Agueda Municipality

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    • Day 16

      Theo macht Zicken

      July 16, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ein Hoch auf die Elektroingenieure! Nur die von Jeep (Ami's) haben ihre Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht: Zuerst Ausfall des Türoffenschalters Fahrertür, gefolgt vom gesamten Ausfalls des Fahrertürmoduls DDM. Damit nicht genug: auch die Sensorik im Schaltmodul der Automatik quittiert ihren Dienst.
      Das bedeutet: Weiterfahrt im ersten Gang bei max. 30 kmh, ohne Zentralverriegelung, und die Fenster öffnen auch nicht mehr.
      Zwei Boschdienste und eine freie Werkstadt wollen uns nicht, so dass wir vom ADAC schließlich zum Jeephändler ins 40 km entfernte Coimbra gebracht wurden. Hier verweilen wir jetzt auf unbestimmte Zeit.
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    • Day 17

      25 km's to Agueda!

      April 1, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      It was a hard walk today due to most cafe bars being closed, and the amount of road walking required. Yesterday most people were at mass, then seemed to spend the day at home. Today was another holiday, where everyone seemed to be travelling to a big family celibration. There was a band going door to door, I guess telling each household that it was time to celibrate. Walking thru one town, a bunch of people were arriving at this one house for a big celibration. They were all dressed up. As I was walking by, the father came out and wanted me to stay for beers, wine, food etc...! I still had 12 km's to go to get to my albergue target, and it was already getting late. So I gratefully declined knowing that after so.e dri ks, wine, food, etc... that I would never be able to get there. Anyway I am at a very nice albergue tonight.Read more

    • Day 15

      Day 15, Serém de Cima, Casa Leo

      April 15, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Day 15, after a short 5.83 miles today, we made the decision to postpone the remainder of our Camino. My knee isn’t feeling any better and we thought it best to stop before I do any further damage. We walked over 204 miles total, which is the most I’ve ever done. I’m quite proud of that. I am also proud of myself for accepting the limitations of my body. It has been an amazing journey, and I know we will be back to finish some other time. This will be the final footprint for this journey, thank you for following along and I invite you to continue following our adventures as we explore this beautiful world of ours.Read more

    • Day 16

      Etappe 14

      May 23, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Die gestrige Nacht, in der gutbelegten Herberge, ist widererwarten sehr ruhig verlaufen. Die anwesenden Pilger stammten aus den verschiedensten Ländern. Frankreich, Italien, Niederlande, England, Japan und die Schweiz waren vertreten! Man könnte nun denken, da versteht ja der Eine den Anderen nicht, doch das ist gar nicht der Fall. Irgendwie kommt man ins Gespräch und irgendwie versteht man sich dann auch! Das ist schön und erst noch sehr interessant!
      Heute Morgen machten wir uns frühzeitig, nämlich schon gegen (07:15), auf die Socken. Das war wahrscheinlich etwas zu früh für unseren, noch immer müden Körper und Geist! So ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass wir schon die erste Hinweistafel von unser heutigen Tour verpassten und somit unfreiwillig eine kleine Sightseeing-Tour durch's Dorf machten. So nach etwa einer Viertelstunde  waren wir wieder am Ausgangspunkt und starteten den 2ten Versuch, der uns dann auch hervorragend gelang!
      Die heutige Etappe war keine Herausforderung, jedenfalls nicht, was das Sportliche anging.
      Die Landschaft war gleichbleibend schön, jedoch die Streckenführung war unmöglich! Von den 25Km, die wir heute zurück gelegt haben, ging bestimmt die Hälfte davon an stark befahrenen Strassen entlang oder sie führte uns durch öde Industriegebiete! Ab und zu auch durch kleine Dörfer in denen wir uns etwas erholen konnten . Der Strassenlärm war kaum auszuhalten und der Abfall, der hier sehr, sehr oft einfach in der Natur deponiert wird, war unfassbar gut vertreten! Irgendwie hat mir das den halben Tag versaut!
      Erst bei der Ankunft in unserer heutigen Herberge, hob sich meine Stimmung wieder. Denn hier haben wir es wirklich gut getroffen!  Die Unterkunft ist schön gelegen, super eingerichtet, komfortabel und einfach nur genial! Im Moment sitzen wir im Garten und geniessen den schönen Abend! Lasst es euch auch gut gehen und den Tag gemütlich ausklingen!
      Bis bald...
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    • Day 12

      Etapa 9: Coimbra

      January 15, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Update: Whoops, did not realize this post and the last one did not update!

      I arrived to Coimbra with Margarida on a very rainy evening. We said our goodbyes after having spent a couple of days in Alburgues together as she was heading back to Lisbon by bus to complete the rest of the route at a later date. I stayed in the back room of an old church convent. It was a real maze to get to. Like through 3 different courtyards. The next morning, it was still quite rainy and I did some laundry in the morning and had lunch under a covered bench in a park. Realizing that I was really losing daylight and would probably have to walk in the dark and rain again, I decided to stay in Coimbra one more night haha

      The second night, I stayed in a hostel in the city center which had MUCH better showers. I explored the city a bit during the day (it was built around an old and very important university) and in the evening, I got Korean fried chicken with some people I met at my hostel. Fran and I were also trying to see some Fado music, but the location was unfortunately closed. So instead, we tried to find a bar with people (hard on a rainy Monday night) and get some drinks!
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    • Day 17

      Day 12 - to Branca

      May 7, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      We hiked 16.8 miles under sunny skies with temps in the low 70s with a wonderful breeze. A lot of it was on roads but we also had some woodland scenery.

      We met a mother and daughter (Caitlyn) from New Zealand. Mom had done the Frances Camino 11 years earlier. Caitlyn had invited her mother along on the Camino and mom jumped at the opportunity.

      Today we saw many hundreds (likely over 1000) pilgrims on their way to Fatima for the annual celebration that takes place on May 13. Most were in large groups supported by vans with food and gear. None of them were carrying packs. Some were singing, dinner saying the rosary, some carrying banners, most just walking with their church groups and socializing. Fatima is going to be hopping on Thursday!

      Twice we passed people playing "American" music - We are the Champions, and Hey Jude. We smiled and started singing along!

      As we neared our destination, we looked for a place to get some minimal food for the morning. We like to have some things on hand because some mornings we have traveled 6 - 8 miles before finding an open cafe. We weren't finding anywhere as we headed out of the small town when a lady in one of the Fatima supply vans asked if we wanted an apple (maca) as we walked by. When i said yes, she opened the back of the van and handed me two oranges, then two apples. She then asked if we wanted bananas and i said yes. Before she got the bananas, c she asked if we wanted cake, which I said yes. She cut us 2 big slices off a pound cake (which we immediately ate) and then proceeded to hand us 4 bananas. So, we weren't able to buy what we were looking for but it was provided - more than enough to see us through tomorrow morning.

      Tonight is our first night in a shared room in true pilgrim fashion. We were to be in a room with 4 but Paulo had to improvise too accommodate everyone. Because of the Fatima pilgrimage, there are tons of people looking for accommodations. I will be sleeping on a fold out couch. A group dinner (28 people) will be served at 1930 (7:30).

      Our roommates included Luis and Fia, asking with a man we never met.
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    • Day 16

      Day 11 - Sernadelo to Agueda

      May 6, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      Today was an almost perfect Camino day. There was cloud cover, with a light rain this morning, cooler temperatures, several cafe stops, and only 15.5 miles. With the exception of a section of an industrial zone, the walk went through lots of towns and suburbs. It was all on roads again but today there were plenty of sidewalks and wide berms. The suburbs have refurbished old houses into beautiful neighborhoods.

      Earlier this week someone said that the Camino had a way of hiding pilgrims! Today we didn't see any of our old friends until we reached our accommodations. Depending on when you start, how long you stop, and how fast you walk, many people can be on the trail and never see each other. Last night we were philosophically comparing the Camino to life. (Maybe it was the wine!). Like in life, we have met many people - some just in passing, some for a while, and some for the distance (so far). There are plenty of people that we have seen around, know that they are on the same journey, but have not had the opportunity to speak with them. Then there are those that we got to know and enjoyed their company, but our time with them wasn't to be long. Jeff (California) and Senid (South Africa) were both in their 70's and said they know their limits. They were only doing 10-12 miles a day. Alex (Germany) also was only doing short distances. He is only 50 but had overworked himself the last couple of years and is using the Camino to teach himself to slow down. We knew when we left them that we will probably not see them again but we thoroughly enjoyed meeting them.

      Then there are the people that are currently on the same path as us sometimes even staying in the same places. These are the people that you daily share the highs and lows of each day, encouragement, and even a glass of beer. How long this will go on we don't know. There are many more miles and many more pilgrims to meet. What role each plays for us is yet to be seen. Maybe a few of them will become lifetime friends! Stay tuned as this chapter keeps evolving!

      Today, we meet Luis who spends have his time in northern California and half in southern Mexico. He and his wife have been doing this for 6 years. He says live in Mexico has less stress, 70 -80 degrees year round, and are able to have a housekeeper and a gardener. I think he said this is his 4th Camino. Luis did not appear to be 50 yet.

      We have heard lots of church bells as we travel, some even out of tune. Hearing the bells reminds me (Jeff) of hearing the bells from st. Michaels every 15 minutes when i was young.
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    • Day 14

      Day 14, Zero day in Águeda

      April 14, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

      We took an unscheduled zero day today. I’ve been dealing with some right knee pain. I have chronic knee issues much thanks to the USMC, so it’s pretty remarkable I’m able to do this at all, but here we are, 198 miles later. Kevin went to the store to look for ice, but the stores don’t start getting ice until August here.😳 But, they did have frozen peas, which works even better. So I’ve been resting, elevating, icing, and stretching off and on all day and it’s feeling much much better, yay! Here’s hoping tomorrow I’ll be raring to go! Thankfully, the place we’re staying at is nice, the host is super sweet and we were able to enjoy a delicious breakfast and great coffee this morning.Read more

    • Day 19

      Day 15 Sernadelo to Águeda

      September 23, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

      Day 15 - Sernadelo to Águeda
      Saturday, September 23

      Started at 7:19 am. Finished at 1:45 pm. 25.9k/16.1m. Walking time 5h11m. Steps 32,220. Calories 1,183.

      Highlight for the day - got to see a beautiful sunrise! Had to dig out the puffy jacket this morning. Chilly. Sunny day of walking the Camino path. Mostly all pavement.

      Seeing a few more pilgrims on the Camino path. It appears we are walking the same distance which means possibly staying in the same Albergue. Tonight Ralph/Ameka (Netherlands), Peter (UK), Italian guys, Brazil gentleman, & Eza are here with me again.

      Enjoy the journey. Photos have captions. Bom Caminho.
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    • Day 5

      Águeda... Paraguas ☂️

      May 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Hermosa y pintoresca ciudad de la provincia de Aveiro!!! Hermoso Albergue, conexión perfecta con la Naturaleza.. Viñedos.. Casas Inmensas y sin personas, pero se conserva aún la esencia y cada punto describe una historia..Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Águeda, Agueda, Agueda Municipality

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