik kan niemand de schuld geven😖.
      Gravelpad door een productie bos wat leuker is dan verwacht. Raar om daar van dat pampasgras en zo te zien. Wel weer een beetje steil bij veel vlagen en dat met een kleddernatte tent. Gelukkig heb ik wel bijna geen eten meer, dat scheelt gewicht. Moet weer afladen aan het eind, raak even mijn kluts kwijt maar gelukkig zijn daar fietsers die de weg weten. Bij de lunch eindelijk mijn dotterel gescoord volgens mij (niet de banded) en in het bos een vrouwtje Tomtit maar dat weet ik niet zeker.
      Na boodschappen kom ik aan op de eerste camping ooit, die plaatsen heeft die steeds duurder worden naarmate je dichter bij het water komt. Tijd genoeg voor de was. 599 hoogtemeters in 31 km, wel een beetje raar hoor.
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    • Hari 58

      First Few Days Back in Paihia

      25 Mei 2016, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Friday May 20th

      My bus came cruising into Paihia at about 8:15 pm and there was Emilie patiently waiting for me. After a nice warm hug we went out for pizza and wine. Our catchup began and we were off to the races. It had already been nearly a month since we had seen each other so there was plenty to chat about. Despite our chats it wasn't too late of an evening before we headed back to her place.

      Emilie was renting from a local lady named Jan. Emilie had a cozy little basement type suite which I expected I would be sleeping in on that couch or something, but I'm Terrence so good things just happen to me. Emilie explained how Jan also had another smaller unattached suite that (yup you guessed it!) was vacant. Jan asked me to pay the small fee of $100 for eight nights. As I'm writing this I can't believe how cheap that is for an individual bachelor's suite. I actually checked air bnb and the suite usually goes for $68/night! I guess you could say I know the right people. Anyways I unpacked and fell asleep almost immediately after a long day.

      Saturday May 21st

      After sleeping in a bit Emilie and I headed to Keri Keri which is a small ish town of about 5,000 about half hour away from Paihia. There was a weekly market with all kinds of local food, clothing, jewelry, and live musical talent. I loved the vibe of it all and we had a nice pastry type breakfast there. Emilie was on a hunt to meet locals so we ended up talking to this guy who made soaps and other natural body products. Guess where he was from!? Yeah, Saskatoon! No freaking way right? Wes was a pretty cool guy and we chatted about our home a while before Emilie and I decided to go adventuring.

      Emilie took me to this nice beach. We walked up it and the clouds rolled in. I assured her we had time and they would take a while to actually roll into the bay. I was wrong. They came in quickly and it absolutely poured on us. Not to mention the gusts of wind. I uploaded a video to Facebook that you should check out if you haven't. I think it pretty accurately summarizes the experience.

      The rest of the day was really low key. Emilie made us apple pancakes (more like crepes) for dinner which was delicious. Her friend Josh came over for a bit and that was the night!

      Sunday May 22nd

      Today we went to Russell. We had a nice walk around the beach there before heading into the town for lunch. As a whole we didn't accomplish too much during the day, but the evening was quite different.

      Jan had invited us to have a big lamb dinner, so when we got back around 4pm we started cooking. My job was to make the mint sauce. First we picked some fresh mint from Jan's garden. Then I took all the leaves off the stems (that's not the proper name but you get the point). Then we added sugar and I cut it up nice a thin. Then we just put it in a jar and filled it 1/3 with water and the rest with malt vinegar. Tada! I was pretty happy with how well it turned out. Jan took care of the rest which included the lamb, potatoes, kumaras, vegetables, and gravy. Now that I've written it all down it becomes quite apparent that Jan pretty much did everything haha.

      While everything cooked we watched a local new zealand film called "Boy" which I really enjoyed. It was far from the typical American films I was used to so it was refreshing and actually quite hilarious, I would definitely recommend it to all.

      Around seven the food was ready and wowzers was it good. I piled my plate high and stuffed my face. I think Jan could tell I really enjoyed it, and it was nice to have a full hearty home cooked meal for the first time in quite a while. Jan even made a light tomato and apple dessert which really doesn't sound that tasty, but somehow it just worked. What a delicious dinner.

      Monday May 23rd

      Monday afternoon Emilie and i went into Keri Keri again. We bought a few things from the warehouse (NZ's version of Wal Mart) including the newest Ed Sheeran album which surprisingly had a few songs that I didn't know. Needless to say I was a happy camper!

      Later around four ish we took Emilie's friend Dan up on a sailing adventure he had offered a few days before. All he asked for in payment was some beer which was easy enough. It ended up being Dan, Emilie, myself, and then Oliver from Canada, Lea from Germany, a girl from the Netherlands, and a local kiwi named Seagull. Literally his name was Seagull haha.

      We were out for about two hours and in that time I helped myself to four beers which needless to say hit me pretty hard. Peeing off the front of a sailboat, check! Twice! Haha. We all had a great time with one another and around six we headed in and found some food and then it was a pretty early night.

      Tuesday May 24th

      Today was pretty relaxed. Josh, Emilie and i went to the hot pools today. I also got to meet Josh's dog Blue, which I obviously loved given my adoration for dogs. The hot pools were smelly, but really quite amazing. The pools ranged in heat, but the hottest one was definitely comparable to a full heat hot tub. It was extremely relaxing, but also quite exhausting.

      In the evening the three of us headed to Paihia's fancy Italian restaurant. We shared a pizza bread type appetizer and then I had spaghetti bolagnase. It was all really delicious. About halfway through the meal this couple I met in Byron Bay in my surf lesson walked in. I would say I felt surprised but at this point in my travels it had become normal to run into familiar faces which is really nice. We all cabbed home and that was it for the night!

      Wednesday May 25th

      Today was a complete write off. Neither Emilie nor I really felt like doing anything and the weather was pretty shit so we just stuck around the house. We literally did nothing all day haha.
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    • Hari 61

      Finishing Up The Trip

      28 Mei 2016, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Thursday May 26th

      Today was probably the best day of the week. It started around nine am with Emilie knocking on my door and then her quite literally dragging me out of bed. The weather was perfect for the first time in days and she told me to get ready because we were going kayaking asap!

      By ten we were in Paihia and Dan had set us up with two kayaks at a discounted price (because he's such a cool guy). The water was so incredibly calm, it was magnificent. We paddled out quite a ways to this little island. Me being me I was all concerned and worried about sharks, but really it's a bay and they never come into the bay. Plus it's New Zealand and they're far less prevalent here.

      Eventually we made it to the island. After a five minute hike the trail opened up and boom! What a view! Oh there was also this little bird on the island that was adorable and it kept following Emilie around. It continually flew within arms range doing very short fast flights around her and I. It was incredible. After about half hour we took off. On the way back the weather was turning so the sea was much more choppy and challenging, but we made it back alive 😊

      We went back to Emilie's and she made us coconut pancakes for lunch which were delicious. Eventually we decided to go do a wine tasting in Russell. Some of their wines had sold out for the season already, but the ones we tried were quite tasty and Daniel (the man running the tasting) even gave me a deal on a bottle.

      After that we went to the Duke of Marlborough for a drink. This is actually the same place we went almost two months ago when we met. It was crazy to think how things had changed so significantly since then. Emilie was now settled down in Paihia with a car, a job, and a place to stay and I had nearly finished my journey.

      We left the Duke and took an hour to head to the beach where the sun was just about to set. The waves crashed along our feet. There were some rocks I climbed that reached into the sea a fair bit. We enjoyed the view there for a good while.

      After the beach we went back to the Duke for dinner. We decided to eat quite fancy so she ordered a nice steak filet and I ordered this fancy fish sampler with some nice mashed potatoes. When our drinks came Emilie toasted to our second last dinner together, but I cut her off before she could and said "let's not tall about it." I believe it was this exchange that led to something quite hilarious/magical later in the evening.

      Anyways the food came and it was delicious. There was a coconut dish that involved raw fish that wasn't really my thing but the other two fish dishes were fantastic and Emilie's steak was great too. Upon finishing our meals Vincent (our waiter) came by the table and he put $50 cash onto the table. He said "I've done this for 18 years and I can't believe this just happened, but the table right beside you left this when they finished. They said they heard Terrence was leaving soon and that he looked sad." Emilie and I laughed so hard! They had obviously assumed that we were a couple, but regardless what a kind act. The duke is a really fancy place and our bill (after dessert too) was $120. Because Emilie knew Vincent he gave us %20 off so it came to $88. After the kind gift we technically ate two huge main courses and dessert along with a drink each at arguably the nicest restaurant in town for only $38! WHAT A NIGHT! And what kind strangers, I'll have to pay that forward sometime soon 😊

      We took the ferry home. In the middle of the bay as we were crossing it turned all of its lights off. The night sky lit up in ways I don't believe I have ever seen before. There was no light pollution and the night was so clear it would have been difficult not to be amazed. I have a feeling my eyes were probably as bright as the night sky was because I was more than delighted.

      Friday May 27th

      Another extremely memorable day! We had a late start, but after getting up we headed back to Keri Keri. We went back to the little Thai restaurant from a few days ago and had another tasty lunch.

      Afterwards we headed out towards the Puketi forest which was one of the stops on the tour that we both met on. As we got closer the roads turned to gravel and the country side turned into massive green winding hills. We took the 10 minute loop hike through the forest for the second time in two months. It felt like it had been ages since we had been through.

      After the mild hike we took the car all the way around the forest which I believe was a fourteen kilometer drive. This would have been a quick drive in normal conditions, but we chose to drive extra slow to enjoy and take it all in. The trees stretched into what appeared to be the skyline. It was clear some of the kouri trees were easily hundreds of years old and gigantic in both height and girth.

      When we finally finished there, we drove all the way back to Paihia. I think we spent about three hours just relaxing before it was about seven and we headed out with Jan for my farewell night out.

      Jan took us to the Retired Servicemens Club. It was initially created for all the men who had come home from World War II, but as the veterans started to pass away, they eventually opened it up so the public could become members. The only reason we were allowed in was because Jan signed us in. I guess you could say "I know people" haha.

      Anyways we got in and naturally the place was filled with seniors and a few middle aged people, but the scene was still so alive. Everyone was chatting with someone and there were greetings all around for the new faces (Emilie and I). The alcohol was cheap and Jan was quick to buy the first round. After we got drinks we ordered our food and began to mingle. I ordered the lamb shank and it didn't disappoint.

      As the night went on I met Phil who was a good friend of Jan. He owned a local hotel in Paihia called Swiss Chalet. He told me about how much he loved Canada and how he spent a good chunk of the 70s and 80s in BC and had even married a BC girl way back when. Despite how things didn't work out with her, he still spoke of her quite highly, which was really nice to see.

      There was a one man band who was playing on and off throughout the evening. The ladies in the club definitely weren't shy about getting up and dancing to a few classic tunes. At one point in the evening the entertainer (who I'd learn was named Jack) stopped his whole set and pointed across the hall at me. He caught me doing my own little dance in my seat and told everyone in the hall that it was clear I wanted to get up and dance. Naturally being called out to dance I sprung up out of my seat and made my way hastily to the dance floor. The ladies faces were all quite bright and inviting and they quickly taught me one of their line dances which to be honest were much more difficult than the ones I had done back home. There was even a shimmy part which I really committed to and they all had a good laugh with me. When the song came to an end I hugged a few of them and thanked them for being so inviting.

      When I sat down there was evidently a new buzz in the hall and it felt like all eyes were on me, the young kid from Canada who had happily jumped right into the mix of everything. Phil and Jan praised me greatly for what I had done and explained how much they knew everyone in the hall appreciated my efforts. I was soon tapped on the shoulder by a lady named Zayda who asked what I was drinking. Before she was out of earshot Phil leaned over and explained that she was the manager of the club and she was about to go get me another drink to say thank you for having a good round of fun with all of them. Naturally I joined in a few more times after that, and even got Emilie up out of her seat for a dance as well!

      For the rest of the time at the club I sat with Jan and watched a few rugby games. She better explained the rules and it was clear that this was really her game of choice. She even told me which players she had the hots for haha. Eventually we packed up and headed home, but not to bed just yet.

      When we got back to Jan's we all stayed up sitting around the patio table outside having one more drink and exchanging a few more deep thoughts. I really came to respect Jan, as she was an extremely bright mind with plenty of stories to share of how she got to where she is today. I also deeply respected her honesty to both herself and those around her. Around one we called it a night and headed to bed.

      Saturday May 28th

      Today is the day. I'm finally going home. Emilie and I had a quick breakfast and off I went. I thanked Jan once again for her hospitality and that was that. Emilie took me to the bus stop where we exchanged a few long hugs and then the bus came and I was gone.

      In the airport I met a nice mother and daughter from London Ontario who had just finished a few weeks of visiting relatives in Australia. I connected really well with them on all kinds of topics and it was refreshing to have conversations with complete strangers again.

      The flight went by quite quickly. I watched a few of the hobbit movies and caught about three hours of sleep. Los Angeles airport felt even bigger this time. It ended up taking me an hour and forty minutes to get through all the security check ins and whatnot. By the time I got through I had only about ten minutes until boarding.

      On the flight to Calgary I got bumped to the front of the plane for what West Jet calls "plus" seating. I was in the very seat of the plane so I had an abundance of leg room (since when is that a thing on airplanes!?).

      One more flight and I'm home!

      Ive decided im goimg to write one more entry to wrap everything up and then I'm finished!

      -Terrence is out!
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    • Hari 32

      Start of Coramandel visit.

      20 Februari 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      From Whangamata we drove to Taiura.We stopped at Pauanui a town on the estuary. Beautiful location but mainly very expensive holiday homes with their own boat dock😱 We then went into Taiura a similar place. Set on an inlet, fabulous setting and expensive houses again .They feel a bit like ghost towns as there are so many empty holiday homes. We drove to Hot water Beach for lunch. What a strange place. Due to the geography you can dig a hole on the beach and it fills with boiling water from underneath and then the sea water comes in and cools it down. Then you sit in it🤔🤔A very strange sight to see hundreds of people with hired spades at 10 dollars ago digging holes in the sand. Not a sand castle in sight !! We then went to Cathedral Cove but decided not to take the boat trip as it was 95 dollars for an hour's ride. We went to stay at Cooks Beach where we met a couple of English girls who had just arrived on their way to Australia for a year.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 33

      Whangari and Wellington Beach

      21 Februari 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We decided to leave Coromandel. The scenery was beautiful as were the beaches but time is getting short and we need to be in Pihia for Saturday to swim with the dolphins. It's a long drive up through Aukland. All that traffic, had forgotten what it's like to see so many cars and people. I managed to get some photos of the big bridge in Aukland which my sister wanted. It's raining now, doesn't bode well !! Arrived in Whangarei and after lunch we were advised to go to Wellington Beach at Tutukaka to stay. Eventually found it. Lovely location on the beach very good for swimming.The tide was out and you can walk out a long way. We were with a Swiss and an Argentinian couple and were later joined by a German couple .Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 34

      Bay of Islands

      22 Februari 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      Awoke to a rainy overcast day but very warm. Decided to go for an early morning swim .The water was warm probably due to the shallowness of the bay, but really refreshing .We set off to news that a cyclone was due to hit the Area. As we drove to Pihia the rain got worse😭😭😭We stopped at Kawakawa a really arty town. It has a steam train that drives down the main street. All over the street are pieces of art and the main attraction are the public toilets designed by an Austrian artist called Friedensreich Hundertwasser! He lived and worked in the town If you know Gaudi it's similar but I don't think as good. From there we continued in the rain to Pihia to find out about our dolphin swim.Its now been put off till tomorrow afternoon so will have to wait and see,😱We,ve booked in to Top 10 in the town. A lovely site direct onto the bay and we are facing it. Unfortunatly the rain has,not stopped. Books and jigsaws and wine are the order of the day Luckily the wi fi is working so I ve caught up with penguins🤗4 more days to go😭Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 35

      Dolphin swim

      23 Februari 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      It rained all night and still didn't get to finish Jigsaw 😱brighter this morning with light showers. Amazing how the tides are here. Last night water was up to top of wall by our camper. This morning it has gone out and it's like mud flats.Full of birds looking for food. 12md picked up by tour operator and taken to the boat. After safety talk and info about swimming with dolphins, if you can,t swim you can,t go in!! we headed off.👙👙 Very overcast and humid and quite smooth till we got into the bay. The area of Bay if Islands has 144 islands if varying sizes and occupation .After about 30 mins a dolphin was spotted and then they appeared in groups of about 3 or 4🐬🐬🐬🌏. Included in these were babies. Due to DOC regulations we were not allowed to swim with babies as it disturbs their feeding. We spent about 45 minutes's watching them. The sea was quite strong so I.m not sure I would have gone in if we could. I.m ok in a pool but not used to deep water swimming . When we left we sailed around for a couple of hours but didn't see anymore. The rain really started to come down but suddenly cleared and we made it to a beautiful sandy cove where we went for a swim before heading back. A really enjoyable day. Clutching a bottle of red wine🍷🍷🍷🍷 we got back to the camp to settle down to the jigsaw for another night.We,ll have to finish it as we,re off tomorrow and need the table 🌏Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 31

      Coramandel here we come.

      19 Februari 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Drove up to Whangamata and stopped. Trying to save time to get to Bay of Islands sun bathing .weather is good but overcast .Not a lot to see there. Found a camp place on the road at the side of a sports field!! Very glamorous..a nice couple from Australia parked next to us for the night .wouldn't go back.Baca selengkapnya

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