New Zealand
Ti Point

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    • Dag 92

      Tokerau Beach and Gumdiggers

      9. maj, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Visited Waitangi Treaty Grounds in the morning. Although nearly didn't as Rosie had a meltdown getting out the campervan, so we had to wait that out first. Was worth the wait though, beautiful views from the grounds over the Bay. Interesting to learn more about the war canoes, Russell and the treaty. The girls seems captivated by the cultural performance at the end too, which took place in a replica Maori meeting house.
      Camped at Tokerau Beach, near Coca Cola lake (which looks as it sounds). Campsite was down a unsealed road amongst the sand dunes but luckily it was all fine for the camper to drive on. Stunning long sandy beach. Matt made dinner (gurnard which he'd caught the day before) whilst the girls and I played on the beach. That evening Matt caught a big snapper, and then later his rod snapped! Maybe a sign that he's done enough fishing?!
      We drove over to the Gummdiggers Fields for a walk in the morning. Never knew about people collecting 'gum' (like amber) from the base of Kauri trees and digging huge holes in the ground to find preserved gum in the swamps.
      Staying at Houhora Heads campsite tonight. Lovely cafe here and enjoyed our snapper for dinner on their BBQ. Went back to the cafe to watch the karaoke competition in the evening but no one turned up! Luckily they didn't make us sing!
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    • Dag 19

      Bay of Islands

      18. december 2023, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Yeah, wir haben es geschafft. Das Festland hat uns wieder.
      Zuallererst gab es einen kleinen Eindruck in Neuseelands Kultur und Natur.
      Im Waitangi Treaty House wurde im Jahre 1840 der Vertrag von Waitangi zwischen den Maori-Häuptlingen und Vertretern der britischen Krone unter Königin Viktoria unterzeichnet.
      Anschließend ging es in den Puketi-Kauri-Wald. Hier gibt es riesige, bis zu 2.000 Jahre alte Kauri-Bäume.
      Die berühmten Haruru-Wasserfälle sind jedoch weniger imposant. Dafür war das typisch neuseeländische Mangrovengebiet sehr schön anzusehen.
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    • Dag 36

      Day 36/72: Kayaking and Driving

      2. december 2018, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We woke up in our campervan feeling very chuffed with ourselves that we'd had a good night's sleep. The sky was clear and sunny and the day beckoned. We had our cereals of choice, museli and cocopops, and packed up the campervan ready for the off.

      We wanted to kayak around the bay of islands as it looked very beautiful, however the kayak tour place said the tour around the islands had been cancelled due to waves and weather, so we could only rent kayaks that day. Not to worry though, we duly hired a kayak and after assuring the guide that we weren't going to drown, paddled out into the bay, and upstream along a shallow estuary towards supposed waterfalls. As we paddled we sang and looked at the wildlife around us, herons and black and white cormorants flying around. We caught up with a huge tour group of people from a cruise, going in all directions over the river and as we paddled by we felt very glad we hadn't spent double the money on that particular tour.

      As we rounded a bend and came across the waterfalls which were surprisingly big! The water crashed over the rocks and made for great watching from the bottom as we hid behind a boulder and took photos. After we'd looked our fill, we paddled back against the tide in equally good spirits. We dodged the tour group again and came across a Maori boat, headed by a couple of huge Kiwi's in full tribal gear, grunting and calling to the 30 or so tourists paddling. As we passed by, the captain bellowed and as all paddles raised into the air, everyone turned their heads in unison and gave us a war cry!

      The kayaking finished, we got changed and got back in the van. A long drive of around 5-6 hours was ahead, so we set off, initially for the campervan hire place to pick up the satnav charger they had neglected to give us the day before. The trip was uneventful, the roads a motorcyclists paradise, and the scenery constantly keeping us alert and interested. It can be best described as driving through a mix of Scotland and Wales. Either winding mountain passed or dead straight over flat plains, they made for great driving. We picked up the cable without a hitch and carried onto next destination, Coromandel and hot water beach /Cathedral Cove. They're a long way out, as you'll be able to see on the map, but well worth the drive.

      We arrived at the chosen campsite and had a spot high up looking over the sea. We had a quick wander on the beach, and then made a dinner of spaghetti and tomato sauce (there may be a theme to our meals for a while). By then, night had already fallen, so we set up for the night and listened to the pitter patter of the rain, and the crashing of the sea as we drifted off to sleep.
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    • Dag 50

      Cream Trip Bay of Islands

      20. marts 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Für heute war eine Bootsfahrt geplant, die um 9:30Uhr begann.
      Als wir auf das Boot kamen war alles voll mit Rentnern, die natürlich alle guten Plätze besetzt hatten. Aber wie vorhergesehen wurde es Ihnen schnell zu kalt draußen und Carla und ich schnappten uns einen Platz an der Reling ganz hinten.

      Nach einem kurzen Stop in Russel, wo wir noch weitere Renter einsammelten, ging es raus aufs offene Meer und dort trafen wir gleich mal auf einen riesigen Schwarm Delfine, die sogar ihre Babies im Schlepptau hatten. So wunderschön. Es waren so viele, dass ich mit meiner Kamera gar nicht hinterherkam. Im Serienmodus machte ich tausende Fotos von den springenden Delfinen und musste natürlich danach erstmal aussortieren. Aber egal, ich liebe Delfine einfach!!!*.*

      Anschließend fuhren wir an unzähligen Inseln vorbei wie "Motuarohia", "Montukiekie", "the Sisters",... bis zum "Motukokako" auch bekannt als "Hole in the Rock". Mit viel Fantasie kann man sogar einen Elefanten erkennen.;)

      Die meisten der Inseln sind zwar in Privatbesitz, dürfen aber nur mit Erlaubnis der Regierung bebaut oder verändert werden. So werden Strände, Wasser und die Natur erhalten.

      So gegen 13Uhr hatten wir dann eine Stunde Zeit um am Strand Lunch zu haben und die Sonne zu genießen. Und heute gab es Pasta*.* Der Strand war echt richtig schön und ich bin so froh, dass wir morgen den ganzen Tag einen Ausflug auf diese Insel gebucht haben.

      Wieder an Board war uns relativ kühl und so saßen wir drinnen.
      Auf dem zweiten Teil der Tour konnten wir einzelne Privathäuser sehen, brachten einem sogar seine Post und fuhren vorbei an vielen Vögeln und Seerobben.

      Kristallklares Wasser und Sonnenschein, einfach wunderschön. Carla und ich genossen jede Sekunde und vor allem jeden Sonnenstrahl.
      Aber ich glaube die Fotos zeigen mehr wie ich hier beschreiben kann.
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    • Dag 240

      Bay of Islands

      6. marts 2016, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Door naar onze bestemming in het noorden: Bay of Islands. Eind van de ochtend doen we de gordels weer om. Het verkeer wordt steeds iets rustiger, maar de weg (haarspeld)bocht rustig verder. Na een korte lunch op de parkeerplaats van 'Sheep World' - een typisch NZ soort kinderboerderij/attractie - zijn we niet heel veel later op de pittoreske camping Waitangi Beach Camp waar we ons van alle gemakken voorzien; kost een paar dollars, maar dan heb je ook wat. Na de enorme was zijn we er wel klaar mee. Alles stinkt naar India! De moeheid van India en de uitputtende reis naar NZ begint ons in te halen...Læs mere

    • Dag 38

      Kayaking along the Waitangi River

      23. oktober 2016, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Today was a pretty chilled out day. We have another night at this campsite and so we were in no hurry to get packed up this morning. We had the usual sandwich for breakfast and enjoyed relaxing outside with a cup of tea. We discussed the morals of dolphin watching as there are a few tours here with opportunities for swimming to, but it all seems a bit too much like a money making opportunity and not something the dolphins probably enjoy. Having done some reading we will be staying clear of the dolphin 'eco' tour which seems to hunt for them all day and will be doing a boat tour of the Bay of Islands instead, which may result in some dolphin spotting should they be about. We will also be doing that in a few days when we come back from the 90 mile beach as it's the holiday weekend and so lots of the locals are about on holiday at the minute.

      Back to today though, we set off for a walk into the town and found a place to have some lunch. We were cheapskates and shared a 12 dollar pizza, no drinks, but we're punished when we asked about WiFi. We asked for the password having seen the WiFi available on our phone and were told "we don't have WiFi" which was a bit of a joke, surely they know we can see it. Anyway, the girl next to Rob at the bar, who also looked like she was travelling, kindly came and told us that they did of course have WiFi and told us the password. They will get a poor service review on trip adviser now and they are on the list! The pizza however was really good, so we also kind of want to go back....🤔

      Shortly after this we went to book the kayaking. We then found out the advert is in town but they launch from near where we are camping so we had to walk all the way back 😣

      We were also a bit late in the day by this point to hire for more than a couple of hours and so we chose to paddle upstream to the waterfall we had heard about. It was high tide too so we also had access to the mangrove forests which we got to paddle through. It was pretty awesome and we only crashed into a few trees...oops! We had to duck a few times to paddle under branches and we also spotted lots of oysters on the rocks scattered on the estuary floor.

      We saw many many birds, some of them flying right beside us, just above the surface if the water. We also saw one though that was hanging strangely from a branch by its beak. Not sure what had happened but it didn't look very alive 🙁
      On the plus side though we saw a kingfisher! It flew right across the river in front of us 🤗 seen them on two continents now!

      I also learnt on this journey that I am not the best at kayaking and tend to just cause us steer in the wrong direction, Rob however is much better, just more aggressive and occasionally made me feel as though I was going to rock out the boat lol. We tried to work together though and despite clashing paddles a few times we sort of got a good rhythm by the end (still veering to one side though). I also discovered it is not a good exercise for my back and after my lower back actually went numb, I was quite glad to get out again.
      It was a great little excursion though, beautiful surroundings and birdlife and the waterfall was also pretty beautiful. I didn't expect it to be part of the river and thought it might be to one side just falling in from stream. Instead we found the river we were paddling up just came to a stop where the waterfall crashed in from a ridge a few metres high. Maybe we will go again tomorrow by foot and explore the forests around it.

      We headed back to camp after the kayaking and settled down for some rum and food to some good music. We went for rice and soup again except this time we used less souo and had some chicken, leeks and carrot to fill it out. It was actually pretty delicious and I am not disappointed that there is enough left to eat tomorrow 😁

      Now, as the sun has set once again, we are sat inside enjoying music before another night in the Camper. I have to admit I thought this whole Camper van thing (especially as it is really a car) would feel quite cramped, but it is actually pretty spacious and I find myself looking forward to snuggling into the surprisingly comfy bed in the evenings.

      Now for some sneaky chocolate before bed time 😋
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    • Dag 14


      23. november 2016, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Auf unserer Reise Richtung Norden machen wir Stopp in Paihia. Die mitten in der Bay of Islands liegenden Küstenstadt gilt als touristischer Höhepunkt des Nordens. Von hier starten diverse Ausflugsboote in die Bucht, um die unzähligen, meist unbewohnten Inseln, zu umfahren. Ein Ranger, den wir auf unserer letzten Wanderung getroffen haben, nannte diese Fährunternehmen Liebevoll die Pacific-Mafia. Daher ist schonmal klar, dass wir keine Bootsrundfahrt machen. 😂

      Nachdem wir unsere Vorräte (Wasser, Nudeln, Reis, Äpfel, Bananen, Gemüse, Haferflocken und Peanut Butter) wieder aufgefüllt hatten, versuchten wir uns wieder in meditativen Angeln. Wir haben also beschlossen nichts zu fangen😴.

      Den nächsten Tag haben wir entspannt begonnen. Neben einem ausgedehnten Frühstück wurde gelesen, gesonnt, telefoniert und geschlafen.

      Am Nachmittag mit aufgeladenen Reserven machten wir uns auf den Haruru Fall Treck zu bezwingen. Dieser führte uns durch Urwald und Mangrovenwälder, die nur über einen Holzsteg zu überwinden waren. Die Mangroven-Wurzeln werden regelmäßig bei Flut von Meereswasser bedeckt. Die bieten eine Nahrungsquelle für Fische und Schutz für Wassergetier, wie Schnecken und Krebsen.

      Auf dem Weg kamen wir an Bäumen vorbei, die wie Aufzuchtstationen für Vögel wirkten. Wo man hinsah waren überall Nester von unterschiedlichen Vogelarten, die nebeneinander ihren Nachwuchs verpflegten.

      Am Ende des Trails lockte der Haruru Wasserfall. Seinen Namen hat dieser von dem Geräusch, das er erzeugt. Wir haben zwar kein Haruru hören können, aber die Maori werden sich dabei, vor all den Jahren, etwas gedacht haben. 😁

      Achse, auf dem Weg haben wir unserer ersten Kiwi gesehen. Zwar nur auf einer Informationstafel, aber das ist schonmal ein Anfang. Der bereits erwähnte Ranger hat in 10 Jahren nur einen Kiwi zu Gesicht bekommen. Die Tiere sind sehr scheu, haben gute Ohren und sind nachtaktiv. Wir gucken also positiv in die Zukunft und werde sicher einen sehen😉.
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    • Dag 17

      Bay of Islands

      14. januar 2019, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      En skön natts sömn med en kolonialfläkt i taket. Enkel frukost i trädgården utanför rummet. Varmt och lite moln. Iväg till Waitangi treaty ground som skulle ha 50 nz i inträde. Vi tog en cappuccino istället Whare Waka café i solen.
      Båt över till Russell precis innan regnet kom. Vi gick runt i denna underbara pärla såg den vackra lilla träkyrkan äldsta bevarade byggnaden i bruk i NZ. För mig det tredje besöket....såg det B&B uppe på höjden som Gullan och jag bodde på för 5 år sen. Vi åt god lunch på Duke of Marlborough-tonfisk och biff samt IPA och Pinot Noir. Jordgubbar till efterrätt. Regn utanför men uppehåll och sol när vi åkte.
      Strålande sol när vi kom ut - härlig båttur tillbaks. Vi handlade lite smått för kvällen. Dopp i havet och i varmpoolen.
      En skön eftermiddag i vår hörna med ett glas vitt.
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    • Dag 18

      Mot Auckland....

      15. januar 2019, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Orewa nästa stopp. Betalt kontant.
      Vi startade vid 9.30 och gjorde ett första stopp i Kerikeri underbart vackert. Vi fikade kaffe och apple and fudge pie. Vidare väg 12 västra sidan ner. Vackert och vilt. Vi stannade också och såg kauriträd ca 1500 år gamla.
      Framme på K&R Orewa bed and breakfast för 149. Egen byggnad stora sängar välfyllt kylskåp.
      Och världens sötaste kattunge.
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    • Dag 14

      War Canoe

      21. august 2019, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Hobson’s Beach is home to a ceremonial war canoe named Ngātokimatawhaorua, the world’s largest of its type. Waka have always played a vital role in Māori culture, essential for travel, and uniquely constructed and carved as symbolic representations of each tribe’s identity and spirituality.

      Ngātokimatawhaorua was built to mark the centenary of the Treaty of Waitangi’s signing in 1940 and was built by members of New Zealand’s northern and Waikato tribes. The waka is launched every year in February as part of Waitangi Day celebrations.
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