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    • Dag 9

      Traghetto per l'isola di Pico

      7 september 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Imbarchiamo l'auto dopo averla ritirata in aereoporto alla volta dell'isola di Pico.

      L'isola di Pico è la seconda isola più grande dell'arcipelago delle Azzorre , nell'Atlantico settentrionale . Dista 8,3 chilometri dall'isola di Faial e 15 km dall'isola di São Jorge . Ha una superficie di 447 km²; una costa lunga 151,84 km, per un totale di 31 isolotti , grandi e piccoli. Ha una popolazione residente di 14.114 abitanti (nel 2011). Misura 42 km di lunghezza per 20 km di larghezza.

      Deve il suo nome a una maestosa montagna vulcanica, il Monte Pico , che culmina in una vetta pronunciata, Pico Pequeno o Piquinho . Questa è la montagna più alta del Portogallo e la terza montagna più alta che emerge dall'Atlantico, raggiungendo i 2.351 metri sul livello del mare .

      Amministrativamente l'isola è composta da tre comuni : Lajes do Pico e Madalena , entrambi con sei parrocchie , e São Roque do Pico , con cinque parrocchie.

      Dispone, tra le parrocchie di Santa Luzia e Bandeiras , di un moderno aeroporto regionale con collegamenti aerei diretti con Lisbona ( SATA Internacional), Terceira (Lajes) e Ponta Delgada (SATA Air Açores). Ha collegamenti marittimi giornalieri (Atlanticoline) con la città di Horta e le città di Velas e Calheta . Durante i mesi estivi gode di collegamenti marittimi con le restanti isole dell'arcipelago.
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    • Dag 15

      Eine Seefahrt, die ist lustig…

      25 september 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute mal wieder die Insel gewechselt und mit der Fähre auf die Insel Fajal in den Hauptort Horta geschippert, hoher Wellengang 🌊 inklusive… Aber die Überfahrt dauert ja zum Glück nur 30 Minuten 🛳️ Nach der Ankunft noch ne kurze Runde am Hafen lang spaziert. Hier in Horta treffen sich Segler aus der ganzen Welt im Peter Café Sport und hinterlassen ihre „Signatur“ am Jachthafen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 4

      Faial Island

      12 maart 2024, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      The Azores islands are one of two independent regions of Portugal (the other being Madeira), located roughly 22600 km or 1000 miles from mainland Portugal. It is a 9-island archipelago that are split into three groups: Eastern (São Miguel, Santa Maria), Central (Terceira, Pico, Faial, São Jorge, Graciosa), and Western (Corvo, Flores). Our focus on this trip was to see three, and maybe four, of the Central islands. My brother and his friends hiked in this area several years ago and enjoyed the experience. Because of his stories, we were extra motivated to see these islands.

      The Azores were discovered in the 14th century and were named ‘açor’, meaning Goshawk, which was a common bird known in that time. The people here can travel either by plane or by ferry to other islands depending on the weather. We knew that we would love visiting these islands as they are full of nature and there is always a bit of an adventure.

      We think that the population of Faial is around 15,038+ in an area of 173.06 square kilometres (66.82 sq mi). The city of Horta itself has a population of about 7,000. The island is 21 km long and 14 km wide, not very big , a little more than half the size of New York City.

      The drive into the town of Horta was quick, 10 minutes, on a windy, well-paved and maintained road. There were hardly any cars and it was an easy drive to the house we rented.

      My first impressions of the area we were in was odd. I kind had a feeling of being disoriented or in an alien culture. Funny thing to say. It was like going into a bit of a time warp back to the 50s? The narrow street that our house was on was full of very old buildings, some renovated and others in ruins. We wondered what it would be like inside.

      Once we entered the two bedroom house, we were pleasantly surprised. It was long and narrow and had modern facilities, including a washing machine and good bathroom. We could have never guessed what it was like inside.

      We walked to a nearby mini mart that had the basics we wanted and friendly staff but it still felt a little eery to me. Madrid to Tercira to Horta. Big difference!

      Across from our street is the ferry terminal and across a strait we could see the giant volcano, Pico, on Pico Island.

      By now we were hungry so went to Peter’s Cafe Sport that has been a Faial island staple for over a century. Sailors passing through the Azores often stop in her to get information, as well as have a rest and a nice meal. We ordered dinner and I sampled some of the cafe’s homemade passion fruit-flavoured gin liqueur produced in the Azores called Gin do Mar, with tonic and lemon slices. So good.
      Peter's restaurant has been mentioned in over thirty novels ... it has a lot of history
      All in all, a day with a good beginning and good ending and a fuzzy middle. Lol.
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    • Dag 5

      Sailors’ Paintings on the Harbour’s Wall

      13 maart 2024, Portugal ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Horta is the largest city on the island of Faial, which is one of the five central islands of the Azores, and home to half of the island’s residents. It is situated on the eastern side of Faial and faces the island of Pico. In fact, you can get an amazing view of the Pico volcano from most points in Horta.

      The town was ‘started’ by a Flemish nobleman named Josse Van Huerter in 1467 who came through Faial on an expedition, landing at Horta Bay. From there, he built a small chapel which served as the focal point of the community. The name ‘Horta’ is thought to come from his surname. Nonetheless, ‘Horta’ also means ‘orchard’ in Portuguese, which could also be the origin of the town’s name.

      We drove to the old fortress that was built in the 16th Century. Right now a hotel has been built inside it but the old walls are still in good shape.

      We heard a story about hundreds of paintings that decorated the harbours walls. Nobody knows how the painting of the harbor walls first began. But one day, many years ago, the crew of a sailing vessel anchored in the harbor wanted to leave a souvenir of their visit to the island in the docks.

      This first painting was followed by others, gradually occupying the whole sea wall, which has been transformed into a brightly-colored mosaic of drawings recalling the many yachts that have stopped off in the marina.

      A superstition began circulating among residents that vessels which, for one reason or another, failed to leave a record of their presence, would suffer a serious accident.

      So as not to tempt fate, every sailor now uses his brush and paint to sketch a drawing and some words that refer to his vessel or voyage, and a giant mosaic of vivid murals has thus been created over the decades by countless crews.

      We spent at least an hour looking at these paintings and trying to find the ones were from Canada.
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    • Dag 8

      Marina da Horta

      22 februari 2023, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      In der schönsten oder zumindest außergewöhnlichen Kneipe im Atlantik auf ein Bierchen (oder Teechen🙈): Peter Café Sport. Hier trifft man sie alle: Einheimische, Segler aus aller Welt, einfache Touris...Und einen Stock höher ein cooles Museum: Das Scrimshaw Museum.Meer informatie

    • Dag 11

      Pico -> Faial

      24 mei 2023, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Und schon wieder sind drei Tage vergangen und wir sind am Vormittag von Pico nach Faial mit der Fähre gefahren (selbst für hiesige Verhältnisse war die Strecke für ein Flugzeug zu kurz). Aber damit das Feeling stimmt, mussten wir die Koffer beim Check-In aufgeben…

      Nach ca. 20 Minuten Fährzeit sind wir jetzt auf Faial und es gab gleich zwei kostenfreie Upgrades:
      - Statt eines Opel Crosslands fahren wir jetzt einen Opel Zafira
      - wir haben die nächsten drei Tage ein Hotelzimmer mit Balkon und Blick auf Pico

      Wir sind noch ein wenig durch Horta gelaufen, haben uns ein paar der von Seglern bemalten Kaimauern angesehen und ansonsten waren wir eher faul. Die Insel wir morgen und übermorgen erkundet…
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    • Dag 5

      Teste de Covid

      27 april 2021, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ao sexto dia temos que fazer um segundo teste de covid. Às 8h30 tínhamos que estar no centro de saúde de Santa Cruz para levar outra vez com a zaragatoa.

      Dali seguimos para Ponta Delgada a achar que iríamos encontrar um café aberto para tomar o pequeno almoço. Era uma pequena povoação na ponta da ilha, com um farol e pouco mais, nem com café ou mercado aberto. Com a fome que estava, fizemos mais meia hora de caminho e fomos parar a Cuada para tomar um brunch.

      Este lado é sem dúvida o mais bonito da ilha, este cenário dos senhores dos anéis com cascatas de mais de 100m e algumas casas pedidas enche-nos a alma. Como dizia o nosso vizinho na Fajazinha, ao fim de algum tempo já estamos fartos, demasiado calma em aldeias com menos de 60 pessoas.

      Hoje não fizemos outra coisa se não comer, passado duas horas do brunch, fomos almoçar um delicioso peixe grelhado no Papadiamandis.

      Apanhamos o avião para o Faial, deixámos as malas no hotel e fomos beber um gin ao Peter's com um aperitivo, antes de seguir para o Atlético jantar.
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    • Dag 11


      20 juni 2019, Portugal ⋅ 19 °C

      Die Hauptstadt Faias befindet sich im Südosten der Insel und hat ca. 2.500 Einwohner. Sie ist Verwaltungssitz des gleichnamigen Kreises und des Regiona lparlamentes der Autonomen Region Azoren. Mit dem Peter Cafe Sport besteht hier eines der bekanntesten Cafes der Welt, insbesondere für Segler eine Institution. Der Yachthafen von Horta ist ein bedeutender Treffpunkt für Weltumsegler, die hier ihre farbigen Erinnerungen an der Kaimauer hinterlassen.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Horta, Горад Орта, הורטה, HOR, ორტა, 오르타, اورتا, Орта, 奧爾塔

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