
agosto - outubro 2017
Uma 40aventura de um dia na Peter Leia mais
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  • Day 8 Into the Okavango Delta

    30 de agosto de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Tents down again before breakfast and then the large Delta Rain truck turned up and we loaded all the necessary items on to it. We were taking our own tents and sleeping rolls as well as cooking equipment.

    By 8.30 we were heading north through Maun and half an hour later turned westward on a bumpy, dusty road that twisted and turned through the Kalahari desert sands until eventually , an hour later, we reached Boro, our point of embarkation. We loaded up, two to a mokoro, and with mokoros carrying our equipment, were soon a convoy of 18 canoes. Our journey through the reeds required 1.5 hours of polling and eventually we reached our destination, Mamakudu (sp?) Island.

    Tents were pitched, lunch eaten and then everyone found shade to relax in the heat of the afternoon. Not everybody though because some tried their skills at polling a mokoro in the hippo channel close to our campsite. It wasn't too long before someone fell in, followed by others.

    At 4.30 we were all polled to a nearby island where we were guided in 4 groups on short fauna/flora introductory walk. Plenty of evidence of animal life (poos of all shapes and sizes!) but most of us only saw zebra.

    A beautiful sunset and then back to our island and our campsite. Dinner around the campfire and we sat and talked until tiredness took us off toto bed.
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  • Kingsford Smith International Airport

    22 de setembro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Well, we are all present and accounted for. And somewhat excited which is great! The plane is very full of large school groups so the noise level is intense.

  • Day 2 Johannesburg to Victoria Falls

    23 de setembro de 2017, África do Sul ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    We have arrived safely into OR Tambo International Airport in Joburg. Everyone got a bit of sleep but it is just after 5.00 am so the airport is quiet. We have a 5 hour wait until our next flight so there will be time to do a bit of shopping .

    It was a long wait but eventually our relatively short flight to Vic Falls occurred. I think it took us longer to get through Zimbabwe Customs than to fly! Eventually we met Damian and Bertus who are our Tour Director/cook and driver respectively. We were driven into town to our Shearwater Village campsite where we pitched our tents and had lunch.

    After a freshen up we walked to the old colonial Victoria Falls Hotel with its magnificent view down the gorge to the bridge. From there we moved to the Lookout Cafe for refreshment before walking back through town and the curio vendors to camp and a swim.

    By 7.00 we were all pretty exhausted but an exciting dinner at The Boma changed all that. After trying such African delicacies as mopani worm, wart hog, crocodile, impala and boerevors the drumming started and as we each had own drum we became involved too. Much fun was followed by tribal dancing and again participation. By the end of the evening we had had a great time but could hardly keep our eyes open

    It had been a long haul from the Highlands to Victoria Falls but well worth it. And the whole group had done remarkably well.
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  • Day 3 Victoria Falls to Chobe National P

    24 de setembro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    We had a slow start this morning, which was perfectly understandable. Bags packed, tents down and then breakfast. We had enjoyed our stay in Shearwater Village campsite.

    The ATC truck (our safari vehicle for the next 8 days) took us to the entrance to the Falls and Damian came along as our guide. The Zambezi had reduced in size considerably since April (when the first Oxley group visited) but it was still a spectacular sight. We visited the David Livingstone statue before gradually making our way along the various view points to the Boiling Pot. No water flowing over the Falls from about halfway.

    We left the town of Victoria Falls before midday and made our way through very dry countryside to the border with Botswana. Through Customs, we had the mandatory 'Foot & Mouth' prevention walk through chemically treated water so that we did not bring anything with us that would affect the Botswanan cattle industry.

    In Kasane the truck crew took us to a Choppies supermarket to stock up for our trip (much cheaper in Botswana). From there to our home for the next 2 days, Thebe River Lodge & Campground. Our tents were up before a late lunch.

    Almost immediately we were on board 3 jeeps for our first visit to Chobe National Park. A memorable experience followed (I had never seen so many elephants together before) and we encountered lion, giraffe, zebra, kudu, wart hog, baboon and hundreds of impala.

    We were back at Thebe River campsite about 7.00 - and who was there to greet us but Dr Tempe Adams, an Old Oxleyan, who works locally with Elephants without Borders. After dinner Tempe talked to everyone and spoke of her experiences in Africa. It was a great way to end the day!
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  • Day 4 Chobe National Park

    25 de setembro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Up at 5.00 am this morning, breakfasted and we managed to be at the Sedudu Gate for entry to Chobe National Park by 6.00. This morning we were travelling in a jeep and a truck.

    A great game drive ensued. The highlight was a pack of Painted Dogs feasting on an impala, surrounded by vultures and a pesky jackal. Plenty of argumentation and chasing away of the jackal, whose perseverance finally paid off when he snuck off with a portion.

    A lioness and her 3 cubs followed as well as waterbuck, giraffe, kudu, fish eagle, etc. By 9.00 it was time to return to Kasane and the campground to relax. A quiet morning followed with an opportunity to wash clothes, swim in the pool and try to use the very weak wifi. Had a drink in the restaurant before we left at 2.45 for our Chobe River cruise.

    We first headed downstream to see the storks roosting in the trees on mid-river islands. Then we swung around and headed upstream with the Namibian Caprivi Strip on our right hand side. We came very close to hippos, crocodiles, elephant, buffalo and waterbuck. A unique experience was that of watching a male hippo roll over in the water with its legs in the air, not once but twice.

    There was a fireball of a sunset as we headed back to the wharf at dusk. Bertus drove us back to camp where Damian had cooked a good, filling meal. After dinner we sat around a campfire toasting marshmallows and then became involved in a challenging wildlife quiz, with Damian and Bert asking the questions.

    We had enjoyed our day but bed was calling and nobody needed persuading that it was bedtime .
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  • Day 5 Kasane to Nata

    26 de setembro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    We had a relaxed start to the morning and were food shopping by 8.30 .

    Afterwards we turned south passed lines of trucks waiting to cross the border into Zambia. The countryside became drier and we saw the occasional game as we rolled southwards. Elephant, zebra and impala.

    Stopped in Pandamatenga for a toilet break.

    In to Nata in the heat of the day but it was another 15 minutes before we reached our campground at Nata Lodge. Tents and lunch were followed by a welcome afternoon swim.

    At 4.30 we were picked up in 3 jeeps and taken south to the Nata Bird of Sanctuary. Very flat terrains, no trees and eventually salt pans. There was water in the Suwa Pan and so we saw flamingos. A beautiful sunset followed to end a memorable visit.

    Back to camp for dinner and talk around the empty fire site. All well.
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  • Day 6 Planet Baobab

    27 de setembro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After a good night, we had packed the truck by 7.00 and breakfasted soon after. We left Nata Lodge and headed the 10kms north to cross the bridge into town. Then turning westwards we headed towards Gweta through dry countryside that only 6 months earlier had been flooded.

    By 9.30 we had turned off the main road
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  • Day 7 Planet Baobab to Maun

    28 de setembro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We had a lie-in this morning with packing achieved before an 8.00 breakfast. After everything was on the truck we all adjourned to the swimming pool. Much splashing and 'Marco Polo'-ing occurred, joined by Bert and Damian.

    Eventually we reluctantly left Planet Baobab ( a really pleasant oasis) after 10.00 to drive the 200 kms to Maun. Saw zebra enroute as well as a giraffe in the distance.

    Once in Maun Damian went food shopping for our delta excursion tomorrow whilst the rest of the group seemed to find food in either Wimpy or the Shoprite supermarket.

    By 4.30 we had driven the 13 kms to Sitatunga Campsite and soon our tents were up and everyone had moved to the volleyball court and nearby swimming pool. It has been a hot day but all have managed it well.
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  • Day 9 Okavango Delta

    1 de outubro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    The day started with a light breakfast at 5.45 and we were in our mokoros by 6.30. Twenty minutes later we were ashore on a large island and we broke up into 4 groups with a guide and a supporter.

    It was a great walk in the cool of the morning and lasted 3.5 hours during which we probably walked up to 15 kms. During that time we came close to a herd of zebra, a breeding herd of elephants, up to 15 giraffe, a pair of wildebeest and a lone impala. Most satisfying but tiring.

    Damian had cooked a big breakfast for us on our return and then everyone either swam or found shade as the intense heat of the day kicked in. It must have hovered around the 40C!

    At 5.00 we roused ourselves and each pair headed for their poler and his mokoro. We were poled to a nearby pool and sat, among the reeds on the edge watching a large hippo and the sun setting. The hippo got a bit tired of our company and did a few mock charges before we strategically withdrew.

    Damian prepared another great dinner for us to eat around the campfire. And then the evening took an interesting turn as all 18 polers started singing and dancing for us - with plenty of ululating in between. It was great! And then it was Oxley's turn and to their credit the whole group got stuck in and sang their hearts out- including the Oxley hymn and the National Anthem .
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  • Day 10 Back to Sitatunga Camp

    1 de outubro de 2017, Botsuana ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Our time in the Okavango Delta had come to an end. Tents came down and day packs filled before we had breakfast. Then it was a case of loading everything that we had brought into the 9 mokoros. It was sad to say goodbye to our island but the experience had been fun.

    On our pole back to Boro, along the channels created by hippos or mokoros, there were water lily flowers and the occasional pretty pink blossom. Overheard the early morning small planes, that had departed from Maun for delta lodges, roared passed. And we saw buffalo.

    At Boro we formed a chain to unload and stack all our equipment as we waited for our truck to arrive. We watched the departure of many mokoros taking their visitors out for a Delta experience.

    Eventually the Delta Rain truck arrived and we loaded everything and everybody on board. At this stage we said farewell to our friendly polers and Matt made a short thank you speech before handing over our group tip to the Lead poler. A long bumpy, dusty ride to the highway followed and soon we were in Maun where we stopped to buy water.

    We arrived at Sitatunga Camp before lunch and learned that our tented accommodation for the next 6 nights had beds and our own ensuite. Luxury!! It was great to have a shower and wash off 3 days of delta dust, mud and sand. Burgers and chips for lunch were most welcome.

    It was great to relax in the heat of the afternoon with a swim or a snooze. Some laundry got done.

    At dinner that night, in the restaurant, after a filling meal, we said a group farewell to Damian and Bertus. Charlotte and Ben spoke of their appreciation of the important roles these two had played in making the safari part of our visit a success. Again it was sad to say goodbye but their roles in our visit to Botswana had ended and they departed for Vic Falls and another tour group and another adventure.
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