Largo eng. Duarte Pacheco

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 21

      A week in Albufeira

      14 de abril de 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      This past week we travelled to Albufeira from Porto by a 7 hour long bus ride. We stayed in Albufeira for just under a week. This was our back to work week, we worked 2-10pm so we used the mornings to explore the area (visit the beach and find good coffee).
      It was nice having some more structure to the day and it really pushed us to make the most of the morning.
      It was a great place and we'd love to go back! We even found some really tasty natas... But now on to Lagos!
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    • Dia 23

      Albufeira - Algarve

      7 de junho de 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Hoje, 05/06 é dia de deixar Madrid de volta a Faro. O voo será só à tarde mas decidi ir de metrô ao aeroporto de Madrid.
      Cheguei no final do dia e tirei o dia seguinte para relaxar e só fiz uma caminhada pela cidade.
      No dia 07/06 fui passear em Albufeira.
      Albufeira é uma das maiores cidades do Algarve e, portanto, não faltam opções de hospedagem, restaurantes e bares. As praias do entorno já não têm encostas tão altas e as falésias dão um último sinal de vida por ali. Depois, de Albufeira até a fronteira com a Espanha, as praias são mais abertas e com longas faixas de areia.
      Albufeira dispensa apresentações: é o destino de férias de praia do Algarve mais popular, tanto a nível nacional como internacional. Entre junho e setembro, há milhares de pessoas
      visitando Albufeira e a cidade vira uma autêntica meca de banhos de sol e mar (onde não faltam praias para estender a toalha e trabalhar para o bronze), da festa sem limites e da
      nightlife louca.
      Peguei um ônibus na rodoviária de Faro e desci na rodoviária de Albufeira e de lá fui de UBER até o centro histórico. Depois fui até à praia dos pescadores e lá parei para um lanche e uma cerveja.
      Depois voltei ao centro histórico para caminhar por entre as lojinhas.
      No final da tarde fui até o Miradouro do Pau da Bandeira para ter una vista das praias 🌴 e da cidade. De lá voltei de UBER até a rodoviária e peguei o ônibus para Faro.
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    • Dia 28

      Tag 26 - 28 Albufejra

      6 de agosto de 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Ein Stück weiter östlich, treffen wir in Albufejra ein. Der Stellplatz hier ist super und kostet nur Euro 6.-- pro Nacht inkl. Strom, Dusche, WC, Ver- und Entsorgung. Das Dorf ist gut zu Fuss erreichbar. Hier weht der Wind zum Glück nicht mehr, wir geniessen es, dass wir draussen essen können und bestaunen bis um Mitternacht den Sternenhimmel ohne eine Jacke anziehen zu müssen. Am Samstag haben wir nochmals eine Bootstour mit Delphin und den Grotten gebucht. Der Hafen liegt ziemlich weit entfernt also fahren wir mit dem Motorrad hin. Die Delphine sehen wir nur von weitem (kein Vergleich mit Nazaré) aber die Grotten sind eindrücklich. Am Sonntag machen wir einen Ruhetag mit lesen, shopping und Grillen.Leia mais

    • Dia 13

      Tag 13, 68km, Ziel Albufeira

      28 de junho de 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Die vorletzte Tour ist geschafft. Angekommen in Albufeira ist es quasi nur noch ein Katzensprung zum finalen Ziel. Das merkten wir schon auf der Fahrt als Faro immer näher rückte. Gut 40km fehlen uns noch.

      Auf dem Weg hierher überlegten wir noch kurz, was der Abend bringt. Am besten gehen wir noch eine Kleinigkeit einkaufen, machen uns was zum Abendessen und dann lassen wir den restlichen Tag in Ruhe ausklingen. Albufeira stellten wir uns als kleinen Rentner-Hafen vor, vielleicht noch einige reiche Schnösel, die sich hier mit ihrer Yacht niederlassen.
      Nix da.. sind wir hier eigentlich in Palma gelandet? Touristen, Menschenmassen, Partypeople, volle Straßen, laute Musik, übervolle Restaurants, Karaokebars… es ist irgendwie genau das Gegenteil von dem, was wir uns vorstellten. Trotzdem spannend und nach einem Eis und einen kleinen Spaziergang durch die Innenstadt verlassen uns doch endgültig die Kräfte 😴🥱

      Highlight des Tages war die Kajak-Tour in Benagil. Es war wieder grandios die vielen Strände, Buchten, Höhlen und Klippen zu sehen. So haben wir uns Portugal vorgestellt und man wurde nicht enttäuscht. Trotzdem war es aber eine Touri-Hochburg und Massenabfertigung. Etwas Stress zwischen 20 Kajaks, einigen SUPerm, 2 Yachten, Speedboats und anderen Tourbooten bleib da nicht aus. Empfehlenswert ist es allemal, vielleicht nur früh am Morgen.

      Fazit: die Algarve ist leider aktuell von einer asiatischen Algenplage befallen. Es gibt einige Ausnahmen, wo man sich doch mal ins Wasser begeben kann. Aber wir haben uns hier weitaus mehr erhofft. Das Wasser war in den anderen Region vorher wesentlich schöner.

      Gute Nacht 🍻
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    • Dia 17

      Farewell Albufeira

      11 de outubro de 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      After two weeks of sunny skies we have a cool cloudy day for our last visit here in Albufeira. Although it kept most people off the beach ,the weather did not keep the most committed from enjoying the sand and the waves. Our hostess, Maria, met us there and strolled with Ruth along the water's edge. We enjoyed watching children who didn't mind the coolness. Many walkers bundled up, including one dude in a hooded parka.

      One of my last shots was a hike up a point near the pier to get a new perspective on our beach looking west, casting a glance towards home.
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    • Dia 13


      7 de junho de 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Einst war Albufeira ein ruhiges Fischerdorf, heute ist es der größte Ferienort an der Algarve. Albufeira befindet sich so ziemlich in der Mitte der Algarve und hat etwa 23.000 Einwohner. Mit seinen vielen, weiß getünchten Häusern sieht es stellenweise schon ganz nett aus, kann aber nicht darüber hinweg täuschen, dass es sich um einen reinen Touristenort handelt mit den typischen, immer gleichen Geschäften und Touristen-Restaurants. Für 2-3 Strandtage sicher ganz ok, länger würde ich aber nicht bleiben wollen. Dann doch lieber Nazaré 🙃.Leia mais

    • Dia 110

      Kayaking in Lagos and nightlife in Albua

      9 de setembro de 2019, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      .... Later more text..
      It is amazing what is possible to do in only one day. So many impressions.
      Get up early, look for a kayak tour, having breakfast, run to the marina habour to search the kayak company and then: doing one of the most amazing kayak trips I have ever done!
      I I already did tours in Polynesia, New Zealand, Hawaii, France, Sweden.
      This one tops probably all of them!
      After that I went by car one hour to the east, Albufeira, famous for its nightlife.
      And the prediction was right.
      Even drunk people, or better: especially drunk people have dreams, that com straight from.....unconsciousness!
      One wants to be a fit bitch, the other cocktail and party, the other 8 kids (one brought into the relationship already plus 4 own ones).
      Anyway, it was a funny evening and the party crowd loved that welcomed entertainment!
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    • Dia 6

      First Full Day in Albufeira

      30 de setembro de 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We had a full night's sleep and easy wake up this morning. We had done some food shopping at the grocery store across the street and that provided our breakfast—museli with yogurt, a banana, coffee and a leftover pastry from the night before.

      We saw Maria and had a visit, got the wifi password and found she has a house in the country. I made it clear to her that I would love to go up with her one day and would not mind doing some work on it, since it seems to need some fixing. She was a little reluctant but did not turn us down outright.

      By the time we caught up on some emails it was after noon. We checked out a local bakery which was closed last night. They had sandwiches on order, but accommodated our request to have ours on a croissant instead of the standard subway bun.

      We took the sandwiches with us on a hike to see the marina from where the boat tours launch. We walked along the cliffs and had some wonderful views of the beach and the open water. There was a shaded sporting one of the lookouts where we had our lunch.

      Along the way were many seaside guesthouses overlooking the water and we checked out a few. The prices were better and the atmosphere was less exuberant than at Maria's place. Maybe we'll try one of them on a future visit???
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    • Dia 10

      Albufeira Tag 2

      3 de outubro de 2022, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Nach der letzten Partynacht haben wir den Morgen gemütlich angehen lassen und gingen nach dem späten Frühstück wieder an den Strand zum Brutzeln. Heute haben wir uns Liegen gegönnt und eine Runde Wizard gezockt.
      Da wir schon seit Tagen Lust auf Pizza hatten ging es Abends in eine kleine, unscheinbare Pizzeria - das Ricardo's. Zufälligerweise war auf der Dachterasse im 3. Stock noch ein Platz frei, von wo aus wir einen tollen Blick auf das Meer und einen Teil von Albufeira hatten. Das Essen war super lecker und am Nebentisch saß ein älteres Pärchen aus Deutschland, das uns noch den Tipp gegeben hat, in die gegenüberliegende Muschelbar zu gehen. Das Gebäude ist innen und außen komplett mit Muscheln beklebt und war wirklich sehenswert. Nach einem kleinen Stadtbummel, einer Kugel Eis und ein paar Liedern von unserem am Tag vorher entdeckten Lieblings-Live-Musiker Nuno Ess von Albufeira ging es zurück zum Campingplatz.
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    • Dia 10

      Chillin' Tuesday

      4 de outubro de 2022, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Our burn rate was exceeding our allotted budget so we decided to take a bit of a break. Nevertheless, stuff happened that might be worth mentioning.

      Our hostess recommended a bakery a little off the main strip, so we found a new shopping area we did not know of before. We bought food staples for some homemade meals. Across the way was a leather shop where I found a camel leather belt made in Morocco and Ruth found a purse that in Winnipeg would have been 3X the price. 👍

      Ruth was not done finding a good deal. While I was having an afternoon nap she found a two piece bathing suit (very adventurous for her). Anyways, you can tell by the photos that she rocks it.

      The rest of the afternoon we were at the beach. I caught a shot of a three year old destroying the sand castle his dad and he had started. I laughed out loud and told him my son Walker had the same tendancy when we built snow forts together.

      Further down the beach were some older guys playing keep up. These guys were good, perhaps even pros in their day. It was a joy to watch.

      On the theme of sticking to our daily allowance, we had a dinner of Indian food and chicken curry leftovers.

      We've been going for an evening stroll and did so again. We met a fisherman married to a woman from Newcastle catching sea bass and mackerel. He told us about the lights (boats) on the horizon catching squid (limit of 10 kilos per night per boat). Apparently the squid are attracted to the lights. He was from a local family so I asked about a soccer team. Albufeira's team are called "Immortal Desporte Club" and are currently in the third division hoping to advance next season. I'll see if I can catch a game.

      We walked the rowdy strip, where the drinks and music were flowing liberally, as a way to appreciate how much "quieter" it is where we are. Then we capped off the evening by sharing a cup of chocolate mint ice cream before heading back to our place.
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    Largo eng. Duarte Pacheco

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