Frogner Park

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    • Day 50

      One great full day in Oslo

      October 18, 2019 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Today was much better. The jiggling feeling after the train ride was gone and after a night’s sleep I found I could face a new city. We had spied a good breakfast place yesterday and had coffee and a yum pastry, then set off to achieve all the things we had planned. We took umbrellas as an insurance against rain, and were happy we did as when we set off it had obviously been raining during the night - wet pavements and puddles everywhere, but again we were lucky as it didn’t rain at all today - just grey skies, and even a break of blue by late afternoon.

      First of all we walked to the sculpture garden - a big attraction here, beautiful gardens, specially now with their autumn glory, and with many sculptures by a famous person whose name I can’t remember, who must have spent his whole life making so many works, or had a workshop of helpers...figures of men, women children in all forms and contortions, in granite...there is a lot of stone here! Anyway, that was fun. Many school children and tourist groups there too.

      Then we walked back and found the Nobel Peace museum which was good, and then on to the Resistance museum, which we found was within the fortress and castle complex which was interesting in itself. The Resistance museum we really enjoyed - not the right word really, but was interesting especially as it filled in what we had learned about during talks and visiting towns during the cruise up the coast where the towns felt the main brunt of the nazi occupation.

      After that we had a break and sandwich and then found that we were too late for the Viking museum -it was 3.40 and it closed at 4 in October, so we went on to look at the opera house again while the weather was good and before it started to get dark. It is such an amazing building, and I have tried to take photos, but it is difficult to capture. We then returned to the hotel - Amr had a short outing to look at some shops - but a little down time till we set off for dinner.

      We had planned to go to a Spanish place that had a sister restaurant we had noticed in Bergen, but when we went there - along a string of restaurants, rather like Barangaroo, alongside the harbour, with ferries, it was too busy, so we gave in and went to Olivia again...I just had salad, and we had a glass of wine. Didn’t feel like much after late lunch. So now back and ready to pack up and fly to Copenhagen tomorrow. Amr’s Apple Watch says that we walked 22 kms today, so that is good!

      I am bracing for another unknown city to explore, but everyone says how good Copenhagen is, so hope it won’t be too daunting! We have already found out where to go on the metro from the airport to get to our hotel so that is a good start! We spend 3 nights there, then start the journey home on Tuesday.
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    • Day 10


      June 16, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Heut mal wieder ein strammer Start um 8 Uhr in Ri Oslo. Gegen 10 Uhr waren wir bereits an unserem Womo-Stellplatz, ca 200 Höhenmeter und ca 8 km vom Zentrum Oslos entfernt.
      Mit der T-Bana “5“ ging’s dann auch gleich weiter bis zum Nationaltheater, dort in hop on/off-Manier zur Stadtrundfahrt: 1.Stopp: Skulpturenpark des Künstlers Vigeland, reine Kulturveranstaltung…🙈
      Nach einer Stunde bei wieder mal 30 Grad ging’s weiter mit der Rundfahrt.
      Nächste Besichtigung: Königspalast von außen! Auch hier hält die Emanzipation Einzug, da eine wachhabende Soldatin Dienst hatte. Leider waren das Gebäude, wo die Nobel-Preise verliehen werden und auch der Dom geschlossen.
      Dafür trafen wir plötzlich( bei der Kneipe“the Scot man“) auf hunderte Schotten, die schon in Vorbereitung für das morgige EM-Quali-Spiel in Oslo gegen NOR waren.
      Anschließend sind wir wieder mit der T-Bana zurück zum Womo und waren noch
      2 h am See faul auf der altehrwürdigen gelegen.
      Mittlerweile lassen wir’s bei Lachs an Reis inkl. Salat gemütlich ausklingen…
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    • Day 9

      Vigeland Park

      May 16 in Norway ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Gustav Vigeland gehört zu den berühmten und beliebten Norwegischen Künstlern. Sein Schaffen in Bronze und Granit machte ihn schon zu Lebzeiten berühmt. Im Mittelpunkt stand immer die Entwicklung von Knabe und Mädchen, Mann, Frau und Kind, Geburt und Sterben. In seiner ungeheuren Schaffenskraft entstanden zwischen den Weltkriegen sehr viele Werke, die Vigeland nach seinem Ableben seiner Stadt Oslo zusprach im Gegenzug für die Stellung eines neuen Wohn- und Atelierhauses.Read more

    • Day 2

      Stadtrundfahrt, Vigelandpark

      September 15, 2023 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Weiter geht es dann mit dem Bus in den Skulpturenpark, für den der Künstler Gustav Vigeland Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts etwa 200 Skulpturen erschaffen hat.
      Er beschäftigt sich dabei mit dem Kreis des Lebens und den verschiedenen Abschnitten, die ein Mensch in seinem Leben durchläuft.
      Teils sicherlich überzeichnet, aber im Kern eben doch meist .... menschlich.
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    • Day 3

      Paseando por Vigelandspark

      March 12, 2023 in Norway

      El parque más famoso de Oslo por sus esculturas de bronce y el "niño enfadao" o Sinnataggen, el monolito simbolizando el esfuerzo conjunto y en todas las etapas de la vida y el reloj de sol. La nieve está tan dura que no se puede tirar ni una bola sin escogorciar a nadie 🤷🏻‍♀️Read more

    • Day 22


      August 12, 2020 in Norway ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wir besuchen den wohl bekanntesten Park Norwegens, in dem 212 Steinskulpturen von Gustav Vigeland stehen. Der Park entstand zwischen 1923 und 1943 und wurde komplett von Vigeland designt. Wir stehen vor lebensgroßen Figuren, die Menschen in verschiedenen Situationen und allen erdenklichen Posen zeigen. Sie tanzen, lachen, spielen, turnen, kämpfen, trösten und lieben sich. Welche Figur uns am besten gefallen hat, können wir so gar nicht beantworten, aber natürlich finden wir den kleinen Trotzkopf, der auch als Warzeichen der Stadt gilt, besonders liebenswert ❤️Read more

    • Day 20

      The Circle of Life

      July 13, 2022 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      I must admit that when I learned we would visit Vigeland Park, I had some slight misgivings. I was born in the South, and was taught that good boys and girls always keep their clothes on. I had heard of this place in Norway where there are hundreds of acres of statues of people—all of them nude—doing all sorts of things.

      We just got back from the sprawling statuary park that was the dream of Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland, and I must say, I was impressed. The consistent theme of Vigeland is the circle of life. His statues show every type of person—male, female, young, old—doing everything that people can do. Yet all of the statues show people in relationships. There are boys and girls, workers, lovers and warriors, husbands and wives, grandparents and grandchildren, the living and the dead. Some are happy, some are angry. Others are grieving or frightened. Some are protecting a sibling, and others are simply careless. Some are in love, and some have just fallen out. These sculptures show the entire human condition from birth to death, and all show human beings in relationship. Vigeland wanted his subjects nude so that we would not make judgments about their status, wealth, race or nationality based on their clothing. His work is just now becoming known outside of Norway because Vigeland worked like a maniac. He did not go on tours, take on students, or self-promote. He sculpted his whole life long. When the government planned to raze his workshop for an urban renewal project, he made a deal: if they would build him another workshop, he would give all of his sculptures to the city of Oslo. The city agreed, and when the artist died in 1943 they completely rebuilt Frogner Park according to Vigener’s plans and filled it with his statues. The artist even dictated the location of the placement of flowers and the design of the distinctive wrought-iron gates.

      The resulting statuary park is not only beautiful with a multitude of spectacular rose gardens aligned on a central axis, the park is also quite moving. The theme of the circle of life is consistent and unmistakable, even in the placement of the statuary. Gustav Vigeland himself was driven, perhaps too busy even to appreciate how dramatic his own work would be in this monumental setting. Yet, if somehow, from some distant shore of time and space, he could look down on the city of Oslo, I think he would be pleased.
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    • Day 10

      Vigelandsparken 🫂

      September 22, 2015 in Norway ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Bevor es weiter ging machten wir einen Stopp im Vigelandsparken. Dieser Park zeigt 212 Stein- und Bronzeskulpturen des norwegischen Bildhauers Gustav Vigeland, die in den Jahren von 1907 bis 1942 entstanden sind. Zahlreiche Skulpturen symbolisieren den Kreislauf des menschlichen Lebens 🫂. Nun, Kunst ist bekanntlich geschmaksache...Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Frogner Park, Frognerparken

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