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    • Dag 18


      17. september 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Kurzer Zwischenstopp in Cusco bevor es in den Dschungel geht.
      Nach dem Inca Trail war erstmal Pause angesagt und so entspannte ich 2 Tage in Cusco mit Leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. Es ging zur Massage, es wurde viel Kaffee getrunken, auf dem Markt wurde gegessen und Saft getrunken und ein Museum wurde auch besucht. Dann ging es mit dem Nachtbus nach Puerto Maldonado.Læs mere

    • Dag 40

      Cusco Museum

      2. april, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Despite having spent considerable time in Cusco, today was the first time we had been able to explore the city sites. We had been busy in the surrounding regions and the shopping scene. As such, we headed to the first museum of the day. This explained the ancient and colonial history of the city of cusco and Eastern South America. I found the ancient history much more interesting as we learnt about the Nazca Empire, the Wari Empire, and how these civilisations helped birth the much more famous Inca Empire. A lot of the attributes, traits, and characteristics that we attribute to the Incas are often adaptions or direct adoptions from early empires. Nonetheless, it was nice to learn about their lifestyle and traditions from a much older time. After exploring here, we then headed toward the large Qorikancha, an old temple and retrofitted cathedral during colonial periods. This was a beautiful building and a quite interesting museum. This focused much more on art and building practices than the last, so it was good at completing the picture of life in the incan Empire. We tried to finish off the day in Saqsaywaman (literally pronounced sexy woman) to overlook the city and enjoy the sunset. The entry was close to 30 AUD each, however, and given we wouldn't have time to explore a large portion of the site, we figured it wasn't worth the money. As such, we enjoyed the highest view we could find and headed down for a drink. The view wasn't acceptional as it doesn't quite grasp the beauty of the city on a street to street basis. The lack of large buildings or large parks makes it not that enjoyable of a view from the mountainside. Nonetheless, we had to do it. As we headed down for a couple of drinks, we stumbled across what we could only guess was some form of corn festival. They love their corn, and as we saw in Moray, they have purposefully created over 900 varieties of corn. Because it was the last day of the wet season, and the dry season was beginning, they had a festival to celebrate. This was interesting and cool. People danced, carried golden corn, and gave speeches. We sat in admiration before going and getting our drink. This was going to be the end of our time in cusco, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I will have to come back and do some of the other hikes and activities in the region.Læs mere

    • Dag 68

      Chilled day: Museum + chocolate worsksho

      11. marts 2023, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After sleeping out I had breakfast at the hostel with a nice conversation with a hostel stuff. I made laundry and wanted to go to one museum ( inca Raritäten) which is not open. I will do it on Monday.

      Then I went after one cappuccino to a the museum Coricancha Qurikancha, which was the sun temple ( the biggest temple in Cusco, Cusco= Capital of the Incas) of the Incas.

      OMG I learned so much today about the Incas in this museum!:

      - the Museum was the Tempel of the sun, before it was damaged by the Spains
      - size: the Incas were at the biggest till 1532 from kolumbia till Santiago
      -Stones: they had so different stones for different usage and their temples had so much steps and in the temples the sun with a face inside was their main symbol teine
      - Inca calendar
      - Inca Astronomie (explains the Nisca lines?)
      - in the museum were Spanish and Inca stuff, but the Spanish stuff did not interested me so much.
      - they had a Temple of the sun, rainbow, moon, lightning, Venus, stars and the highest priest.
      - they sacrificed kids
      -They had in our winter fasting months
      - they involved patcha mama!

      —> the Spanish damaged so much and it is crazy, that they used all material for their cathedrales and churches again. Ruining a culture, idiots.

      Resume: OMG I felt in love with that museum and their culture, that’s the reason I I stayed 3h there. The bell tower there was my last steps.

      P.S. : I payed the entrance for a student haha, but unfortunately not for Machu Pichu😂 physical card blah blah

      So I was lucky, that I had not to wait for the chocolate workshop in the chocolate museum, because I informed about that yesterday.

      It was super interesting to make my own chocolate, got in touch with the process of making and to try different chocolates. (Over 65% it is to bitter for me) facts:

      -There are three kinds of chocolate: dark, milk and white, which is in the industry not natural made.
      - Peru has of the best Kakaos, because of their diversity ( also Brazil and south west Africa) otherwise chocolate is best at Belgium and Swiss
      - white chocolate will be done after pressing the cold chocolate

      My selfmade chocolate tasted amazing and I did the course with an introverted and strange American called Cliff.

      I bought some stuff for the 2 days one night trip to Machu Pichu. I decided myself against the Inca trail or the salkantatrek(should be amazing), because it would be to long and to expensive. Also agains the train, because two ways are 120€. My buses are 20

      So the evening was against chilled and I am looking forward to Machu Pichu.

      Bus to hydroelectrica—> 3h hike to agua calientes and sleep there. —> 2h hike to Machu Pichu —> 2-3h there —> 3h down to hydroelectrica and pick up at 14:15. back in the hostel at ~9pm. Sleep one night there, Inca museum and then off too nisca lines!
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    • Dag 4


      24. juli 2018, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Abends noch in die Altstadt von Cusco, ein Meer von Eindrücken ^^
      Cusco leitet sich wohl vom Quechua für König ab, Königsstadt also.
      Interessante Zahlen:
      - ca. 70 %-Einkommen der Stadt aus Tourismus
      - 2012 ca. 200.000 Einwohner und 30.000 Autos
      - heute ca. 500.000 Einwohner und 200.000 Autos, daher ständig Stau. Der Verkehr wird noch überwiegend über Verkehrspolizisten geregelt, an Ampeln kann ich mich nicht erinnern?
      - Einwohnerzuwachs von überall, auch viele Einwanderer
      - Region Cusco:
      Nr. 2 der Welt für Kupfer und Silber Mining
      Nr. 6 für Gold Mining
      Nr. 1 für Kokain 😝
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    • Dag 96


      10. november 2021, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Für 2 Wochen machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Cusco. Auf über 3500 Metern traf uns hier zuallererst die Höhenkrankheit: Kopfschmerzen, Schlafprobleme, Kurzatmigkeit und Magenprobleme. Wir nahmen brav Sorochi-Pills, tranken Coca-Tee und aßen hauptsächlich Porridge, Brot und Suppe. So richtig besserte sich unser Zustand aber nicht, sodass die ganze Zeit über mindestens einer von uns sehr schlapp war. Wir ließen es eher ruhig angehen und tranken häufig Kamillentee am "Plaza de Armas" und gönnten uns auch mal eine Massage, die hier zu Spottpreisen angeboten wurden.
      Die letzten Tage konnten wir aber wieder richtig essen und genossen die vielfältige und erschwingliche peruanische Küche.
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    • Dag 42

      Zurück in Cusco

      8. maj 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Mit dem Zug ging es wieder für 2 Nächte nach Cusco in das gleiche Hotel "Home Garden" zurück. Zurück auf 3.400m, bei der wir wieder viel Coca-Tee trinken müssen, um die Höhe zu ertragen.

      Hier in Perú werden neben spanisch auch noch viele weitere Sprachen gesprochen, z. B. ist hier in Cusco - Qosqo - die Quechua Sprache gängig. Quechua ist außerdem die Marke von Decathlon 😉
      Die Guides bzw Taxifahrer versuchten immer wieder uns diese Sprache beizubringen, aber eher erfolglos 🤭 Ich konnte aber hier immer wieder meine Spanischkenntnisse vertiefen.

      Wir sind erst abends in Cusco angekommen und hatten nach der langen Zugfahrt gut Hunger. Absoluter Restaurant-Tipp "Local".
      Meerschweinchen und Alpaka gelten hier als das Top-Fleisch. Aber aus Süßheits-Gründen konnten wir uns nicht überwinden, dieses Fleisch zu probieren.
      Wir bestellten uns zu dem Local-Salat, ein Skirt-Steak (Rindfleisch) in Medium-Englisch mit grünem Spargel. Was ein Traum! Live Musik hatten wir auch dabei :-)
      Am zweiten Abend sind wir wieder in das gleiche Restaurant, da es auch nicht weit weg zu unserem Hotel war, und probierten diesmal Ceviche mit Anden-Forelle.
      Kulinarisch lässt es sich hier also sehr gut leben😍🙌

      An unserem vorletzten Tag wollten wir noch eine Stadtführung durch Cusco machen. Wir haben auch die "City Tour" gebucht, jedoch ging die Tour ziemlich schnell von dem Tempel Coricancha im historischen Zentrum Cuscos mit dem Bus raus aus der Stadt zu archäologischen Stätten der Inkas - Saqsaywaman - Qenqo - Puka Pukara und Tambomachay. War interessant, jedoch die vielen Gassen konnten wir wieder nur im Dunkeln sehen.

      In Cusco gibt es viele Restaurants, Bars und jede Menge Kleidung und Mitbringsel zu kaufen. Zum Glück bis ans Äußerste gefüllt und können einfach vorbei laufen 😎
      Frauen sind mit besonderen Kleidern angezogen und bieten gegen Bezahlung Fotos mit ihnen und Baby-Alpakas/Lamas an. An jeder Ecke rufts außerdem "Massaaaaaage" oder ob man Mushrooms kaufen möchte.
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    • Dag 71

      Repos pre Machu Picchu

      9. maj 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Journée repos à Cuzco pour nous aujourd'hui. En effet demain nous partons pour 5 jours, faire le trek Salkantay pour aller au fameux Machu Picchu !
      Dodo, petite balade dans la ville, appels aux copines et redodo voilà notre journéLæs mere

    • Dag 12

      Travel Day, Miscellaneous Photos

      30. oktober 2021, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      COVID times have canceled many domestic flights, so instead of a 30-minute flight from Cuzco to the Lake Titicaca area, we spent 5 hours traveling via Lima. So nothing special to report for today. However, we thought we’d share some things we’ve learned from our guides, and a few random thoughts.

      Peru only recently became widely open to tourists. From the 1980s to the early 1990s, the terrorist organization called the Shining Path made it unsafe for travelers, particularly in the Amazon and Machu Picchu. Their leader recently died after a long imprisonment, but the group is still operating on a smaller scale in some parts of the northern Andes.

      The COVID-19 protocols here have been quite strict, which is reassuring. Double masks are required in airports and on planes. We wipe our feet on doormats with disinfectant before entering any indoor space, including buses; we are greeted by an attendant dispensing hand sanitizer (or directed to sinks for washing), and usually a temperature check; and single masks are required outdoors at all times. All of the residents we’ve seen are compliant. For our climbs around the archaeological sites, where the air is thin, we were lucky that they had slightly loosened the mask requirements a week ago. Around Lima, the population is 60% vaccinated; for the country as a whole, it is in the mid-40% range.

      Darryl has found a few wild orchids, but there aren’t as many on view as there will be when the rainy season starts in another month.

      There is mandatory voting in Peru, and residents are fined if they don’t vote. Each receives a sticker in their ID card. If you don’t pay the fine, you can’t travel about the country. Some politicians would like to change the mandatory voting requirement because some of the rural and indigenous people don’t care about the election and their votes can be easily bought.

      We would never rent a car and drive ourselves around anywhere in Peru. Kudos to our bus drivers!

      The Peruvians are proud of their culinary skills and how their cuisine has become world renowned. The food presentation was always attractive, and in general, the dishes were very tasty. We did find that the meats were often overcooked for our tastes. Ceviche is a national dish and there are probably as many ways to prepare it as there are restaurants — from near-sushi to smoked in a leaf.

      Our tour group of 23 (now 22 due to a dropout who seriously underestimated the requirements of the trip), is on the older side of our usual tour travelers, but everyone is friendly, flexible and enthusiastic about the activities. Our tour manager, David, is full of great information and our local day-tour guides have been passionate and informative.
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    • Dag 16

      Letzte Etappe

      10. november 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Heute langsam auf 4700 m. Morgen dann rainbow mountain bis 5100. Mal sehen wie es uns geht. Wir sind gespannt

    • Dag 15

      Erste Station Winaywayna

      9. november 2022, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Archäologische Stätte, mit Tempel und Terrassen. Von ganz unten nach ganz oben gelaufen 😅

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