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    • Dag 1


      24 april, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      no rain, vegan food, street art, a scary elevator that we were trapped in for a bit (our own fault, hihi), a bath before sleep and good company - what else do you need? 😍🙏🏽

      video: we found out how the elevator worksMeer informatie

    • Dag 46

      Wholesome mornings and an art gallery

      22 juni 2023, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      I've been waking up, doing yoga, reading and going for a run the past couple of mornings. Inspiring stuff lol. Making a note of it to see how long I keep it up for.

      This afternoon we met one of our polish friends named Joseph and he took us to an art gallery. The art was very classical looking and was mostly about nationalism and existentialism. Even though art from this era isn't really my jam it was really cool to soak up a bit of polish history! After the art gallery we all bought some beers and chilled at the rivers edge for a while. I made shakshuka for dinner which I have been dreaming about since I left Perth, it was amazing!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 20

      Goodbye Warsaw

      2 juli 2020, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Die Tage, an denen wir unsere Herbergen pünktlich verlassen müssen, sind gleichzeitig einmalige Möglichkeiten, um Frühstücksempfehlungen auszuprobieren. Heute gönnen wir uns daher ein Frühstück im Charlotte, eine polnische (?) Kette, der wir auch schon an früheren Zwischenstopps begegnet sind und die uns sogar doppelt nahegelegt wurde. So erinnert diese Kette jedoch eher an ein Café Extrablatt, in dem Julhuhn in ihrem Teeniealter ständig anzutreffen war, als an ein fancy french-style café, das es vielleicht gerne wäre. Selbstgemachte süße Aufstriche verlieren aufgrund der Massenproduktion etwas ihren Reiz und auch sonst fehlt die Liebe zum Detail. Aber auch so stellt sich die Frage, wer schon freiwillig französisches süßes Frühstück genießen möchte, wenn richtiges Frühstück (fast hätte ich 'deutsches' geschrieben) so viel mehr zu bieten hat. Die Verehrung der französischen Küche über Landesgrenzen hinaus bleibt ein ungeklärtes Mysterium.
      Nachdem wir etwas verloren im sog. Hipsterviertel Warschaus' Praga umher irren, brechen wir auf in Richtung Tomaszkowo.
      Die Fahrt selbst sollte ein eigenes Highlight werden, eine 74km lange Schnellstraße mit Ampeln sollte selbst den sonst so ausgeglichenen Achtrau zum Brodeln bringen. Hinzu kommt seine Antipathie gegen das allgemeine Fahrverhalten vieler Pol*innen, die die Stimmung auf der Autofahrt weiterhin trüben sollte.
      In Tomaszkowo angekommen werden wir von einer sehr netten Dame begrüßt, die voller Begeisterung mit uns ihre Deutschkenntnisse auffrischt. Nach einem kurzen Spaziergang zum See, kaufen wir ein und gönnen uns mal wieder selbstgekochtes Essen, bevor wir völlig entspannt die Relegation verfolgen. Schwingt zwar die Hoffnung mit, dass die Fischköppe in den Keller wandern, liegt unsere Priorität doch eher auf einem spannenden Spiel, das uns leider so gar nicht geboten werden will.
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    • Dag 3

      Über die Weichsel 🌉

      29 maart, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Eine neu eröffnete Brücke (Karowa Brücke) überspannt die Weichsel und verbindet die Altstadt mit dem Stadteil Praga.

      Sehr schön gemacht mit Sitzmöglichkeiten auf der Brücken bietet das die Möglichkeit Leute zu beobachten. 👀 Wir saßen da lange in der Sonne ☀️ und haben einfach nur die Menschen beobachtet.Meer informatie

    • Dag 1

      Tag 1 in Warschau

      26 oktober 2023, Polen ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute sind wir in Warschau angekommen.
      Der Weg mit dem Taxi in die Stadt dauerte aufgrund des Staus ewig. Die Stadt selbst ist wunderschön und sehr sauber.
      Wir haben zwar erst einen Teil gesehen aber es macht Lust auf mehr.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Primera noche en Varsovia

      6 september 2023, Polen ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Después de un merecido descanso toca ponerse a estudiar. Pero el día no acaba aquí, en cuanto Pilar llega de trabajar salimos a dar una vuelta por el río.

      ¡Allí los bares se encuentran sobre los barcos! Me encuentro con un ambiente más parecido a Tailandia de lo que me esperaba que fuera Polonia, incluso había pequeños barcas por el río de aspecto oriental.Meer informatie

    • Dag 32


      12 april 2023, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Auf der Fahrt von Vilnius nach Warschau muss man einmal an der Grenze in einen neuen Zug steigen. Bis zur Grenze braucht man dafür keine Reservierung, in Polen dann schon. Dass ich für Litauen keine hatte, führte dazu, dass ich noch ein, zwei Mal den Sitzplatz wechseln musste und die Schaffnerin eine Übersetzerin im Zug organisieren musste um mein Ticket zu verstehen.
      Die Reservierung für Polen wollte ich dann an der Grenze kaufen, da war ja ein Bahnhof und ich hatte etwas Zeit. Einen Stickerschalter oder Automat gab es da aber nicht. Anscheinend ist es üblich, die Tickets einfach erst im Zug zu kaufen. Ich sprach also mit dem Schaffner, der meinete, dass der Zug schon ziemlich voll sei, er nicht wisse, ob ich bis Warschau mitfahren könnte, Reservierungen hätte er keine mehr. Ich fuhr dann auch den ersten Teil der Reise auf einem Sitzplatz, als es immer voller wurde, waren die aber tatsächlich auch alle reserviert und so stand bzw. saß ich mit vielen zahlreichen anderen im Flur. Ziemlich überfüllt fuhren wir durch eine durchaus sehenswerte Landschaft. Entlang der Bahnstrecke würde überall gebaut, vermutlich wird sie doch mal modernisiert, dass man schneller nach Vilnius kommt.
      Warschau mutete auf den ersten Blick sehr modern an. Es gibt viele Hochhäuser, eigentlich eine regelrechte Skyline und auch der Bahnhof war sehr modern. Auf den zweiten Blick würde es dann aber doch schon mit einem zumindest vegetarischen Abendessen irgendwo zwischen Bahnhof und Hostel schwierig. Ich möchte mir dann also selber im Hostel was. Als ich da dann im Gemeinschaftsraum saß und aß lief Musikfernsehen. Und als da ein Kuss zwischen zwei Frauen zensiert wurde und während heterosexuelle Paare unzensiert in den Musikvideos Rum machen konnten wurde mir Polen urplötzlich als Urlaubsland doch ziemlich unsympathisch. Es ist zwar günstig und schön dort, aber wenn ein Kuss meiner Freundinnen dort schon ein Problem ist, fahre ich doch lieber in die Nachbar Länder die da offener sind. Zum Beispiel kam mir Estland da deutlich weiter vor. Ähnlich wie in Deutschland waren ab und an Regenbogenfahnen vertreten. Insgesamt ist Polen aber halt auch eins der katholischsten Länder der Welt und Estland eines der ungläubigsten und nachdem ich beide Länder gesehen habe, glaube ich nicht, dass die Offenheit ein reiner Zufall ist sondern glaube, dass da ein eindeutiger Zusammenhang besteht.
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    • Dag 4

      Restless in Warsaw

      6 juni 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      When I had been planning this trip I had been faced with the problem of how best to get to the start of our ride in Vilnius. Since there are no airlines that offer flights from Melbourne to Lithuania, we would have to devise a more complicated route. After investigating several options I came to the conclusion that the simplest (and cheapest) would be to fly first to Warsaw and then take a short flight from Warsaw to Vilnius.

      Since nobody in our group had ever been to Warsaw, we had no idea of what sort of city it would turn out to be. I must admit that my preconceived notion was that it would be dull, dirty and dour - how wrong that turned out to be. After spending the past two days here I can honestly say that the city is clean, vibrant and interesting. It is also relatively cheap compared to most other large European cities. We will all be a little sad when our time here comes to an end.

      The second full day in Warsaw began when the predawn light started streaming in through my hotel window. I decided that it must be at least 5.30 am and climbed out of bed. It was only when I checked my watch that I found that the correct time was 3.20 am. These long hours of daylight really can play tricks with your sleeping patterns. I don't mind getting up early, but 3.20 am is too early even for me. I went back to bed and tried to convince my body clock that it was really still the middle of the night.

      Somehow I managed to steal another 90 minutes of sleep, but by 5.00 am I was really ready to begin the day. I joined the rest of our group (and also about 50 very noisy schoolchildren) for breakfast before heading off with Bob to the Polin Museum. This famous museum documents the 1000 year history of the Jews in Europe (and more particularly in the region now known as Poland).

      Since it was only a short 4 km walk from our hotel,we decided to skip the bus and walk the whole way. We are now already starting to get a feel for the layout of the city and the streets which seemed so confusing at the start, now feel familiar.

      There is one feature of Warsaw that is worthy of special mention. The city has an excellent system of public electric scooters. These are scattered all over the city and are obviously very popular with the locals. In fact you cannot walk anywhere without being nearly knocked flying by one of these devices. I am not sure how fast they travel, but it must be at least 25 kph.

      There was however one mystery which we never did solve. The scooters must be regularly recharged, however we never once saw any of them plugged into a power outlet. I even asked the girl at the hotel reception, but it quickly became apparent that the question had never occurred to her. We had to assume that every night they are all secretly recharged by magic electric elves and fairies.

      We made our way successfully to the Museum and were happy to discover that it was free admission today. I then spent the next two and a half hours discovering the remarkable history of the Jews. Somewhere along the way I lost Bob. Although I looked for him everywhere, I finally had to admit that he was lost in action and had to walk back to the hotel without him. I had to assume that like the proverbial "bad penny" he would turn up later. And he did.

      The rest of the day I spent wandering the streets and exploring the banks of the Vistula River. The hot sun made it impossible to spend any time in my room and I was content to enjoy a cool drink by the waterside instead.

      In the evening seven of us returned to the Italian Restaurant that had undercharged me the previous evening. Unfortunately the same waitress was no longer there. Perhaps the boss had not been happy with the way she had been handing out discounts. Tonight we all had to pay full price.

      Tomorrow we will be returning to the airport to catch the flight to Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania. Although the flight is only short, it will be in a Brazilian made aeroplane, operated by an unknown airline. What could possibly go wrong ?

      By tomorrow evening our team will be almost complete in Vilnius.
      Meer informatie

    • Dag 87

      Die Stadt der Meerjungfrau

      17 juli 2020, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Warschau ist die Hauptstadt Polens und mit etwa 1,7 Millionen Bewohnern die größte Stadt die wir auf unserer Reise bis jetzt besuchen durften. In der Stadt selbst hörten wir sämtliche Sprachen und sahen viele Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten. Viele Straßenkünstler und Musiker zeigen ihr Können und gaben der Stadt ein besonderes Flair. Wir lieben dieses multikulti und die viele Musik so dass wir uns in der Stadt sofort wohl fühlten auch wenn wir mit unserer Stellplatzwahl nicht das beste Händchen hatten...
      In den zwei Tagen konnten wir viel zu Fuß, Bus und mit E-Rollern (macht sau viel Spaß) von der Stadt besichtigen. Auf der einen Seite sieht man alte historische Gebäude wie den Kulturpalast oder der Altstadt und auf der anderen große moderne Wolkenkratzer. Für uns zeigte sich Warschau als eine Stadt voller Gegensätze und mit unzähligen Moskitos. Aber trotzdem auf jedenfall eine Reise wert!
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    • Dag 3

      A Wander in Warsaw

      5 juni 2019, Polen ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      It's always amazing how much difference a good night's sleep makes. When I collapsed into bed last night, the cumulative effects of the long trip over and the rapid changes in time zones had reduced me to a zombie like status.

      Although the room was still uncomfortably hot, and although it was not even 8 pm, I don't think it took me more than a couple of minutes to fall into a deep sleep. The next thing I remember was the room being brightened by the approach of dawn. When I checked my watch I discovered that it was not quite 5 am. By the same token I had already enjoyed almost 9 hours sleep and that was about 2 hours more than I usually get.

      A glance at the pre dawn sky suggested that the day was going to be a carbon copy of yesterday, and that's exactly the way it turned out. I decided to check my emails and try a Hangouts video call back home. What followed was a delightful 30 minute chat with my day old grandson. Although he was fast asleep the entire time, it was easy to see that he was glad to hear my voice. I tried to tell myself that it was almost as good as a cuddle, but obviously it wasn't. Although he had only been born the previous day, the mother and baby had already been sent home from the hospital. I guess it's all just a matter of freeing up the hospital beds now.

      Since it was still too early to go down to breakfast, I spent the next hour watching Polish TV. Although there must have been about 50 channels to choose from, not a single one was in English. Even though I have been in Warsaw for a few hours, I would have to admit that I am not yet fluent in Polish, so I had to invent my own dialogue for each show.

      At 8 am I could wait no longer and went down to get some breakfast. I discovered that some of the others could not wait either and had already raided all the best food from the buffet. The breakfast room was also full with about 30 rowdy school children. In fact Warsaw is currently full of groups of students from all over the country. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of Poland gaining independence from the Communists and the schools are obviously marking sure that the young people appreciate that freedom should never be taken for granted.

      After breakfast we formed into a walking peloton and headed south to an incredibly beautiful complex of large parks, the highlight of which was the royal palace by the lake. This was yet another reminder of the opulent lifestyles that the royal families of Europe all enjoyed. For me it gave an opportunity for my favourite pastime of people watching.

      Several of our group sat under the canopy of trees and savoured the moment. For me these moments are the highlights of every trip. I enjoy this far more than visits to famous art galleries or museums and I always find it gives me an insight into what makes each country unique.

      It was certainly the right day for an ice cream and we were happy to find that they cost much less than we would have paid in Australia. After lunch at the lakeside amphitheatre, we started to make our way back towards the hotel.. The temperature had, once again, risen to near 30C and we were grateful for any shade we could get along the way.

      After a short afternoon siesta, I set out again to walk the surrounding streets. Just twenty four hours earlier, the entire city had been a mystery,however I found that I was already feeling more at home. Familiar landmarks showed me the way back the hotel.

      I have already begun to make my mind up about Poland and about Warsaw in particular. The city is certainly clean, the traffic is orderly and the people seem happy and prosperous. The fact that they all wait for the green signal before crossing the roads, shows that they are law abiding. It is also very obvious that they are fiercely independent and value their freedom highly. It is a country that has suffered badly over the past hundred years and the people certainly deserve a brighter future.

      The rest of our group had decided to head back to the old town for a walking tour, however since I generally avoid organised tours as much as I avoid typhoid, I was happy to wander the streets by myself. I eventually found an Italian cafe near the hotel and ordered a pizza.

      A short time later my phone rang. "How are you enjoying your pizza ?" David asked. I wondered how he could possibly know what I was eating. He told me to turn around. Of all the hundreds of restaurants in Warsaw, the others had chosen a restaurant directly across the road from mine.

      The pizza was lovely and so was the freshly squeezed orange juice. The night was still quite warm. It really was a lovely place to be. I asked for my bill and was somewhat surprised at the amount shown on the invoice. It was about half of what I calculated. The waitress explained that she had not charged me for half of what I had as they had "kept me waiting for too long". Now that was a surprise. Warsaw went up a few more points in my rating. I was able to give the waitress a good tip and still spend less than what I had anticipated. I think I could grow to like this place a lot.
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