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    • Day 34

      Lisbon Day #3

      May 2, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Early morning (7:00AM wake up) this morning to beat the lines to the famous 28E Tram! 🚃 This is an old tram line that starts at Martim Moniz and travels all the way through the city. It was really cool going up all the hills and narrow streets.

      📍 LX Factory - we heard this was a cool food market place similar to Time Out. We were so early that not much was open but we found a cafe for a coffee!

      📍 Unintentional walk through a random park called Tapada Das Necessidades. There were chickens, baby chicks, roosters, cats, geese and cactus plants everywhere. Also lots of run down old little buildings. We kept saying what is this place, until we got to the other end and read the sign that it used to be an old convent and now has the largest cactus garden in Europe. Very interesting!

      📍 Bus to Belém which is a spot west of Lisbon. Visited the Padrãs dos Desccrobimentos and the Belém Tower.

      📍 Attempted to catch a ferry across to Cacilhas but ended up in Montijo 😂

      📍 Poke Bowl for lunch @ Poke House (Megs recommendation) delicious!

      📍 Mercado de Santa Clara (Flea Market only open on Tuesday and Sunday)- very interesting and lots of junk being sold. Relaxed at a park for a while overlooking the water.

      📍 Walked to Santa Luzia viewpoint - so pretty! It’s all natural stone with a beautiful arched walkway with vines growing over it, overlooking the city. Love love love!

      📍 Miss Can - sooo good! We had to try Portugal’s renowned tinned fish and this place has won an award so we thought perfect! We had mackerel in olive oil, lemon and thyme, tuna in tomato, sardines in chilli oil and stuffed octopus with bread, olives and delicious goats cheese

      📍 Drinks and cards @ Miradouoro (Viewpoint) das Portas do Sol. This was so nice and relaxing! 🌅
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    • Day 16

      Lisbon, Monday

      May 16, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Last day in NYC yesterday in NY., spent at the MET
      Departed Newark 8.45 pm, Arrived Lisbon 8.20am
      Taxi to the airport was late and the traffic very heavy, but we got to Newark Airport in time; our 2045 flight departed late!
      The United flight was only 6 hours, (over night). It’s rather nice to have 10 hours lopped out of the time. A tad weird though, as we had the same long haul routine on the plane except the ‘sleep’ was about 2 hours! Food truly disgusting! Munro luggage very late arriving, despite it being ‘priority’! Hotel Lisboa Plaza is nice, so we should enjoy the stay. Great meeting up with Eke & Anton. Eke promises that the breakfasts are amazing, the time runs from 0700 - 1200). We had a two hour sleep then a three hour walk around Lisbon with our guide. He was excellent, so we learnt heaps. Solar Bacalhau restaurant was chosen for dinner where SOME of us tried the salted cod in various forms! Very nice food. Great to get ‘real food’ after a week of variable results in NY.
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    • Day 3

      Lissabon by night 🌜

      June 30 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Wanneer de zon langzaam onder gaat, komt het nachtleven op gang. Er worden tafeltjes en stoelen naar buiten geschoven. 🪑 Muziek hoor je door de smalle straatjes galmen. 🎶

      Wij beginnen het liefst even met een drankje. 🍻 Het doel is elke avond om het drankje in een klein tentje tussen Portugezen te nuttigen. En dat lukt ons goed! We zitten in een smal straatje, het bekende trammetje zien wij in de verte rijden. 🚋

      Na dit drankje wordt de tapas besteld en gaat het genieten nog even door🤍 Mag dit elke avond?
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    • Day 6

      Alfama Afternoon!!

      August 10, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Alright, sunscreen is now on, ready to go! So I mentioned Alfama in my previous post but it is an original city in Portugal dating back to the 11th century! All the streets are cobblestone and SUPER narrow with steep stairs. Very beautiful because it is higher in elevation. And peak at the classic Portugese building made out of tiles! Took a peak at the Lisbon Cathedral, Church of São Vicente de Fora, and many more squares. It was amazing how many squares there were with monumental statues in the center! Amazing day with great weather.Read more

    • Day 21

      Magnifique Lisbonne

      September 30, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Après une nuit difficile avec notre petit Félix fiévreux, nous prenons ça relaxe. En fait Félix dort plus tard, il se réveille à 11h30! Il en avait bien besoin faut croire! Sam et Nic écoutent le Roi Lion sur son cell et on fait un brin de ménage plus tard en attendant le réveil du petit malade. À son réveil, il était tout sourire et sans fièvre! On se fait à dîner et plus tard on part pour explorer le quartier historique de Lisbonne.

      Un gros 30-40 minutes de taxi plus tard, on débarque à 2 coins de rue du château de São Jorge. C'est un château fortifié bâti au XI siècle, qui surplombe la ville du haut de sa colline. Le château en soi est bien préservé et impressionnant, mais c'est surtout la vue qu'on a de la terrasse qui nous en met plein la vue. De ces hauteurs, on a une vue panoramique incroyable de toute la ville. Vraiment chouette!

      Ensuite on se perd un peu dans les rues du quartier Alfama, en mangeant une pasteles de Bacalao, la fameuse latte de poisson frite et farcie au fromage. On y avait déjà goûté, mais c'est toujours bon comme attrape-touristes! On poursuit notre chemin vers le port en passant par l'imposante cathédrale de Sé. La ville nous rappelle San Francisco vu que tout est en pente et qu'il y a des tramways, mais en plus ancien bien entendu! On prend un verre dans le port où il y a de l'ambiance et une vibe plutôt festives, ça crinque un peu avant d'aller se chercher quelque chose pour souper.

      On n'a pas vu l'après-midi passer, faut dire que notre journée a débuté plus tard que prévu. C'était vraiment une belle journée sous le soleil de Lisbonne. On ne prévoit pas rester plus longtemps dans cette ville, mais définitivement, on pourrait y passer 4-5 jours sans s'ennuyer!
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    • Day 4

      Castelo de São Jorge

      April 7 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Today we thought we would do what we always try to do in any major city, a Hop On-Hop Off bus tour. But at the last second said, let’s just go to the castle. We got an early start and grabbed a Bolt (Portugal Uber) to drive the steep winding streets (barely large enough for a vehicle) to the top of the hill. The driver finally stopped a couple of blocks from the top and said, “you’re on foot from here”.

      An early start turned out to be a great decision as we walked right up to the ticket window, got our senior discount and were some of the first people in.

      We both agreed this was the best castle we had ever been to. It was surrounded by huge trees and wide walks of beautiful verandas and great views of the city. The castle grounds are beautiful and home to colorful (loud) peacocks that are not intimidated by the crowds. Once we wandered inside the walls we were treated to full access to walk through the interior courtyards and around the perimeter fortifications. The shear amount of stonework was amazing and beautiful.

      After our tour we exited the castle grounds and headed down the ancient streets of Lisbon and walked the path of the Camino for a few blocks. What a great start to the day!
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    • Day 2

      Arrival in Lisbon

      May 7 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We had a great flight from Montreal to Lisbon. Anthony's milestone passes afforded us the comfort of the Business Class Pods, though neither of us slept!!
      We got as far as the customs lineup and Anthony realized he left his bike helmet on the plane😱Back he ran and luckily was able to get back on the plane to retrieve it. We got through customs and on to the Uber/Bolt pick up area and had a comfortable, albeit, long ride in a luxury Chinese brand electric car. We got stuck in an area of one-way, narrow and very steep streets with a backlog of vehicles. That was easily an hour of just sitting and slowly easing a few inches. We found our Airbnb in the Moorish area of Lisbon just off the city center. It is quaint and cozy. We had a quick power nap then walked to explore our area and locate our Hotel for the 9th-11th. As we walked we located the Santa Justa Lift. It connects the lower streets of Baixa with the higher and the site of an abandoned Convent, an invaluable part of Lisbon's public transport network. In 1882 its construction was approved. It was built from an age when wrought iron was not just a construction material but also an elegant art form. The exterior structure is decorated with neo-gothic arches and geometric patterns. We did not want to wait in line to pay to go up so we walked up the streets to the platform at the top to take photos of the city landscape and convent building. We had some great music by 2 musicians while we looked around. We walked back down to the center below and found the Portuguese Custard Cream tarts, a local Pastry and we enjoyed some Gelato. We easily found our way back, stopping for a few breakfast items to eat as we take in a tour to Sintra, Pena Palace and Regaleira tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 4

      Museen sehen

      August 22, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Nach einem etwas späteren Start in den Tag geht es wieder in die Innenstadt.
      Lio und Chipo begeben sich in das "Museum of Ajube - Resistance and Freedom", welches sich mit der Zeitspanne 1918 - heute auseinandersetzt.

      Am Nachmittag folgt noch das "Lisbon Story Centre" - die Geschichte Lissabons von seiner Entstehung bis zum heutigen Tag.

      Umrahmt wird dieser lehrreiche Tag von "Potato Project" (Pommes in den schönsten Variationen) und kühlen Drinks.

      Den Abend lassen wir bei Nudeln und Spiele in der Unterkunft ausklingen.
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    • Day 3

      Foodspots with a view🍹

      June 24 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Den Tag starteten die beiden Mäuse mit einer kleinen aber steilen Wanderung zur Burg. Anschließend gab es dann endlich (selbstgemachts) Frühstück.
      Der Mäuserich hatte wieder ein wunderschönes Fleckchen Lissabon, abseits des Tourismus, auserkoren, welcher jeden Schweißtropfen wert war!
      Die Sitzmöglichkeit befand sich unter einem überdimensionalen Limettenbaum, der dem ganzen Moment nicht nur einen wundervollen Schatten, sondern auch Charme, spendete.
      Dazu kam die bombastische Aussicht - die beiden Mäuse kommen immer noch nicht aus dem schwärmen raus. So schmeckte das Frühstück gleich noch viel besser!
      Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit rafften sich die beiden auf und schlenderten durch die kleinen Gassen und Straßen, von Aussichtsspots zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, bis hin zum Aquarium.
      Der Weg dorthin war, wie Xavier Naidoo sagen würde „steinig und schwer“, denn die beiden Mäuse kämpften sich 20 Minuten, in der Mittagshitze, über sehr holprige Straßen zu dem nächsten Tageshighlight.
      Dort angekommen wussten die beiden nicht, wofür sie sich zuerst entscheiden sollten; die Kantine wurde es auf jeden Fall nicht.
      Die Frage des Mäuserichs, ob es dort Fischstäbchen gäbe, erheiterte die kleine Maus allerdings sehr!
      Das Schlendern, Fische gucken und fotografieren hat insgesamt geschlagene 3h gedauert.
      Zur Stärkung strebten die beiden Mäuse danach ein sehr angesagtes Lokal an, in dem der Mäuserich, nach dem Essen, noch eine kurze Siesta einlegte.
      Voll ausgeschlafen ging es weiter durch die Shoppingmall. Anschließend zurück in die Stadt, in ein portugiesisches Restaurant.
      Es war klein, fein, aber sie kochten leider alles mit Koriander!
      Der Mäuserich freute sich riesig darüber, die kleine Maus legte eine spontane Diät ein, da ihr der Appetit auf sämtliches Essen, nach dem ersten Bissen, verging. Dementsprechend war auch ihre Laune zu später Stunde.
      Was ein Glück, waren es nur 5 Ubahn - Stationen bis die kleine Maus sich ein Nutella - Brot hätte schmieren können.
      Dies hat sie allerdings nicht mehr geschafft, da ihr vorher total erschöpft die Augen zugefallen sind 🌙🐭💙🐭
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    • Day 10

      Mondays in Lisbon

      April 3, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Turns out, Mondays are not the best in Lisbon. As most attractions are open every day of the week, they chose Monday as their off day, making it an interesting day to plan. We started the day having pasteis de natas from two different places (to compare, of course) and then wandering from Rossio Square to Praca do Comercio, and looking at all the shops. We then went on a Tuk Tuk tour through the Alfama district with our great driver Andres, who loved taking our picture everywhere, which we greatly appreciated. After a siesta in the afternoon, we went to a Fran Clan classic: Hard Rock Cafe!!Read more

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