Gulpilhares e Valadares

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    • Day 3

      Letzter Tag in Porto

      April 18 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Pastel de Nata gehört zu meinen Top - Süßspeisen ever. Fluch und Segen zugleich, dass es sie hier an jeder Ecke gibt 😅 Damit ich mein Konsum auch in DE konstant halten kann, habe ich heute einen Workshop besucht, in dem wir in einer Gruppe von 8 Personen Pastel de Nata nach traditionellem Rezept zubereitet haben. Der Workshop war wirklich lehrreich und ich habe wichtige Zwischenschritte gelernt (die so in deutschen Rezepten nicht ausgeführt werden). Das erste was ich tun werde, wenn ich in DE bin: Pastel de Nata backen 😁 Und wer weiß, vielleicht bin ich eines Tages ein Profi und kann meinen eigenen Pastel-de Nata Laden eröffnen?

      Um dem Trubel in der Stadt zu entkommen, bin ich anschließend an den Strand Senhor de Pedra gefahren. Ein schöner Strand mit einer Kapelle, die auf Felsen in der Mitte des Strandes errichtet wurde.

      Den Abend in Porto habe ich mit einer Fado Show ausklingen lassen. Fado steht für "Schicksal" und ist die mit Abstand bekannteste portugiesische Musik. Es ist ein melodramatischer Musikstil, der in dem Moment stark von der Laune und aktuellen Gefühle der Fadista abhängig ist. So kann jeder Song, jeden Tag und von jede Fadista anders klingen. Eine tolle Erfahrung! Absolutes Must-do in Portugal!
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    • Day 121


      November 29, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Heute stehen wir auf einem etwas versteckten Parkplatz direkt am Meer. Der Weg hierhin war durch die vielen Schlaglöcher und teilweise sogar unabgedeckte Gulli Deckel auf Portugals Straßen wieder sehr abenteuerlich. Ursprünglich wollten wir heute in Porto stehen, aber aufgrund der hohen Einbruchsrate dort haben wir uns dagegen entschieden.
      Heute Abend kommen Sinah und Fabian noch dazu und wir stehen hier wieder gemeinsam.

      17:25- Während wir gerade mit Eike telefoniert haben kamen Sinah und Fabian rüber und haben uns Bescheid gesagt, dass gerade eine Küsten Unwetter Warnung reinkam. Die Beiden haben schon einen neuen, sichereren Platz in der Nähe rausgesucht. Also haben wir schnell alles zusammengepackt und sind jetzt alle auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Ort, welcher etwas von der Küste weg ist und auf Asphalt. Bei dem Unwetter auf Sand zu stehen ist ziemlich riskant. Sobald es regnet oder die Wellen bis an unser Auto kommen, kommen wir nicht mehr aus dem Sand und stecken fest 😅 Zum Glück ist der Ort nur 7 Fahrtminuten entfernt.
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    • Day 23

      Força Portugal

      July 12, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Up at 5:00 am to catch our flight to Porto. Probably one of the best flights ever. It was only an hour and 15 minutes but felt like 5 minutes (mostly because we slept)

      We arrived in Porto with no complications. We called an über to take us to our beach house and was picked up by Carlos. During the 20 minute drive to our air bnb, we learned about his time as an über driver, where he used to work, and he gave us plenty of advice for our stay! He also taught us how to say beer (cerveça) and wine (vino) - very important!

      We arrived & were greeted by our hosts who have the condo directly beside us. This place is amazing. The whole place is basically made out of marble & the best thing about it: AC!! Were a 5 minute walk from the beach..the Atlantic ocean & a 15 minute walk to the train station. Perfect location.

      Our host explained to us about everything in the condo. She also stayed with us & gave us a huge list of things to do while in Porto and Gaia. We lucked out again.

      We got changed & headed to the city to walk around & of coarse for the football game.

      We were instantly amazing by the view of Porto. Simply gorgeous. We hit up a couple souvenir stores & did a little tour around the city until we stumbled upon the square where they had 3 giant screens set up for all of Porto to watch the game. We all bought Portugal flags & got face painted by some random women. People were already started to get their spots at 4pm so obviously we had to do the same. We sat in the sun for 4 hours until the game started. There were over 25000 people in the square watching the game. We were surrounded by locals, cheering in Portuguese. One of the coolest experiences ever #cultured

      Of coarse Portugal won the cup. We hung out for a while after & celebrated with them as they claimed the Euro cup 2016 for the first time in 16 years. We were standing beside an older man who started crying when they won. It was the most touching thing ever. I almost cried haha.

      I streets were packed with people parading with pride. We grabbed & drink & walked like sardines with thousands of people.

      When we finally decided to go back, we caught the train. (Also filled with fans)
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    • Day 24

      My arms hurt too much, I cant hear you

      July 13, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      BEACH DAY!!

      Since we had a beach house, we decided to take advantage & have a beach day!

      We ended up all wrapped in blankets, hiding behind a wind breaker because it was TOO windy. I ended up falling asleep & getting my lower back burnt (yes mom, i know you told me to put on sunscreen).

      I put my feet in the ocean just to say that ive been in both sides of the atlantic.

      We walked down to the capel along the boardwalk, where we found this cafe along the beach where we had lunch.... And drinks & more drinks & next thing you know, we're back at our place with a 4 case of somersby each, making pasta.

      We ended up going to our hosts apparetment to fix the wifi but ended up staying for 45 minutes talking, drinking portugese coffee, portugese beer & eating cake. We also play with Kaizen, their puppy, who is 1 year old golden. Reminded me so much of Pebbles!

      We finished the night by playing drinking card games & watching storage wars.

      We all packed & went to bed.
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    • Day 31

      The Alfred Hitchcock Experience

      August 23, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      A Day at the Beach. And at the Beach a beautiful chapel, look at the Google picture hits when you search for Miramar Beach. The sunset could the beginning of a love story in which the people say: we have still the chapel.
      Yeah, and then comes reality. Waiting for the train, down to the beach, and there a siesta after the couchsurfing event last night. Close your eyes and come to the land of the dreaming story's. But waking up half an hour later you realize that the whole beach is surrounded by a fog. No love story Casablanca style, instead you're in the middle of Alfred Hitchcock's The Fog.
      No one is there anymore, except you're friends...and the dying begins.

      OK, that is a bit too much, and the beach was still beautiful and to see this change in the weather was a bit of what you can expect, when you're on the sea.

      Better is to taste three rounds of tapas with seafood in this country, where they really know how to make it. And the best restaurants are sometimes there were you shouldn't search.
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    • Day 1

      Night 1

      July 29, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Parking en primera línea de playa. Intento de baño nocturno, pero mucha roca y resaca de la marea. Bonita ermita en la playa ⛪
      Buenas cervezas y cena basada en bocadillo opcional y patatas jamón y Doritos obligatorios 😏Read more

    • Day 23

      Isn't there a song about Bugles?

      July 12, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Today is our last full day in Porto and we dexided to take advantage of our house and have a BEACH DAY!!! We go up and ready, grabbed the screen Carla left for us (why?) and headed down to the beach.

      As we approached, we realized everyone had giant screena around them.. And we quickly found out why. As Porto/Miramar is on the Atlantic and near a river, the wind is strong and constant... So the screen came in handy. We all slept on the beach for a bit and Taylor and I made sure to "get in" to the Atlantic Ocean because
      How cool is it that Taylor and I have been in the Atlantic Ocean on BOTH SIDES?

      After we were mostly frozen, we decided to head into the Miramar city for some food! What we found was fresh Portugese bread (for .80 € and OMG YUM)... And Somersby Cider. For 2€ a bottle. Omg.

      After drinking our lunch, we headed to the supermarket where we picked up some spaghetti and Somersby. Which was 4€ for a 4 pack.

      So we headed back to our apartment to shower, pack, and hang out at Carlas apartment for a bit (where we tried Portugese coffee, beer and chocolate cake and played with their amazing dog Kaisen!) before drinking our dinner!

      We decided to play some card games while we had pre-seperation anxiety from Portugal and trying to figure out how to get to the airport tomorrow morning. We are currently finishing our last Somersby and watching storage wars with Portugese subtitles before bed - and Greece happens in the AM!

      Ps. Shaunessa leaves tomorrow but I don't want to talk about it because that's depressing as sh*t and I don't believe it will happen until it does.

      Ps Have I mentioned how much I love Portugal?
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    • Day 7

      Schlechtes Wetter....kein Problem

      October 9, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das einzig Wahre bei schlechtem Wetter. Nicht gute Klamotten ....... sondern ein guter Port.....oder 2 verschiedene Ports... privat Tasting

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