Igreja do Carmo

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    • Day 51

      Bus direction Porto, Portugal

      June 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Aujourd’hui nous avons pris le bus direction Porto, Portugal 🇵🇹

      Même si dame nature n’a pas été de notre côté, il faut mentionner qu’elle a été très coopérative pendant nos 40 jours de marche. Alors nous avons été chanceux.

      Nous nous sommes gâtés pendant notre première journée au Portugal. On a marché plus de 12 km dans cette ville.

      Ce qui a retenu mon attention est le pont ferroviaire, routier et piétonnier Pont Dom-Luís. Construction entre 1881 et 1888. Situé tout près du quartier de la Ribeira à Porto. C’est endroit est très fréquenté par les touristes. Le pont au niveau supérieur fait 395 mètres de long (1 295 pieds), 60 mètres (197 pieds) au dessus du fleuve, il est impressionnant, une structure de métal pesant 3 045 tonnes. Son arche est considérée comme l’une des plus grandes arches au monde. Intéressant aussi de découvrir que l’ingénieur qui l'a conçu “Teofilo Seyrig” serait un disciple de Gustave Eiffel.
      Moi qui aime les ponts celui-là m’en a mis plein la vue.

      On a profité de l’endroit pour prendre l’apéro à une terrasse, il y en a partout sur les abords du fleuve Douro. J’ai découvert un cocktail intéressant “ un Porto tonico” (photo).

      Nous avons déniché un bar fabuleux (Caixa Geral de Depósitos) tout près du “Rio Douro” où nous avons dégusté un vin du Portugal excellent et des fromages locaux, sans oublier leur fameux jambon. Pour finir un fondant au chocolat chaud et un Porto Tawny. Ça goûtait le ciel, un pure délice 😋.

      Demain nous relaxons avant notre retour au Québec.

      Un voyage de rêve accompli !

      Salutations ☺️
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    • Day 52

      Porto en grand ..

      June 9, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nous avons débuté par un bon déjeuner portugais 😋

      Puis après la pluie, nous avons poursuivi notre visite de cette belle ville de Porto en commençant par l’Église des Carmélites de Porto, très jolie et impressionnante (photos).

      Par la suite, nous nous somme dirigé vers le pont Dom-Luís pour traverser du côté sud afin d'aller visiter le vignoble de porto “Taylor’s” (mon porto préféré).

      Impressionnante cette entreprise mondialement réputée, fondée en 1692, elle sait y faire et la qualité de leur produit est irréprochable. Une heure à visiter leurs installations, écouter leur histoire et leurs façons de faire.

      Pour terminer, une dégustation d’un porto blanc et rouge (“Late Bottled Vintage). En prime le président de l’entreprise passe près de nous, demande d’où l’on vient puis salutations distinguées.

      Sur le chemin de retour, on a mangé un peu puis nous nous sommes dirigés vers l’hôtel.

      Une belle journée pour terminer la visite de Porto. Il faudra revenir au Portugal pour découvrir leur histoire.

      Demain, nous nous rapprochons de l’aéroport car nous quitterons tôt dimanche matin.

      Merci encore pour vos appréciations et commentaires, ça nous a encouragés à faire ce défi. 🤗😉

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    • Day 3

      Tag 3: Impressionen

      March 22, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute früh ging es gleich auf den Torre dos Clérigos - wahnsinnige Aussicht über die ganze Stadt.
      Auch der Bahnhof ist wirklich sehenswert. Das Mosaik kann man gar nicht richtig auf einem Bild festhalten.Read more

    • Day 14

      Igreja do Carmo und Fonte dos Leões

      September 15, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Diese Igreja dos Carmelitas Descalços ist eine reich geschmückte Kirche aus dem Barock. Sie ist von Außen und Innen sehr schön. An der Seitenfassade finden sich kunstvolle Gemälde aus blauen Fliesen. Die Kirche ist eng mit der benachbarten Igreja do Carmo verbundenRead more

    • Day 2

      Tag 2: Strand und Livraria Lello

      March 21, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      Mit der alten Tram ging es heute an den Atlantik. Hatten wunderschönes Wetter bei angenehmen 13 Grad und Sonnenschein. Haben eine schöne Location für den Nachmittags-Kaffee gefunden.
      Nach insgesamt 15 km spazieren gehen stand nur noch die Bibliothek auf dem Programm. Hier lohnt sich tatsächlich der Eintritt.Read more

    • Day 36

      Afternoon seeing the sites of Porto

      October 9, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      After the wonderful morning with Rui in the VW, we decided to revisit some of the monuments and points of interest he had pointed out to us. We first went to the Igreja das Carmelitas and Carmo Church that were separated by a skinny (one metre wide) house built in between, so that there could be no contact between the nuns in the Carmelitas church and the monks in the Carmo church. The house is called the Casa Escondido (hidden house), and is the skinniest house in Porto if not Portugal.

      We also wandered through the Praça da Cordoaria which is a park filled with trees that have misshapen and bulbous trunks, due to some type of disease, but were left to grow. They look quite interesting and magical - Rui had referred to it as the Harry Potter forest.

      We then walked over to the old prison, which is now the photography museum. There is a statue out the front of two lovers embracing - they are Camilo Castelo Branco and his lover, Ana Plácido, a married women who would later become his wife. Camilo was imprisoned for copulating with a married woman. While incarcerated he wrote the novel “Love of Perdition” in 2 weeks, which became a Portuguese “Romeo and Juliet”, and is still read in school to this day. I bought a copy from the Livraria Lello bookshop, and can’t wait to read it.
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    • Day 4

      Prison turned Centre for Photography

      September 18, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today’s serendipity moment in Porto was discovered when we were heading back to our Airbnb and happened upon the Centro Português de Fotografia. http://cpf.pt/
      A free museum housed in the historic courts of justice and prison, a large three story building close to where we are staying. Housing a camera museum on the upper floors, and photos throughout, we were overwhelmed by the galleries of black and white photos by renowned photographer Rune Eraker.
      “Tell The World About Us” is photo exhibition about lost liberty and human dignity in various places around the world, including Colombia (2001), El Salvador (2015), Nicaragua (2005), Haiti (2000), Rwanda (1996), Syria (2018), Honduras (2009) and others. Norway’s solitary confinement, the United States’ practice of death row, and the double standard applied to Edward Snowden were also featured.
      The irony of this exhibit taking place within the confines of a former prison, set within 2 metre thick walls and iron gates, did not go unnoticed.
      When viewing the camera collection, I was reminded of the many cameras I’ve owned over the years, from my first, a Polaroid Swinger, to numerous Pentax 35mm cameras, a few Canon digital cameras to the latest smartphones. The Zeiss display was noteworthy.
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    • Day 8

      Heaven and Hell

      June 28, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      I spent the day walking around Porto checking out the sights.
      -- Livraria Lello is a beautiful, and incredibly crowded, bookstore. Fortunately, I bought a timed ticket online in advance, so I could skip the blocks-long line. It would have been a great store to browse if it weren't so packed. Although it is rumored to have been an influence on Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling says no. However, she did spend time at the Majestic Cafe, where I enjoyed ice cream while admiring the Art Nouveau mirrors.
      -- The Praça Gomes Teixeira has this wonderful lion fountain that was constructed in 1882 to serve as a public water source.
      -- The twin churches of Carmo and Carmelita, built for monks and nuns respectively. They look like they're the same building from the outside, but they're not connected at all - they're separated by an incredibly narrow house that was occupied into the 1980s. Both churches have lots of overwrought gold-leaf Baroque ornamentation. They also have religious statues with real-ish hair. Lots of Portuguese churches have these statues, and I don't know why they creeped me out so much, but they did. It was like the wax-museum version of statues.
      -- Of course I had to go to the Portuguese Center of Photography. Only when I arrived did I find out that the photography museum was housed in the Cadeia da Relação, which was a prison until 1974. The poorest prisoners were housed in the basement and the richest prisoners had rooms on the top floor. There were some great portrait photographs, but my favorite exhibit was of camera technology over time.
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    • Day 7

      Erster Tag in Porto

      March 28 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Em hunds miserable Wätter entsprächend hei mer hüt mau usgschlafe und si de usgibig go brunche. Aschliessend hei mer e rundi dür z Stedtli dräit, inklusive chilebesichtigung.

    • Day 5

      Moving on!

      September 19, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Goodbye beautiful Porto, Portugal. This morning our adventure continues as we head north to Póvoa de Varzim.

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    Igreja do Carmo

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