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    • Day 43

      Danzig-Torun 1 27.08.2024

      August 27, 2024 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C


      Von Danzig sind wir ins Weichsel Delta gefahren und haben die Weichsel mit der Fähre überquert. Im Weichsel Delta ist auch das Konzentrationslager Stutthof gewesen. weiterfahrt nach Frombork der Wirkungsstätte von Kopernikus. Kopernikus war der erste, der die Erde aus Planeten erkannte und sich mit der damaligen Gesellschaft Quer stellte. Von hier aus sind wir über Branjewo nach Gronowo dem polnisch russischen Grenzübergang gefahren. Diese Grenze nach Kaliningrad ist heute praktisch undurchlässig. Gümmu machte das erste Mal. Bekanntschaft mit einem Lidl wo wir Picknick kauften, in Ermangelung von Restaurants.Read more

    • Day 43

      Danzig-Torun 2 27.08.2024

      August 27, 2024 in Poland ⋅ 🌙 17 °C


      Von Branjewo sind wir über Land nach Malbork mit der gigantischen Marienburg gefahren. Gümmu hat die ganze Anlage selber erkundet, da ich die ganze Anlage bereits früher erkundete. Die Marienburg war Sitz der Hofmeister des deutschen Ordens im ostpreußischen Ordensstaat.
      Weiterfahrt über Land nach Torun mit unserem nächsten Hotel direkt in der Altstadt.
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    • Day 27

      Stadtspaziergang Torun

      May 29, 2024 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute ist es grau und fisselig, bestes Wetter für einen Stadtspaziergang und Museum.
      Erst gilt es zwei Hürden zu überwinden, das Auto auf den Campingplatz zurück lassen obwohl man den Campingplatz um 11.00 Uhr verlassen muss. Ich habe ausgescheckt und das Auto stehen gelassen. Zu Fuß in eine Stadt gehen. Normalerweise nehme ich das Fahrrad weil ich nicht weiß ob ich das schaffe, da der Rundgang den ich mir vorgenommen habe nur 5 km + Museum hat versuche ich es.
      Als erstes Frühstücken, leider habe ich mal wieder den Inhalt der Speisekarte missverstanden 🧐 mir war nicht klar, das French Toast aus zwei Croissant zwischen denen eine Schicht Nutella und massenhaft Philadelphia ist und dass nach 4 Wochen fast ohne Zucker.
      Dann er in Rundgang durch das sehr schöne Altstadt und ein Besuch im Coperikusmuseum. Da hat mich dann der Zuckerschock erwischt, Schweißausbrüche, Schwindelig 🥴 und Erschöpft. Doch nicht so gut ohne meinen Notfall hocker und ohne Fahrrad unterwegs zu sein. Alte Lektion aufgefrischt.
      Dann weiter gen Westen , leider spinnt der Ladenbooszer und ohne Sonne sinkt der Batterie Zustand auf 7 %. Also ein Campingplatz am See mit Strom rausgesucht und mit zwei Pausen dort angekommen. Leider niemand da, der Strom anschließen kann, aber auch niemand der Geld kassiert . Kühlschrank aus Strom sparen.
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    • Day 94

      Toruń (Thorn), Poland

      October 2, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      # Deutsch
      Ich trete nun also die Flucht nach vorne an - mit vollem Erfolg. Bei einem Blick auf meine Karte mit potentiellen Ausflugszielen in Polen ist nur Thorn in einer erreichbaren Entfernung. Kurz entschlossen hüpfe ich deshalb in den nächsten, verfügbaren Zug, der knapp zwei Stunden lang nach Osten fährt. Während Posen wie ausgestorben war, wuseln Touristen durch die als UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe eingestufte Altstadt Thorns. Diese mittelalterlich erhaltene Stadt ist wahrlich sehenswert. Nach dem negativen Eindruck von Posen geniesse ich hier, in Thorn, die Stimmung in vollen Zügen. Falls ihr euch wundert, ob die Thornser so unkreativ seien, dass sie ein Rathaus gebaut haben, welches dem Berliner "Rotes Rathaus" verblüffend ähnlich sieht, so sei euch gesagt: Berlins Rathaus wurde nach dem Vorbild des Thorner Rathauses erbaut. Bevor man mir jetzt aber was anderes vorwirft: ich weiss, dass sich die Welt nicht um diesew kleine Städtchen in Zentralpolen dreht. Und das wissen auch seine Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner - spätestens, seit in dieser Stadt, 1473, Nikolaus Kopernikus geboren wurde, der ein für alle Mal klarstellte: die Erde dreht sich um die Sonne. Das heliozentrische Weltbild war geboren.

      # English
      So now I'm taking the plunge - with complete success. Looking at my map of potential destinations in Poland, only Thorn is within reach. With a quick decision, I therefore hop on the next available train, which runs east for just under two hours. While Poznan was deserted, tourists scurry through Thorn's old town, which is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This medieval preserved city is truly worth seeing. After the negative impression of Poznan, I am enjoying the atmosphere here, in Thorn, to the full. If you wonder whether the people of Thorn are so uncreative that they have built a town hall that looks amazingly similar to Berlin's "Red Town Hall", let me tell you: Berlin's town hall was built on the model of Thorn's town hall. But before anyone accuses me of anything else, I know that the world does not revolve around this little town in central Poland. And its inhabitants know this too - at the latest since Nicolaus Copernicus was born in this town in 1473, who made it clear once and for all: the earth revolves around the sun. The heliocentric view of the world was born.
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    • Day 2

      Marienburg und Torun

      July 19, 2024 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach der Free Walking Tour in Danzig starteten wir die Tour zur Marienburg, dem größten Backstein Gebäude weltweit. Wir hatten großes Glück, denn genau an diesem Wochenende im Jahr folgt nochmal eine ganz besondere Vorstellung der Burg mit Rittern, kämpfen etc.. Die Burg ist wirklich gigantisch, auch hier ähnlich wie in Danzig ein unfassbares Bild, wenn man sieht, die zerstört die Burg durch den zweiten Weltkrieg war. Auch hier wurde eine beeindruckende Wiederaufbauarbeit geleistet. So gingen wir in der Burg durch die verschiedenen Räume und gingen hier buchstäblich durch die verschiedenen Jahrhunderte. Besonders interessant war, welche große Bedeutung die Burg für den deutschen Orden hatte, diese war nämlich das Hauptquartier. Weiter ging es nach Toruń, bekannt für zwei Sachen: Nikolai Kopernikus und Lebkuchen. Die Stadt hat mit ihrer Stadtmauer, der Lage an der Weichsel und ihren historischen Stadtbild einiges zu bieten und: hier dreht sich wirklich alles um Lebkuchen, zwei verschiedene Lebkuchen Museen, von denen wir eines besuchten und unzählige Läden, alles voll mit Lebkuchen. Die gigantischen Kirchen und Backsteingebäude der Stadt waren auch hier sehr beeindruckend.Read more

    • Day 14

      Day 14 - Tales of the Road

      March 12, 2024 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Despite it being a late night, I still woke at just after 6.00am. Hotel Scandic in Gdańsk has had the best breakfast of the trip so far, so I indulged in a full English and amongst other things a panna cotta.

      At 10.00am we boarded the Magic Bus listening to predominantly Ned’s Atomic Dustbin and Justin Sullivan on the stereo. After several hours we stopped at Toruń, considered to be the best example of a medieval gothic town. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. “The City of Angels”, as the locals call it, is also the birthplace of great Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who made the crucial discovery that the Earth is not the center of the universe.

      We had 75 minutes to do what we wanted to do, some chose to get lunch, whilst others including me chose to sightsee. The highlights included the Old Town hall, one of the most imposing in Northern Europe, the cathedral of SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist which had a funeral service taking place. It didn’t stop us entering and taking a few photos.

      Other highlights included the House under the Star and the fine brick Gothic house where the astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus was born and the Copernicus Chapel at St. James’s Church, where he was baptized. Toruń is also famous for its gingerbread, it even has a Gingerbread Museum, but alas time ran out to visit it or even buy any.

      The detour to Toruń meant that it wasn’t until around 5.00pm, that we finally arrived at our Hotel Altus in the city centre. There was no time to relax and by 6.00pm, Lee, Priscilla and I were heading out into the pretty Old Town for dinner. We stopped at a Georgian restaurant called Chinkalnia Restaurant Gruzinska, for some rustic traditional Polish cuisine. (There are lots of Georgian Restaurants throughout Poland).

      I chose the Pork Goulash with potatoes, beans and carrots. Lee had a beef stew and Priscilla had Khinkali, a dumpling that you pick up, bite into and suck out the broth. Lee and I were also able to have one each. This was accompanied by a large pizza sized bread covered in melted cheese and several beers. It was all very delicious and dirt cheap.

      Without any dramas we caught an Uber to the venue, Tama in just enough time to drink one beer then get down the front before New Model Army came on stage. It wasn’t too busy so it was a good opportunity for us all to have a dance near the front. The set included 5 songs in Jack’s repertoire to get up on the shoulders of Red. I lifted and held Jack’s left leg for 4 of the songs including the 1st two songs of the encore ‘Where I Am’ and ‘Fate’.

      It is absolutely knackering holding Jack in place, I was sweating buckets, so after the final encore song ‘Get Me Out’, I rushed to the bar to get a much needed beer. Annoyingly by the time I had bought my beer, the ‘family’ after gig photo had been taken. Note : on this tour, only 2 after gig ‘family’ photos have been posted on the Unofficial New Model Army Fan Group page on Facebook for the tour so far and I have not been in either despite only missing 3 of the after gig photos. Maybe they are trying to tell me something!!!

      After the photo, we congregated in the foyer. Ceri and Michael came out to chat and I was now quite blasé about the whole thing. In fact as some of us headed back, Ceri was outside talking to a small group and smoking a joint. Presumably he had shared it around, because I was told it was good stuff and was I interested in trying it. I wasn’t and I didn’t.

      Back at the hotel, we managed to get a final beer before the bar closed. A group of 7 or 8 of us chatted, reminiscing on the tour so far and future plans. It was really nice, because I got to know some of the group from the other Magic Bus better, particularly married couple, Stu and Jo.

      I also learnt that at least some of the band read or are made aware of the content on the Unofficial New Model Army Fan Group on Facebook which predominantly features tales of the road from the Magic Bus or from others following the band around Europe. Apparently they have been asking questions about in-jokes etc. Maybe that is how Ceri heard about me leaving my phone behind!!

      Song of the Day - Traffic by Ned’s Atomic Dustbin (Support band for NMA at the Roundhouse, London in May)

      NMA Song of the Day - Tales of the Road by Justin Sullivan.
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    • Day 62

      Torun (Thorn)

      June 19, 2024 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Thorn ist Geburtsstadt von Kopernikus und UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Neben sehenswerten Gebäuden und Kirchen gibt's auch viele Straßencafes und -Restaurants. Gut, dass wir nicht daran vorbei gefahren sind.Read more

    • Day 7

      Entering Torun

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F


      Toruń, German: Thorn) is a historical city on the Vistula River in north-central Poland, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its population was 202,074, as of December 2018.[1] Previously, it was the capital of the Toruń Voivodeship (1975–1998) and the Pomeranian Voivodeship (1921–1945). Since 1999, Toruń has been a seat of the self-government of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and, as such, is one of its two capitals, together with Bydgoszcz. The cities and neighboring counties form the Bydgoszcz–Toruń twin city metropolitan area.

      Toruń is one of the oldest cities in Poland, with the first settlement dated back to the 8th century and later having been expanded in 1233 by the Teutonic Knights.[6] Over centuries, it was the home for people of diverse backgrounds and religions. From 1264 until 1411 Toruń was part of the Hanseatic League and by the 17th century it was one of the elite trading points, which greatly affected the city's architecture ranging from Brick Gothic to Mannerism and Baroque. In the early-modern age, Toruń was a royal city of Poland and it was one of the four largest cities in the country at the time. After the partitions of Poland it was part of Prussia and later the German Empire. After Poland regained independence in 1918, Toruń was reincorporated into Polish territory, and during World War II was spared from bombing and destruction. This allowed the Old Town to be fully preserved with its iconic central marketplace.

      Believed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe,Toruń is renowned for the Museum of Gingerbread, whose baking tradition dates back nearly a millennium, and its large Cathedral. Toruń is noted for its very high standard of living and quality of life.[10] In 1997 the medieval part of the city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2007 the Old Town in Toruń was added to the list of Seven Wonders of Poland.

      Toruń is the birthplace of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.
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    • Day 7

      Copernicus' House

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F


      Copernicus' House is a medieval burgher's house which belonged to the Copernicus family in the second half of the 15th century. Many historians point to the house as a birthplace (1473) of the renowned astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who was the first to prove that the Earth was not a static center of the universe but merely one of the planets circling the Sun along their orbits.Read more

    • Day 7

      The Leaning Tower of Torun

      September 14, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F


      The Leaning Tower of Toruń is a medieval tower in Toruń, Poland. It is known as a leaning tower because the top of the tower is displaced 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) from where it would be if the tower were perfectly vertical. Located on Pod Krzywą Wieżą street, it is one of the most important landmarks in Toruń's Old Town.

      The Leaning Tower of Toruń was built in the 13th century in order to defend the town. It was built of red brick. It started leaning because it was built on loamy ground. In the 18th century it ceased to be used for defensive purposes. The tower was then converted into a women's prison. In the 19th century, it housed a blacksmith's shop and an apartment for a gunsmith. At this time, the Gothic tented roof was replaced by a pitched roof. A souvenir shop and a café used to be located in the tower in the 1970s and 80s, and now it houses the Toruń Cultural Department and a café, Krzywa Caffe.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Toruń, Torun, تورون, Горад Торунь, Торун, تۆرون, Toruň, Τορούν, ترونی, טורון, トルン, ტორუნი, 토룬, Thorunium, Torunė, Toruņa, Thorn, Торунь, Torunj, Торуњ, Torůń, ทอรูน, 托伦

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