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    • Jour 30

      Auchwitz and Birkenau

      14 octobre 2023, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Today, I went to Auchwitz and Birkenau concentration camps. It was impactful and emotional but an amazing experience nonetheless. Later in the day, I explored Krakow a bit and did a run by the Vistula River.En savoir plus

    • Jour 13

      Aušvicas - Birkenau

      16 juin 2022, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Arbeit macht frei. Šitą girdėjo visi. Tik matė gal ne visi. Labai ilgai galvojau, ar po Italijos saulės reikia gadintis bendrą nuotaiką Aušvico koncentracijos stovykloje. Vis dėlto apsilankome. Iš pradžių užsiburbuliuojame, kad individualus patekimas nuo 16 val. Iki tol patekimas tik su gidu ir grupe. Vis tiek einame. Ir nė kiek netenka gailėtis. Informacija koncentruota ir labai išsami. Praleidžiame vietoje planuotų kelių valandų visas keturias.
      Ir visur siaubo liudijimai. Sunkiai suvokiami žiaurumai. Gidas gale ekskursijos pasiūlo prisiminti šią vietą, kai nuspręsime, kad mums subjuro nuotaika, kad kiaušinis pervirė ar kad saulė ne pro tą debesies pusę išlindo. Esame laimingi sotūs bastards. Kai kaimyninėje valstybėje - Ukrainoje, žudomi žmonės ir orkai vykdo tokį pat genocidą kaip anuomet naciai.
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    • Jour 53

      Tour Day 4 - Driving to Poland

      12 juillet 2023, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Today was another early start and we jumped on the bus headed for Poland. It was a quiet and snoozy coach ride. We stopped for lunch at a Czechia shopping centre which is very similar to Australian shopping centre food courts but the menu is all in Czech. We did a lap and asked a few tour members what they ate. One couple got liver accidentally which spooked me. However Erin went with sushi and I miraculously got chicken fried rice. We got back on the bus after I took a picture of the sign showing you can't bring your pig into the centre. We drove again for a while and our guide talked about the Holocaust as we were headed to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
      We got there and it was busy but we had our own tours organised. There was a lot of security to get through then we met our guide who was lovely. It was such an intense experience seeing the camp artifacts, photos and hearing the stories of the atrocities that happened. There was two sites and they were both overwhelming but incredible to be able to experience. We both felt so emotionally drained and it was interesting to see other tour members reactions. It really reminds me of how lucky we as as Australians to be able to travel and live so freely, but also makes me sad that humans around the world still live in fear of a similar situation happening to them.
      We jumped back on the bus, watching some episodes of selling sunsets to repair the spirits. Finally after a long day we arrived at the hotel and had dinner. We sat next to a mother and son pair from Canada. Darlene told us she was 82 and I was honestly geniunely shocked, she looks bloody amazing and is so active. They were so lovely. We got back to our room and went to sleep quickly.
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    • Jour 2

      Auschwitz - Morde

      3 juin, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Mehrere tausend "ordentliche" Todesurteile wurden hier gefällt und vollstreckt. Im Keller wurden Häftlinge in Steh- und Hungerzellen zusammengepfercht und starben qualvoll. Hier starb auch Maximilian Kolbe. Fotos sind im Keller nicht gestattet.

      Außerhalb der Baracke wurden Häftlinge ermordet, die meisten durch Erschießung. Den Abschluss machen Gaskammer und Krematorium.
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    • Jour 10


      7 août 2023, Pologne ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Nous avons visité ces camps par un temps pluvieux et froid avec l'atmosphère lourde qui s'y prête.
      Pas de commentaire sur l'indescriptible et l'horreur de ces deux lieux.
      Une chose est sûre les mots humains et dignité n'existaient plus passé ces murs.
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    • Day 44 - Auschwitz Memorial & Museum

      22 août 2023, Pologne ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today we got up early, had breakfast in the apartment to go to the bus station, we are off to see and pay respects to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

      We got told yesterday the bus was at 7:25am, today the bus is now at 8:05am and gets us to Auschwitz at 9:19am… our tour starts at 9:30am, should be fine.
      While waiting for the bus, I opted to buy an obwarzanek, it’s a bagel that the dough is boiled for 10seconds in 65degree water.
      Then I decided to start googling, and no our bus gets in at 9:30am… So the bus trip was a wee bit panicky as we had a 6hour tour and they only do one a day. We got to Auschwitz at 9:35am, talked to the desk and we got escorted to our group thankfully, we only missed an 8 minute intro video.

      We spent 3 hours in Auschwitz going through the blocks and exhibitions. As we were on the longer tour we got to see Block 3, the most untouched block showing the living conditions in the camp.
      After a half n hour break we got on the bus to Auschwitz II-Birkenau which takes 10 minutes. We spent 2.5hours here on the grounds. Birkenau was mostly destroyed by the Nazi’s before liberation day and the old blocks torn down by returning locals, as the Nazi’s had destroyed their brick houses to build the Blocks, so the locals started using what was at Birkenau.

      After the tour it was a bit too process what we had heard and seen, though our Polish guide spoke very fast which somewhat helped that we didn’t have enough time to fully comprehend exactly what we were being told at times.
      We rode the bus back to Krakow, I was pretty exhausted so caught a nap while Katie decided to film me…

      We got back to the apartment and got freshened up and headed for dinner. Another recommendation from the guide yesterday, Resyauracja Cechowa, another traditional restaurant. The food in Poland is amazing!

      After dinner we walked through Market Square, stopping to watch the lightning around us light up the night sky. We got some gelato and went back to the accomodation.
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    • Jour 4


      26 septembre 2019, Pologne ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      É possível passar um dia em Auschwitz sem pagar uns 40 a 80 euros para um tour. Mas é verdade que não ouves a explicação dos guias, apesar disso e pelo facto de conhecermos razoavelmente bem essa época conseguimos acompanhar a visita e perceber o que aconteceu na segunda guerra mundial, neste lugar.

      A primeira parte, em Auschwitz Birkenau, o ambiente é um pouco mais leve do que estava a espera, passámos pelos dormitório, os sanitários comuns, o "corredor da morte", os crematórios completamente destruidos no final da guerra para não deixar vestígios das atrocidades, o tratamento das águas para o campo de concentração, o Canadá, local onde mantinham todos os pertences de quem entrou neste campo, que foi posteriormente queimado, mais uma vez para não deixar vestígios.

      Ao final da tarde fomos, ao museu de Auschwitz, ou seja à primeira parte do campo de concentração, pelos vistos a partir das 16h não se paga. Mas a visita é muito forte, mesmo sem guia, quando começamos a passar pelos sítios onde eles eram executados, os restos das suas roupas permanecem nos locais, onde dormiam uns em cima dos outros, as condições sanitárias, as histórias, as milhares de fotos de pessoas que morreram.
      Toda essa envolvencia, traz um sentimento de revolta, de raiva, de impotência relativamente a acontecimentos que são tão recentes mas por outro lado parecem tão longínquos, que conseguimos passear por estes corredores de tortura e morte e ainda assim rirmos com as nossas palhaçada do dia a dia.
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    • Jour 2


      24 mai, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Inizia a piovere fortissimo. 🌧️ Tuoni e fulmini squarciano il cielo. 🌩️ Dopo un lauto pranzo a base di crackers, facendoci coraggio prendiamo la navetta per visitare Birkenau, il campo di sterminio poco distante.
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    • Jour 2


      3 juin, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Busfahrt sind wir in Birkenau. Das Wetter spielt völlig verrückt. Wir steigen bei Regen aus und stehen in strahlendem Sonnenschein auf der Rampe.

      Es steht nur noch, was aus Stein gebaut wurde - oder rekonstruiert. So finden sich auch die Gaskammern nicht mehr.En savoir plus

    • Jour 3

      Day 141: Auschwitz-Birkenau

      30 mai, Pologne ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Tough and triggering post today, but we must cover it and relevant topics.

      When traveling, it’s important to learn local history, even when subject matter is disturbing. If you do visit Poland, it’s imperative that you go to the largest German Concentration Camp and Memorial Museum to learn about the 1.3 million Jews, Poles, Hungarians, Czechians, Slovenians, Romanians, and Soviet prisoners who were murdered viscously in Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. The Holocaust and Jewish extermination was meticulously planned by Hitler, the SS, and German Wehrmacht and supported by everyday Germans; the prisoners, survivors, and victims were beaten, experimented on, starved, tortured, gassed, and shot in Auschwitz. Most Jewish victims were uprooted from their homes, trained to Auschwitz, and shuffled into gas chambers within 30 minutes of arrival. When the Soviet Army was close to victory on the Eastern Front, the Nazis attempted to hide their war crimes by blowing up the gas chambers, evacuating prisoners, and lighting fire to the lodging. This was a State ran and State executed operation from the top to bottom, and Auschwitz was only three camps of its entire Jewish camp and ghetto extermination system.

      To this day in America and Europe, there are Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis who make light of this tragic history and commit hate crimes in person and online; they continue to conduct anti-Semitic rallies and work their way into American political discourse. There are also existing Middle Eastern extremist governments and terror organizations in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza who also would like to see death to Jewish people, as evident in the Hamas October 7 terrorist attack and attempts to underestimate the total number of Jewish Holocaust victims.

      But let us be clear on where we stand on current events: the Israeli state government and military is actively committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Through the denial of aid and food; intentional bombings of hospitals, schools, mosques, water sanitation facilities, refugee camps; and the systematic raids, prison torture, settler attacks, and bulldozing of homes in the West Bank, the state of Israel and specific Israeli politicians/commanders are enabling the systematic destruction of a specific group of people. The Geneva Convention, ICC, and ICJ does not factor in who starts wars and tit for tat military actions: each party is solely evaluated on the atrocities they commit in isolation. Hamas will face ramifications for its terrorist attack and constant targeting of Tel Aviv/other cities and Israeli government leaders will face ramifications for the the destruction of the Gaza Strip.

      The Biden Administration, due to military strategic importance and the desire to play identify politics with Jewish super PACs and voters, continues to shield the Israeli state government from international criminal courts. We think this is bad for America overall and our nation is losing the trust of international communities to protect democracy and distribute justice equitably. Despite all this, it’s important that right wing leaders and Jewish hating politicians do not enter our US government and political system. We will still vote for Biden because the alternative is so much worse.

      TLDR: We continue to hope for a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders and a free, safe Israeli State where Jewish citizens can live without the fear of missiles, bombings, and attacks.

      #FreePalestine #StopGenocide #CeasefireNow
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