Lisbon Part 3: Camino Begins

I acquired my Credential and scallop shell at the Lisbon Cathedral this morning and set off!
A lit a candle and said a prayer asking for a safe journey and formative experience.
Today, I am walkingRead more
I acquired my Credential and scallop shell at the Lisbon Cathedral this morning and set off!
A lit a candle and said a prayer asking for a safe journey and formative experience.
Today, I am walkingRead more
We started the day with a great breakfast with Elena, Birgit, and Connie. After breakfast, it was back to walking around the town .... up the hills and down to the waterfront. At 15:00, we said ourRead more
After a short trip to the MAAT (museum of art and architecture) we visited a super hip neighbourhood with several levels of concept stores, pop up shops, eateries and wall after wall of paintedRead more
Bereits heute hatten wir zwei der größten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt auf dem Schirm, welche jetzt zeitnah nacheinander auf dem Plan standen. Zuerst kamen wir zur Kathedrale von Lissabon. DieRead more
We arrived in Lisbon pretty late, cause my sister also flying in from Lisbon. In Lisbon, it was actually quite cheap to travel with Uber. I would highly recommend you to take an Uber from the airportRead more
We decided to hike up to the Moorish castle that overlooks the city, but we got there just after they closed. Just as well. I found out the next day that the castle was destroyed in the earthquake andRead more
Stairs. And more stairs.
View over the Alfama (old and hilly), we have amazing thigh muscles.
In einem der ältesten Viertel in Lissabon haben wir unser nächstes AirBnB gebucht. Zunächst haben wir mal wieder ein halbes Escape Game gespielt, um rein zu kommen 😄
Der Stadtteil mit seinenRead more
Kathedrale Sé Patriarcal
Die Kathedrale Sé Patriarcal ist die Hauptkirche der Stadt und der Sitz des Patriarchats. Das Gotteshaus ist das älteste der Stadt. Die Bauarbeiten für die KathedraleRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Kathedrale Sé Patriarcal, Kathedrale Se Patriarcal, Catedral Sé Patriarcal, Lisbon Cathedral, Sé Patriarcal de Lisboa, Sé de Lisboa
Traveler Yes to a Safe and formative trip ❤️
Traveler yay! So cool
Traveler Bom caminho!